gair rhydd Monday December 10th 2012 | freeword – Est. 1972 | Issue 993
BUCS decision threatens future of medic sports A decision made by BUCS will affect the way Cardiff’s medic sports teams will compete for the University, with the future of the teams yet to be decided p4-5>>
After Bristol University’s Christian Union is accused of banning women from speaking at certain events, gair rhydd investigates gender equality in Christianity at universities
Opinion look at the rising rate of student suicides p10
Politics delivers the final verdict on the Leveson report p17
Olive oil is used to preserve buildings
2 / Editor’s Note
gr News 4–7 Opinion 9–13 Politics 16–18
CPS Homes article retraction In our article last week (issue 993) entitled 'Students win CPS Homes court case', gair rhydd incorrectly suggested and asserted that the DPVSU DBTF JO RVFTUJPO XBT BHBJOTU $14 )PNFT XIFO JO GBDU JU XBT OPU 8F XIPMFIFBSUFEMZ BQPMPHJTF UP $14 )PNFT GPS PVS NJTUBLF BT UIFZ XFSF OFJUIFS UIF POFT JNQMJDBUFE JO UIF DPVSU DBTF OPS XFSF UIFZ QSFTFOU BU UIF IFBSJOH 5IF BSUJDMF XJMM CF SFUSBDUFE GSPN PVS XFCTJUF 8F also retract the article and comments within it, as they were innacurate. At gair rhydd, we try to maintain a high journalistic standard, so it is VOGPSUVOBUF XIFO TPNFUIJOH MJLF UIJT TMJQT UISPVHI UIF OFU 8F XPVME MJLF UP SFBTTVSF BMM UIPTF XIP SFBE PVS OFXTQBQFS UIBU XF EP IBWF IJHI TUBOEBSET BOE OFWFS JOUFOUJPOBMMZ XSJUF BSUJDMFT UP NJTMFBE our readers.
Science 20–21 Societies 24–25 Taf-Od 28–29 Puzzles 30 Listings 31 Sport 33–35
EDITOR Chris Williams $0 03%*/"503 Elaine Morgan CREATIVE DIRECTOR Luke Slade 46# &%*503 5PN 1BSSZ +POFT NEWS Kendal Archer Tom Eden Anna Hickman #FUIBO +POFT OPINION Alice Briggs Nick Evans Alex Greig COLUMNIST Katie Bennett POLITICS Thom Hollick Rachel Lewis SCIENCE Rhiannon Davies Alexey Underwood SOCIETIES Vanessa Platt LISTINGS Lowri Martinson 5"' 0% Tomos Lewis SPORT Ross Martinovic +BNFT 4IBQMBOE Viktor Tsvetanov GAIR RHYDD AND QUENCH MAGAZINE ARE PUBLISHED BY UNIVERSITY UNION $"3%*'' 1"3, 1-"$& $"3%*'' $' 2/ t REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER AT THE POST 0''*$& t ("*3 3):%% 3&4&37&4 5)& 3*()5 50 &%*5 "-- $0/53*#65*0/4 t 5)& 7*&84 EXPRESSED ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE 0' 5)& 16#-*4)&34 t ("*3 3):%% *4 83*5 TEN, DESIGNED, TYPESET AND OUTPUT BY STUDENTS OF CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Stop the press! Kate’s having a baby! A note from the editor...
hh yes, it's that time of year again. The time of year where we all get FOUSBODFE CZ flashing lights and Christmas trees in such a way UIBU JU NBTTJWFMZ BGGFDUT PVS BMDP IPM JOUBLF BOE CBOL CBMBODF *O B TUVQPS PO +BOVBSZ TU XFhMM awake to the realisation that it's gone for another year and that, in UIF FOE JU QSPCBCMZ XBTOhU XPSUI all of the hassle – and definitely wasn't worth the state of your CBOL CBMBODF I'm not that much of a scrooge, it's just there's certain things
years. It's a shame that they're in that situation. It makes things very difficult for the Union as well. To TPNF JU NBZ BQQFBS UIBU UIF 46 IBT HJWFO VQ PO NFEJD TUVEFOUT CVU XFhWF OPU *O IBQQJFS OFXT UIPVHI JUhT coming to the end of term. Drink the Bar Dry is days away and it TFFNT MJLF FWFSZ TPDJFUZ JT TPSU ing out a Christmas social. * HVFTT JUhT BQQSPQSJBUF GPS NF UP UIBOL FWFSZPOF XIPhT CFFO JO WPMWFE UIJT UFSN *UhT CFFO B HSFBU term for student media and the QFPQMF XIPhWF NBEF JU BSF BMM UIF WPMVOUFFST XIP HJWF VQ TP NVDI of their time getting involved. Thank you; same again next year!
Monday December 10th 2012 | @mediacsu
News in brief Doggy drivers prove canine intelligence " /FX ;FBMBOE CBTFE BOJNBM rescue charity is teaching three dogs how to drive in an effort UP QSPWF IPX JOUFMMJHFOU UIF BOJNBMT DBO CF 5IF VOXBOUFE EPHT XJMM CF JOTUSVDUFE IPX to start the car, accelerate and
steer. Mark Vette, one of the involved animal trainers, said, <5IFSF BSF> OP FYDVTFT 8F WF got to get in there and show that EPHT DBO ESJWF DBST )F OPUFE UIBU POF PG UIF EPHT XBT HPJOH UPP GBTU FBSMJFS JO UIF XFFL
Governor Warming
DIY abduction shock
In this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s issue... Societies looks at how the Union is bringing societies together with the new societies spotlight p24
Opinion looks at whether there's a point to a 1,000 mph car in this week's For and Against p9
News report on the new triage centre in Cardiff
Pope Benedict XVI has joined the 21st century as he's now on Twitter
Cymru i wynebu Lloegr ag Awstralia yng ngrwp A, Cwpan y Byd 2015 p28
gair rhydd would like to thank the following for their articles and help in making this issue: Contributors Michael O'Connell-Davidson, Emilia Ignaciuk, Kathryn Lewis, Jonathan McGregor, Virginia Bonet-Morell, Beth Gregory, Cetherine Ross, Chris McSweeney, Matt Harding, Chang Mei Yen, Bridget Taylor, Surytapa Mukherjee, Sophia Epstein, Jacob Dirmhuber, Steve Smith, Angharad Hywel, Gerallt Rhys Roberts, Victoria Farrant, James Tilley, Emma Hughes Proof Readers Emilia Ignaciuk, Anne Porter, Chang Mei Yen
For the best in culture, fashion and features, head to
In last week's issue (993), we incorrectly stated that Cardiff University is not QBSU PG UIF 8PSLFS 3JHIUT Consortium when, in fact, UIFZ BSF "QPMPHJFT UP UIF University for this error.
4 / News gair rhydd looks at the decision made by BUCS to re-evaluate the way medic sports teams compete for the University, and the various implications of such a change
Uncertain future for medic sports Michael O’Connell Davidson News Writer
Cardiff medical students are about to face a major upheaval as plans have been revealed that may force medic sports teams to merge with those of the rest of the student body. BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport), citing concerns that some students may have an unfair advantage, have announced their decision to approach the way medic sports teams are defined by the league differently. Currently, Cardiff Medics sports teams and Cardiff University sports teams can compete in BUCS leagues separately. BUCS has claimed that students may be offered an unfair advantage, as there is nothing preventing them from competing for both Cardiff Medics and Cardiff University. While BUCS admit that only a small minority can benefit from this advantage, the organization “need[s] to ensure there are sufficient safeguards in place” tp prevent this. Speaking about the decision, Athletic Union President Cari Davies said, “I am truly heartbroken by this outcome. Whatever happens in our institution, the identity of the medics will be fiercely protected. I will be calling an open meeting to discuss our route forward, I would be keen to discuss this in person with as many of those affected as possible.” She continued, assuring medic students that, “this will not be the end of Medic sports,” and added, “I feel I should apologise, but I have done as much as I possibly can up to this point. I don't want us to give up the fight, and if we're going down, I'd like it to be kicking and screaming. At the same time, it is important for us to build a strong structure for the future; one we shape together and one which ensures Medic sport cannot be challenged again." The Athletic Union is faced with two choices. The first is that the university and the medical school are to compete as one institution. This would mean that there would be one set of Cardiff teams in the BUCS league, with both institutions competing under the same name. It would be permissible to have a Cardiff Rugby Medics team, but they would have to be treated as a second or thirds team; for example,
under these terms, Cardiff Rugby could have a first team, a second team (specifically designated for medics), and a third team. They would not be able to have a second team for all students alongside this medics team, and so would have to promote teams straight from third to first and vice versa to keep their identity as a medical team. It is likely that designated second teams for medics would be seen as a contrived solution, and would possibly be eroded over time as non-medic players were transferred through them. The second solution would be for the university and medical school to compete separately, effectively creating two athletic unions. There are some problems with this solution; though individual sports would be unaffected, equal opportunities demands that there would have to be a medics version of every team sport available to non medical students. Sports that do not have medic teams -- for example, Women’s Rugby or Ultimate Frisbee -- would be forced to establish one specifically for them. Failure to do so would be a violation of the university’s constitution. There are few other options. Although leaving BUCS would allow Cardiff University to maintain the status quo, the university would not be allowed to compete in any BUCS leagues. Local leagues would be permissible, but the university would be excluded from most forms of university sports, which would severely impede its ability to compete nationally. The University of Wales college of Medicine merged with Cardiff University in 2004, but was established in the 1890s, and there are fears that BUCS plans will bring a close to a century of sporting history at the institution. Other universities in a similar position are also worried that their medical schools face losing their identities. In practice, it is likely that the university will follow option one, with medical students and the wider student body joining the same AU teams. Other universities who have experienced or are experiencing mergers (UWIC and Newport, for example), are better equipped to follow the latter option; they already have separate sporting provisions established, and their respective
student bodies have already been competing separately. A number of counter proposals have been tabled; Imperial College London proposed that medical schools be treated as sub-institutions, with medics allowed to compete for who they please, and the wider student body being relegated to nonmedical teams. The exception to this rule would be that in team sports where both medical school teams and universities teams existed alongside each other, medical students would only be able to play for medical school teams, thereby circumventing equal opportunities concerns as well as the advantage conferred by being allowed to compete in multiple teams. Barts and the London School of Medicine, who are part of the University of London’s Queen Mary institute, also proposed a similar plan in which competing for one institution would bar students from competing for the other for the rest of the academic year. Whilst attending the recent BUCS advisory group meeting discussing these matters, Cari Davies noted that these, and other, proposals were circulated prior to the meeting. However, they were not discussed. As such, it looks unlikely that BUCS will follow any other course of action beyond that which it has set out. Hannah Pask, who represents students studying on the Heath Park campus, said that the proposals “were a massive step back, undoing much of the progress we have already made integrating healthcare students with the rest of the University.” Medical students have also raised their concerns. Elinor Davis, a first year Medicine student, said that she would “feel let down by the AU” if they followed the second option and split teams. “The very reason I didn’t join a medic sports team was because we’re already segregated and cliquey enough compared to other students at the university in terms of our timetables and socials.” A player for the university’s Women’s Rugby team (for which a medic equivalent does not exist), she said “playing for the actual university team means I’m not solely labelled as a medic, and that’s the way I’d like to continue.”
News 4–8
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddnews
Option 1:
Option 2:
The first option available to the University is to merge all medical teams with the rest of the teams in the Athletic Union. Medical teams would still be permitted to exist in the place of second teams; so, for example, the Rugby fourths could be saved for medical school students. However, this option would make administering teams slightly more complicated. If the Rugby seconds was designated as a team for the medical school, students competing in the rugby teams from the University at large would either have to be promoted through it (thereby eroding the identity of the medical school team), or promoted around it.
The second option available would effectively lead to the creation of two athletic unions. If this option were taken, it would not be possible for medical students to join teams that served non-medical students. For example, Student X has a group of friends of primarily non-medics. They ask her if she would like to join them in a sports team; following this option, she would not be allowed, as she would be relegated solely to clinical only teams.
Students who supersede the third team in this instance would be promoted straight to the first, thereby making the idea of having teams ordered by skill redundant. The medic teams would compete alongside the other teams within the university, within the same leagues, and earn the same points. A situation could arise where the skill levels were disparate within the same league if there were designated medical seconds or thirds teams, as there would be nowhere for them to move without losing the medical school identity. If this option was taken, it is unlikely that medic seconds teams would be created. Medics would inhabit the same teams as everybody else, fully integrating both parties and effectively bringing an end to medic sports.
University’s response... What does Cardiff University think of the options presented and the situation we are currently in? Cardiff University believes that all its students should have the option of being able to represent the university at the highest level across the range of sports on offer. We are fully aware of and equally concerned about the issues, objections and views that have been presented to Students’ Union (Athletic Union) colleagues by their student members regarding the proposed change in the BUCS membership: the separate Medical School teams have a long history and are valued by students and alumni who play and have played for the Medics teams. On this basis we understand why the Students’ Union (Athletic Union) wished to submit further proposals and we accept and support this action. How will the University look to proceed? As alternative proposals submitted have not been accepted by BUCS, then Cardiff University supports option 1. We would be concerned about students excluded from sport, if the Medical School remained a separate BUCS member under the new BUCS rules. What does the University think about the situation sport is in for students who study a healthcare degree? The University works in partnership with the Athletic Union on the delivery of sport to all students including those studying towards healthcare degrees. This will not change in light of any change to the BUCS rules.
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This option is problematic in that it potentially violates the university’s constitution. There is currently not a medic team for a number of sports; these would have to be created, or else the AU would be in violation of equal opportunities clauses, as some students would be denied access to some sports.
he BUCS ruling concerning medics’ teams is not ideal for any of the parties involved and the possible solutions offered do not appear to solve the problem. Clearly, the medical students at Cardiff University feel a great sense of pride and would not appreciate being bound together with the University teams in one setup. Furthermore, the complications associated with treating medics as a second or third team would reduce the opportunities for rugby players across the university. Setting up a separate athletic union for the medical school creates even more issues concerning equal opportunities. To limit a medic to competing within the department would be absurd and equally Cardiff University teams would suffer as a result of being unable to select these students. Jamie Roberts would certainly testify to this. From speaking to Gemma Wheeler, the Medics Ladies Hockey Club captain and healthcare representative on the AU committee, it is clear that the medics are all incredibly frustrated with the situation. “BUCS have consistently refused to listen to student opinion. We all feel like they are taking exception to something just for the sake of it”. BUCS have had these rules in place for a number of years but until now have allowed what they see as an anomaly at Cardiff University and other institutions to continue. However, they are now
This has no effect on solo sports, as students from both sides of the university would be able to train together. However, students who play team sports would have to be kept separate, and so two separate clubs would have to be created: one for medics, and one for students from the university at large. This would lead to total segregation between both parties.
Editor’s comment taking a harsh line and demanding that athletic unions across the country take action. “It isn’t just medics that are affected”, Wheeler continued, “it is the other healthcare students who have work placement commitments and hours to make up in their schedule”. It is true that university teams would be unlikely to adapt their training schedules to these busy students and the flexibility of medic sport is something that would be lost as a result of the BUCS ruling. From another perspective, the merging of Cardiff University and the medical school does mean that we are one institution and perhaps should be represented by a single entity. However, medic sport, and the rugby team in particular, are steeped in tradition and to impose these restrictions seems insulting to a strong contingent of the University. AU President, Cari Davies, has been complimented for her attempts to argue against the BUCS ruling. “Cari has done a fantastic job attempting to represent medics in Cardiff and across the country”, Wheeler explained. Unfortunately, BUCS have been incredibly difficult, refusing to back down on the issue and as a result, the future for medic sport at Cardiff and nationwide is uncertain. James Shapland, Sport Editor
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6 / News
Bristol University Christian Union faces allegations of gender discrimination Tom Eden
News Editor Bristol University’s Christian Union (BUCU) has been the subject of outrage and hysteria after an email was sent to its members, detailing a decision taken about women teaching from the Bible. BUCU President Matt Oliver explained, within the email, that the Executive Committee believed it was perfectly acceptable for women to teach from the Bible, but due to it “being a difficult issue for some” they would not be invited to do so at their weekly meeting CU: Equip, at residential weekends or at missions. It has been widely reported that this move by the CU was a step towards banning women from speaking, however in an attempt to clarify, Mr Oliver later posted a message explaining “BUCU has no formal position on the role of men and women in the church. We respect those of our members who hold strong biblical conviction in this area and seek to find the most practical way of expressing this inclusivity.”
I'm gutted that Christians are getting such bad press when there is so much good that they do BUCU released an official statement saying, “Bristol University Christian Union (BUCU) deplores the recent exaggerations and misrepresentations in some parts of the media of its position on women’s ministry in the church. It is well known that Christian churches differ on this question. BUCU is not a church, but a student society, so it has never had a formal policy on women’s ministry. In recent
months, the Executive Committee have been exploring ways in which BUCU can best accommodate members with divergent and strongly held convictions, while expressing our unity as Christian believers. In line with our basic position throughout that process, which has not been widely publicised, the Executive Committee now wish to make clear that we will extend speaker invitations to both women and men, to all BUCU events, without exception. BUCU is utterly committed to reflecting the core biblical truth of the fundamental equality of women and men.” A fortnight ago the Church of England’s views on gender equality was thrust into the spotlight when a vote about whether to allow women to become bishops was rejected. The legislation had needed a two-thirds majority in each house of synod to pass, but, despite comfortably managing that in both the houses of bishops and clergy, it was unable to pass in the laity where lay-members voted 132 votes in favour and 74 against. The outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams who had campaigned for a ‘yes’ vote, said the Church of England had a “lot of explaining” to do, while his successor Justin Welby described the decision as “grim”. Speaking to gair rhydd, a representative of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), said that a Christian Union (CU) is the student body of the church, who’s primary concern was to do with gathering and uniting all Christians around the essential truths of the Bible. It is down to the individual churches attended by students to practice the specific, and secondary values, such as issues of gender roles with the church. This was reinforced with an official statement released by UCCF, which said on this issue: “CU members belong to local churches which may have strong views (in various directions) on particular issues - such as women speakers - but students are urged to deal with such matters in a
spirit of generosity and realism when coming into the CU.” Within Welsh universities’ Christian Unions, he says that this has not been an issue, as he understands that all Welsh Christian Unions have had female speakers, including Aberystwyth – widely considered one of the most conservative and traditional Christian Unions. Gwilym Jeffs, one of Cardiff University’s Christian Union’s
Throughout Cardiff University Christian Union there is total gender equality, with both a female and male President Presidents said to gair rhydd, “I’m gutted that Christians are getting such bad press when there is so much good that they do.” When asked about the decision taken by BUCU, Jeffs stressed that this was a matter they had to deal with internally, but welcomed their recent announcement that they will extend speaker invitations to both women and men, to all BUCU events, without exception. Cardiff University’s Christian Union (CUCU) has the position that the only stipulation for their speakers is their commitment to the Doctrinal Basis – the core values of Christianity. Throughout the hierarchy of CUCU, there is total gender equality, with both a female and male President working together, as well as the Executive Committee having equal numbers on men and women. Jeffs talks passionately about
how equality is fundamental to Christian teaching. He mentions that in the Bible it says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” He also cites the way Jesus treated men and women as equal, and how the Bible documents how Jesus first appeared to a group of women after his resurrection, telling them to go and spread the word of his return. This was despite the culture of that time, where women’s views and words were neither trusted, nor held in high regard in society. This negative press comes in the week after CUCU ran their Convinced? mission week, where all the Christian Unions in Cardiff united to try and let people hear about Christianity and Jesus. The week aimed to get people to investigate whether the Bible and the Christian message stood up to scrutiny, as well as inves-
tigating the claims made. They held lunch bars at Koko’s, which, alongside talks about Christianity, served free food to the 250 people who attended, on average, each day. Over 300 people attended the evening talks at Highfields Church on Monthermer Road in Cathays, and Jeffs believes this shows that people are interested in hearing about Christianity; he said over 60 people had filled in forms stating they “wanted to find out more”.
News 4–7
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddnews
Keeping First issue of gair rhydd found Cardiff clean Emilia Ignaciuk News Writer
After a lengthy search, the first printed issue of gair rhydd, dating back to 1972, has been unearthed in the Arts & Social Studies Library, just in time for the publication of the 1000th issue of the paper. The irreplaceable original copy was, for many years, thought to have been lost, and so the news of its discovery last week was met with joy and surprise in the gair rhydd office. In the words of the newspaper’s Editor, Chris Williams, “I’m really pleased that we’ve managed to find the 1st ever issue of gair rhydd. [It] is part of Cardiff University and the Students’ Union itself. Finding the first issue means so much to all those who’ve been involved in its creation over the years”. The finding proved to be the unexpected result of the correspondence between Special Collections and Archives (SCOLAR) and the gair rhydd office regarding the digitalisation of back issues of the paper in order to make them available online. During the exchange it had transpired that the elusive first issue had been kept in the ASSL archives all along.
Bethan Jones
The original copy is located in a designated section of the library, together with numerous other publications produced by Cardiff University students throughout the years, with some of them dating as far back as 1885. “The back copies of the student magazines are held in Special Collections and Archives under secure and climate-controlled conditions”, explains Alison Harvey, archivist at SCOLAR. “[They] provide a unique opportunity to study social history through the debate and opinion of articulate, educated young people who were politically and socially engaged
with the rapidly changing times of the 20th century”. The first issue showed that the journalists writing for the paper at the time were tackling some controversial issues. A lot of space was devoted to the actions of the Welsh Language Society, while the front page story describes in detail the planned but ultimately unbuilt extension of the Humanities buildings towards Colum Road.
The irreplaceable original copy was for many years thought to have been lost As it turns out, housing issues were no less of a problem 40 years ago, as the 1st gair rhydd also reported on the planned NUS strikes and the high price of rent at halls of residence. As part of the newspaper’s heritage, the recovery of the first ever issue of gair rhydd is an exciting event, especially in light of the upcoming 1000th issue.
News Editor
A Cardiff Council education and enforcement team specially assigned to work in the Cathays and Plasnewydd areas of the city have been busy interacting with students and other residents to ensure they dispose of their waste properly and avoid enforcement fines. The education and enforcement team for Cathays and Plasnewydd have spent the first term knocking on doors as students settled into their houses for the first term. Many students will have moved into a house for the first time in the area and the Council felt that it was important to make sure students understood what can be recycled and what days certain waste is collected. Waste issues have been a problem in the area in the past, so the Council is keen for members of the community to take advantage of the team’s presence and avoid any enforcement action having to take place. Up until 5th November, the Council’s team had received 468 requests for action and completed 836 proactive education actions, with 10,186 advisory letters sent. The popular Tidy Text ser-
vice, where residents receive a free weekly reminder on what household waste needs to be put out had another 502 people sign up to the scheme. These areas are now back in line with the rest of the city after two months grace to allow students time to assimilate into the community. Non-compliance of simple waste instructions can now lead to residents in the area being fined £100. Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Ashley Govier said, “This administration has put improving the local environment of our residents at the top of the agenda for the city. “Recycling is easy in Cardiff and getting informed on what you need to do will help keep the area clean and students will be able to avoid unwanted enforcement action. Students can take the lead in the community and make these communities an even better place to live.” Students can find out more about recycling and waste by visiting the Council’s website www. Also sign up to Tidy Text by sending your postcode and house number to 60060 The last day that students’ waste and recycling will be collected before the Christmas holiday is Wednesday 12th.
Triage centre for partygoers Jacob Dirnhuber News Writer
In September a new triage centre was opened in central Cardiff, designed to ease the pressure on the city’s A&E services. Three months later, 250 people have been successfully treated and only 29 have required further medical attention. The £85,000 centre, located in the old Ebenezer chapel on Church Street, was officially opened last Friday by South Wales Police Chief Superintendent Alun Thomas, who claimed that major European cities such as Amsterdam and Vienna were seeking to emulate Cardiff’s approach to dealing with drunken revellers. “People copy from Cardiff’s example. Our violent crime is reducing quicker than any other city in Britain. Our violent crime
is at a 25-year low”. Cardiff has gained a reputation as something of a party city in recent years, becoming particularly renowned as a destination for hen and stag parties, a view that Thomas described as “unfair”. Despite this, the triage centre was particularly busy on Saturday night, treating several people for severe intoxication before midnight. Other people arrived with minor injuries, and some required treatment for recreational drug use. The triage station is manned by two ENPs (emergency nurse practitioners) and several medical assistants, along with a police officer who deals with any violence from the patients or their companions. One ENP, Wayne Parsons, 44, claims that the majority of people treated suffer from “various states of intoxication, head inju-
ries and recreational drug use”. Patients are usually found unconscious on the streets and brought to the triage centre by police officers or fellow partygoers. “Most patients are aged between 18 and 25. Usually their state is unconscious and covered in vomit really. We have also treated people who have been taking recreational drugs”. According to his counterpart, fellow ENP James Brewster-Liddle, 56, the centre is not exclusive to Cardiff’s partygoers. “We’re not just dealing with people who have alcohol problems. We are dealing with people who are injured on the streets. We can deal with all sorts of injuries. It really cuts down on the A&E waiting times and the delays in the department itself”. On Saturday, the majority of patients were referred to the triage by the police, St John’s Am-
bulance and the voluntary Street Pastors. This particular triage project is a joint venture between Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan councils and Cardiff and Vale University
Health Board. It is also receiving support from authorities such as South Wales Police and University Hospital of Wales.
Opinion 9-13
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddop
For & Against
Is there any point to a 1,000mph car?
Following coverage of attempts to create a 1,000mph car, Opinion writers Kathryn Lewis and Jonathan McGregor question whether such experiments are a waste of time and resources
o, scientists and engineers are attempting to create a 1,000-mileper-hour car. There is a very good reason for this: if science didn't push the boundaries, what use would there be in science at all? Throughout time, there have been scientific and engineering experiments that people have though of as mad, useless, or a waste of time. But I ask, if people had not persisted and pushed forward in the past, then what would modern science look like now? Humanity would never have reached where we are today. It takes great minds to push forwards the limits of human imagination and ability, and without them having been there, I can't imagine how life would function. When it comes down to it, I feel that if someone is willing to financially support such a scheme, then let them do so. Even if the experiments are not successful in the sense of which they wish them to be, I cannot imagine that there will be nothing positive gained from such tests. The team behind Bloodhound have already discovered effects of intense heat upon the materials used, for example. Furthermore, the experiment is exciting – it is getting kids interested in science. In India, the experiments are being covered by the Times Educational Supplement, which goes out to over
850,000 schools across the country. This, in itself, suggests that the experiment is not a waste of time – it is making children enthusiastic, because it is an exciting prospect. Moreover, and importantly, by pushing forward the limits of engineering, safety is also going to naturally increase. In order to create such a speedy vehicle, safety measures will be forced to improve, which can only be a good thing for the general population. Over time, this technology will eventually become cheaper and will filter down (in some form) to our own vehicles, thus improving our own systems. This is similar to what happens as the limits of Formula One cars are pushed. In fact, Formula One technology is being used and improved as a part of these experiments, meaning that the Bloodhound scheme is improving the fields of science, engineering and sport. This is an important piece of work that combines and fuses together aspects of motor sport and rocket technology. It appears that the far-flung world of rocket science is slowly but surely having an effect upon earth-bound science. The combination of practices is one of the best ways in which we will push society even further forwards. If we wish to continue to advance, experiments such as this must continue. JMcG
£6.6 million could train 222,222 teachers in Tanzania, providing hundreds of thousands of children with education
uilding a car that can go faster than a speeding bullet sounds like the stuff of kids’ dreams, right? In fact, two very grown-up engineers are attempting to produce a car that can reach a colossal 1,000mph. What makes this idea seem even crazier is that they are attempting to break the land speed record by attaching a rocket to a typhoon fighter jet. It sounds more like a cheesy action film, rather than a government sponsored, education project. Jokes aside, this venture is estimated to cost up to £6.6 million, which is a huge amount of money. Is this really a wise way to be spending government and university money? I am not arguing that it wouldn’t be a great achievement for a British team to produce a car that would hold the world record; it would be an honour and accomplishment. However, could that money not be put towards better causes? For example, £6.6 million could train 222,222 teachers in Tanzania, providing hundreds of thousands of children with education. Furthermore with spending cuts being increased by the British Government, surely there isn’t enough money to be frittered away on a very big, very fast toy? There is also the issue of
safety, one of the developers of the car, Andy Green, will be driving the car as it attempts to reach 1,000mph. He can be equipped with all the safety equipment available, but he will still be in severe danger if there are any faults with the car. The Bloodhound supersonic car will have the thrust of 96 Formula One racing cars. The dangers of Formula One racing cars are all too familiar, with 11 deaths in the past 60 years. Richard Hammond, presenter of Top Gear, is a prime example of when jet-powered cars can go wrong. Hammond was left with critical head injuries after crashing a jetpowered car that was only going a mere 300mph, in comparison to Green’s future 1,000mph attempt. If the Bloodhound is successful and can reach the impressive 1,000mph, what use would this car actually be? It’s not as if it could go onto the general car sales market, the idea that people could have free reign to drive around at 1,000mph is terrifying. The cost of producing these cars would also price them out of the market and therefore would not be able to be sold at a profit. It seems to me that the whole idea of this car is, to say it bluntly, pointless. The time, money and resources could be spent on many other more worthy and intuitive projects. KL
10 / Opinion
A rise in student suicide rates
Opinion writer Virginia Bonet-Morell looks into the recent claims by the NUS that the recent increase in student suicides can be attributed to the recession and expresses her own opinion
erminal illnesses, car accidents, deaths, suicides… These are all matters that are difficult to deal with; certainly things that we hope never happen to our loved ones. In a university environment, one of the most ignored taboos is the recent rise of student suicides. As a matter of fact, I would have never imagined when I went to the Aberconway Library this morning that a Cardiff University student died there six months ago after falling from the Business School building. Thus, sadly, suicide is an issue close to us that needs to be directed. Suicide always raises the same question: why? Why would a student at the peak of their youth take away their life? What motivates them to take this irreversible step? According to the National Union of Students (NUS), financial pressures are behind the recent rise in student suicides. Since during the recession, between 2007 and 2011, suicides by male students in higher education grew by 36% and rates among fe-
male students almost doubled, it is suggested that there is a correlation between suicide rates and economic difficulties. Firstly, it is true that most of the students find it hard to deal with money. We have no experience in economic matters and so our cash vanishes paying bills, buying food and going clubbing. But is running out of money enough reason to take your life? Personally, I believe not, as avoiding extreme financial situations is more a case of organising your money by considering the possible payments in advance. Anyway, surely you can miss a few nights out in order to save some money!
Similarly, the rise of tuition fees has been a factor of stress for many students in spite of loans. This is because you become indebted as a teen. Moreover, there
is far more pressure to get good grades, because otherwise it seems it was not worth spending that vast amount of money. However, committing suicide is obviously not the solution as that way you are also disregarding
the amount of money and effort that your parents have invested in you. Furthermore, the recession has meant cutbacks to university support services. Therefore, it is harder to apply and obtain bursaries or scholarships. Actually, do you know where and how to apply for a scholarship for Cardiff Uni? I don’t. In addition, university counselling services have also suffered the recession’s effects. As there have been reductions in staff members, the number of sessions offered to students has also been reduced. Clearly, those who committed suicide needed help and support, but didn’t get it. Finally, there are other rea-
sons why students commit suicide. Such thoughts are usually triggered by low self-esteem as they consider that their life is not worth living – in other words, that they are not good enough for society. Last, but not least, social factors that have an emotional outcome must also be contemplated. Relationships, crushes and disappointments are as important in university life as lectures, deadlines and exams. In addition, university is about meeting new people constantly, which might be hard to assimilate sometimes. Besides, being away from home and family might reinforce these negative feelings leading to desperation. In this writer’s opinion, emotional and social problems have more weight in student suicide than economic issues because it is something personal, whereas the recession affects the whole country. Whichever reason one might have to take their life away, we must always bear in mind that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I'd rather go naked than wear sweatshop goods Beth Gregory
Opinion Writer It is a known fact that many consumer goods in the western world are produced in the gruelling conditions of sweatshops in developing countries, where workers are paid very little and work long hours. Students across the country have been taking part in ‘naked protests’ in opposition to the fact that many university garments are made in sweatshops, many stating that they would rather ‘go naked’ than wear sweatshop clothes. Personally, this is something I would have to agree with.
When sweatshop products are purchased, the sweatshop industry is further supported In our culture, it is very easy to ignore what else is happening in the world, but as one student, Gordon Maloney, stated in gair rhydd last week, "universities don’t exist in a bubble". It is important that university students use their positions to an advantage, to make a difference, and not remain ignorant to the goings-on in the rest of the world. When sweatshop products are purchased, the sweatshop industry is further supported. Many consumers aren’t informed of
this, and are unaware of how their purchases could affect others' lives. Sweatshop workers are subject to long hours – well over the typical 9–5 shifts – in dangerous conditions. There are effectively no health and safety precautions and sweatshop workers have died or been seriously injured because of this. Sweatshops are also notorious for illegal child labour. The long hours and risky conditions are not justified by high wages. In fact, wages are unimaginably low, with some sweatshop work-
ers earning as little 8p an hour, barely enough to live on.
Naked protests may seem unnecessary to some, but I believe it is a relevant way to gain attention for the cause When universities use these companies to make their clothing products, they keep sweatshops alive, which is why it is so important that students get involved
in protesting against this, helping to keep the issue fresh and in people’s minds. Naked protests may seem unnecessary to some, but I believe it is a relevant way to gain attention for the cause, and highlights how serious the situation is. It also shows that students do care about the working conditions our clothes are produced in, enough to say they would rather not wear clothes at all than support a sweatshop industry, whether directly or indirectly.
Cardiff University is one of the eight universities in the UK to become a member of the Worker Rights Consortium, which assures that all university garments come from an ethical source. Learning the true nature of the conditions sweatshop workers are subject to, makes me proud to be a Cardiff student. While it is difficult to always know where our products come from, knowing that the university invests in fair trade products is reassuring. However, while Cardiff actively supports fair trade, most universities do not. If all universities in the UK would insist on buying products from an ethical source, we would be closer to getting rid of the sweatshop conditions all together. Now, I am aware that my own clothes could be made by a young child, working gruelling hours, in dangerous conditions, but I believe I would rather go naked, because to wear sweat shop products is to support a violation of human rights.
Everyone has an opinion. Email us your ideas at opinion@
Opinion 9-13
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddop
Not typically seen as a 'nice guy', this man. Often evasive of public events, and usually in the press for all the wrong reasons, Christian Bale turned it all around this year when he personally visited victims of August’s Colorado cinema shooting in hospital. Prior to his appearance at the bedside of the recovering wounded, a campaign began on Facebook requesting Mr Bale appear at the hospital in costume as Batman. Presumably upon making the decision that this would likely terrify the already traumatised patients, the Welsh-born star opted to go along in a T-shirt and jeans instead.
On October 14th, #spacejump and #gofelix were trending worldwide on Twitter as the Austrian-born daredevil looked to set the altitude record for a manned balloon flight, parachute jump from the highest altitude, and greatest freefall velocity. Felix Baumgartner became a superstar overnight, and an inspiration to the millions who watched live on the Red Bull Stratos website and YouTube. For smashing several records and freefalling into the history books, Felix makes our nice list this year.
The 26-year-old athlete from Sheffield became a darling of the nation during the Summer Olympics in London, in the wake of her spectacular win in the heptathlon. Upon doing the nation proud, Ms Ennis quickly became one of the most popular figures in Team GB, and it’s been rumoured she could become Dame Jessica Ennis in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list. It should also be noted her bum has its own fan page on Facebook. Truly an inspiration.
Mr Gosling likely needs no introduction – but let’s give him one anyway. Because he’s Ryan Gosling. Gosling made the news in countless celebrity gossip rags in April of this year when he saved British journalist Laurie Penny from becoming New York City roadkill. Ms Penny wasn’t looking as she stepped into the path of an oncoming cab, but Gosling grabbed her from behind just in time. He reportedly said “Hey, be careful.” …presumably before winking and flying away to rescue adorable kittens/puppies/orphans in mortal peril.
Good Guy
Santa's Naughty & Nice List: A year in review Chris McSweeney, adopting the role of Santa Claus, decides who's been naughty and who's been nice. Let the banter ensue.
Notorious talent-vacuum, woman-beater and overall scumbag Chris Brown can be placed on any naughty list for a variety of reasons. However, he makes the list this year for drawing a seven-figure salary in spite of his blatant disregard for general decency. Recent exploits include dressing up as an offensive racial stereotype for Halloween, hurling sexist abuse at a user on Twitter, fist-fighting Drake, and perhaps worst of all, repeatedly claiming to be a victim in all of it. This Christmas, I hope Chris Brown gets a lump of something that isn’t coal in his stocking.
The grace and dignity of Lindsay Lohan’s career is comparable to that of a giraffe on a strong hallucinogen that’s been shoved onto an ice rink. Once a promising child actress, Ms Lohan is frequently in the tabloids for repeated drink-driving offences as well as casual violence – most recently an arrest for assaulting another woman in a nightclub. She does deserve some sympathy, however – being hounded by paparazzi is no easy life. But Santa has no mercy.
In spite of any stigma you may hold against her for her Twilight fame (face it – you wouldn’t turn down the money), and her apparent lack of expression (Ava Gardner didn’t smile much either), I actually quite like Kristin Stewart as an actress. Back in June, she gave an impressive performance in On the Road, which was commended by critics for its depth and charisma. However, she’ll find very little under the tree this year because she CHEATED ON R-PATZ, OMG!
Typically, Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong is relatively quiet in the rock-rebel department – more charity campaigner and awareness raiser than drugfuelled anarchist. However, this year, he’s been rather naughty indeed, due to an aggressive outburst at the IHeartRadio festival – complete with guitar smashing and expletive-laden on-stage rant. His meltdown became a hit on YouTube, and he checked himself into rehab citing “substance abuse”. This also comes amid speculation of Billie Joe allegedly cheating on his wife of 12 years. Tut tut.
Never too old for an education Chris McSweeney
Opinion Writer “Live as if you’ll die tomorrow, learn as if you’ll live forever”, said Gandhi, or James Dean – depending on how well you search for the origins of quotes (Tumblr thinks it was James Dean – it was Gandhi). Aspirational, pseudospiritual pep-talk it may be, but does the notion have practical value when it comes to postretirement age people getting a degree? On the one hand, absolutely not. The higher education system in the UK is already struggling, with the Government currently taking any excuse to cut the higher education budget and raise tuition fees, giving highered qualifications to someone who is likely going to have no further use to society (economically speaking) is fiscally and politically irresponsible. Aside from this, for every older person who enrols on a course, a much younger person is missing out on a university place. With youth unemployment on the rise, younger jobseekers will need all the help they can get in the qualifications department. Here concludes the cold, selfish and calculated side of the argument. Think about the education paradigm for a second. By definition, education is the distribution of knowledge for the purpose of enlightenment and practical advancement in society. In the real world, education is increasingly being packaged up and sold to us so we can one day become better consumers. We’re less concerned with how to be better people, and better understand the world in which we live, and more interested in boosting our CVs, enlightenment be damned. All things considered, you can’t help but think that this isn’t exactly what the Greek philosophers had in mind. Let’s face it, we’ve all followed education this far for selfish reasons. Capitalism has taught us to all want a piece of the pie, and this is our best shot at getting the biggest piece – a bigger piece than most I might add. Why has it become so taboo that someone might actually want to learn, just for the sake of learning? Provided that the inevitable passage of time does not prevent students from paying their tuition fees, and repaying maintenance loans, I find it difficult to argue against letting those over the retirement age take university courses. Also, the idea of seeing the odd senior getting wrecked at Comeplay or The Lash is hilarious. Not sure if the cloakroom’s ever had to accommodate a Zimmer frame before, but there’s a first time for everything.
Opinion 9-13
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddop
by Katie Bennett-Davies
Home away from home
ast week, there was a number of events around campus about helping people deal with being homesick. This got me thinking about how I deal with it, and whether I could bestow some advice on my lucky readers. Homesickness is a familiar feeling for many of us students who have ventured from our nests for the first time. In my first term, especially, I was plagued by homesickness. I missed my cats, dogs, friends and parents (in that order). Despite having looked forward to leaving home for most of my final years of school, I still missed home. After all, for most of us it’s a place free of money worries and coursework to avoid. Fast forward a couple of years and now, although I still miss my parents’ home, I take much more pleasure being in my ‘Cardiff home’. You might think this is an odd topic to pick for my column right at the end of term, just when we’re all drinking the bar dry and packing up to go home for the holidays, but I think it’s in the final weeks when homesickness can hit us most. By now, you’ve probably caught some version of a cold, flu or the plague, and have several deadlines looming large. It’s around this time when you really wish your mum, dad, sibling or hamster were on hand to bring in cups of tea every five minutes. I’m hardly a psychological or sociological expert on homesickness and how to “cure” it (if that were possible), but I have picked up a few tricks of the trade during my time in Cardiff. The first thing has to be to recognise that it’s hard to leave home for the first time. Some people find it natural, but for every person I know who doesn’t struggle with homesickness, I have a handful more who do. I have some friends who just found the whole thing terrifying even. I also had friends who were homesick for their whole three years of study. It’s not ‘silly’ or ‘pathetic’ to get very down because of it, some of us just enjoy home life a lot more than others. It’s hardly surprising that we would feel happier and more re-
laxed in a place where we don’t have to deal with adult issues like paying for food or heating. It’s when is allowed to fester that it can lead to something more serious like depression or even quitting university all together. If you’re struggling with homesickness, you’re certainly not the only one. In the worse “cases” of homesickness I’ve seen, the person usually thinks they feel much worse than anyone else does. If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard someone claim they feel much more home sick than anyone else they know, well let’s just say I wouldn’t need a student loan. It’s really very hard to use a yard stick to measure how much someone misses their dog Bobby, who they’ve had since they were five years old and bows down to worship them every time they enter they come home. People deal with it in different ways, some people like to talk about it, cry, or phone home a lot, others (and more worryingly) just isolate themselves and hope to get through the term. I found that the key to beating homesickness was making my term time room feel like more of a home. This can be hard when you’re cramped in halls, which can often feel more like a cell, or when you’re in a freezing cold house with mice for company. I endeavoured, however, to turn my tiny Tally North room into somewhere I felt comfortable, somewhere that I could recognise part of myself in. I bought new posters, I stuck up photos from home and from various Cardiff antics and started to focus on the good memories I had in Cardiff, rather than only focusing on the good memories I had from home. This may sound a bit silly, but, for me, it really did work. I almost felt happier instantly about where I was living. In contrast, one of my flatmates from my first year barely unpacked. Her room was a place to put her stuff and sleep, not to live or to settle. She struggled with homesickness worse than anyone else. She would travel across country, literally, to be home every other weekend. Although she was happy in University and had some really close friends. She
never created that home substitute that I had. For her, homesickness became a real struggle and a massive source of unhappiness. It’s also really important to make good friends, as well as lots of friends. I mean by this that it’s great going out with a massive group of people in a society or from your house, but it’s easy to feel lonely without much more of a connection than that song you always sing together when you’re drunk. Pick two or three people that you think you might have something in common with or at least that you like and go for coffee, to the cinema or even study together in the library, just something that you can definitely both remember the morning after. Without close friends, life in university will be lonely, so the sooner you start building those friendships, the sooner you’ll have some good friends to moan to when things feel a bit pants. Of course, for some of you, things may be more serious than I’ve suggested. I know that the Student Support Centre has great resources, even if you don’t want to be a counsellor on a regular basis, there’s a drop in service. You can even have counselling through email and Skype now! And, of course, you probably already know about Nightline, that’s always a possibility for those long winter nights. There’s no need to feel like you don’t have any options. Most of all know that the first term is the hardest, the winter blues always aggravates the situation, as does the long term. A Christmas meal at the Taf with your flat mates does wonders for homesickness and provides the impetus you need to get you through those last assignments. Rest assured things get better when you return back to university in January, with the realisation that actually more than a week with you parents drives you insane. You’d much rather eat Pot Noodle for dinner every night than be pestered about why you’re not revising. And, you find that you actually quite like your flat mates and course mates. Merry Christmas from me, see you in the new year!
On the twelfth day of Christmas, CPS Homes arranged for me...
shiny kitchens
11 brand new
bathrooms 10 painted bedrooms 9 corner sofas 8 large fridge-freezers 7 swanky
carpets 6 power showers
5 plasma screens 4 gorgeous
3 new desks 2 dining chairsâ&#x20AC;Ś
â&#x20AC;ŚAnd a house thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very happy
16 / Politics
Korruption at the Kremlin? Pussy Riot protests against Putin's re-election, and makes the world's newsreaders uncomfortable
Coming here Suun: democracy Aung San Suu Kyi speaks out against the PCC elections, branding them undemocratic
The doctor will bill you now Andrew Lansley forces through his NHS reforms, and then sells all the nation's stethoscopes to BSkyB
Definitely not a criminal After hacking everyone's phones and bribing the police, the NotW closes and Rupert Murdoch doesn't go to jail
in Politics Four more years! Barack Obama is re-elected, thus proving Romney wrong: women can vote
Change places! The PM decides his frontbench team are all half-wits, so replaces some of them with three-quarterwits
LOOK AT THE SPORT! G4S very nearly ruin the great summer of distractions, by not providing enough soldiers to strip-search civilians Thank you to all of our excellent contributors who have helped to make gair rhydd Politics this year. Thanks also to the world's politicians for providing an endless supply of material. Long may you mess up. Have a happy and peaceful Christmas, and may all your dreams come true.
Politics 16–18
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddpol
The Leveson Report Matt Harding reviews the Government's reaction to Lord Leveson's final press report
ord Justice Leveson has released his report following the inquiry into press ethics and has made recommendations for behaviour in certain areas of journalistic practice. One of the key inquiries was into the ‘closeness’ of the politicians with the press, since there had been many public concerns regarding the influence of the press over Government policy. Following Leveson’s detailed look at many administrations over the past few decades, he notes the development of various party relationships with the press which were not in the public interest. There are further mentions of this in the summary which suggests there was a “disproportionate amount of time, attention and resources” spent on this relationship, and they had been “going too far in trying to control the supply of news and information to the public in return for the hope of favourable treatment by sections of the press”. In Leveson’s final recommendations, there is a call for transparency from the major political parties. He suggests that all meetings should be recorded, there should be a reasonable frequency of meetings, and party leaders should release statements explaining how they intend to conduct relationships with the press. Despite these criticisms, the executive summary of the Leveson report states that “the overwhelming evidence is that relations between politicians and the press on a day to day basis are in robust good health”, adding that a free press gives life and vigour to democracy".
There was disproportionate amount of time spent by politicians on wooing the press David Cameron responded in agreement to the majority of the recommendations, but he was explicit in rejecting the idea of statutory underpinning for press regulations. “I am not convinced at this stage that statute is necessary", he stated in the Commons only hours after the report was released. Cameron suggested that the creation of such a law would mean any system of press regulation could be used by politicians of the future as a ‘piggy-back’ for media influence. This move has been suggested as an attempt by the Prime Minister to prevent a split in the coali-
tion government with many Tory MPs over the recommendations. However, in an unprecedented move, Nick Clegg released a separate statement following that of David Cameron, in which he discussed how the proposals put forward by Lord Justice Leveson should be implemented. He stated that the self-regulating body for press ethics, which has been suggested in the report, could only be established with the underpinning of legislation. This differed from Cameron’s call for a regulating body to remain impartial from government and to be set up by the press.
Last chance for the industry to establish a nonstatutory system of regulation This division is possibly an indication of the future relationships between these political leaders and the press. Cameron also defended his position by quoting one of the outcomes of the inquiry which was the rejection of the allegations of a deal struck between News International and the Conservatives. This statement arose despite Cameron’s close friendship with ex-News International’s chief executive Rebekah Brooks, and allegations over former Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s handling of the BSkyB takeover. The Conservative Party seems inextricably tangled with the questions of ethics. Inappropriate relationships between politicians and media moguls, and Cameron’s limited response to this report are both causes for concern. Leader of the opposition, Ed Miliband also attempted to distance himself from the Prime Minister’s review of the report by also stating that he “supports the proposals in their entirety”. Miliband used examples from the former Home Secretary, David Waddington, following a report into press behaviour that it was the “last chance for the industry to establish a non-statutory system of regulation”. Ed Miliband urges trust in the Leveson report, and entirely backs all proposals suggested. However, his faith in the Leveson report has been criticised as being the first step towards a stateregulated press. Hacked Off, the group for victims of press abuse, has warned that Cameron risks making light of the recommendations by not acting exactly on the proposals laid out in the Leveson report, adding that "The Prime Minister
has not done his job. His failure to accept the full recommendations of the report is unfortunate and regrettable". This suggests that public opinion is unlikely to favor Cameron’s reaction to the Leveson report, and these decisions could have political ramifications for Cameron and the Tories at the next election.
In an unprecedented move, Nick Clegg released a separate statement The political impact of such an inquiry is likely to require politicians to step back from the press for the near future, with the leaders of the major political parties being unlikely to be seeking special treatment from the press for the duration of this government. There is likely to be greater transparency about meetings with media and this could be a topic which will be an area for debate at the next election. However, in light of this precedent being established after seven reports on press behaviour, in the long run, it is unlikely things will change dramatically.
The view from Eden...
n the build-up to the Leveson report being released, David Cameron made a promise. In a bold but reassuring statement, he said that he would implement the recommendations made by Lord Justice Leveson, the only caveat being, "as long as they weren’t bonkers". On the day Leveson’s report was made public, in-keeping with this government’s penchant for U-turns, Cameron announced that he opposed one of Leveson’s key recommendations; that of legal underpinning for a press regulator. Victims of the excesses of the press have widely condemned Cameron for abandoning his pledge. Comedian Steve Coogan, who had his phone hacked, stated that he feels "betrayed" by the PM. Closer to home, John Tulloch, the former head of JOMEC who was sat opposite a terrorist as his bomb detonated in the London 7/7 bombings, and whose bloodied face became an iconic image of the day’s attack, was also subjected to phone hacking. He, too, expresses his anger at Cameron’s stance, saying, "I’m disgusted with the Prime
Minister and very disappointed… Cameron has undoubtedly sided with the [press] barons". I am uneasy about how Cameron can justify his change of position. Since the release of the report, I have not heard Cameron explain which part of Leveson’s report he considers "bonkers". It was clear to most who watched the inquiry that this recommendation was a possible outcome. If Cameron hadn’t anticipated this, either he was naive, or we are faced with a potentially more worrying issue: he has made a calculated decision that he would rather face the outcry from the victims of phone-hacking than have to spend from now until the next election with a disgruntled, hostile and unforgiving press. Cameron’s preference is for another independent regulator set up by the industry. In Parliament, Labour’s Harriet Harman cited Einstein's famous definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome". To let the press set up another regulator to watch over themselves sounds bonkers. Unfortunately for Cameron, it is he who is suggesting it, not Leveson.
18 / Politics
Osborne fails to tackle tax avoidance
Time is ticking, but still the government proves unwilling to clamp down on this immoral behaviour. Politics writer Bridget Taylor calls for change.
hat happens if we don’t pay our taxes? I’m pretty sure the tax collector would be round with a big stick before we’d even finished tearing up the tax form. Yet Starbucks has been operating in the UK for 15 years and recorded sales of £3.1 billion, but only paid tax of £8.6 million. They said that they had actually lost money over this period. It’s another example of one rule for the ‘little people’, another for the big, fat corporations. It seems, the more money you start to earn, the more you want to hold on to it, as though a million a year just isn’t enough to properly clean your swimming pool. Amazon, Google and Starbucks are all exploiting loopholes in the law, so what they’re doing is not actually illegal. But this should simply call for more strict tax avoidance laws. They aren’t the friendly neighbourhood organisations we might like to believe they are; all they want to do is make a profit, however they can. Asda, Apple, eBay, Ikea and Vodafone also all pay minimal tax on huge UK revenues. This is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Last Monday, George Osborne announced an extra £77 million
per annum for more staff at Revenue & Customs to pursue companies that avoid paying tax, which would supposedly help secure an extra £2 billion a year in unpaid tax. He is also making a deal with Switzerland that will hopefully ensure more than £5 billion in uncollected taxes from those secretive Swiss bank accounts over the next six years.
the ‘moral repugnance’ of the multinationals, yet his real targets are those ‘scroungers’ living off the welfare state, who supposedly have such a high sense of entitlement. Who really has the higher sense of entitlement here? Lord Fink recently called for the UK to become a tax haven,
since Britain is losing jobs to havens elsewhere. This is a ridiculous example of how far the rich will go to support themselves: they exist in a bubble. The Government is resisting reform of The City. It is not as though the enforcement of tax laws is impossible; there are many measures that could be brought in, such
as a general anti-avoidance principle (which seems crazy that it’s not part of the law already) and open financial reporting on profits. But capitalism is always an ugly profit-making machine. In order to truly bring changes we must look for an alternative.
This is a government of millionaires, furthering their own interests while ordinary people suffer All this seems a little late in the day, however. Since the crisis began, the richest 1,000 people in Britain have seen their wealth increase by £155 billion; more than enough to pay off the whole government deficit of £119 billion, and still have some to spare on that second swimming pool. All those earning over £1 million a year can look forward to a £42,000 tax cut, and corporation tax, which isn’t even being fully paid at the moment, has been cut by two per cent. This is still a government of millionaires, and they are going to continue to further their own interests while ordinary people suffer. Osborne may shout about
Pope Benedict XVI joins Twitter Goat Major retires Surytapa Mukherjee Politics Writer
The display picture is of himself, smiling and waving. The header image is an eagle’s view of the Vatican City. The background is plain yellow, featuring a minute ink-drawing of crossed keys and triple tiara, with his signature underneath. Yes, Pope Benedict XVI has finally submitted to Twitter fever. He's only amassing followers until December; at which point he will be kicking things off with a papal Q&A. Just use the hashtag #askpontifex. “He won’t follow anyone for now”, Vatican communications
adviser Greg Burke, said at a news conference: “He will be followed”. Well, of course he will. The Pope's English-language account has accumulated about 470,000 followers, well ahead of his Spanish (102,580) and Italian (44,358) accounts. The Pope's tweets will also be posted in German (11,226 followers), Portuguese (16,448), Polish (5,139), French (9,116) and Arabic (3,850). The Vatican acknowledged that it had chosen the @pontifex handle not just because it means “bridge-builder” but also because many other possible handles had been taken.
Asked whether the pope’s posts would be infallible, Msgr. Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, said they would be part of the church’s collective teaching, but would not be considered exactly doctrine. “In any case, it’s a papal teaching”, he said, “the message is just entrusted to a new technology”. Last year, Pope Benedict wrote that new media and social networks offers “a great opportunity”, but also warned that they carried risk of alienation and self-indulgence. Hopefully His Holiness will be careful and avoid those pitfalls.
Chang Mei Yen
Politics Writer The man responsible for handling The Royal Welsh Regiment’s iconic mascot is retiring after 35 years at the reins. Sergeant David Joseph, the handler of Lance-Corporal Shenkin III (who is a goat), ended his service with a bang last Saturday by leading the Royal Welsh mascot onto the pitch before Wales v Australia at the Millennium Stadium. Affectionately known as Joe the Goat, Sgt Joseph admits that carrying out his last official duty was 'emotional', but he couldn't imagine a better way to end his career than appearing before a home rugby match. Having being put in charge of the upkeep of the Regimental Goat, Sgt Joseph has spent his tenure carrying out ceremonial duties and attending various public and charitable events with five different Regimental Goats - two called Taffy and three named Shenkin. In what was a glittering career, Sgt Joseph's duties have brought him to places such as Buckingham Palace and
10 Downing Street, and to countries like France, Germany, Luxembourg, and Hong Kong. In his role as Goat Major, he has also met celebrities ranging from Sir Cliff Richards to the Queen. Sgt Joseph admits that he'll miss his job, reflecting on many of his memories of meeting great people, but says that he is glad for some time off from his duties that required him to be on the job every day of the year. Sgt Joseph's last day as Goat Major will be on December 19, the day of his 59th birthday.
20 / Science
CloseFocus Keeping an eye on your city’s latest science news
Olive oil used to preserve Britain’s ancient buildings Alexey Underwood
Science Editor Scientists at Cardiff University are currently exploring the possibility of using olive oil to preserve ancient limestone buildings. Those of us who like to cook are well familiar with the benefits of olive oil when used in the preparation of salad or pasta dishes, whilst the more healthconscious among us will also know its nourishing properties when smoothed onto hair or skin. Olive oil can add the preservation of buildings to its list of accomplishments, as a team of researchers led by Dr Karen Wilson have developed a new olive oil-based waterproofing treatment. The Cardiff-based scientists
have been working in collaboration with other American and British experts on a new type of protective paint to use on the ancient limestone structure of the York Minster, built in the fifteenth century.
Olive oil can add the preservation of buildings to its accomplishments Oils are often used as a basis for a waterproofing material. Anyone who has ever set foot in the kitchen will have noticed that oils or fats, when mixed with water, form a layer on top of it. They have the ability to separate themselves from water. It is this property of oils that is exploited in preservation and
waterproofing. Linseed oil has historically often been used in the preservation of buildings, as well as other waterproofing applications. For example, linoleum – the tough, waterproof flooring material – is based on linoleic acid, a compound found in both linseed and olive oils. Fatty acids such as linoleic acid are hydrophobic – they have water-repelling properties. The issue with linseed oil preservation treatments, however, is that they have the tendency to discolour over time. Olive oil, which shares many properties
Their waterproofing formula provides a barrier against acid rain
with linseed oil, does not suffer from discolouration. This makes it a more viable candidate for the protection of historic buildings. Dr Wilson’s team plan to coat the walls of limestone buildings in their newly developed paint. Their waterproofing formula is invisible and provides a sturdy barrier against water and acid rain, causing it to simply roll off the buildings instead of penetrating into the surface of the rock. Dr Karen Wilson is hopeful that their new treatment can be rolled out across the across the UK, in particular in Cardiff. Wales has many historic limestone buildings – Cardiff University’s main building is just one of them. Thanks to the work of Cardiff’s scientists, they look set to remain standing proud for a long time yet.
Cardiff-Beijing alliance promotes cancer research Michael O'Connell Davidson Science Writer
A group of postgraduate students from Beijing have arrived as part of a joint project with China’s Capital Medical University. The students, who come from a variety of clinical backgrounds, will be given the opportunity to experience the School of Medicine’s key research areas. The aim of the Cardiff-Beijing partnership is to assist in cancer research, and looks to accelerate progress in illness detection and treatment. The delegation, which includes seven oncologists, will be given the chance to discuss clinical research and practice. Members will also be posted at cancer clinics. Capital Medical University is widely regarded to be one of China’s premier tertiary education institutions. Though not an internationally recognized name, CMU is seen as one of Beijing’s key universities, ranking very
highly domestically. It consists of 46,000 staff and students, and is affiliated with fourteen Chinese hospitals. Cardiff University has also signed an agreement with Peking university as part of the institution’s desire to bolster its research progress. During vicechancellor Dr. David Grant’s visit earlier this year, Peking awarded Cardiff academics Sir Martin Evans and Prof Wen Jiang with honorary professorships. Speaking about Cardiff’s burgeoning relationship with these institutions, Dr David Grant said, "The two new joint Institutes are highly exciting ventures with two of China’s strongest universities. [...] By combining our strengths in these new Institutes, we can now undertake more ambitious research projects, attract further internationally-leading researchers and ultimately deliver significant health benefits around the world."
Science 20-21
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddsci
Frozen water found on Mercury Jacob Dirnhuber Science Writer
NASA scientists believe that they have found compelling evidence that suggests the presence of ice on Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun. The ice is said to have been delivered by ancient comets and asteroids, such as the ones that are thought to have brought water and other organic materials to Earth millions of years ago. Although Mercury's surface temperature can reach 400 degrees Celsius, the planet's axis is unusually vertical, meaning that the poles do not face the sun at any time. The ice is said to be located deep in polar craters, allowing it to escape the ferocious heat of Mercury's surface.
better." Scientists such as Paige believe the organic material arrived with the ice on a comet or asteroid several eons ago, and its presence could even indicate how life arrived on Earth. "Finding a place in the inner solar system where some of these same ingredients that may have led to life on Earth are preserved for us is really exciting". It is believed that after arriving on Mercury, the ice vaporised and eventually settled in one of the cooler regions at either pole, where it re-solidified. Although the discovery is promising, it is unlikely that scientists will discover any trace of
According to remote tests conducted by NASA, the ice is underground and protected by a layer of organic compounds such as coal. Organic in this case does not mean living or even previously alive; it is only used to indicate the presence of carbon structures. "It's not something we expected to see, but then of course you realise it kind of makes sense because we see this in other places", said David Paige a planetary scientist of the University of California, Los Angeles. "It's [the concept of ancient ice that is still present on Mercury] not just a crazy hypothesis. No one has got anything else that seems to fit all the observations
ancient life on Mercury, even on a bacterial level. The planet has very little atmosphere, which means that the surface is exposed to a devastating amount of solar radiation, deadly to all potential life forms. As a result of the discovery, the Messenger probe that helped gather much of the evidence could now be given a predetermined landing spot by NASA so that further tests can be made. The probe was originally destined to be randomly pulled down to Mercury's surface by the planet's gravity once it had ceased to be useful. Instead, NASA is now calculating the possibility of turning it into a improvised surface probe.
Self-filling bottle extracts water from morning fog Sophia Epstein
Science Writer For approximately three billion people on Earth living in waterscarce conditions, a fountain of hope is, quite literally, in the process of production. Though only in the early stages of invention, the American startup company, Namib Beetle Design (NBD) Nanotechnologies, are using biomimicry to create a self-filling water bottle. Their inspiration comes from the natural water harvesting systems of their namesake, the Namib Desert beetle.
The bug manages to survive the harsh climates of the southern African Namib Desert by using its back to extract a water supply from morning fogs. By allowing the wind to push the moisture from the air into the peaks of its back, the beetle eventually obtains enough condensation to form droplets of water, thereby satisfying its hydration needs.
The bug uses its back to extract water from morning fog It is this beetle’s unique use of surface chemistry to harvest water from humidity that is the motivation for NBD Nano’s design. The team plans to imitate the chemical properties of the beetle’s back by using a combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Merry Christmas to all of our readers and contributors! Thank you for making Science so successful this year. Roll on 2013!
(water-attracting and waterrepelling) materials to coat the bottle so that moisture is trapped and then forced to condensate inside it. Biomimicry, adapting an idea from the genius of the natural world and then applying it to anything from architectural to electronic design, is not a new phenomenon. Other innovative examples include manufacturer Sharklet Technologies’ use of the ‘hills and valleys’ structure of sharks’ skin denticles in their production of hospital surface coatings. The structure works to repel bacteria both naturally and artificially and hence is ideal for this purpose. In another instance, the specific light reflection method used in creating the vibrant colours found in butterflies’ wings has been harnessed electronically in the screens of e-readers. This
acts to prevent colour quality from being diminished in sunlight. The concept of moisture farming has also been explored thoroughly. Some countries have already installed rooftop condensation devices, but up until now all these technologies have been
Biomimicry, adapting an idea from the genius of the natural world, is not new
ultimately inefficient, requiring too much energy to produce too little water. However, NBD plan on using a low energy fan to get the surrounding air to pass over the surface of the bottle. The company's co-founder, Miguel Galvez, hopes to be “creating [several] litres per day in a costeffective manner”; perhaps not enough to sustain a community, but definitely enough to improve many lives. Though still in their research and development phase, NBD Nanotechnologies have made a significant win of $10,000 in the Boston College Venture Competition. It looks as if the company are well on their way to finalising a proto-type.
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19/11/2012 01:29
24 / Societies
Cardiff Oxfam group performs land-grab campaign stunt Steve Smith
Societies Writer On Friday, December 7th, Cardiff University's Oxfam Group cordoned off the entrance to City Hall to draw attention to big land deals that are happening across Africa and elsewhere in the world. The demonstration is part of a day of actions by Oxfam supporters around the world, including students around Wales.
Most land deals take place in countries with severe hunger problems A 'land grab' occurs when governments, banks or private investors buy up huge plots of land to make equally huge profits. The massive sales of land
are depriving people of their homes, jobs and food leaving them destitute and hungry. Responsible investment is an important part of fighting poverty. But big land deals are happening so quickly and on such a large scale that poor people are more vulnerable to the injustice of land grabbing than ever before. Every second, poor countries lose an area of land the size of a football pitch to banks and private investors. Most land deals take place in countries with serious hunger problems - yet investors often intend to export everything produced on the land, and poor families are often evicted from their homes without fair treatment or compensation. Lyndsey Mcbean, one of the organisers of the demonstration, said, 'Land grabs are having a devastating impact on the lives of poor and marginalised people. People lose their homes and the land which they rely on to grow enough food and make a living. The World Bank - the
Anna Wells outside City Hall
international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries - funds many big land deals. It also influences how land is bought and sold. So this means it has the power to help get the situation back under control. We need the help of students
around the world to call on the Bank to play an important role in stopping land injustice.' The group were asking their fellow students to sign a petition calling on the World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim, to freeze the bank's investment in
land and set a fair standard for others to follow. You can join Oxfam's global movement of people calling to an end to unjust land grabs by searching Facebook for 'Cardiff University Oxfam Group'.
Operatic Society pull off a phenomenal Gala Evening Vanessa Platt
Societies Editor Thursday, November 29th saw the first concert of the Cardiff University Operatic Society (CUOS). I went along with an audience of at least 60 others – certainly a substantial turn-out. I was expecting to be educated, having very little experience of opera. I left feeling fantastically entertained, which told me that I must have been mildly educated somewhere during the evening. The concert was, to my mind, easily a great success. The original idea was to theme the evening ‘Heroes and Villains’, but the idea was eventually dropped and produced considerable audience mirth when the resulting replacement theme of ‘Tenuous Links’ was brought up. The concert was by no means adversely affected by the change of plan – I don’t think the quality could have been higher. The evening operated without audience programmes, with Musical Director Jacob Cooper instead announcing pieces two by two as they came. President Guy Withers explained the move as one designed "partly to save on paper, but also to
provide a more interactive and engaging aspect to the evening." They began with a bang, singing the Anvil Chorus (or ‘Gypsy Chorus’) from Verdi’s Il Trovatore, followed by pieces ranging from arias and musical theatre pieces to full opera chorus and ensembles. Special
Figaro with aplomb; Jordana Burridge gave one of the best renditions of "Think of Me" from The Phantom of the Opera I have heard; Jess Haig performed "On My Own" from Les Miserables with supreme skill and acting; and Tom Simm’s impressive tenor carried off "Take a Pair of
performed the fantastic "Vanilla Ice Cream" from the musical She Loves Me. Jess and Alec Evans were also excellent in their performance of the two elopers, drawing peals of laughter from the audience. Alec’s acting also shone in the "Hm hm hm hm" quintet from The Magic Flute,
mention should go to some exceptional soloists, who gave extraordinarily accomplished performances: Suzy Roberts sang Purcell’s "From Rosy Bow’rs" from D’Urfey’s adaptation of Don Quixote, beautifully sung and acted; Fliss Maidment sang the Italian aria "Voi Che Sapete" from Mozart’s The Marriage of
Sparkling Eyes" from Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Gondoliers. Geraint Harries gave a memorably moving rendition of another Les Mis song, "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables"; Jess Cale sang Sweeney Todd’s "Green Finch and Linnet Bird" masterfully – a song I always thought to be a tricky one; and Jess Mabin
alongside Guy Withers, Carol Jones, Lucy Hannam and Alice Pusey. At the end of the first half, Musical Director Jacob Cooper lent his baritone to Puccini’s "Tre Sbirri" from Tosca in an impressive performance of what is an impressive piece, and the evening ended with everyone on stage in the Les Mis’s chorus of
"One Day More". Need it be said, I am now well in the mood for the upcoming film of Les Mis, out in the New Year. Congratulations must go to every singer, some of whom battled through the dreaded lurgy to perform on the night. Now they have finished their concert, they will be focusing on their annual production – this year’s is an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice to mark the novel’s bicentenary, and will be an original opera penned for the society by their own President Guy Withers. The production will be put on at The Gate Theatre on March 15th and 16th, 2013; tickets will be £10 (£5 for students) and will be available from the Union Box Office in January. I shall certainly be going along. Last year, gair rhydd reported on the early days of this talented bunch (issue 977) in their performance of The Mikado, and it was truly a pleasure to see them performing their first proper concert of such a challenging repertoire with real professional flair and an appreciative audience.
Societies 24–26
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddsoc
It's that busy time of year again, so we'll give you a taste of what's going on...
A Christmassy
Saturday 1st saw Big Band's concert with David Childs – by all accounts a success, and the Christmas stuffing 3rd saw of AltSoc - I hope they B r o a dway were satisfactorily stuffed... Amnesty International did 'Write for Right!' on the 4th – creating Christmas cards to send to prisoners of conscience all over the world to give them hope in the Christmas season, and Howard League debated prisoner votes in the evening TCUPS & the University Concert Orchestra gave an evening of entertainment on Weds...
...festive & otherwise!
Saturday 8th saw African Caribbean Soc's first Christmas Ball! They had a Bailey's fountain... :O
On Sunday 9th, SKIP had their great Christmas fundraising party, whilst Xpress presented their X-session with Cursor Major at the Moon Club
round up of societies’ events...
Thurs was a busy night, including Global Dinner; the Christian Union's Carol service; Blank Verse & Broadway Choir and Orchestra's concert and Anime Soc's Masquerade Ball Monday 10th sees Cardiff University Brass Ensemble and Cardiff University Male Voice Choir Christmas Charity concert...
...and Thurs 13th will see the Healthcare Music Soc’s ‘Winter Wonderland’ charity
But whatever you're doing, Societies @ gair rhydd wish you a great time and a very merry Christmas!
Art Society Cardiff University Art Society is a fun, friendly society for anyone interested in art – whether you're the next Van Gogh or just like trying new things and having some fun.
They also aim to put on many socials and trips to art galleries and arty events – past years have included trips to Bath, Bristol and ClothesShow Live.
It will cost £5 to join "one of the most popular and versatile societies around". For more info, contact cardiffuniartsociety@, or find them on Facebook.
26 / Societies
Union Events putting societies in the spotlight Societies editor Vanessa Platt takes a look at how the Union has begun to work in closer conjunction with student societies
he Union Events department is currently in the on-going process of improving its coordination with student societies, aimed at enhancing the quality, relevance and cost-effectiveness of the student entertainment they provide, while showcasing and encouraging the wealth of international talent which we have within our own community.
significant success, with the FAD, Capoeira, Expression, Slash Hip Hop and Dancesport societies taking part and showing of their repertoire, and the Breakdance and Act One societies attending to take in the evening and learn what their fellow performers
gair rhydd spoke to Union Events Co-ordinator Katrina Rohman: "The response has been really encouraging so far, both at the preliminary meeting I held and at the actual evening. The atmosphere was brilliant and it was really good fun to
aim to run at least one Spotlight every semester. There is plenty of skilled, performance-based talent present in University societies, which we would hope to highlight specifically with the Solus Spotlight, such as comedians, actors, musicians and
The event gives them the space and equipment for free to demonstrate their society's skills to an audience of peers With these goals in mind, the Events department have created ‘Solus Spotlight’: a series of evening events unique to our Union’s Solus area and united with the activities of students through being specifically tailored each time to meet the needs of a different kind of arts and performance-based society. The event gives them the space and equipment for free to demonstrate their society’s skills to an audience of peers, in a similar style to your old-school Varsity Club, bringing together a range of different skills, playing them off against each other and producing an eclectic, edgy and high-quality showcase – in contrast to, for instance, the gladiator duels, sumo wrestling and bungee runs of the ‘Battle of the Unis’ (activities at which Cardiff students have recently proved themselves to be supremely skilled).
What we need is groups of societies co-hosting their own event ideas with the Union Events team
The event is designed around the Solus space, and will provide a free platform to different kinds of societies each time The first Solus Spotlight, unveiled in late October, was themed ‘Dance Arena’, and saw a wide variety of dance styles collected in one room, making ample use of the dedicated podiums, stages and dance-off floors. It was to all accounts a
everyone who responded with such enthusiasm and contributed to the evening to make it the success it was. Keep an eye on the Cardiff Students’ Union Facebook page for announcements of more events to come." I, for one, am hopeful that this is a step towards greater integration of student’s views, time and talents with what the Union offers us – some of which has come under criticism for giving out so much Union space to external promoters, sponsors and events providers, and some of which in recent weeks have, unfortunately, failed entirely despite being fresh on the menu of Union nights. The greater integration of societies in Union Events planning, while in all probability it will never provide an ultimate solution, should go some way to raising the profile of the Union’s events among students – the demographic they are targeted at.
get up to. Entry for members of any Guild-affiliated University society (everybody, basically) was also free, and there were drinks offers on throughout the evening, which boasted a turnout of around 300.
do." Discussing her plans to take the Spotlight event into the future, she went on: "We will definitely involve more societies through this ongoing plan to bring the Union and the many student societies together, and
singers, martial arts and more – there’s even a new Entertainment Society this year – each of which would make a great feature for our next event.’ We shall just have to wait and see what that will be! Katrina added, "Thank you to
Societies Officer Adam Curtis shared his thoughts on this, expressing a similar vision: "It would make my day if our societies and Union Events team started to work together more closely. What we need is groups of societies coming up with ideas together and co-hosting it with the Union Events team. A blend of society passion and Events expertise would result in epic events. I would love it if we could host a regular society night at the Union, much like the AU has the Lash. We should have something similar to that." Societies will always be coming up with new ideas, and what better way to reach out to more students than to work in conjunction with the Students’ Union? Hopefully, Solus Spotlight will encourage similar events of the kind Adam wants to see, and herald the beginning of a greater coherence and variety of popular nights in the extra-curricular scene at Cardiff.
Monday December 10th 2012 | @mediacsu
University still up in arms?
s an Engineering undergraduate student I read with interest the recent article published in the Gair Rhydd on Cardiff University’s involvement with defence companies. The writer seemed to be living in an idealistic and unrealistic world and was unaware of the benefits the industry brings to her own life. With Cardiff School of Engineering being one of the largest and most successful in both the country and the university itself, restricting its access to companies such as BAE would significantly reduce my courses’ relevance in the modern world and would essentially mean the university shooting itself in the foot. Approximately one in eighteen Cardiff students are engineers and with other students on science, mathematical or indeed any degree course having the possibility of going into careers with companies that are either directly or indirectly related to defence its seems logical that Cardiff University builds relationships with companies such as BAE for not just its own financial wellbeing but to benefit the future lives of the graduates it produces. Owning shares in BAE is a sensible move and having to reduce its ownership even further seems ridiculous when the company is flourishing in a post 9/11 world. We are, after all, an island nation and the 7th largest economy in the world so defence will always be an important consideration. For Engineers especially, the
defence industry is a major employer and cannot be ignored if a successful career is to be forged. If defence companies are dissuaded or banned from attending our careers fairs there would be little point holding one and the University would not be preparing us for our future careers at a time when experience is vital and placement years are highly respected. A recent no platform movement surrounding Gair Rhydd and its freedoms for publishing articles that supposedly promote the BNP was responded to with a siege mentality against the ministry of change by those in media towers, yet now its front page is trying to incite the imposing of sanctions on the university’s own freedoms. In summary many humanities students may not like the dealings undertaken surrounding firms like BAE but no one is perfect and the university needs to look after itself and its reputation amongst industry as well as its financial well-being. The same students also conveniently forget that without the defense trade we as civilians would not have things such as accurate weather reports, aircraft that take us on summer holidays and the SATNAV’s that direct us everywhere. Yours Sincerely Edward Jenkins 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering Student
Heath Park campus officer, Hannah Pask speaks out against Opinion article
am writing to you to correct some of the claims raised about students studying Medicine at Cardiff university, in issue 993 of the Gair Ryhdd. Although I appreciate the Edward Jenner does state that his article ‘Physician, support thyself’ is only a ‘subjective opinion of the prestige of Medicine within Cardiff’ I am concerned that it does in fact directly insult those it claims not to. I would not define the workload experienced by a medical student as ‘prestige’. Yes, these students go into the course aware of the commitment required, but it 9 – 5 placement plus revision on top will always come as a shock to the system, to anyone. But what impresses me about our medics is how they embrace this and will put their all in to do their best. Anyone who is working fulltime hours would be a little disgruntled if they come across someone moaning about at 9am start. To bring the society into the equation sees like a very unfair jibe at the students that put the effort into run it. MedSoc is a very successful society, especially as has been around for a long time and was been a grounding force for its students during the merger between Cardiff University and The University of Wales College of Medicine. But if you look at the Law society, and many others for that matter, how can you say this makes MedSoc any better than the other incredibly successful course based societies we have here at Cardiff. Additionally, to make the assumption that Medicine restricts students from interacting with others, I think is exceptionally under evi-
denced. Firstly, Medicine offers an intercalation year which allows students to complete an additional degree between their 3rd and 4th years, which therefore increases a medical student’s social interaction with others from the university. Also there is nothing to say that being a medic prevents you from partaking in other clubs or societies. As part of the Broadway Dance Society last year (a society open to all students) a large number of our students were studying medicine, and were clearly interacting with other students as part of the society. With regards to the position as Heath Park Campus Officer; I appreciate that there will always be controversy surrounding this role. However it was instated due to the annual AGM being stormed by medical students demanding representation within the union for Healthcare students, especially those at the Heath. The role of Healthcare Integration Officer/ Heath Park Campus Officer was theerefore created to ensure the voice of Healthcare Students was heard throughout the union and university. This role has always been considered as temporary, but only until the union has adopted a strategy that adequately represents Heath based/ healthcare students, this position, or something similar will need to remain. I must also mention that Medics are only a 1 school of the 5 that I represent on the Heath sight. My role is here to improve the student experience of all Healthcare students, and so divide my attention appropriately. You mention that MedSoc could take over my role, try expressing that to the other few thousand students studying at the Heath,
who I am sure would feel let down by the union if this decision was made. It is true that medical students live within Cathays. However when you are working a 9-5 day in either lectures or on placement, you are not available in the time frame that would be able to access the support services at the Union on Park Place; whereas, it is very easy to pop in to the Heath Hub. With regards to the IV lounge, it is University owned, not ran by the Union, as so therefore offers the same use as the main building refectory and humanities café during the day. Additionally, I cannot see how that the addition of the Cochrane building is unfair. Prior to this building, across the Heath campus there was incredibly poor access to computers and library facilities. Plus, the ASSL was and is still incredibly valuable with the variety of resources it offers students. I am very disappointed that within this article you did not refer to the National Student Survey (NSS) results, which show that over many years medical students have not been happy with their course on many levels, especially in comparison to other schools across the university. These NSS scores have made gradual improvement in the past couple of years, due to the effort put in by staff and students to improve the student experience. However there is still a long way to go. This may explain why you have seen major improvements in the medical student’s provision, but they are going from nothing to something, compared to other schools that are retaining a high standard of student satisfaction. I apologies that I am too having a bit of a rant, but I believe it is important to get actual FACT across to ensure that we have a true representation of life as a medical student.
Studying overseas can be a great means of building and developing a wide-range of personal skills, as well as enhancing employability, with employers increasingly seeking internationally-minded graduates. We believe that the continuation of the Erasmus programme is a key element in sustaining and increasing students’ ability to compete in the graduate recruitment market. This also ties in with the university’s aim to significantly increase outward student mobility.
Erasmus crisis: University responds
’m writing in response to the article entitled “Erasmus cash crisis threatens student mobility”, published on page 11 of issue 992. Whilst I fully appreciate the need for a balanced argument with contrasting opinions, I felt compelled to respond to a number of points raised in the argument ‘for’ cutting European funding from the programme. The writer of this column carries a theme suggesting the Erasmus programme to be an expensive scheme for students, which “has become an elitist activity”, which we are concerned could mislead potential students interested in participating. Firstly, it must be pointed out that throughout the duration of
the programme, every student who has participated in the Erasmus programme has been in receipt of a non-refundable, non means-tested grant, paid according to the length of their placements. This year, the grant equates to 370 per month of placement. More recently, additional supplementary grants have been made to students coming from lower income backgrounds, contradicting the notion that the programme is elitist. Student Finance eligibility remains the same (and often increases) for students taking part in the scheme, while tuition fee discounts for students undertaking full year Erasmus placements are still in place today. The writer also makes the
claim that the programme is “better suited to individuals who have already had the opportunity to study language”. While it is evident that language study in the UK as a whole fares poorly compared to other European countries, this certainly does not deter students from participating in the programme. This year, non-language degree students make up 20% of Cardiff’s outgoing Erasmus students. Students also have the opportunity to take advantage of funded intensive language courses prior to their placements commencing. Many European universities are now also offering teaching through the medium of English, further opening the accessibility of the programme.
Yours faithfully, Chris Gale, Cardiff University Erasmus Office
Hannah Pask Heath Park Campus Officer
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e mail with the subject line 'Letters to the editor' to get your letter published in the paper.
28 / Taf-Od
Cymru i wynebu Lloegr ag Awstralia Tomos Lewis Golygydd Taf-od
Yn dilyn pedwar wythnos galed iawn i dîm Rob Howley a Warren Gatland yn ystod cyfres yr hydref, cafodd carfan Cymru'r newyddion wythnos diwethaf eu byddant i wynebu dau o dimau gorau'r byd yng ngr p A, Cwpan y Byd 2015. Mae hefyd yn debyg iawn mai ymysg y ddau dîm arall yn y gr p y bydd Fiji, a'r tîm a fu ennill y gemau ail gyfle. Yn barod yn cael ei dybio'r “Group of death”, mae'n sicr bydd naill o'r tri tîm yn rhy falch o orfod wynebu'r ddau arall mor gynnar yn y gystadleuaeth. Y rheswm pennaf y bod Cymru yn gorfod wynebu dau dîm o safon mor uchel yw eu perfformiadau yn ystod cyfres yr Hydref, a welon nhw'n gollwng i'r 9fed safle ar gynghrair yr IRB.
fuddugoliaeth, waeth beth oedd y sgôr. Yn anffodus, ond eto'n amlwg, doedd Awstralia ddim yn barod i eistedd yn ôl a gadael i'r crysau cochion cael eu buddugoliaeth a daeth eu moment i
dorri calon y Cymry gyda llai na munud ar ôl ar y cloc. Ar ôl gwaith caled i adennill y bêl, rhoddodd cic wael gan Priestland y bêl yn ôl i Awstralia, oedd yn hapus i dderbyn y
ddylai carfan o brofiad a thalent Cymru allu faeddu. Efallai'n wir fod absenoldeb Warren Gatland yn ystod dwy gêm gyntaf y profion wedi bod yn ffactor a does dim amau fod anafiadau i
buasai rhan fwyaf yn dadlau nad y munud hwn oedd rheswm safle isel Cymru ar restr yr IRB
Wedi hyn i gyd, nid yw grwp Cymru yng Nghwpan y Byd yn anobeithiol
O taf D
Wedi cael eu trechu gan Yr Ariannin, Samoa a chrysau duon Seland Newydd, roedd gan Sam Warburton a'i gydchwaraewyr siawns o achub eu safle'n rhestr yr IRB, ac aros yn 8fed (ac felly'n osgoi'r posibilrwydd o fod mewn gr p gyda Lloegr, Yr Ariannin, Samoa neu'r Iwerddon) gyda buddugoliaeth dros y 'Wallabies'. Roeddent o fewn 30 eiliad o wneud yn union hynny. Yn dilyn 70 munud hynod agos, gyda'r naill dîm yn gallu curo amddiffyn y llall heblaw am giciau Leigh Halfpenny a Kurtley Beale, roedd torf Stadiwm y Mileniwm yn gweld buddugoliaeth o fewn cyrraedd. Mae'n wir, roedd cyfleoedd wedi cael eu gwastraffu a chiciau wedi cael eu methu, fodd bynnag, doedd dim amau fod Cymru angen y
dros ddwy flynedd i ffwrdd, sy'n rhoi amser i garfan newid a datblygu, a charfanau eraill i waethygu. Mae'r ffaith fod Lloegr wedi trechu Seland Newydd yn ddiweddar yn golygu ychydig iawn yn nhermau gobeithion Cymru yn y gystadleuaeth, cymaint ag yw canlyniad y gêm yn erbyn Awstralia. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae llawer yn dadlau bod unrhyw dîm, er mwyn ennill y Cwpan Byd, yn gorfod curo'r timau gorau, ac felly nid yw'n beth drwg bod Cymru am orfod trechu o leiaf un ohonynt i symud ymlaen i'r rowndiau terfynol.
Yn barod yn cael ei dybio'r "Group of death", mae'n sicr bydd naill o'r tri tîm yn rhy falch o orfod wynebu'r ddau arall mor gynnar yn y gystadleuaeth
meddiant ac ymosod yn syth. Daeth siawns y Wallabies yn fuan, gyda phas hir y curodd mwyafrif o'r amddiffynwyr mewn coch, daeth Awstralia o hyd i wagle; dau bas yn ddiweddarach, roedd Beale yn rhedeg am y gornel gyda dim gobaith i'w ddal. Munud hynod ddylanwadol yn nhermau Cwpan y Byd 2015. Wrth gwrs, buasai rhan fwyaf yn dadlau nad y munud hwn oedd rheswm safle isel Cymru ar restr yr IRB ond perfformiadau a chanlyniadau gwarthus yn erbyn Yr Ariannin a Samoa, dau dîm a
chwaraewyr allweddol wedi effeithio'r garfan, fodd bynnag, er mwyn cystadlu ar y lefel uchaf, mae disgwyl i Gymru cael carfan, nid yn unig pymtheg dyn talentog; Mae Seland Newydd yn brawf i hyn, gyda thalent y buasai'n enwau cyntaf ar restr tîm rhan fwyaf o wledydd y byd yn ei chael yn anodd cael lle ar fainc y crysau duon. Wedi hyn i gyd, nid yw gr p Cymru yng Nghwpan y Byd yn anobeithiol. Un ffactor yw'r ffaith fod y gystadleuaeth dal
Beth bynnag y farn, mae'n si r bydd y mwyafrif o gefnogwyr Cymru yn falch i weld diwedd ar gyfres galed iawn ac edrych ymlaen at gystadleuaeth y chwe gwlad, gyda'r gobaith y bydd y garfan yn benderfynol o gadw eu coron fel pencampwyr ac felly'n ailddarganfod y sbarc a daniodd y cochion i lwyddiant blwyddyn yma. Gyda thair gêm oddi cartref, gan gynnwys tripiau i Stade de France a Murrayfield, ni fydd y dasg yn hawdd, ac mae'n bosib iawn y daw canlyniad y bencampwriaeth lawr i'r gêm olaf Lloegr, yn Stadiwm y Mileniwm. Croeswn ein bysedd.
Straeon OD o bob rhan o’r byd... Wythnos yma, deiseb i adeiladu 'death star'...
edi bron i flwyddyn o ddisgwyl a dyfalu, mae diwedd y byd, oedd wedi ei ragweld i ddigwydd yn ystod Rhagfyr 2012, yn wir am ddigwydd; hynny yw, yn ôl sôn Prif Weinidog Awstralia, Julia Gillard. Rhyddhawyd fideo ar y rhyngrwyd ac ar y radio gan Gillard lle yr oedd hi'n siarad â'r genedl ac yn dymuno'n dda iddynt wrth i ddiwedd y byd nesáu. Mae ymateb i'r fideo, ble mae Gillard yn llwyddo i gadw
gwyneb hollol ddifrifol trwyddo, wedi bod yn gymysg, gyda rhai'n dadlau na ddylai'r Prif Weinidog wneud jôcs fel hyn, yn enwedig gan ei fod wedi ei gyflwyno mewn ffordd mor ddifrifol. Mae'n anodd iawn dychmygu Clegg a Cameron yn sefyll o flaen rhif 10 Downing Street yn gwneud cyhoeddiad tebyg... Yn y cyfamser, yn America, mae miloedd o bobl wedi arwyddo deiseb, a'i yrru i'r llywodraeth, yn argymell iddynt adeiladu “Death Star”, megis yr un yn y ffilmiau “Star Wars”, yn dadlau y buasai'n helpu di-
ogelwch y wlad yn ogystal a rhoi hwb i'r economi trwy gynnig gwaith i filoedd o Americanwyr. Bydd y llywodraeth y cael ei gorfodi i drafod y cynllun os yw'r ddeiseb yn cael mwy 'na 25,000 o lofnodau. Ymysg y rhai sy'n barod wedi llofnodi'r ddeiseb, mae dros bedwar gyda'r enw 'Darth V' ac un 'Boba F', sydd efallai'n adlewyrchiad o ddifrifoldeb yr ymgyrch... Mewn ymgyrch digon tebyg yn 2001, ceisiodd a methodd dros 400,000 o Brydeinwyr gael “Jedi” ar restr o grefyddau swyddogol y wlad. Yn amlwg, bydd yr ymgyrchwyr diweddaraf
yn gobeithio bod y “force” gyda nhw y tro hyn...
Taf-Od 28–29
Dydd Llun Rhagfyr 10fed 2012 | @taf_od
Newid breindaliadau â allai achosi Radio Cymru i fethu darlledu miloedd o ganeuon Cymraeg Yn dilyn anghytuno ynglyn a cytundeb rhwng asiantaeth newydd aristiaid Cymraeg a darlledwyr Cymraeg, Angharad Hywel sy'n adrodd ar y ffrae
Ionawr 1 2013, mae’n bosib bydd Radio Cymru’n colli’r hawl i chwarae bron i 20,000 o ganeuon gan artistiaid Cymraeg. Daw’r cyhoeddiad ar ôl i’r BBC a S4C fethu dod i gytundeb â’r asiantaeth breindaliadau (‘royalities’) newydd Eos.
Dros y misoedd diwethaf, mae cannoedd o artistiaid Cymraeg, gan gynnwys Dafydd Iwan, Bryn Fôn a
Huw Chiswell, wedi tynnu hawliau darlledu eu cerddoriaeth gan PRS a symud i asiantaeth newydd Eos. PRS yw’r brif asiantaeth ym Mhrydain sydd yn talu breindaliadau i gerddorion am berfformiadau cyhoeddus o’u cerddoriaeth, megis ar y radio neu’r teledu, neu mewn mannau cyhoeddus eraill. Mae Eos yn asiantaeth newydd fydd yn casglu breindaliadau yn uniongyrchol gan ddarlledwyr a’u trosglwyddo’n syth i’r artistiaid. Dyma’r tro cyntaf erioed i gorff arall geisio torri monopoli’r PRS. Penderfynydd 330 o gyfansoddwyr Cymru (tua hanner holl gyfansoddwyr Cymraeg), symud i asiantaeth newydd Eos yn dilyn gostyngiad sylweddol yn swm taliadau gan PRS yn 2007. Rhwng 2000 a 2007, arferai gyfansoddwyr ac artistiaid dderbyn £7.50 am bob munud byddai eu cerddoriaeth yn cael ei
chwarae’n gyhoeddus, ond gostyngodd 85% i 50c yn dilyn adrefniad gan yr asiantaeth.
Mae Eos yn asiantaeth newydd fydd yn casglu breindaliadau yn uniongyrchol gan ddarlledwyr Mae’r newidiadau yn nhrefn breindaliadau PRS wedi cael effaith bellgyrhaeddol ar yr SRG. Yn ystod y cyfnod llewyrchus rhwng 2000 a 2007 bu hwb mawr yn nifer cyfansoddwyr Cymraeg, wrth i bawb geisio manteisio ar y taliadau uchel. Ond yn dilyn y newidiadau, mae niferoedd cyfansoddwyr Cymraeg wedi gostwng, wrth iddi fynd yn anoddach i gantorion wneud bywoliaeth allan o gerddoriaeth yng Nghymru. Cwmni recordiau Sain sydd wedi dioddef fwyaf yn dilyn yr adrefniad, gan achosi lleihad o hanner miliwn yn enillion y cw-
mni bob blwyddyn. Mae diwylliant cerddoriaeth Cymraeg ar y cyfan wedi colli £1.2 miliwn. Gobaith y rhai sydd wedi ymuno a chynghrair Eos, fydd cael cynrychiolaeth well o’u buddiannau ynghyd â chynyddu swm y breindaliadau maent yn derbyn gan y BBC a S4C. Bydd yn cymryd rhai misoedd i weld os yw’r asiantaeth newydd yn llwyddiannus. Ond, pe bai Eos yn methu, mae gan y cantorion hyd at flwyddyn i ail ymuno ag asiantaeth PRS, ond yn ôl yr un amodau breindaliadau ac o’r blaen.
Dywed Siân Gwynedd, pennaeth rhaglenni a gwasanaethau Cymraeg BBC Cymru, ar wefan Newyddion y BBC fod “BBC
Cymru yn cydymdeimlo gyda safiad y cerddorion ac yn gobeithio am ateb yn fuan” i’r trafodaethau parhaus rhwng y dair ochr.
Cwmni recordiau Sain sydd wedi dioddef fwyaf yn dilyn yr adrefniad Nid ffrae rhwng y cyfansoddwyr a Radio Cymru sydd wrth wraidd y newidiadau darlledu hyn. Mae Radio Cymru yn hollol ddibynnol ar gerddoriaeth y cyfansoddwyr hyn gan fod 36% o gynnwys y stesion yn gerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Gobeithio bydd Radio Cymru a S4C yn gallu dod i gytundeb ag Eos cyn Ionawr 1 2013, neu bydd effeithiau pellgyrhaeddol ar gerddoriaeth Gymraeg. Gyda’r SRG yn dioddef yn barod, a’i hoelen arall yn yr arch fydd hyn?
Sut y gellwch chi helpu newid bywyd yn y brifysgol Gerallt Rhys Roberts Taf-od
Gyda’r tymor cyntaf o’r flwyddyn bron a dod i ben, mae’n si r bod pawb wedi cael cyfle i fentro i mewn i Undeb y Myfyrwyr erbyn hyn – ar gyfer ‘Lash’ nos Fercher, brecwast yng nghaffi CF10 y bore canlynol, neu ond yn camu drwy’r adeilad ar y ffordd i ddarlithoedd. Mae pawb yn ymwybodol o Solus dwi’n si r, ond faint sy’n ymwybodol, neu â diddordeb yn yr hyn sydd yn mynd ymlaen ar y llawr uwchben? Yn nodweddiadol yn y gorffennol mae gweithgareddau ‘gwleidyddol’ yr Undeb wedi bod yn bell o bennau nifer – yn ôl arolwg gan Gair rhydd y llynedd, dim ond traean oedd yn adnabod gwynebau’r swyddogion sabothol (Llywydd yr Undeb, Swyddog Cymdeithasau ac yn y blaen) heb sôn am wybod eu henwau na teitl eu swyddi. Yn ychwanegol i’r 8 swyddog llawn-amser, sydd oll yn ennill £20,000 y flwyddyn, yn
cael ei dalu’n rhannol o ffioedd myfyrwyr, mae 8 swyddog rhanamser, di-dâl, yn cynrychioli buddion myfyrwyr ‘lleiafrifol’ - â siaradwyr Cymraeg yn cael ei gyfri fel un o’r grwpiau. Hyd yn oed i’r rhai sy’n ymwybodol o’r gwaith mae’r Undeb yn ei wneud dros fuddiannau myfyrwyr, mae eu system gwneud penderfyniadau wedi cael ei gyfri’n nodweddiadol gymhleth, gyda termau megis ‘motions’, ‘AGM’ a ‘Student Council’ yn codi bwganod – yn aml yn cau myfyrwyr cyffredin â’u buddiannau hwy allan o drafodaethau yn hytrach na’u croesawu. Eleni mae trefn newydd, llawer haws i’w ddeall, wedi cael ei osod diolch byth – sydd y llawer symlach nac yw ar yr olwg gyntaf. Efallai bod enw (braidd yn chwerthinllyd) y Ministry of Change wedi cael ei glywed wrth gael ei daflu o gwmpas yn ddiweddar gan yr Undeb – ond yn syml hwn yw’r platfform i drafod syniadau neu faterion sy’n cael eu codi
gan fyfyrwyr. Dim ond mewngofnodi ar wefan yr Undeb sydd e i angen er mwyn cynnig syniad a all wella profiad y myfyriwr, neu rhywbeth sy’n peri gofid i fyfyriwr penodol, a caiff ei drafod yng nghyfarfod nesaf yr Undeb. Gall y system newydd hon weithio’n effeithiol iawn o blaid myfyrwyr. Hyd yn oed os nad yw rhai o swyddogion llawnamser yr Undeb yn benodol gefnogol i achos – ymhell o fod â swyddogion llawn-amser ar gyfer myfyrwyr Cymraeg fel ym mhrifysgolion Aberystwyth a Bangor – drwy gael cefnogaeth dros dri
chwarter o’r pwyllgor sy’n penderfynu ar syniad, caiff ei basio a’i wneud
yn bolisi yr Undeb. Os nad yw tri chwarter o blaid, caiff holl fyfyrwyr Caerdydd bleidleisio ar syniad, fel a fydd yn digwydd yn y dyfodol â pleidlais dros roi baneri Prydain a Chymru ar do’r Undeb(!) Er mor ddibwys mae rhai o bolisiau’r Undeb yn ymddangos i nifer, mae eu llwyddiant yn dangos sut y gellir defnyddio strwythurau’r Undeb ar gyfer gwneud penderfyniadau mewn meysydd pwysiach. Mae digon o gefnogaeth ar gael i fuddiannau myfyrwyr Cymraeg yn yr Undeb – gofynnwch, a gyda’r gefnogaeth, mi gewch! Os am weld mwy o le i’r Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol neu’r Undeb, neu gwell chwarae teg i fyfyrwyr Cymraeg mewn rhyw fan penodol, pam na ewch ati i gynnig syniad?
Nodyn gan y Golygydd Buaswn yn hoffi dymuno Nadolig Llawen iawn i bawb o ddarllenwyr a chyfrannwyr Taf-od! Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a gyfranodd yn ystod y tymor cyntaf a gobeithio'n wir y bydd mwy ohonnych â diddordeb mewn ysgrifennu i'r papur y tymor nesaf. Mwynhewch eich gwyliau a bwytwch ac yfwch yn arw!
30 / Puzzles
Kakuro Fill in the grid so that each run of squares adds up to the total in the box above or to the left. Use only numbers 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 and never use a number more than once per run (a number may recur in the same row, in a separate run).
Rhysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Riddles Steve and his friend Ali share the same birthday. To save money this year, they decide to share a cake. Before they can equally divide the cake, Steve's other friend, Gethin, cuts out a circular (or, more specifically, cylindrical) piece from the cake (see picture). How can Steve and Ali divide the rest of the cake in half with exactly one straight-line slice? The slice must be a vertical slice straight down through the cake, and is allowed to pass through the removed circle if needed.
7 * ((3 / 7) + 3) = 24 Last week's riddle answer:
Monday December 10th 2012 | @mediacsu
Listings December 10th–16th
Cinema Seven Psychopaths Marty (Colin Farrell) is a hard-drinking Irish scriptwriter struggling to get by in LA. It's been years since he hit paydirt with a gory comedy. His idiot buddy Billy (Sam Rockwell) tries to help out by placing a classified ad inviting psychos to tell their stories, but they all find themselves in greater danger than they could ever have imagined.
Theatre It Happened One Night YMCA Theatre, Roath Monday, December 10th 7pm Last Christmas Sherman Theatre December 12th–15th £12
Clubs Drink the Bar Dry Friday 14 December 2012 10pm - 3am The Taf
Music Electric Six Cardiff Students' Union Monday, December 10th 7pm £12.50
34 / Sport
Round-up FC Euros continue fine form with huge win Ross Martinovic
Sport Editor FC Euros strengthened their grip on Group A with a 9-1 victory over basement side Too Big To Fail. Euros established a 5-0 lead within 15 minutes as skipper Will McGarrigle, Rhodri Jones, Charlie Legge, James Smith and George Thurstance all netted. An own goal extended Euros’ advantage to six shortly after the interval, before David Southcombe pulled one back for Too Big To Fail with a long-range free kick. Thurstance added two more in the final quarter to complete a hat-trick and maintain Euros’ 100% record either side of Omkar Khot’s calm finish.
Elsewhere in the group, Momed AFC registered a crucial and emphatic 6-2 win over topthree rivals AFC Dentistry, while Law B and Chemistry shared four goals between them and 1st XI moved up into fifth place with a 4-1 victory over Cardiff University IMG 2nd XI. In Group B, Andy Jenkins scored a brace as Pharm A.C. entered the runners-up spot with an impressive 3-0 victory over Law A. Sean Thomas put Pharm A.C. 1-0 up with a header from a corner, with Jenkins grabbing a sublime individual goal to double his side’s tally. Law A battled hard to salvage something from the match, but Jenkins made certain of the three
points with his second goal late on. Sitting just behind Pharm A.C. are Inter Menan, who crushed lowly Gym Gym 9-2. Inter were 4-0 up at half time as Jamie Morris and Jacob Williams helped themselves to two apiece. It was 7-0 with 20 minutes remaining as Tom Davies scored in between Wyn Roy’s brace. Play became very loose in the closing stages and four more goals followed, with Ollie Collins and Alex Davies registering for Inter. CARBS FC remain top after a convincing 8-1 triumph over JOMEC FC, while History AFC dispatched bottom outfit Time Team 5-1.
Meanwhile, in Group C, new boys Roath Park Rangers FC continued their unbeaten run with a thrilling 5-3 victory over Engin Automotive FC. Lewis Smith bagged his first and second goals in three years of IMG Football to hand Rangers a 2-0 lead. Engin then equalised with two goals in the space of five minutes, before Robbie McCartney’s stunning strike from 30 yards on the stroke of half time edged Roath Park back in front. Substitute Callum Vincent headed in from close range to give Rangers a two-goal cushion, although Engin were handed a lifeline when they scored from the penalty spot. Vincent made sure of the win
in the dying seconds, however, as he slotted his second goal with a composed finish from the edge of the area. Reigning champions Earthsoc notched their first points of the season as two goals from Andy Samuel and strikes from Kurt Gilmore and Joe Peskett ensured a comfortable 4-0 win over CHAOS FC. Cardiff University IMG 1st XI were huge 13-2 winners over Computer Science FC, while CPLAN AFC and Engin Locomotive FC and OPSOC and Psycho Athletico shared the points with 3-3 and 1-1 draws respectively.
IMG 11-a-side football fixtures and results GROUP A
RESULTS: Wednesday, 5th December FC Euros 9–1 Too Big To Fail Chemistry FC 2–2 Law B AFC Dentistry 2–6 Momed AFC 1st XI 4–1 Cardiff Uni IMG 2nd
RESULTS: Wednesday, 5th December Gym Gym 2–9 Inter Menan JOMEC FC 1–8 CARBS FC Law A 0–3 Pharm A.C. History AFC 5–1 Time Team
RESULTS: Wednesday, 5th December Roath Park Rangers 5–3 Engin Automotive C-PLAN AFC 3–3 Engin Locomotiv EarthSoc 4–0 CHAOS FC OPSOC 1–1 Psycho Athletico Computer Science FC 2 – 13 Cardiff Uni IMG 1st
FIXTURES: Wednesday, 12th December SOCSI vs. FC Euros Too Big To Fail vs. 1st XI Cardiff Uni IMG 2nd vs. AFC Dentistry Momed AFC vs. Chemistry FC
FIXTURES: Wednesday, 12th December Cardiff Mets vs. Gym Gym Inter Menan vs. History AFC Time Team vs. Law A Pharm A.C. vs. JOMEC FC
FIXTURES: Wednesday, 12th December Computer Science FC vs. Roath Park Rangers FC Cardiff Uni IMG 1st vs. OPSOC Psycho Athletico vs. EarthSoc CHAOS FC vs. C-PLAN AFC Engin Loco FC vs. Engin Automotive FC
Sport 34–36
Monday December 10th 2012 | @gairrhyddsport
Team Talk: JOMEC FC
In this week's edition of Team Talk, Sport editor Ross Martinovic talks to JOMEC captain Tom Eden
What are your views on the new IMG set up this year? In principle, I really like the idea of a team being designated to referee on their week off. It makes much more sense and gives greater consistency to games than last year's system of different referees each half. It also, in theory, means that the more confident and effective referees from each team will be officiating and I think this has been the case in the games we've played so far.
fter a defeat at the hands of Inter Menan in the first league game of the season, JOMEC FC went on an impressive four-game unbeaten streak, notching up victories over Cardiff Mets, History and Time Team. Although they were brought back to earth by an 8-1 mauling by CARBS FC last week, JOMEC sit level on points with thirdplaced Inter Menan and have every chance of qualifying for the Premiership after Christmas. JOMEC had to cope with the loss of a large proportion of their squad to graduation over the summer, but captain Tom Eden believes that his new look side have shown fantastic promise and can make an impact in the higher echelons of IMG. Pleased with the season so far, Tom? On the whole, yes. We’ve produced some good performances, notably our victory against History. I felt that we were slight underdogs going into the game based on previous results, but we dominated the majority of the game and deserved the victory.
sult, I was pleased with the lads’ individual performances and the score line doesn’t entirely reflect the match.
What went wrong against CARBS? Quite simply, they were the better team. Their first goal took a savage deflection and came at a time when the game was finely balanced. Their second goal was a superb header and, from then, it was an uphill struggle. It was 3-1 going into the last 10 minutes, so with very little to lose, we kept pushing forward looking for goals. We lost our shape and CARBS exploited this very effectively. Despite the re-
Who have been your standout performers this year? Any future stars? We lost the majority of our squad last year as it was their final year, so we had to recruit lots of new players. I think I’ve seen improvements week-on-week, which is pleasing. Our new striker Pete Le Hagerat has been prolific in front of goal and is comfortably our top scorer. Our central midfielder Stanley Eugene Hood Curran has really stepped up this season
Group A
having been a bit-part player for the previous two years. Another crucial part of our team is our goalkeeper Liam McNeilly, who regularly shows how important it is to have a good ‘keeper in IMG.
Who are your rivals in the league? Last season, despite not having lost a game, we were beaten to the Division Three title by Inter Menan on the last day of the season. This season, we drew them in our qualifying group, and although they beat us comfortably, we’re currently level on points in third place. It will be interesting to see who claims the final spot for the Premiership. Last year, our games against History were quite feisty, but this year there were no such problems and all of our games seem to have been played in a good spirit.
How would you sum up your style of play? A lot of it depends on the pitch that we play on! Against CARBS, it was like playing in a bog, so regrettably we often had to resort to long, hopeful balls as it was completely pointless trying to play slick, passing football on that surface. Having said that, when we do move the ball, we can look very threatening.
Group B
And how do you rate the general organisation of IMG? At the start of the year, it was chaos. No-one really knew what was happening and there was understandably lots of complaints. But fair play to the IMG organisers and AU President, Cari Davies, who organised a meeting for all team captains to address these problems. There have been issues this year mainly due to poor communication. Thankfully we've not been too badly affected by these and I feel sorry for those that have. But it is the first year of this new format and I think things are getting much better. Finally, what are your ambitions for the season? I am more concerned that every game we play, we perform to the best of our abilities. While we have shown at times that we can compete with the best teams in IMG, I feel that we would be best suited competing for the Division Two title. If we continue to improve as we have done, this is a very realistic goal. Follow JOMEC and other teams' progress in Sport
Group C
FC Euros
Roath Park Rangers
Pharm A.C.
Psycho Athletico
Momed AFC
Inter Menan
Cardiff Uni IMG 1st
AFC Dentistry
Law A
1st XI
Engin Loco FC
Law B
Cardiff Mets
Chemistry FC
History AFC
Cardiff Uni IMG 2nd
Gym Gym
Computer Science FC
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Sport Monday December 10th 2012 | Issue 994
Lacrosse remain in contention for trophy Victoria Farrant and James Tilley
Tom Parry-Jones
Sport Writers
In what has been a dramatic week for Cardiff University Lacrosse Club, both the men and women’s teams have enjoyed two comfortable wins. After their last match was cancelled due to typically Welsh wet weather, the women faced Oxford University at home and were keen to prove themselves once again. The women’s game was arguably their most dynamic and exciting of the season so far. Cardiff’s defence was strong; most notably goalkeeper Catrin Williams played exceptionally well, saving several difficult shots. However, Cardiff’s attack also had an outstanding game with one goal apiece from Olivia Burke, Sarah Jones, Amy Rochford, Anjuli Seaborne and Emily Weighton. Emily Cecil scored the most goals, including one in the final two minutes, meaning that, at full time the game was tied up at 14– 14. Extra time was tense, but Cardiff managed another three goals to make the final score 17–14. In a physically-demanding game, the men battled through the second round of the BUCS trophy to beat Varsity rivals Swansea University away. The teams recently drew 6–6 with each other, so naturally both were keen to prove their superiority this time around. The first quarter started in Cardiff’s favour with the midfield hustling at the face-off to secure possession. After ten minutes, a textbook drive and shot on goal from Hugo King-Oakley put Car-
Cobras shot down by UWE Bullets
diff in front. This gave Cardiff the momentum and two more goals followed from Charlie Quarry and Elliot May. Cardiff only conceded one goal during the quarter.
The men battled through the second round of the BUCS trophy to beat Varsity rivals Swansea away The second quarter followed in similar fashion with great hustle from the midfield to retain the
ball and pass forward to attack. Goals in this quarter came from Quarry and Joakim Schuwer but Swansea were able to score their second goal of the match. The half time score was 5–2 and Cardiff went into the third quarter with all cannons firing. Great Cardiff defence held off the determined Swansea attack, who only scored one goal out of all their attempts. Cardiff, on the other hand, were shooting from all areas and goals came from Quarry, Schuwer and James Gibson. The score was 7–3 going into the last quarter and Swansea’s frustration was made quite clear by one player who threw a punch at Cardiff defender Marc Cork in
the grill of his helmet. This resulted in Swansea’s player being sent off for two minutes and gave Cardiff a numerical advantage. The final quarter was an exhibition of superb skill and finesse. In a single run, May managed to dodge four Swansea players before scoring in a one-on-one with the keeper. Quick movement from Bradley Cooper and Schuwer led to more goals being scored by Quarry, who scored five goals in total. The final score was 12–4 and with this well-earned victory, Cardiff have progressed to the next round and kept themselves in contention for the BUCS trophy.
Sub-editor The Cardiff Cobras’ five-year unbeaten home record went up in smoke last weekend as they were defeated 24–0 at Llanrumney by the UWE Bullets. The Bristol side came into the game with a perfect three wins out of three, against Bath Spa, Exeter and Swansea, while the Cobras had lost their last game against Bristol Barracuda 14–7 two weeks earlier. Cardiff began brightly, gaining plenty of yards on their opening drives, only to be denied by the Bullets’ defence. Cardiff’s defence responded in kind, forcing consecutive three-and-outs from the UWE offense. Nevertheless, it took just one big play to undo all of Cardiff’s hard work, and a long run play got UWE on the scoreboard first. A similar touchdown followed, and, with their offense misfiring, Cardiff went into the break down two scores to nil. With the Cobras offense continuing to flounder in the second half, UWE racked up the points, with another running touchdown and two safeties taking the final score to 24–0, as Cardiff fell to a 1–2 record. Week five will see Cardiff travel to their West Wales rivals, Tarannau Aberystwyth, in the annual Welsh Bowl game. Having retained the Bowl every year since 1997, Cardiff will be hoping that record does not go the same way as their home run, as they aim to get their play-off charge back on track.
Cardiff rowers stroke from strength to strength Emma Hughes Sport Writer
This weekend, the Welsh Indoor Rowing Championships made its annual appearance at Channel View Leisure Centre, with 26 races taking place. Cardiff University had some excellent performances from both Novices and Seniors. Giverny Barrett and Olivia Witt and took the gold and silver medals in the Fresher Women Category, while the Novice Men man-
aged to gain another gold medal thanks to Matthew Smith and a bronze awarded to Lorenzo Giacci. Recent GB trialist Josh Bugajski managed a very impressive time of 5:56.9 in the Men’s U23 Hwt Category easily placing him in gold medal position. It could be argued that the highlight of the day came from the Welsh Varsity Indoor Boat Race sponsored by Brains. With Swansea fielding two teams to battle it out against Cardiff, the first Varsity event of the year was
an extremely exciting occasion. First to take to the ergos were the Senior Women who successfully managed to hold off the opposition allowing them the first win but unfortunately a double victory was too good to be true with the Senior Men narrowly missing out to Swansea. A great event with a fantastic crowd allowed the first Varsity Indoor Boat Race to be a success and our thanks go to Brains for their support.