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Dealing with exam stress: a productive day in the life

Shaniece O'Keeffe shares some top tips of how to stay focussed amongst the exam pressure


It’s that season again, where exams, assessments and coursework seem to have all been crammed into that intense two week period. This is the time where getting your life in order is a must. Academic burnout is real, and when there is constant stress and anxiety it can often create a negative mindset and environment which is hard to push away. Staying productive not only with academics but your personal life can be a great way to avoid the unhealthy feelings that come with this busy period. That's not to say that feeling under pressure is always a bad thing, people can strive for this, however recognising what you can cope with is an important tool for any student.

Planning your revision days out the night before can help with unloading any anxieties before bed of what you need to do. Waking up early and with a routine can be a great way to motivate yourself for the day. Starting off by eating a healthy breakfast, something that will give you lots of energy to start your day. Going for a walk or run in the park in the morning can be a nice way to wake yourself up. Getting some prioritising your health and healthy habits can ease the symptoms that come along during these intense

Source: fresh air and exercise into your study routine can boost your serotonin levels; putting you in a positive mindset. After you are ready to set off to study make sure your tasks are broken up, this can keep you from getting bored or tired of the same content. You may find that sitting in the library for hours on end isn't actually helping with your revision or productivity. So setting yourself a 3 to 4 hours time limit in the library can boost your motivation due to being determined to complete your goals in that period. If that's not a big enough study session, changing your environment is a useful way to help restart your goals and motivation. During your evenings, spending time cooking can be a great way to put your mind elsewhere and switch off. Making sure you don't neglect your needs for a healthy lifestyle, putting in extra

Planning your revision days out the night before can help with unloading any anxieties before bed" effort with your meals is always a positive. Fitting in a 2 hour study session in the evening can be a great time block to get that little bit extra of studying in. Studying in the evening isn't a problem but making sure you allow yourself to wind down is something that should be prioritised. Evenings are to be enjoyed. gairrhyddadvice@gmail.com

The bottom line is, there is no right and wrong way to be productive. But prioritising your health and healthy habits can ease the symptoms that come along during these intense times. Prioritising yourself is a must. Not being afraid to ask for help when you need it and allowing yourself to take breaks in your day is something that you should adopt going into this time of study. Put that extra effort in creating an environment which reflects your mind. Setting up your study space to suit your needs and being comfortable while you do it. Plan a treat for after you are done, creating an event to look forward to can often get you through the tough times.

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