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Editor's Note When I witnessed the initial media coverage of the August riots I was in Berlin, forcing my way into an overcrowded underground train. I took my seat opposite a wall of German commuters; each had shielded him or herself with a duvet-sized copy of the national broadsheet of choice, Die Welt. As I glanced across the carriage to study what had made the front page that morning, I was confronted by a particularly unsettling image that was repeated in the hands of every person on that train. Standing boldly against the crisp white background of the newspaper was the outline of the United blazing inferno. Unable to limp my way through enough German to gain even a basic understanding of what had gone on, the only conclusion I could make was that London was in the shit, for want of a more eloquent expression. Later in the day, I took to the Internet to see if I could glean anything more about what was going on at home. Newspaper and magazine websites
law enforcement and civilians. However, the way in which the violence and unrest had escalated to such epic proportions seemed inexplicable. The for the days that followed. When I arrived in my next destination, Budapest, photos depicting a London scene comparable to some post apocalyptic wasteland had become commonplace. In this issue of Quench, we have looked into the idea of Anarchy, and notions of anti-Establishment activity. Were the riots an attempt for the
some of the Anarchistic and subversive elements of UK society in a bid to shed a light on why such acts of rebellion occur. This issue is also packed full of features and articles that explore the more subversive elements of pop-culture, such as Fashion, Film and Music. I hope you enjoy. Gavin Jewkes (Editor)
Do or Die
or Die s Lucy's firstDo Time Wearing my little black dress, smelling (probably excessively) of Calvin Klein One,
Oceana. Even the websites and tag-lines ning nightclub in (insert city here), providing an amazing clubbing experience for a
experience what all my friends had been talking about.
but it is also generic clubbing at its peak. From looking at other reviews on, I seem to be a mere drop in an ocean of Oceana questioners. One anony-
I could only stand with my mouth open and
this in mind please join me, and our slightly
Each room so thoughtfully themed, evoking
new independent clubs of Cardiff. Already a Quenchie fav, Sodabar heard mand of a growing crowd of people who had become disenchanted by the corporate chains dominating the city. These people wanted a more personal, intimate experi-
could get vodka in icy Russia, champagne in Monte Carlo, or wine in the Parisian bou-
when us dancing queens needed munch, a hot hot-dog guy was on hand to satisfy. How cute. Genius. What an experience.
''it didn't disappoint. Then I went to Oceana Bristol and Plymouth and rapidly realised unique is one thing Oceana most certainly is not. The
champagne, and the boudoir was shut. Now I can automatically identify photos
It may have expanded to Soda Lounge, but
glowing reindeer head is still very much alive. Alternatively you can visit Peppermint Lounge (well worth a Google), or The In loving memory of Buffalo Lounge, I will be on a mission to support our independent bars. This is not a mere excuse
choice. For justice. This month I call on you to expand your drunken horizons, invest in great memories and unique nights out. May these new bars live long and prosper. Lucy Trevallion
I was ready for the big O.
a rebel without its cause
Alexi Gunner examines the essence of the rave.
Originally synonymous with rebellion and as the ultimate expression of independence and freedom, does the essence of the rave stand a chance the pedestal of the media, and where destruction and violence is the only way to achieve it?
of the rave: a youthful, sweaty uprising against law and order, where, for at least a night, there could be complete disregard to the forces of ‘Big Brother’ and what they saw as a move towards a dystopian state of straight lines and social restraint. These events were commonly held at abandoned warehouses, a setting that perfectly embodied the underground movement. Its increase in popularity led to authorities taking drastic measures to inhibit their procession, resolved only by revealing the address of the venue to its participants a few hours before the event, in an attempt to stall the time authorities had arrived, it was too late to quell the mayhem that had already occurred.
say the movement has lost its spirit and momentum. Not merely because the music and, thankfully, fashion of that era is no longer current, but because the organisers have begun to comply with Ironically, this has in many ways led to the demise of its popularity. It thrived on the excitement of ing oneself in a way that was deemed forbidden by those in power. If we are allowed to do it, then where is the fun in it?
to the shutdown of large parts of Mayfair and the need for law enforcement to intervene. The youths saw nothing wrong in using an uninhabited property as a place to have fun, dance and get drunk. With bodies tingling ensuing the inherent danger and eyes gleaming with excitement, it was coined as 'a revolt against the banks'. "We wanted to shake things up because the banks are kind of running the world which isn't fair," said
Features one sixth-former, summing up the sense of indignation that was running through the veins of all the kids there. Similarly, in the same year, the media turned all cameras towards the Royal Mail Depot centre, rave, named 'The Squat Monsters Ball'. Genuinely intended as a party event, it soon turned into a riot once authorities surrounded the building and began to make arrests. But when glass bottles, bricks and road signs were thrown, it was evident that one of the organisers knowingly explained: “there will be a big resurgence of this sort of thing because of the economic situation. It’s mirroring what happened in the last recession.” And true enough, the surge of popularity in illegitimately dancing your troubles away seems to appears to be that as of recently raves have a tento still be there with the arrangers, but what revellers are truly looking for is something entirely different; they are guided by a paramount focus on status and an inherent craving for the limelight of law, and therefore the news, but social networking insures the rest of the world knows what they are up to. During the Mayfair takeover, many of the tweets coming from attendees circulated around the exclusivity of the event: “New York fashion
roof.” It wasn’t so much about having fun, but about being seen somewhere. Rebellion through rave in these circumstances ceases to exist, because where it had originally
where or who you were, there is now a constant need to attract attention, either by tweeting or facebooking, or by sheer force. Evidently nowadays a rave without the fuzz is no fun at all.
''New York fashion week can stick it; I’m on top of a £30,000,000 Park Lane mansion squat party, doing lines off the roof."
as a haven where there was no need to care about
In times of civil unrest and lawlessness, Camilla Flint asks...
Where is the love?
Features worst, depending on your point of view). A man died; there was no need for a further excuse to torch police cars and spit in the face of Order. Gang cultures seemed to be ‘hot’. They displayed easily imitable behaviour; each individual seized a power that superseded guilt and empathy. Gangs, for some, were ‘likeable’ on Facebook; it would seem social networking sites incited, and invited disorder. The riots shook with thuggish behaviour, van-
called such "[an] unpleasant glimpse," a mere ‘default position to which society inevitably returns when its morals’ are forgotten. We can’t forget our morals; they are occasiondora’s Box, which enables a momentary power to those who are otherwise powerless. Yet, when these rioters neglected such morals, there were
morals were neglected, then. forgotten Moral that was suddenly remembered in the riots were in their formative stages? The riot-
Ruins.’ It has been speculated that the scene was More often than not it appears that it is always one emotion followed by the other. riot about it. A love riot would be a destructively ably do the most damage, and Anarchists’ would turn slightly pink with embarrassment. -
Quench's favourite messages of Love
"All nations under one sun, shine on. "It's always been a place for all people, just let it be that place.
its that have created an art work of in-disposable -
matter how much tear gas or bicep strength the policeman used; the rioting had to end under the
their thoughts, concerns, sadness and hope in a rather abstract form, to create a Ying and Yang for
a chat with the anarchists of south wales Speaking with a leading associate within the South Wales Anarchists, a predominant point of
anarchistic agenda.
organisation would have been too un-anarchistic),
Do you think rioting is a legitimate form of protest against the state?
trating spies and some heads up for any aspiring anarchists on campus.
Is there a large following with the South Wales
I’m not sure what that means! It seems it’s 'legitimate' for banks and governments to loot our society and force us to pay for the crisis this has created through the cuts, which will blight communities and cost lives. Yet when ordinary people kick off the window.
membership. It’s up to people how they want to get involved and to what extent. We’ve had meetings
Do you feel that you are under any heavy surveillance from the South Wales law enforcement?
numbers are small but we’re hoping to build them up over the autumn and winter. We’ve got a “Why
It’s a matter of public record that South Wales Anarchists were under surveillance by an undercover
we’ll be running a series of direct action training days. All welcome!
gather intelligence and disrupt the activities of
politics/society that you stand for/against? Some anarchists supported the Welsh language accaster). We also debate whether or not devolution furthers anarchist ideas. But we see capitalism as an international concern that needs international solutions. Nationalism is not part of the broader
port the anarchist movement, how would we be able to help on campus/among other students? Starting a student group on campus and organising would be great. We also meet once a month. It would also be great to have more students involved! We’re hoping to have a presence at the freshers’ fair. Alexi Gunner
A Right (and Left) ol' Riot!
cities suffered widespread looting, rioting and ar-
took a fatherly roll and promptly made it clear that the ‘thugs must be taught to respect the law of the tected.’ The Daily Telegraph condemned the acts of violence as purely criminal, a sentiment that The Daily Mail also supported, calling the riots an ‘equal opportunity crime wave.’ To abstain from accusations of racism, The Daily Mail made clear
loid articles, and has the nation been collectively devastated from a mere glance of the front-page photographs? ing on the inside of multiple other newspapers was a photograph of a woman leaping from a burning
any distinct ethnic group and attempts to explain this behaviour on these grounds is baseless and poisonous.’
The Guardian, The Times, The Sun, Daily Mirror and The Daily Telegraph. Out
The Independent called it ‘Mob Rule’, the Daily Express ‘Yob Rule’ and the Daily Mirror, ‘Flaming Morons.’ All these papers saw the police and politicians rendered powerless, and these head-
to read? Newspapers generally follow Right or throughout the duration of the riots this divide was particularly evident. Those dutiful right-wing papers wanted to illuservative party cannot be blamed for what, the Sun cries, is "anarchy, pure and simple." The Sun laments for the Nation’s reputation being damaged with the ‘Olympics less than a year away,’ and condemns the riots as "shameful." While the Sun hangs its head in shame, The Daily Telegraph
say? The riots were a time that could allow them to produce a Wooden spoon and get stirring; after
political rule. These papers revelled in the undermining of the current party in power, and made
claimed to ‘have been poor’ and for papers such as The Independent it was their opportunity to show poor.’ Now that’s a poor show, for a posh boy. Camilla Flint
tion for your audience. This often involves putting oneself in some physical danger. During the week
Food & Drink
Food Anarchy Simone Miche and Chloe Slade dish the dirt on the immorality of global food markets, messy food fights and illegal food movements
The Food Bubble: The causes and consequences of rising food prices
Beginning in mid June of 2010, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has reported that overall food costs have increased by 39%. There is no escaping it; food is becoming more expensive, and the repercussions of this are further reaching than one may imagine. Living in a developed society, where, popping to your nearest Tesco, it is possible to purchase your recommended calorie intake for the day for less than £1, it is hard to imagine that because of sky rocketing food prices, in the past year a further 44 million people have been driven below the poverty line. So what is causing this hike in food prices? Analysts believe that a combination of factors has caused mass speculation surrounding food availability, putting the food markets into overdrive and causing the increase. And, as ever with markets, there will be a few people at the top of the pile making millions from the volatility of the situation. The difference with this market bubble is that these millions of dollars are being made at the expense of millions of lives. One of the factors associated with rising food prices is the use of crops for biofuel. This is an industry which in recent years has seen many hectares of land which could be used for cultivating food crops, given over to growing GM corn to pro-
duce ethanol to be used as an alternative to fossil fuels. GM corn is unsuitable for consumption but farmers in developing areas are being incentivised to grow GM corn, because they can earn more by doing so, than by growing crops for food consumption. Climate change also contributes to an unstable food market. Destructive weather patterns such as
to bring their crops to harvest due to the unpredictable environment. The global population is expanding at a greater rate than agricultural production is capable of keeping up with, and the standard of living in developing countries, such as China and India improving as their societies advance, the people’s consumption habits become more westernised. Such habits are damaging to food industry stability due to excessive wastage. This discrepancy between supply and demand is another reason for the hike in prices also contributing to food shortage and uneven distribution of food across the world.
Food & Drink ishing agriculture on home soil will certainly be felt when ‘peak oil’ is reached. When fuel supplies begin to diminish to such an extent that the cost of importing goods becomes impossible, will both the skills and land be available to provide for the masses in one’s own country? For many years the economic strategy has not been one of longevity, but has been geared toward making the greatest cost savings. A strategy to improve domestic food production is necessary to improve future prospects of food availability. With speculation that food stocks will be under strain in the foreseeable future, a contentious issue has arisen. Many wealthy companies, governments and individuals have acquired arable land in developing counties for the purpose of food assurance. The negative consequences of this land grabbing impact primarily the poverty stricken local people. On who’s conscience does it rest that land is being snatched from those to whom it should belong, in order to provide insurance that the habitual overconsumption of the west may continue for that little bit longer when food supplies are less reliable. These people rely on being able to cultivate the land in the here and now in order to survive. Given that political corruption, social injustice, poverty and social immobility have been rife in North Africa and the Middle East for many years, the question as to why an Arab uprising has taken place in counties such as Libya, Egypt and Turkey
at this particular time has lead to reports proposing a link with high food prices. The research by New England Complex Systems Institute suggests a threshold price for food commodities, beyond which the likelihood of protests and civil unrest becomes much greater. food riots, against the food price index to analyse the correlation, provides the basis of the research. The report concludes that ‘avoiding global food crises and associated social unrest requires rapid and concerted action.’ But what action can be taken? With very real fundamental issues causing increasing prices, coupled with speculators exacerbating the rate of increase, this market bubble is unlike those of property or the ‘dotcom’ bubbles; at the forefront of the minds of those in power positions, must be the millions of people who will suffer and starve as a consequence. G20 agriculture ministers are being called upon to reconsider the global policies on food reserves. Food reserves have dwindled in recent years due to the schemes being too costly. But by reassessing how to manage projects and best increase reserves, market volatility will decrease and vulnerable countries will be better equipped to deal with price spikes. So it’s to the drawing boards for governments and agricultural ministers alike, and perhaps to the allotment for the rest of us. Chloe Slade
La Tomatina
No one knows exactly how the tradition started, but the tales are endearing; some believe that it nile class war, a volley of tomatoes from bystanders at a carnival parade, a practical joke on a bad musician, the anarchic aftermath of an accidental lorry spillage. One of the most popular theories is that disgruntled townspeople attacked city councilmen with tomatoes during a town celebration. Whatever the theories, it is a celebration that has continued, despite it's ban for having no religious believed to be 1944 or 1945, and grows in popularity each and every year. Simone Miche
Every year, on the last Wednesday in August, tens of thousands of revellers gather together in Buñol in Valencia, to pelt each other with ripe to-
Food & Drink
Food not Bombs, Dumpster Diving and apple crumble -
order anarchy Simone Miche
Grace Dent (@gracedent) How to Leave Twitter: My Time as Queen of the Universe and Why This Must Stop
to grasp the numerous unspoken tweet-norms and rules which must be adhered to? Guiding both adconstructs the highs and lows of life on Twitter to their full comedic effect. Dent examines what being a member of the social networking site entails, from that is unfollowing someone. With the knowledge that a cast of thousands are listening to her every word, Dent does at times come across as a little all-knowing: embracing the hivemind aspect of the sub-world around her while at the same time a little contemptuous of anyone who doesn't adhere to its code of conduct. Despite this, Dent writes hilariously and concisely about the whole Twitterverse, poking and prodding at its every failing while still singing its praises as mill take on life. Emily Bater (@emilykbater)
Caitlin Moran How to be a Woman
to Moran's skill how she is so deftly able to jump from autobiography to discussion, tackling the serious and silly perils of feminism today. Moran admits her book is hardly the next Female Eunuch, but I think it's all the better for it. How to Be a Woman isn't a series of orders; rather an interesting and considered view on being a feminist today, from one of the most pant-wettingly hilarious female minds around. Emily Bater
Writing for The Times since the tender age of sixteen, Caitlin Moran has long proved herself to be one of our funniest writers, and with How to Be a Woman she takes her brilliant wit and turns it to the dilemmas facing the fairer sex today. Written partly as a memoir and partly as a feminist manifesto, Moran talks about her childhood in Wolverhampton growing up in virtual poverty. She describes how she struggled to womanhood furiously reading Jilly Cooper novels in an attempt to educate herself about the complexities of adulthood. Her anecdotal delivery
Pages Fire on Fire well, almost. Much has been made of the fact that Waterstone’s on Clapham Junction was the only shop to emerge unscathed from the unrest, a safe haven amongst the burning carcasses and empty windows modus operandi, but what if it had? Whether it be rebellious heroines or trailblazing thinkers, Books takes a look at which titles might have taken the rioters’ fancy had they crossed the threshold of our
Jean-Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract
Victor Hugo Les Misérables
‘Man was born free and he is everywhere is chains’ is the most famous line from Rousseau’s rousing polemic. Outlining his ideas on how a country should be governed, this is the original literary call to arms and helped ignite the French Revolution, not to mention its impact on an international level. It’s an important book, but not exactly one to put on your holiday reading list.
We remain in France for our next book, a sweeping 1000-page titan of a historical novel, often incorrectly associated with the 1789 Revolution. It is in fact set during the later period of unrest beginning in 1815 and concluding with the 1832 June Rebellion. Focusing mainly on the fate of Jean Valjean, an ex-convict, this novel has got evecent Parisian backdrop. What it certainly isn’t is concise, but its famously long sentences and plot deviations really are worth wading through to reach its tear-jerking conclusion. For those with less time on their hands, Hugo’s most famous work has, of course, been immortalised on the West End.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels The Communist Manifesto Revolutionary literature par excellence. ‘Workers of the world, unite!’ Enough said.
Books Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication on the Rights of Women
Alan Moore V for Vendetta
It may no longer be considered anarchic to call for the emancipation of women, but it certainly was in 1792, the year of this groundbreaking book’s publication. With her use of radical terminology such as replacing the word ‘wife’ with ‘companion’ and advocating co-educational schooling, Wollstonecraft was decades ahead of her time. Although not a feminist in the modern sense, she paved the way for subsequent debate and theory regarding women’s rights.
aptation starring Natalie Portman, V for Vendetta was originally a comic strip. Centred around the mysterious anarchist ‘V’ who conceals his identity in a Guy Fawkes mask, this story set in a dystopian alternative reality documents his campaign to overthrow the government and persuade the people of Britain to take over.
Phillipa Gregory The Virgin's Lover gory’s Tudor romps are a safe bet for a decent read. few tumultuous years of Elizabeth I’s reign, when the threat of rebellion hung in the air. Hovering somewhere between rumour and fact, a passionate romance between the Queen and traitor Robert Dudley is presented against a backdrop of plotting and revolt.
Kathryn Stockett The Help If books had blood relations, The Help would be To Kill a Mockingbird. Ms Stockett’s debut explores similar themes of justice and racial inequality, and has all the hallmarks of a future classic. Detailing the lives of African American housemaids working for white families in 60s Mississippi, this novel follows aspiring writer Skeeter Phelan as she and several of Jackson’s maids collaborate to produce a book exposing the poor treatment of the so-called ‘help’ by their white employers. It features a memorable cast of characters who break all the rules and live with the constant fear of their covert act being discovered. This bestseller has been recently
Kate Chopin The Awakening
Emma Stones stars in the recent film adaptation of The Help
and largely forgotten novel deserves a mention if only for the fact that it is often described as one of tellier, a bored housewife living in New Orleans at the end of the 19th century, rejects the traditional female roles of mother and devoted wife to live as a single woman and embark on an affair with a younger man. Her failure to reconcile her modern values with societal norms leads to the book’s tragic denouement.
Less full-blown anarchy than unremarkable petit bourgeois rebellion, this is a tenuous inclusion
Anarchic Fashion
Anarchy: 1. A state of society without government or law. 2. political or social disorder due to the absence of governmental control 3. chaos; disorder.
Looking at the autumn/winter designer collections made me realise just how much fash-
Hann Davies
l e b e RRebel Be one of the boys, girls.
Night & Day 5
3 4
12 1 7
Fashion -
Hann Davies
Quench's pick of the androgynous crop. -
Make way for the Quench gentrifies the dandies! student body -
3 1
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week is rapidly approaching, and in case you haven’t bagged yourself some front-row tickets, not to worry! Leonie Roderick has selected four of the most highly anticipated runway shows, and will give you an exclusive insight into what is to be expected during this year’s LFW.
Who to watch?
Why? -
Career Highlight?
Who to watch?
Why? -
Who to watch?
Why? as well as the classic Englishness of rolling mead-
Did you know?
A country of Communism and cabbage? Romania has much more to offer than that. -
Lia Martin
India Anarchy at its most productive
But there is another side to this chaos..
Alex Ulyet
Checking out?
As travel becomes increasingly popular, is it attracting a negative reputation? -
Clare Baranowski
A fresh start for PhotoSoc
of talks and last year the spectacular Disposable Marathon Competition. This year, PhotoSoc is aiming to provide all this again plus a lot more. Fresh for this year PhotoSoc are introducing what new the president, Rob Walton calls, the ISO scheme, which stands for Inter-Society Opportunities. As event photography is an exciting and interesting area, and Cardiff Union also has the widest range of societies and events going on throughout the year, ISO aims to link these two together. Via their website – – PhotoSoc will invite all societies to post about their upcoming events, which will then be advertised to members of PhotoSoc so that they can come along and get involved. This is all about getting students out there to photograph all the wonderful events that other students are doing. This service won’t be exclusively for societies: sports and academic clubs are more than welcome, too! So, if you’re
a photographer keen to get out there a bit more, you can sign up now by just logging into campus groups; or if you are involved in a society or sports club and have an event coming up, please email Alongside the ISO scheme PhotoSoc are also introducing a modelling membership. The modelling membership is for people who would like a set of professional photographs and/or would like to be involved further for modelling and fashion shoots. PhotoSoc will hold drop-in studio sessions monthly, which will be exclusively for these members. During these sessions models can work with PhotoSoc’s photographers to achieve a portfolio of work. This will be ideal for anyone who would like high quality headshots, full-length body shots, couples, groups, teams, etc. It is the best way to get professional studio photos for a student price! With such an enthusiastic and keen president, plus the backing of a new and larger committee, I can see PhotoSoc going far this year. I urge anyone with an interest in photography to sign up now! Lucy Chip
PhotoSoc has always provided an open and friendly community for anyone interested in photography. In the past we have seen this popular society provide a range of activities including gallery
Let's turn the world
F*** Facebook! It’s time to get our faces off the screen and out on the street, and make every space MySpace. Bebo! Could art change the world? French photographer
Introducing the Quench Photos Competition! Each issue Quench Photos holds a competition to win your photo featured in the next issue, plus an enlargement of your print. In keeping with INSIDE OUT this week we ask you to send us your portraits. Please send to: quenchphotos@gairryhdd. com
We Have the Right to Be
Alan Bailey, Open Place Officer for NUS LGBT campaign, talks to Quench about how rioting can be a political act.
Hi Alan. Cardiff is your home city, do you think Cardiff as a city has much to offer LGBT students? I’m obviously biased but I think Cardiff is a fantastic city. If I hadn’t grown up here I would have loved to have come here for university. Cardiff ’s not too big not too small, very chilled out, and I think it’s probably one of the friendliest cities in the UK as well. Having been involved in the student movement over recent years, do you think that students’ experiences have changed since you began your degree? I think many of the same issues that were present when I was doing my degree still remain: poor contact hours, poor feedback, students struggling to afford to remain at university and give adequate time to their studies. Some students reading this will believe that their sexuality and/or gender identity is not a political issue. Do you think it’s possible to separate the personal from the political? Someone may feel their sexuality is not political, but that’s not how others will view it. There is no escaping the fact that as LGBT people we are still not equal in law because of our sexuality, so in that sense it’s very political. I think it’s political when someone is afraid to hold their partner's hand in public, or when someone doesn’t feel like they can come out, homophobia is political and whilst it exists sexuality will always be political. Do you agree with the recent claim by the Prison Governors’ Association that rioters have been the victims of a sentencing "feeding frenzy" by magistrates keen to indulge a populist mentality against the rioters. Well, when even an organisation like the Prison Governors Association are saying it’s a sentencing frenzy then that gives you quite a clear signal that magistrates are going overboard. They are out to crush any repeat of the riots, not just for the damage that was caused but for the disobedi-
the government. There were calls from the right-wing press last year for similarly harsh sentencing for certain students arrested during the fees protests. What is the difference, in your opinion, between a “protest” and a “riot”? political. We only need to look at LGBT history to events like the Stonewall riots for highly political
examples. Martin Luther King famously said that the riot was the language of the unheard, and I think that’s true. Protests turn into riots usually seem to do so when there is resistance by the state, particuagainst the tuition fees rise, and also it was one of the sparks for the recent riots we have seen.
'it’s political when you are afraid to hold your partner's hand in public Is being a student campaigner all about marching to places and being angry, or is there a softer side? Of course there is. I’ve been involved in protests and campaigns for 7 years now, and it that time I’ve protested and occupied, but I’ve also sung ‘I am what I am’ outside Kent County Hall, I’ve been plenty of stunts. There are many different types of actions in campaigning, and people should get involved with whatever they are comfortable with. But even if you are not keen on the more “angry” stuff it is important to realise that at times we have a right to be angry and at times we need to be angry. What is your best protest experience? My favourite campaign that I was involved with was Reclaim the Scene at Manchester Pride which campaigned to make Pride more political, accessible and have a more community focus. We decided to protest against the hard-line Christian group who picket pride every year with an Shepherds' funeral when a group dressed in angel costumes with huge wings stood in front of the Westboro Baptist Church protesters and blocked their placards from view. It was brilliant, we were combating homophobia in a way that no one could really attack, we brought some politics into the parade by the action and we re-created a brilliant piece of direct action from the LGBT movement’s history. Hector Roddan
Ar ts
English National Ballet: Strictly Gershwin Donald Gordon Theatre, Wales Millennium Centre
review Book an advance under 26’s Selected Seats ticket and dust off your jazz shoes (they’ll be behind your Smurf suit in your fancy dress chest) for an upscale night on the town. The company will perform a range of dance styles, shaking off preconceptions about ballet companies, leaving a trail of sequins behind them and all in the build up to a a shot of jazz... October 25 - 29, 2011 Tue - Thu 7.30pm \ Tickets £15 - £32 Fri & Sat 7.30pm, Sat 2.30pm \ Tickets £17 - £35 Age Guidance: 5+ Kirsty Allen
Maybe the very best way a theatre type can sound in the New (academic) Year is with a dash of old Hollywood glamour. Freshers simply doesn’t have enough Big Band jazz on its menu but thankfully, the Wales Millennium Centre certainly does, with a shot of Strictly Gershin to add some sparkle to the October line up. Wales is welcoming back English National Ballet to its beautiful bay side venue and they are packing top hat and tails to perform a programme of dance to the music of old Hollywood hands George and Ira Gershwin. You may not be able to tap dance your way down Hollywood Boulevard on a Thursday evening, so one of the UK’s most prestigious dance companies are bringing Tinsel town to you.
Ar ts
Turmoil+Confusion = Creative energy
“I hope that the word ‘anarchy’ does not suggest that I shall speak in defence of order. I shall not. A certain amount of turmoil and confusion is likely to call forth creative energies.” From Art and Anarchy, Edgar Winds The word ‘protest’ has become an everyday utterance and hot topic of conversation over the last few weeks. As spectators, we read the mass of articles surrounding the volatile atmosphere within the country, and even the world and think - ‘How the hell?’ Were the events a moment of madness or a stand for ones beliefs? Social networking sites were criticised for allowing violent rioters and looters to express their anger as it was considered a way to further spread the unrest within the country. But, Twitter refused to take action and censor any information from the public, arguing that the point of social networking is to instantly connect people to what is meaning-
ance of freedom of expression. If wearing masks, running round streets burning down buildings and looting mobile phones is meaningful to these people, surely it should not be censored from the public? Yes, we may consider this to be mindless behaviour, but irrespective of the views we hold about the content, no information should be suppressed. You may consider, like
myself, that the events were a mindless spiral of madness, but it must not be forgotten that the right to express your opinion is guaranteed to every individual. This may raise doubts concerning the levels or limits of freedom of expression, as many found it shocking that these tweets were publicised. However, there have been riots and protests in the past and it is inconceivable to deny the expression of these protests. I am neither supporting nor condemning the actions of the recent riots, I am merely reiterating the human right to change, to alter, to protest. Generally, to make a statement. This is what shakes the world. And so, what has this to do with the Art world? A lot actually. Art is a way of challenging the norms and channelling a voice in order to be heard. I have outlined below two of the many art aspects within Cardiff which pose a challenge to conventions and raise their voices in order to express a unique point of view. Asha Verma
the limits of the exhibition beyond the conventional art space. You will see that she encompasses the entire Chapter building, from the light box and café bar to the entrance lobby and even further into the city beyond. The inspiration for the exhibition is taken from the Rage against the Machine track ‘New Millennium’s song’. Spotify the song and you will notice the aggression and intensity to enforce the point of the lyrics. The lyric from which the exhibition takes it name is a particularly poignant line as it expresses the destruction of the system in which
one is forced to exist; hence the action of resistance is predominate. Melanie extends this theme and subtlety invokes a sense of rebellion and resistance whilst manipulating time, space and architecture. Open currently until 30 Nov. Asha Verma
Dirty Protest present theatre, not as you know it. tablished themselves in the realm of Cardiff theatre. The initial aim was to challenge the norms of stage productions; to add a innovative quality to the stage, in order to cause riots within the arts world. A group of writers, bored with the conventionalities of theatre and expressionless plays, decided to take it upon themselves to make a statement. The talented writers exhibit their raw and edgy plays to audiences in Cardiff, thereby adding a new dimension to the arts world within the city. The uniquely imaginative plays have even be praised as 'theatrical tequila'; so I’m guessing the buzzing feeling…without the hangover? But the real quirk about Dirty Protest is that not only is it open to established writers, but it also introduces new writing to the stage. Dirty Protest are constantly looking for aspiring writers so that they get the chance to work shop their plays with professional actors. So, just to tip off the hopefuls, it would be worth coming along to one of the plays, share your opinions and then share your words. The production entitled ‘Scandal’ was recently shown, a theme which does not shy away from the persona of Dirty Protest. There’s no hiding the fact that the human conscious loves a good scandal. The next event Dirty Protest is set for is in October, entitled ‘A Furry Protest’ at Milgi Warehouse, 213 City Road, Cardiff. The exhibition forms part
MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Giving a voice to the people. Emma Wilford explores the connection between nation and song.
Music has always been a powerful tool for communities and individuals when speaking out against the government. It has the ability to acutely articulate the anxieties of a nation or a subculture within a country, and it is for that reason that it such as the riots this summer. I therefore wanted to go through some groups who used music as an expression against the establishment.
Hippies Hippies are often misconstrued as being LSD- taking, naked, peace loving people; however, despite their laid back appearance they were part of a sigwho could be classed as Hippies wanted to free themselves from the restrictions of society and edelic rock and was responsible for helping kick
sor Free Festival, introduced the concept of people coming together to enjoy music without
However, they were constantly seen as a threat by the government due to their decision to live outside of the establishment and drug use; therefore, they often encountered violence from the police. Although we have to pay for most festivals now, events such as Glastonbury retain elements of the unite through music and create a space free from the constraints of the establishment.
a voice to those who felt alienated and frustrated by social and economic conditions of the time. It served as the Hippies had done with psychedelic rock to express the sentiments of a generation.
Reggae at a time of great turmoil and often touched on
poverty and resisting government oppression. Bob Marley is arguably the most famous reggae artist and he was seen as pivotal in raising awaremaica. A theme that seems to have been prevalent
Listen to: Bob Dylan –
movement that was based around anti-establish-
and still is used as a style of music that challenges the establishment and gives a voice to those who may else go unheard.
an angry, hard style of music that heavily cap-
Listen to: Bob Marley
the use of cannabis and anti-western sentiments, Punk
Blame music? That's a pile of rap! London, as well as several other places in the UK, were subject to rioting this summer. Everyone no doubt has their own opinion of what happened and who or what is to blame, but as the streets of Hackney and beyond lay ablaze, a need to point the something, meant that rap Voices in the media have sparked an interesting debate about rap, grime and hip hop music; on one -
Green, who have hit back saying that to ban rap
50 Cent
Professor Green
Music has often been at the centre of debate time of massive social change and the growth of the generation gap. However, it was considered with controversial issues such as gender and race equality. Fast forward to our generation and it seems that rap music has become the scapegoat for unrest among the youth. Yet it is interesting that it is considered to more controversial than much of the sexually charged music that frequents the playlists of UK radio stations, clubs and music
does it always seem to get the blame? Although rap music has given expression to hardships people face, it can at times promote violence as well as capitalistic needs. You only have message he is sending out with his diamond encrusted chains and nine bullet-wound scars. At the same time, we have to consider how greatly music
''...look at the bigger picture and leave music out of it.
everything that modern artists say literally then society would be a very different place. So, as people ran through the streets smash-
to consider whether this is really a bi-product of listening to violent music. but so do countless other things, from video games So, I would argue that it has become the easy scapegoat; it is easier to blame music instead of the growing wealth divide in this country, or the lack in education. So all I hope is that people look at the bigger picture and leave music out of it. Emma Wilford
review, to best in new and local music, providing versity. Besides playing the latest tracks from the
lists from to now for quite some time now and when he releases songs like this its not hard to see why. Spending most of his time in the used record stores of his adopted city Manchester, Star Slinger pieces together songs us-
you the best new music before anyone else. Here
into a spiral of heavy beats and synths, creating
songs and more can be heard every day at www.
Bestnew tracks
Cults – Abducted Film students turned musicians, Madeline Follin and Brain Oblivion are an indie-pop duo from New York who make every song feel like a sum-
M83 – Midnight City Friendly Fires, know all the words to Sweet Disposition, thought the Klaxons second album was terrible and feel no song is complete without a bit of sax then look no further. th
melody before the chorus crashes in with a haunting organ and smashing percussion, all the while still maintaining a feeling of intimacy. Sure this you to miss it.
singer, Max McElligott, has been making waves now for some time, supporting the likes of Florand Mike Snow, so it's no wonder when he manages to dish out the type of pop chorus that Keane eye on. Phil Kenny
Wolfgang – Stay and Defend
Student Radio's first ever festival!
Your city. Your soundtrack.
Thursday 6 October 2pm - 2am, Solus.
(with NUS, £6 without)
Line up Main Stage
Acoustic Stage
Dance Stage
Little Comets Siôn Russell Jones CYNT Dirty Sparrows Rusty Shackle Traffic Three Pairs of Shoes Stokes, William Backroom Cardiff This Modern Youth Albatross Archive FAO Cut Ribbons Horizon The Caulfield Beats Sharks Don't Sleep Gaz Brookfield One Mission Hullabaloo Alex Sedgmond Cardiff City Circus Johnny Cage & The Joe Silva & Luke Vinyl Vendettas Voodoo Groove Bennett
+ special guests + festival village
Xpress Station manager, Dan Potts, gets grilled.
Xpresstival headliners, Little Comets
In the run-up to the Xpresstival, Quench caught
Why should people tune into Xpress?
discuss all things radio.
If people like what they hear at Xpresstival, they
So Dan, what made you want to put on a festival? Last year was a great year for Xpress, and our aim
have a really broad range of shows, from mainstream in the daytime to more specialist at night, as well as some great speech shows. Xpress is run
want to start as we mean to go on, so we think that a big event like Xpresstival will be a great way to kick things off. Nothing like this has ever been
some of the best in student radio at the moment,
How can students get involved? biggest venues, which is Solus. In terms of music, what can people expect from Xpresstival?
loads of brilliant local bands, so for students who just come along to the student media recruitment -
interested in becoming a presenter or a producer,
pretty non-existent in the past few years, so it was tured on the Xpress playlist went on to appear on
awesome alongside your degree. Last year a few of
be able to provide a stepping stone for local musicians. What are your plans for Xpress this year?
portunities student radio can open up for you. visit Jo Southerd
really raised the standard, and we intend to build on that and keep improving, bringing listeners the best content we possibly can, with the best sic scene, and Xpress has a duty to get it out there to the students.
CYNT can be found at the dance stage of Xpresstival
tip top ready for September, bringing in professional new equipment for an absolutely perfect
the big kasabian interview Exclusive
As they prepare for the release of their much-anticipated fourth album Velociraptor!, along with their biggest UK tour to date,
People are starting to compare you to the likes of Oasis now, is that something you welcome?
to get his thoughts on the album, football and his lad rock image.
things is at the void of how huge they were as a
So the new album is coming out in less than two weeks, how are you feeling?
maybe not, but Oasis were a one off phenomenon and we're a different kind of band from that. But it's still an honour because people want something.
something really great; this band Kasabian are about to go into orbit now.
the ones to fill it but Kasabian will be nothing like what they did.
Funny you say orbit, you recently played a gig in a plane, is that right?
Would you say you still have the image of the lads of Brit rock?
take it to another level playing in an abandoned plane How much pressure do you feel on the new album after West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum was so successful?
for a certain kind of audience and when we first how we were interviewed and so got portrayed into
we probably got put in that category that people we're all good with it.
How much of a collaborative effort is making a Kasabian album? Is Serge the driving force? Serge is Danny Zuko, the diva. He gets his demos, brings them together, and gets them to a point where massive guy and yeah I suppose he is the driving force behind us all.
donna makes great music. So what can we expect from Velociraptor!, because West Ryder was more stripped down than previous albums? Velociraptor! is very human and very pop man, its but theres a warm kind of feeling to
Music You're about to go on a massive tour of the UK playing the likes of 02 and MEN, how do you get yourself prepared for that?
Music or football?
do lots of European gigs and warm ups which is wait.
blown sex, it's ridiculous!
I’ve heard one of these warm ups is going to be in New York on top of a building? On top of a building? (asks manager) Yea, alright,
So you wouldn’t be striker for Leicester city? Yeah, lead singer of a rock band any day, yeah yeah
Do they not tell you they’re going to fly you to New York and stick you on top of a building? No! (laughs) Well we’ve seen you recently in the sky sports promos playing football, completely fake?
Finally, obviously you're good mates with Oasis; now they’re doing their own thing who you backing?
the way it is so I'm not going to pick a side, I wish them both the best.
Velociraptor! Jo Southerd reviews Kasabian's new album. entered fatherhood, you would have forgiven Kasabian for wanting to take a break before ful
. On the
getting straight back to work, and this month unleash new record Velociraptor!
sake was the only dinosaur which could defeat the
and the lyrics to album opener combine the mind-boggling with the mundane so effortlessly, really setting the tone for the whole record. Velociraptor! is punchy and potent, with growling riffs and a killer chorus. Brilliantly, it is sandwiched between two of the most psychedelic songs on the album, La Fee Verte and
Eleven unique tracks range from the gritty to the trippy electronic vibe of I Hear Voices and Neon Noon. Lead single Days Are Forgotten already feels like a classic, while Goodbye Kiss, possibly the most romantic
esque during La Fee Verte , singing “I see Lucy in
ditched that cringey 'lad-rock' tag after all. A very impressive album; Velociraptor! actually makes me proud to be a Midlands girl. Keep up the good work, boys. Jo Southerd
monster of an album. Velociraptor! features some
News It seems Irish band U2 are on a winning streak having just been named Band of the year at this
and Adventureland
is set for
Dark Shadows -
trailer has ar-
ď€ Fraser Isaac
the big year
Trailer Trash.
Marley and Me Fraser Isaac
Best film for... up on love entirely warned, Blue Valentine -
look at human behaviour with a sombre lesson to
Fraser Isaac
rebellious directors Morten Wright explores the dark underworld of Hollywood's maverick directors.
ema itself, and as with every tradition of this kind their names sends every Daily Mail reader into a
Lars Von Trier
Dogville -
a grey stage with white lines and labels and street names demarking whose house it is and even the
is released, where he will rebel even further by unleashing a disaster movie that
Ghost i
famy, when
Tom Six
Roman Polanski
Irreversible followed on
''(Polanski) worked from prison and whilst under house arrest
FILM FILM reviews FILM reviews FILM FILM reviews FILMreviews
One Day
Dir: Lone Scherfig Cast: Anne Hathaway Jim Sturgess 2006 saw the release of
as they adjust to University life in Bristol, whilst -
was of similar -
Fraser Isaac
The Inbetweeners is nigh for
Dir: Ben Palmer Cast: Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley, Blake Harrison
ation – the embarrassment has instead moved to
laughs are bred quintessentially in teen British -
reviews reviews reviews reviews
Matt Ayres
Best film for... up on love entirely
Whip it!!
Matt Ayres
Iconography: Wes Anderson
Moonrise Kingdom, is set for release
so unique that you have to wonder why so many blindly follow the default guidelines of Hollywood -
but after realising the dry, humorous tone that res-
baums -
Matt Ayres
The team editor Gavin Jewkes Features Alexi Gunner, Camilla Flint, Lucy Trevallion food Simone Miche & Chloe Slade books Alice Hughes fashion Leonie Roderick & Hann Davies travel Clare Baranowski & Lia Martin photos Tom Armstrong & Lucy Chip lgbt+ Hector Roddan arts Asha Verma & Kirsty Allen music Emma Wilford, Jo Southerd & Phil Kenny film Fraser Isaac, Matt Ayres, Morten Wright
Front cover by Gavin Jewkes
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2PM - 2AM