Memory Lane A souvenir graduation scrapbook brought to you by Cardiff Student Media and the Students’ Union
Edited by: Sarah Powell Written by: Olly Birrell Sarah Ingram Rose Savage Jack Perkins Cosimo Montagu Henry Burton Sarah Powell Designed and created by: Peter Dyer With special thanks to: Darryl Light Amy Van-Baaren
Welcome So our hard work is over. The exams and essays are done, and those stressful nights working and early morning lectures are !"#$"%&'#(&#)!*++,#-*.&#"/%#0&1%&&23#4-*4#56&7&#"8#5*5&%#4-*4# 7"!)%$2#9&#-*.&#6!0&&0#+*24&0#4"#4-&#&!0:#(&#"!+,#-*.&#4-&# 5%"/0#$"$&!4#4"#2-*;&#4-&#<67&#=-*!7&++"%>2#-*!0#*!0#0"88# "/%#7*52#6!#8%"!4#"8#"/%#5&&%2#*!0#4/4"%2#+&84: ?/4#"/%#,&*%2#9&%&#)++&0#964-#2"#$/7-#$"%&#4-*!#@/24# seminars and exams. We have made unforgettable memories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here, and see how the world changed while we all studied and 5*%46&0#-*%0#*4#=*%0688: L"5&8/++,3#64#25*%;2#"88#*#8&9#$&$"%6&23#7*4*+"1/&2#*#D%6++6*!4# 8&9#,&*%2#6!#4-&#GI24#7&!4/%,#*!0#)!02#*#5+*7&#6!#,"/%#-"$&# 4"#D%6!1#,"/%#/!6.&%264,#&A5&%6&!7&#D*7;#&.&%,#46$&#,"/# accidently stumble across it. J"3#-*.&#*#M67;#4-%"/1-3#*!0#&!@", ,"/%#0*,#N#64>2#1"6!1#4"#D&#&$"46"!*+' Cardiff Students, Class of 2011.
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Letting agencies received a nasty wake-up call as gair rhydd launched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gair rhydd 64,4-'3$"*$411'##$")'$88CD$7**"4-'/$0)!1)$ #)*0'3$#*6'")!,-$")4"$,*@*3.$)43$'E2'1"'3;$ C)'$AFG8$#"+3',"$422'4&'3$"*$)4('$ 3':!@'&4"':.$H+62'3$*77$")'$@4:1*,.$*7$")'$ I"+3',"#9$A,!*,$>$4$JK$7**"$3&*2;$C)!#$:'3$"*$ *,'$*7$")'$@'#"$>$4:@'!"$6*#"$2'&2:'E!,-$7&*,"$ 24-'#$*7$")'$.'4&;
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2009/2010 There was uproar in the rugby community after gair rhydd revealed what really goes on during initiation... The Engineering (ENGIN) !"#$%&'()*&+)*(&",-(!&.!(&/,&0(+(*$(!&)1'(! it was rumoured that some of their players had contracted food poisoning after their initiation +(!(*2,%3&0(45/'(&67897&.(!+(:%&-(,%/,# these accusations, a gair rhydd investigation uncovered photo evidence of various degrees of inappropriate behaviour. Some photos showed players licking milk from a muddy (!'(-&/,'2& 5:)%/,#&.(:-;&<=/:4'&2'=(!4&-(5/+'(-&122-&$(/,#&/,4 then force was the boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; anuses. It was alleged that this food, where fed to Freshers. This caused outrage on gairrhyd ation initi members of the team staunchly defended their oning came antics. The team claimed that the alleged food pois Trevithick from a meal that some members had eaten in the d found that refectory, but further investigation from gair rhyd view that their ed this was not the case. ENGIN rugby maintain ever, in the sports teams are entitled to do as they please, how ies, our mon wake of recent media attention on initiation cere willing to go. story called into question how far some teams are
Overcrowding in libraries became a big issue during the exam period. Students working in the Julian Hodge 24-hour computer room complained of severe overcrowding during the exam period. Reports emerged of students having to queue throughout the day in order to have access to the library facilities, whilst others were forced to move out into the corridors and the Julian Hodge cafe to do their work due to the shortage of space and computers.
gair rhydd!"#$#%&#'!()#!("*()!%+,*(!),-!.%++%(/0%&!1230#" 45! 46#7'!()#!87/,754!9,7#:;!<7!=,$#9+#"!>??@A!gair rhydd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
Student tuition fees have been a big issue during 2010 and gair rhydd were there to watch the whole debate unfold. Coverage started with our analysis of the Browne report and what it meant to students. We then reported on the Students’ Union Emergency Members Meeting, where !"#$%&"!'()"%$'")'*+!!'+',)"-)&'")'./0" against increased tuition fees and cuts to higher education. We followed the action in London and Cardiff in our coverage of national and local student demonstrations. We travelled to London to take part in the NUS and UCU demo, and were able ")'*1)(-$%'+'.1!"20+&$'+33)#&"')4'"0%'(-)5%&3%'"0+"'"+-&"%$'"0%' event. gair rhydd was also present when Cardiff students occupied a lecture theatre in the main University building as part of a national day of action against cuts. We were the only press allowed inside the occupied lecture theatre, and were +65%'")'*1)(-$%'-&2$%*"0'+&+57!-!')4'"0%')33#*+"-)&'"01)#/0' interviews, twitter and video coverage. Goodbye to the Summer Ball… In Oct ober gair rhydd printed the shocking losses made by the 2010 Summer Ball after the Students’ Union decided to evaluate the event. We were able to exclusively reveal that plans for the 2011 Summer Ball were cancelled due to the previous year’s event making record losses of £58,775. Following this announcement, the Students’ Union then began planning for a new end of term event, which came in the form of the May Ball. This was a jointly organised event by the Studen ts’ Union and the University. However, there was mu ch controversy caused by the date of the event: the eve of the spring examination period. In June, gair rhydd was given +33%!!'")'"0%'./#1%!'41),'"0%'8+7'9 +55'%(%&":'+&$' reported on losses of £30,000. Bal ls.
Investigative journalism has been the !"#$%&'$(')*+',+"&-'./)*'$%&'&+0$&)+&1 2/33/43'%0')*+'5")+1)'6%/7,'1)$&/+18'9*/1',+"& .+'*+"&2'&+0$&)1'$('1)%2+4)1':+/43'7*"&3+2 ($&'+;)&"')%/)/$4'/4')*+'<%1/4+11'=7*$$5 >?"&<=@8'A'(%55'gair rhydd investigation &+#+"5+2')*")').$')%)$&1'.+&+'"2#+&)/1/43 )*+/&'1+&#/7+1'$45/4+-'0&$B/1/43')$'3/#+ 1)%2+4)1'/41/2+'C4$.5+23+'$('*$.'+;"B' 0"0+&1'.+&+'B"&C+28'D4'&+10$41+')$')*+ "&)/75+'"'(%55E17"5+'"&3%B+4)'&"3+2'$4 3"/&&*,2287$B-'.*/7*'5+2')*+'<%1/4+11'=7*$$5')$'&+E)*/4C')*+/&' 0$5/7,'$4'+;)&"')%/)/$4'($&'?"&<='1)%2+4)18
F")+&'/4')*+',+"&-'gair rhydd'7"%3*)' ./42'$('"'4+.'?$%47/5'&+3%5")/$4':+/43' /B0$1+2'%0$4'1)%2+4)1'/4'?")*",1-'.*/7*' B+"4)')*")'1)%2+4)1'.+&+':+/43'G4+2'($&' ("/5/43')$'7$B05,'./)*'."1)+'&+3%5")/$418' 9*+'4+.'&+3%5")/$4-'.*/7*'/1'=+7)/$4'HI' $(')*+'J4#/&$4B+4)"5'K&$)+7)/$4'A7)-' ."1'1)+"5)*/5,'&$55+2'$%)'"7&$11'?")*",1' ./)*$%)'"4,'7$41%5)")/$4-'"42'"1'"'&+1%5)-' gair rhydd'2/17$#+&+2')*")'LLM'G;+2' 0+4"5),'4$)/7+1'*"#+':++4'/11%+2')$' 1)%2+4)1-'&+1%5)/43'/4'"'NLL-MOO'5%B0' 1%B'($&'?"&2/(('?$%47/58'P+'&"4')*/1'1)$&, ' $4')*+'(&$4)'0"3+-'"42'.$&C+2'"5$431/2+' )*+'P+5("&+'Q(G7+&')$'+2%7")+'1)%2+4)1' ":$%)'*$.')$'3+)')*+/&'B$4+,':"7C8'9$' 2")+-'RS'1)%2+4)1'*"#+'*"2')*+/& B$4+,'&+/B:%&1+28'
Oh! What’s O An overview of major events during your Cardiff
Sep 13th – Inbetweeners is launched (The love of university students everywhere, the hit TV show is launched on E4)
Sep 15th – Lehman Brothers fall sparks global recession (The ‘Great Recession’ began in earnest when Lehman Brothers fall signalled the huge !"#$%&'(#)(*+#,-.(/01&2(-%(34#1!4(5%!%.0'6('7!89-%3("!:#8(7!%-.'(#%(&;0( inter-bank loan market)
November 4th – Barrack Obama elected US President (wins against Senator John <.=!-%(&!9-%3(>>?(040.&#8!4(@#&0'(&#(<.=!-%2'(ABA6(58'&(14!.9(CD(E80'-F0%&G
(At a news conference in Baghdad, December 14th – Man throws shoe at Bush and calls him a dog) a reporter hurls his shoes at President Bush
H!%(>8F(I(J'8!04-KE!40'&-%-!%(.#%L-.&(MN)&08("#80(&;!%(!(O009(#)( intense air strikes, Israeli troops crossed the border into Gaza, launching a ground war against the militant Palestinian group)
F(-%(<0,-.#( N78-4(PB&;(I(DO-%0(L$(07-F0"-.(M1Q(&;-'(7#-%&(#@08(AR>(70#740(F0! as world prepares for much worse) June 25th – Michael Jackson dies (lifelong musician, pop singer, and superstar, dies at age 50 before he can start his ‘This Is It’ tour) August 16th – Susan Boyle appears on X-Factor (Susan Boyle does her famous X-Factor audition of ‘Les Miserables,’ launching her into worldwide fame)
Nov 24th – Opening of the Chilcot Enquiry (Enquiry begins to establish the nature of the UK’s involvement in Iraq and the grounds for doing so) December 18th – Avatar released (‘Avatar’ by James Cameron of ‘Titanic’ fame is released !%F(10.#"0'(&;0(1-330'&(38#''-%3(54"(-%(;-'&#8Q( making over $2 billion world wide)
Winter 2009 – Coldest winter for 31 years (snow sweeps the nation as temperatures drop to -22.3C in places.)
Jan 13th – Haiti Earthquake (an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hits Haiti, killing thousands and destroying most of the country’s infrastructure)
April – Apple Launches the iPad (A new generation of tablet computer, by the end of 2010 14.8 million have been sold, representing 75% of the tablet computer market)
s Occurring?! th Eyjafjallajökull
ions benea April 14th – Ash cloud halts Europe (Ash from erupt /1'-&5.)91:4.')!*-#'');&-#5,<
May 13th – A Coalition for the UK (having won less than the seats required for a =&00)%!>#-1.$)1").4,)?8@8)A,",-!0);0,*.1#"().4,)B#"',-+!.1+,')2"!01',)*#!01.1#").!03') with the Liberal Democrats marking an “historic and seismic shift” in UK politics June 11th – July 11th – South African World Cup 2010 (Spain are victorious and England are denied an obvious goal to seal a poor World Cup performance in general)
July 25th – Wikileaks goes public (Wikileaks, an online publisher of !"#"$%#&'()*#+,-.()!"/)*0!''12,/)%!.,-1!0()0,!3').#).4,)5&601*)#+,-)78(888) internal reports about the United States and Afghanistan) October 13th – Chilean miners rescued! (33 miners trapped for more than 2 months in Chile rescued, all are safe)
November 10th – 52,000 students march (Student from across the country march in London to protest fee increases and university budget cuts. Media focus their attention on the occupation of Milbank Tower, which is damaged by the protestors. 352 Cardiff students attended)
December 9th – £9000 fees (the Coalition government votes to raise the maximum tuition fee threshold to £9000 for 2012-13, 323 votes to 302)
Jan 14th – Beginning of the ‘Arab Spring’ (Tunisian government falls after months of protests, demonstrating to other countries and notably Egypt that they can do the same)
February 11th – The Egyptian Revolution succeeds! (Arab spring sweeps into Egypt and after huge demonstrations in Tahrir square, President Hosni Mubarak resigns) March 11th – A Dark day for Japan (A 9.1-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the east of Japan, killing over 15,000 and leaving another 8,000 missing) April 29th – A Royal Celebration (an estimated 2 billion people tune in for the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton) May 1st – Osama bin Laden killed (Obama announces that the head of Al-Qaeda has been killed during a military operation, many suspect the ‘kill order’ was given) May 21st – Harold Camping predicts the Rapture will occur (Jesus returns to earth, ending the world and taking us all to heaven)
May 22nd – Rapture does not occur, Camping predicts new date (21st October)
Photos by: Photo s by: !"#$%&'#$()*"% Natalia Popova
What better way to celebrate how amazing Cardiff University is, than to join forces with all your mates and the rest of the student population to defeat our bitter rivals Swansea every year at Varsity? Over the past four years there have been some epic battles on (and off) the pitch. The Welsh Varsity Rugby Match, always closely fought, has seen mixed results but one thing has always been certain, and that is The Varsity Shield has been consistently won by Cardiff. Some of us will remember Cardiff’s 2008 domination over Swansea in the Varsity Series. It was meant to be Swansea’s home year but since it was Cardiff University’s 125th Anniversary it was held in Cardiff at Talybont, Llanrumney and the Varsity Match took place !"#"$%#&!'()**#+',-#.!'/0##1$%#'%-23"-#4%'%#56%74!8#"'!*9:#!6(# it ended with an overall result of 18-3 and a 19-9 victory in the Rugby. It was a similar story the following year. Varsity was held in Cardiff for the 3rd year running and the results followed a similar trend. The 2009 Varsity Series ended with another emphatic victory of 13-4 and the Cardiff Men’s Rugby won a tight affair with a last ditch drop goal 9-6. The 2010 Varsity Series saw us head ;%-"#*5'#52'#9'-"#<)-)"#"5#=4!6-%!#-)6:%#>??@0##1$%#65<%3"8#5*#A%)6B# the away team did not seem to work in our favour as it turned out to be the closest Varsity Series in history of the competition. The rugby team slumped to a 16-12 defeat at the Liberty stadium but they were backed up by huge performances from some of our other AU Clubs to retain the Varsity Shield with a series win of 14-10.
2011 saw a return to Cardiff and the decision was made to take The Welsh Varsity Series to a level unrivalled by no other University Varsity competition. The Welsh Institute of Sport played host to the daytime Varsity games and the Welsh Boat Race took place alongside the Millennium Stadium, where the Welsh Varsity Rugby Match was held. Being the 15th Anniversary of the event there was no room for complacency, even though Cardiff had never lost the Varsity Shield. Swanseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s improvement in 2010 meant we had to step up our game! We stood up to this challenge with a fantastic run of victories throughout the day and stormed to a 18-10 Varsity Shield victory before the rugby match had even kicked off. Unfortunately, in the rugby, the result was not a pleasant one as Cardiff crashed to a 28-18 defeat, but it was party time as usual with 7,000 Cardiff students piled into the stadium having the time of their life singing and chanting appropriately exciting songs about our green and white neighbours. It is fair to say that whatever walk of life you are from, Varsity is one of the only times in our University lives that we unite as one institution to compete, race, tackle, cheer, celebrate, commiserate, encourage and win together against a common opposition. Hopefully you will look back on Varsity as something to cherish as it is a special one off event that we are lucky to have, and you will come back to support Cardiff University in our future successes!! Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;mon Cardiff! Jack Perkins.
Go Global 2011 ran this year as the Students’ Union’s 7th annual festival of Culture and Diversity, taking place at the end of February (18th-27th). Bringing together students from differing backgrounds and cultural heritages, the Festival seeks to celebrate, share and discover the nuances and traditions that are part of each of our cultures. Go Global 2011 saw the biggest range of events to date, with over 35 unique cultural events which around 5,060 students attended. Highlights from 2011 included: Radio 1’s DJ Aled playing Boombox for LGBT+ night; the Malaysian societies’ oversold performance about a warrior princess (Rimbun); sharing music, stories and food with asylum seekers at STAR’s Refugee Rhythms; the Real Ale and Cider festival; the Go Global world cup with Sweden taking the trophy; and many other fantastic cultural show cases.
!"#$%&$%'(%)&*$+',-%'$./''%01$%231#$%&$341$05%"#$6"%'1$,7$ the festival, bringing together all the best from the dances, performances, music and food throughout the week. Over 700 students attended Global Village in the great hall, with around 899$&3:#1"3&$;157,5</"0$345,:04,:3$341$"/043=$>,5$341$65&3$ time ever, Global Village was streamed LIVE across the world on the internet, allowing friends and families to tune in from across the global (600 people tuned in on the night). Go Global will long live on in the memories of many Cardiff students as a truly unique experience while at University. But whether you came along or not, please take Go Global’s message and spirit with you into the big wide world: strength in diversity.
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Honour Roll
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2009 – Antonia Prince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– Sally Wood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– Nathaniel Smith M.+',%""+)'#.%-'/+&)'%-'H&#',.$'-#48%+H+4)$-*%+"*+'.+)+'&#';&)8%22'D"%=+)-%#/'&"8',.$ .&-'8%->6&/+8'%<<+"-+'8+=$#%$"'#$'+".&"*%"9'#.+ 6%=+-'$2'-#48+"#-'&)$4"8'.%<'0/'%"%#%&#%"9'Q+"#&6 @+&6#.'&,&)+"+--'&*)$--';&)8%22'D"%=+)-%#/A''3+'.&,$)F+8'#%)+6+--6/',.%6+'$=+)*$<%"9'>+)-$"&6 8%21*46#%+-'#$'+"-4)+'#.&#'&'-4-#&%"&06+'-#)4*#4)+'2$) #.+'-$*%+#/'%-'%"'>6&*+A'R#.+)'#)%4<>.-')+*$9"%-+8 ,.+"'&,&)8%"9'#.+'3$"$4)'5$66'&)+'.%-',$)F',%#. ;&)8%22'D"%$"'S"#+)#&%"<+"#-7')+946&)'*$"#)%04#%$" to gair rhydd'($6%#%*-'-+*#%$"7'->+&F%"9'$"'LL; 5&8%$'T')+9&)8%"9'<+"#&6',+&6#.7'&"8'1"&66/'.%-7 *$"#)%04#%$"'#$'.%-';$4)-+',.+)+'.+'.&-'-&#'$" ?#48+"#'?#&22'(&"+6-'&"8'L%$<+8%*&6'?*.+<+'L$&)8-A
Agony Aunt Another year of university comes to a close and, like a lot of people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his is Your Life, if for some reason all your friends had -9!#$3:%Q"'4+.'%30$!54%#..'5',-2!%-24&-4)%-$%-530$!%','.402'%$''3$%!0% #2'I>5#B-854%'2/%9>%R#2%.'B.9#!3'2!+)%'2$9.#27%!"-!%-!%-24%02'%!#3'% 9>%!0%SLT%06%!"'%7.-/9-!'%>0>95-!#02%#$%89$4%"#.#27%#!$'56:%D6%B09.$')% !"#$%#$%925'$$%409+.'%$397%'2097"%!0%"-,'%409.%0&2%#2!'.2$"#>%#2%U-2-.4% ;"-.6V%409+55%$002%8'%!00%89$4%5-97"#27%-!%409.%8-2(%8-5-2B'%!0%B-.')% 3-(#27%!.-3>$%/-2B'%60.%WXL%20!'$%-2/%$B0.#27%$0%B02$#$!'2!54%&#!"% -!!.-B!#,'%30/'5$)%!"-!%#!+$%20%5027'.%&0.!"%.'2!#27%409.%0&2%>5-B':% For the rest of us, the only way weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever come into that kind of 302'4%#$%#6%&'+.'%$9//'254%.92%0,'.%84%$03'80/4%6-309$%J%-2/%$#2B'% Y'0.7'%?#B"-'5%20%5027'.%"-$%-%/.#,#27%5#B'2$')%&'+55%>.08-854%"-,'%!0% !"#2(%5-!'.-554:%?4%0.#7#2-5%>5-2%&-$%!0%8'B03'%$03'!"#27%06%-%Z08#2% [00/%179.')%$!'-5#27%6.03%!"'%.#B"%-2/%7#,#27%!0%!"'%>00.)%!"'2%$9#27% !"'%>00.%60.%!-I%',-$#02V%89!%20&%*+,'%C9$!%/'B#/'/%!0%!.4%-2/%$'55% 92!.9'%$'I%$!0.#'$%!0%!-850#/%2'&$>->'.$:%Q"'%0254%>.085'3%#$)%*+,'%"-/% !0%$>'2/%"-56%!"'%302'4%02%-%$9>'.J#2C92B!#02)%>.','2!#27%8'-9!#695% &03'2%6.03%.','-5#27%>985#B54%!"-!%!"'4%"-,'2+!%$5'>!%&#!"%3':% Q"'2%-7-#2)%70#27%$!.-#7"!%#2!0%&0.(%#$2+!%!"'%0254%0>!#02:%\09% B095/%70%!.-,'55#27%-.092/%!"'%&0.5/)%@12/#27%409.$'56A%#2%$03'%Q"-#% 302-$!'.4%0.%8.0!"'5)%0.%&0.(#27%$#/'J!0J$#/'%&#!"%/'>.#,'/%!"#./%&0.5/% B"#5/.'2%]$&'-!$"0>$%-5&-4$%2''/%$9>'.,#$0.$^:%D!"'.$%3#7"!%0>!%!0% 30,'%!0%-%2'&%B#!4%-2/%$!-.!%-6.'$")%$03'&"'.'%,#8.-2!%-2/%'IB#!#27)% 5#('%_'&>0.!%`%"03'%!0%$9B"%!.-/#!#02-5%B9#$#2'%-$%@('8-8%-9%,-2)A%-$% &'55%-$%"0!$>0!$%06%B95!9.'%5#('%?0..#$02$%-2/%!"'%U0!!-7#27%?9$'93:% Q"'2%-7-#2)%#6%302'4%#$%!#7"!)%409%B095/%C9$!%70%8-B(%!0%92#%-2/%$!-.!% -7-#2V%#2/'12#!'54%/'5-4#27%!"'%.'>-43'2!%06%409.%50-2%84%!-(#27%aL% B02$'B9!#,'%?-$!'.$)%12-554%/4#27%-!%!"'%-7'%06%SL%&#!"%30.'%5'!!'.$% 60550&#27%409.%2-3'%!"-2%$>'55#27%#!)%409.%0&2%$!-#.%5#6!%#2%Q-54802!% _0.!"%-2/%-%,0593'%06%/'8!%$0%,-$!%!"-!%b08%Y'5/056%6''5$%#2$>#.'/%!0% >9!%02%-20!"'.%c#,'%=#/:% d!#55)%-!%!"'%'2/%06%#!%-55)%!"'%30$!%#3>0.!-2!%!"#27%#$%!"-!%&'+,'%"-/% -%700/%#22#27$:%O0.%!"0$'%59B(4%'2097"%!0%8'%$!-4#27%02V%700/%59B()% "-,'%692)%-2/%3-('%!"'%30$!%09!%06%!"'%!#3'%409+,'%70!%5'6!:%;#!"%-24% 59B()%-!%!"'%'2/%06%!".''%4'-.$)%409.%0254%.'7.'!%&#55%8'%-B!9-554% 7'!!#27%409.%/'7.''%J%-$%!"097"%#!+$%2#B'%!0%8'%'-.2#27%-2%"02'$!%&-7'% #2%5#6')%409%&#55%"-,'%!0%>-4%60.%409.%0&2%?BO59..4$%6.03%20&%02:%d0%-% 3#I'/%8-7%.'-554: By Henry Burton
Graduate Stories Two boys conversing outside Lidl: “She’s a total definitely would if she wasn’t your sister...” Walking through Cathays, I passed two teenage girls sitting on the pavement, both completely silent. Then one says to the other: “I talked to God last night...” Then they carried on being silent. It honestly freaked me out. Guy walking past a Big Issue man: Big Issue Man: “Big Issue mate?” Guy: “Nah, I’m cool” Big Issue Man: “Nah you’re not, you’ve got a shit haircut and your clothes are worse than mine”
: Overheard at varsity u sleep Girl 1: “So who did yo s ago?” with a couple of week !” Girl 2: “Who knows?
In Talybont North, two members of staff: !"#$%#&'()#(*+#*#,*-./0#*12#*#(3'/4405#6*70#*#8-6)"9 2. “Who won?” 1. “Squirrel. Magpie bottled it.
In the queue for Welsh Club: “Oh my god, there’s Sally’s friend, the one that showed me terradactyl porn.”
I once had a wank in the Union toilets after an exam – I’d been desperate for one all the way thr ough the exam!
I took a piss on Mamma’s Kebab’s window while they were still
Back in Talybont South, I got into the habit of wetting the bed after particularly !"#$%&'()!*+&,-*.&/'0"1&2%&3#*2#*"+& hid my mattress in the bathroom, and sent me a fake letter from the University +#%(')&*!#*&4&5#+&),(')&*,&6"&6#78%&9'"7& and kicked out of halls because of my perpetual bed-wetting. It was pretty scary at the time!
I once passed out in the Liquid toilets and when I woke up the whole club was empty, the ligh ts were off and all the staff had gon e home. I ended up having to bre ak ,-*&,=&*!"&9;"&"+0#>"1&+"**(')&, ==& #88&*!"&9;"&#8#;2+&5!(0!&5";"& heard right at the end of St. Ma ry street!
:!"&9;"&#8#;2+&('&<"')!"''%77&0,-;*&5";"&+,& easy to set off, and once after a night Come Play we 2#'#)"7&*,&+"*&(*&,==&=,-;&*(2"+&('&#&;,5.&:!"&3#*& living above us were pretty pissed off… Overheard in the Trevethick building, “But it was a really big man-hole.” Two guys walking along Cathays Terrace: “It really does look better with a dildo”
Heard in the girls loos at the Woody: Girl 1: Leave the door open so we can talk Girl 2: Okay, oh there’s someone in the other cubicle, ah well who hasn’t seen my vagina! Girl 1: Hopefully most of the female population..... Overheard in the Kitchen: “On a scale of Cardiff to Paris - She was a Calais.” A stressed bloke in library: “I hate people who point at their wrist while asking for the time....I know where my watch is dickhead, where the f*ck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?” Overheard in the ASSL library: “SHIT, that’s the guy that licked my face last night.”
In an engineering lecture somebody’s phone went off so the lecturer said: “Go ahead answer it.” Which the student promptly did. But then the lecturer continued with: “Is it your Mum? If it is tell her I’ll be around later on.”
We Are Cardiff
In this city we have lived our lives, and become adults. We !"#$%&"'($)%'()$*$()$(+$,%$-*$.'$(+$)%/.$$)01%/0.%2!$%3.42% time, and learned how to cook. In this city we have loved. 5$%!"#$%!$6)%!"()4%7()$.%2!$%($0(% &6".$%0/%5'(2$.%50()$.6"(),%4!".$)%8!'4*$.$)%).$"14%/0.%2!$% /727.$%"()%)"(+$)%'(%2!$%".14%0/%60#$.49 In this city we have explored.%5$%!"#$%8"()$.$)%2!.07&!% :'24+!,%."1;6'(&%".+")$4,%407&!2%;".&"'(4%"()%$"2$(%42."(&$% /00)4%'(%($8%.$42"7."(249%5$%!"#$%6042%07.4$6#$4%'(%2!$%8'()'(&% 2$.."+$)%42.$$24%0/%<"2!"=4,%"()%8$%!"#$%.08$)%0(%>0"2!%?":$9 In this city we have laughed.%5$%!"#$%1")$%&.$"2%/.'$()4,% 4!".$)%$-*$.'$(+$4%"()%+.'$)%0#$.%&00)@;=$49%5$%!"#$%607(&$)% '(%A72$%B".:,%+$6$;."2$)%;'.2!)"=4%"()%1$2%401$%80()$./76% 42."(&$.49 In this city we have been inspired. We have marvelled at the ;$"72'/76%C('#$.4'2=%;7'6)'(&4,%"()%42".$)%'(%"8$%"2%2!$%8".% 1$10.'"69%5$%!"#$%"6608$)%2!'4%+'2=%20%4+76*2%2!$%74%'(20%2!$% *$0*6$%2!"2%8$%8"(2%20%;$9 5$%!"#$%80.:$),%*6"=$)%"()%6$".(2%40%17+!%10.$%";072%2!$%:'()% 0/%6'/$%2!"2%8$%8"(2%20%!"#$9%D()%8$%!"#$%;$$(%#$.=%67+:=%20%)0% all of that right here. <".)'//,%'2%!"4%;$$(%2!$%1042%80()$./76%).$"19%E!"(:%=079
Farewell We hope this premier edition of Memory Lane has captured at least a brief taste of what our life has been like while here at Cardiff, and provides you with a few fond memories. !"#$%&'(%)'*+$%,"-%-.&%/0%'.%-*'1%2.#$"-$%'%3"'4,-*%#.%)'.(% of our lives, and closes the door on many opportunities. It is a time for the end of many things and quite easily seen as a sad period in our lives. However, many new doors open for us all too as we’re thrust into the real world. Many of us will progress into /5*%2*$,%0566%,#)-%7/81%/*%-94'.&%/5*%$+#66$%'.&%&-:-6/4%/5*$-6:-$% #.%46'3-)-.,$%/*%:/65.,--*#.;<%=/)-%/0%5$%>#66%,'+-%,"',%2*$,% step on a career ladder or head off travelling (while others will 8-%3/.,#.5#.;%,"-%7/8%$-'*3"?@ It is, at the end of the day, the reason we went to University; to 8-%'86-%,/%-.,-*%,"-%>/*6&%>#,"%(-'*$A%>/*,"%/0%6#0-%-94-*#-.3-1% be it in socialising, balancing work and play, the knowledge of '%4*/0-$$#/.%/*%,"-%3/.2&-.3-%>-%;'#.%0*/)%6#:#.;%/.%/5*%/>.% without our parents. We’re all more prepared than most of us think. B5,%-./5;"%/0%,"',%"-':(%$,500<%C-%"':-%/.-%2.'6%)-$$';-% to keep with you, and that is you’re always welcome here at Cardiff University and the Union. Although you may end being a student today, you also enter the world of the alumni, and with that comes responsibility. You become ambassadors of this University in all that you do in future, and also what could be seen as caretakers of the Union. Many students love to check out Solus and The Taf when returning to see friends, or they like to +--4%#.%3/.,'3,%>#,"%,"-#*%/6&%3658%/*%$/3#-,(1%/*%-:-.%75$,%4/4%#.% to chat to the staff they saw each day, and we love to see people *-,5*.?
So always remember you have a home here, and please do stop by and say ‘hello’. You can also check out the all new graduate card which will give you some great deals out there in the real world and will always give you a link with our Union. =/%0/*%./>%#,A$%'%0'*->-661%85,%"/4-0566(%./,%0/*-:-*? Cardiff University Students’ Union, 2011