4 minute read
Student Fashion Profile
words by: Henry Bell design by: May Collins

How would you describe your style or aesthetic?
My style and aesthetic is best described in one word: flexible. I would say that my fashion choices definitely have a solid foundation in that I am influenced by the 90s grunge movement and 70s and 80s culture, however I am always looking to try new styles and open to investigating other areas of fashion.
Who is your biggest fashion icon?
It is impossible for me to pick just one icon, there are so many individuals that influence the different parts of my fashion. I particularly like those who defy the gender binary, David Bowie and Grace Jones immediately come to mind. I am also influenced by literature and artists, notably Tennessee Williams and Susan Sontag whose analysis of the camp aesthetic has encouraged me to look to further into culture for inspiration. With regards to contemporary art I find it rather difficult to pinpoint individuals who stand out since a large majority of my influences have either stopped creating art or have passed on. However, I am currently infatuated by Miley Cyrus’s image.

What does fashion mean to you?
It is the third dimensional characteristic of fashion that attracts me. Fashion is a vital part of my life as it provides me with endless opportunities to present myself in a manner of different ways. I often find myself waking each morning with one thought circling my mind; who do I want to be today? And with fashion, I have the ability to alter that persona and become a universal individual.
Where are your favourite places to shop?
Recently I have been dabbling in secondhand purchasing, which I hope becomes a frequent shopping habit. I have a strong opinion that vintage pieces are more visually appealing and outstanding than contemporary clothing trends. However, when I am not scrolling through Depop or attempting to
scout charity shops, I am always online looking at Topman, Urban Outfitters, and Zara, just to name a few.
What is your favourite item of clothing?
It is not necessarily a clothing item but more of an accessory, I cannot survive without a pair of sunglasses. There is no other piece of clothing, accessory or jewellery that makes me feel as confident and empowered as a pair of round sunglasses. With that comes an element of mystery as passers-by wonder who lurks behind the shades.
What is your favourite colour to wear?
To be frank there is not one specific colour that I find myself wearing more than another, I like to experiment with colour some days and switch to the opposite end of the spectrum and wear darker tones the next. Although, recently I have noticed that I have taken a liking to purples and greens when browsing for new finds.

What is a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate?
A fashion trend I love? A lot to choose from! I guess I have always appreciated that many people are attracted to all kinds of trends for their own individual reasons, so on that note I would have to say I am a big supporter of individuality as without distinct fashion consciences, society would be rather monotonous. With regards to a fashion trend I dislike my answer is minimalism, especially in menswear. It is the 21st century, we have endless options and opportunities. If you are not exploring and experimenting, can you truly call yourself a fashion enthusiast?
What influences your style and the way you dress?
My style as I have previously noted is largely influenced by my admiration for figures within music, film, and literature. Style for me is inspired by established people who do not just present themselves in a fashionable manner but those who have made cultural impacts through their art. Personally, style has manifested itself in the way I approach my work, my art, and my purpose.
What is your number one fashion tip?
The most valuable fashion tip I can offer is to be optimistic! I cannot stress this enough. Push yourself out of your usual fashion sphere and experiment in areas which you would not necessarily feel comfortable. You never know what you will discover along the way.
Talk us through one of your outfits:
So the outfit I will take you through is the orange corduroy moment. This I decided to pair with a mustard tee and black jeans which I purchased second-hand and bleached myself, and I of course had to include my signature piece, the shades. The jacket I had purchased a little under three years ago, before I started my university studies, since. It is probably the most loyal piece of clothing I have ever owned! The T-shirt I purchased this summer after I came to the conclusion that I needed more basic pieces as opposed to graphic and patterned tops. This made room for the complexity of the jeans, which I have to say I am quite proud of given it was my first time bleaching any item of clothing!

and it has remained in my wardrobe ever