Quench - Issue 98

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Holy is from Winchestel near the south coast.She draws much of her inspiration from her natural and city surroundings. Her work tends to include detail and pattern, pen and ink being her preferred media of choice. Her artwork derives from a passion for recording different forms of texture in her drawings to heighten their sensoryappeal..


In this weeks Quench, Holly has kindly worked on a cover illustration, whilst her beautiful illustrations can also be seenthroughout the Food section and bordering various pages. More of Holty's work can be seenat wwwhollymaguire'co'uk .&#





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The week before the start of Uni is always a stressful one, littered, with arguments with your parents dbout the of packed boxes, it's the end of "brett"e a drawn out affair which began when you initially typed in the UCAS address into your server. Then suddenly you are here. Your boxes sit on Your new bed, and you have that cringlng moment when you walk irrto your shared kitch' en to say hi to your flatmates, cursing the fact that first impressions do matter and you are still a little sweaty from carrying everything up three flights of stairs. Everyone has told you how great freshers week will be, and you set off to the union, prepared to have the best week of your life. But it is here I let you into a little secret. Freshers week was far from the best week of my life. It was a week whereby the slow realisa' tion hit me that I had left all my incred'ible friends a long way a way, and now I had to start again. That being dnrnk all the time may be fun, but was ultimately failing to hide the fact I felt insecure, nneasy and like the smile of mY face was becoming faker and faker. Many of you will read this and not understand, whole heartedly relishing the experi' ence, but more than the few who openly admit it can relate to this tale of the alternative Freshers week. Now in my final Year, I love Cardiff and the prospect of it all being over so very soon is incredibly sad- but that is ttot to say it did not take me a while to get to this point. Making great friends takes a while, so my best advice is to be patient and open to new people. I went lo Uni naively looking for replacement friends for the ones I had back home, and as such initially discounted some truly amazing Beople. That cheerleader with long blonde hair who I met on the first day in my kitchen remains one of my best friends. Funny, intellegent and fiercely loyal, it was she who was excitedly iumped uP and down when mY first article got published within Quench' Equalty it was she who kindly encouraged me to go to gigs alone in the hope I would meet more "my kind of person" when f was still too stupid to realise there is no such thing. People are different, so to speak the biggest clich6, be yourself and be prepared to havethe best few years, just don't necessarily expect it to begin right away. Dom Kehat


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g"ttgover cure- You're going to need it! The Prairie Oyster:

INGREDIENTS: l whole raw egg 1 dash Worcestershire sauce salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste PREPARATION: Carefully crack the egg into a glass without breaking the yolk. Seasonwith sauce,salt and pepper. ADMINISTRATION: Swallow the drink in one gulp - the object is to get the yolk down without breaking it. GoodLuck.... tii*,*i.;+*t;:#&.|:/:.*',r':!lili;tliir:i'r1:il:1i'r:i'i;f



factoltheWeelt No pieceof normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. So get trying folks!

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Is that seemingly ever-lasting source of money starting to dry up? Fear not! Jenny Pearce

M Unfortunately student loans don't last long and midway through the term you may be feeling a bit strapped for cash. Many turn to part time, weekend or evening jobs, however there is an alternative way to pay for those new clothes/iPod/next meal. One of the easiest options is 'cash back' websites, such as Quidco. You simply enter your card number (it is safe and legit!) and when you want to buy something off of the internet, such as clothes, uni books, gadgets you enter the website through the Quidco website and you can get anywhere between 5-20% of what you paid back. You choose how much you want your balance to total before it gets paid into your account, via PayPal, and if you wish you could request it be paid after earning just ÂŁ1. The one downside however after that everything is yours! Another plus point is under each retailer there are also handy discount codes which could give you money off puring out! It is also expanding to high street retailers so if you are paying by your chosen card in shops rather than via the internet some places now give you cash back on that too! Other websites are out there that offer this sort of service, however be sure to do your research before signing up to these websites. Another personal favourite of mine are survey websites, such as Toluna, Valued Opinions, My Survey and Ipsos. They work by sending you surveys

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features@gairrhydd.com travel@gairrhydd.com

via email and giving you a reward for completing it, some surveys can be 5 minutes long, others 30, and each. Some pay you through money such as Valued ever method they use you can redeem your points or money by choosing a voucher, most offer a range of high street shops such as Topshop and Boots. Alternatively you can spend your points on a variety of items on such as CDs, appliances, and if you have of ways one can spend their points, with a little savthe look of. A word of warning, for some of these surveys you have to 'qualify', by completing a few demographic questions, after which it will tell you whether you are eligible to take the survey, unfortunately you aren't always eligible and you have to wait to your next survey is sent through and therefore do not get their website and do smaller surveys that take a matter of seconds and build up points that way, most of the websites also offer a referral reward so if you refer your housemates, parents, siblings, whoever and they sign up they will give you bonus points!


Where's my

Money? Another similar website is YouGov, surveys are a bit more infrequent and each one is only around 5-10 minutes long however a useful aspect of YouGov is to build us points steadily. Each survey is around 50 points and once you reach 5000 points you can redeem your £50 cheque. If you don’t want a regular part-time job or are looking for a bit of variety in your life, you should needs to take their passport and student ID card, if you are an international student (from outside the EU) you will also need to have your passport with online via the website, checking your emails and by

emails you need to be speedy as many of the posimore staff are needed you are more likely to get a shift, these events can include rugby matches at the Millennium Stadium and gigs at the CIA. You are paid at least £5.80 an hour, some more specialist jobs

other leisure and entertainment outlets. It also proternet at the time. Every week you get an email telling you the weeks best offers and any other time you can just log on and print off a voucher to use, simwell as getting freebies! Common giveaways include photo prints, cosmetic samples and sometimes even books and music. motions or product samples then there are newsletters you can sign up to and get sent an email daily, Freebies, Offer Oasis, Money Saving Expert and for domestic products Super Savvy Me, let you know how to claim anything from free tea to laundry products to books. No sign up free, no catches, you choose which offers to use and which you ignore! save, earn and gain a little to help you through your tual work to sitting at your computer for a few minutes a day, you will never be left unrewarded! There are a lot of offers out there for you to take advantage

will be required. one are specialist websites purely for students, such as Student Beans, which provides discounts to hundreds of restaurants, shops, travel as well as many features@gairrhydd.com



Serious Support We all have our ups and downs whilst at uni. but not everyone knows about the wide range of support avaible from Student Services. Claire Dibben investigates...

Nothing. That’s generally the scope of my knowledge about Cardiff University. It’s taken me two years to realise that I literally know nothing about the place where I study. Sure, I could reel off the prices in the SU bar like I’ve worked there for twenty years but that still doesn’t qualify me as the go-to girl for all things university related. Given my rather embarrassing lack of knowledge, I sauntered off to Cardiff University’s Student SupBefore writing this, I had all these preconceived ideas that the Student Support service only offered help to those with physical disabilities. Wrong! They cover a whole load of stuff within their organisation; it’s likely that you’ll come to rely on their services at some point in your time at uni. Like me, you might not have even realised that Cardiff University has its own counselling service, which is free to its students. The staff that work there are trained and accredited professionals who offer advice on things from dealing with homesickness and sorting out sleep patterns Workshops run too on subjects such as improving self-esteem and keeping your cool when giving presentations. Appointments can be made for the counselling service but there is a daily drop-in session called SPACE4U if you feel like popping in. Ultimately, if you’re unsure about speaking



to someone face to face, then they have a library with books that cover a range of common issues for you to look at. Support doesn’t stop when the sun goes down either. ‘Nightline’ is a telephone service which runs from 8pm-8am and you can call up to talk to a volunteer about anything you want; it’s all conoffer, if you want spiritual guidance there’s someone to speak with about that too. And if it’s physical support you’re after then the dyslexia and disability service will provide you with any help you need there. The dyslexia and disability service provides study skills sessions, organises support for exams culties amongst many other things. In the libraries too there is specialist hardware for those who need to use it and extended loan periods are available for people with dyslexia who wish to take out a short loan book. There’s also a day care centre, a BSL counsellor and International Student Support for those who need help with Visa’s and immigration advice. Cardiff University Student Support have genuinely covered all the bases and I’ve only just started to scratch the surface... For more detailed info visit www.cardiff. ac.uk/studentsupport

Name: Michael Evans Age: 21 Studying: Law


“I thought the Student Support service at Cardiff University was great. All the staff I’ve met there have been lovely; they even email every few months to ask if I need anything else. Having diabetes means that my needs are pretty small (considering how many services they offer) but they dealt with me brilliantly. I don’t think students are aware of how much they actually have on offer like the emotional support and phone lines where you can talk to someone even at night. They’ve also provided me with free equipment but I sort of felt like they only did this because it was easiest for equipment and then the second was to treat people as an individual if they needed more help. I’m not ungrateful for any of the stuff they’ve provided me with but at one point I was a bit embarrassed when I started to eat some food in a seminar because my blood sugar was low and was told off in front of the class by the tutor. I then had to explain my condition in front of everyone...I did get an apology afterwards though. I think they need to improve the communication between departments as the guy I spoke to said he would inform my tutors of my needs and that didn’t happen. That was only one time though and they have been really, really good since.”

Name: Kerrie Nicholson Age: 20 Studying: English Literature “I found Student Support to be extremely helpful; I really admire the dedication they have to helping make the experience of uni as enjoyable and smooth as possible. They are ready to help in any way they can, and are alyear! In terms of organisation, I can tell you now that sorting everythwing out support-wise was probably one of the easiest encounters with this kind of service that I’ve had. Information is well organised and easy to access, and I was always aware of whom to contact if I had a problem; making me feel at ease. I’d say that what makes the team so successful is the fact that they always try and remember that support for us students can come in lots of shapes and forms - it isn't just a matter of the right equipment or having particular support in a certain place at a certain time; they strive to help students in lots of other ways, even if it's just something as simple as a sympathetic ear when deadlines loom and stress kicks into high gear!”






Pudding Fridays


A legacy left by a group of friends on a quest for the ultimate dessert, as told by Gavin Jewkes.

The legend of Pudding Fridays began with a group of friends three years ago. United by their shared adoration of all things cakey, tasty and downright delicious they set about sampling various eateries around Cardiff on a mission to find the perfect pud. I would like to encourage you to take up their tradition and start your own Pudding Fridays The idea was conceived by one of my friends, whose love of pudding was matched only by her penchant for wicker baskets, headscarves and Hadrian’s Wall. She and her dessert disciples wanted Pudding Friday to serve a dual purpose: the perfect sweet treat after a week of hard ‘work’ and a designated time for them to get together and bask in each other’s brilliance. And so Pudding Friday was born… Now, there are 5 Golden Rules that must be adhered to at each Pudding Friday if you are going to make it a success. Pudding Friday is serious. Real serious. Please, for God’s sake don’t be fooled into thinking that sloppy table manners and inconsideration towards fellow puddingers can be tolerated. Rule 1) You should attend your chosen restaurant/ café/ snack-shack etc. feeling extremely weak, having skipped lunch…it all adds to the anticipation and excitement of pudding. Rule 2) No savoury food allowed. Rule 3) Only when each person has received their pudding and is sitting comfortably may people begin eating. Rule 4) Whilst discussion of Uni work is not strictly prohibited, it is frowned upon. Rule 5) You must, MUST, allow others to sample your pudding. There is no room for selfish behaviour on such a superb day as Pudding Friday. Got it?Now that you understand the rules, the next thing is to decide where to eat. Cardiff has a wealth of independent cafes and restaurants to choose from so don’t worry about suffering the defrosted bricks of sickly sweeteners, colouring and preservatives that pass for desserts in the chain restaurants of our city centre. Pudding Friday could give you the chance to explore the less well-trodden lanes of Cardiff ’s

Victorian arcades, where you can marvel at the architectural splendour and salivate over the home made fayre on offer at such cafes as Garlands in the Duke Street Arcade. I would recommend Garlands as an ideal location for your first Pudding Friday. This place comes highly recommended by the Pudding Friday founders as it has great food and an atmosphere that is bizarrely reminiscent of some bygone era (real retro, like). Another café that serves topnotch puds is Truffles, which can be found on Church Street. Come here if you like 1950s shit war-time chic and your cheese cake served with a surly attitude by a woman who at first glance seems friendly, but later reveals herself as resentful of your youth and enjoyment. If you fancy taking a walk out of town then I suggest you take a look at Wellfield Road, City Road and Albany Road, where you will find a bounty of places to tickle your taste buds (See review of café Tea and Cake). This may be a particularly attractive option for the more health conscious Pudding Friday goer, as the walk there are back should counteract the effect of some of those cake-related calories. For the cash-strapped of you, perhaps you could consider a D.Y.I. effort? Arrange yourselves into groups and each whip up something delicious. Later come together at the normal time (on a Friday) and share the fruits of your labour. Cheap and effective. If, however, there happen to be any particularly dire chefs amongst the group encourage them to run to the nearest shop or baker and save themselves the embarrassment of contributing something below-parr. I hope that I have managed to convince you of the joys that come with embracing the legacy of Pudding Friday. Not only does Pudding Friday allow you to indulge your sweet tooth and spend time with your friends, but it also provides a means of supporting local businesses and celebrating all that is good about dessert! Bon apetit, pudding hounds! Keep Pudding Fridays alive!! food@gairrhydd.com



Come Dine Come Dine With Me is given a sweet, studenty revamp in West London.

Jasmine Joynson talks Quench through four days of sweet-tooth heaven.

Day 1. Gemma’s Blueberry Clafoutis Serves 6 4 eggs 80g caster sugar 300ml single cream 100ml milk 300g blueberries Butter to grease dish Icing sugar and cream to serve 1. Grease 25cm ovenproof dish and preheat oven at 200C. 2. Combine all the ingredients, except the fruit, in a blender or by hand. 3. Tip the blueberries into the dish then pour over the batter. icing sugar. The batter creates an almost custardy base and the blueberries give a rich colour, but this dessert got a mixed response. It scored 6.5/10. Outlook for Gemma was not so good, the rest of us were quietly

Day 2. Livi’s Apple Crumble Serves 6

200g butter 150g brown sugar 50g oats 2 tablespoons cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 6-8 apples (cooking apples, preferably, but it really doesn’t matter), peeled and cut into large pieces Juice of an orange Cream to serve

2. Grease a large ovenproof dish with a little butter. Arrange the apple pieces in the dish and sprinkle with some extra cinnamon. Squeeze the orange juice over the top and add a dash of water. 3. Cover the apples with the crumble mixture and bake in the oven for about 45mins at 180C. Serve with cream. The apple crumble was a big success, scoring 8.5/10. It’s a very simple recipe and you can vary it by adding a handful of sultanas, or using different fruit.




On Dessert With Me.... . . Day 4. Jasmine’s Chocolate Pudding Serves 4 150g good dark chocolate (min. 70% cocoa solids) Butter to grease dish 75g castor sugar 4 eggs, separated Cream to serve 1. Melt the chocolate. 2. Grease the dish with the butter and sprinkle a small amount of the sugar on top. have one. Wash the whisk well. 4. Beat the egg whites until thick and able to form stiff peaks. 5. Quickly fold the melted chocolate into the egg yolks and sugar, then fold in the whisked egg whites. Make sure the egg whites are well dispersed throughout mixture, but be careful not to lose the air. 6. Spoon into the prepared dish and bake for 25 minutes at 200C. When ready the pudding should be spongy, but a little gooey in the centre. Serve with lots of cream. If you like rich chocolate desserts, this would be ideal for you. It’s just important to be careful when whisking and combining the egg whites, because if not done correctly it won’t rise. My beautiful chocolate pudding got 7/10.

Day 3. Max’s Banana Bread Makes 1 large loaf ½ teaspoon salt 115g butter 175g castor sugar 115g sultanas 25g chopped walnuts 100g red glace cherries, rinsed and halved 3 medium-sized ripe bananas 2 eggs sugar, sultanas, walnuts and cherries (holding a few back for decoration). 2. Peel the bananas and mash them to a purée with a fork, then add to the dry ingredients with the eggs. Mix well. 3. Spoon the mixture into a well-buttered loaf tin, decorate top with remaining cherries. Bake in the centre of the oven at 180C for 90 minutes. After baking, turn out and allow to cool. There was some debate about whether this was a dessert (it was around this point my friends started to get pretty competitive), but we decided that it was, especially if served with icecream! Despite being delicious, it rated 7/10 (Max hadn’t realised that Gemma hates banana…). Overall, our dessert competition was a fun, and somewhat enlightening, experience and a great way to eat good food with friends. Livi's Apple Crumble was (though begrudgingly) a deserved winner and so many congratualtions to her! food@gairrhydd.com



Restaurant Review

Tea and Cake 36 Wellfield Road

It sits on a delicate porcelain plate. Moist sponge laced with currents, topped with a creamy frosting. By its side, a cup of classic Earl Grey with a touch of milk. Here thus lies the answer to any grey day, foul mood or hormonal instability- Tea and Cake. Tucked away behind a traditional sweet shop, this little café sells exactly what its name suggests ‘Tea and Cake’ and does so in the quant style such a British tradition demands. Little wooden tables stand beside paisley print wallpaper, whilst miniature chandeliers in varying colors complete the

kitsch, but endearing look. The menu includes sandwiches, salads and paninis, simple yet tasty but the fact remains these are all but a starter to the main event- a formality before the task of choosing a cake from the filled cabinet begins. Carrot cake laced with rum and pineapple and chocolate cake with several layers cut into portions Miss Trunchball would be proud of. A variety of muffins, biscuits, and tarts with fresh fruit. Scones for those who claim not to have a sweet tooth, only to then slather them in fresh cream. The choices vary, so go with an open mind and be prepared to sample whatever sweet treats decides to be on offer. Forget about the calories and focus on the crumbling sponge, melting cream and sugar rush as all those worries float away in awash of comfort eating.

Cupcakes and Castoffs Cathays Community Centre Cake, Chai tea and second hand clothing! From 4-7pm on the 2nd October. The money raised goes to the Welsh Refugee Council, so you can eat cake and support a good cause.





The section where you can resurrect your forgotten literary favourites. Here, Leah Denton makes the case for Like water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.

Like Water for Chocolate, or Como Agua para Chocolate – a common Spanish expression, meaning to reach a state of intense feeling (raging madness, or fiery passion to you and I) – is the ever-soapt title of this classic, debut novel by Mexicanborn writer, Laura Esquivel. Once a household name, Like Water for Chocolate premiered in 1989; a subsequent film adaptation, and translation into thirty languages, transformed this Mexican masterpiece into an international hit. Over time, however, it appears to have sunk below the radar of many literary enthusiasts – a scandal in the eyes of those who have both read and loved the unique combination of food and romance that make this book such an instant hook. In the genre of ‘magical-realism’, the book tells the story of Tita De La Garza, youngest daughter of a Mexican family, at the turn of the twentieth century – a time when traditions expected the youngest daughter to remain unmarried, devoting her life to the care of her mother. In love, and unable to act on her feelings, we watch as Tita uses her love for food as a release from her angst. Occasional elements of the supernatural that might seem more at home in a J K Rowling novel are unexpectedly yet perfectly placed, and give an edge to the

tragic-romance feel of the story. In only twelve chapters the book manages to take on the entirety of Tita’s life, through several important events, without becoming grossly impersonal, or apathetic; the consistent nature of Tita’s character holds the novel together, making you really feel for every poisonous tear she sheds into the monthly recipes that form the chapters (February begins with the making of a wedding cake that reduces the wedding guests to bouts of vomiting and depression, after Tita’s own tears form part of the ingredients.) With each chapter you are drawn into feeling that Tita deserves more from her life – I found myself agonizing when Tita agonized, and happy for any slight glimmer of hope. Esquivel’s exceptional storytelling makes this novel one you can read over and over, always finding something new and surprising. It manages to encapsulate Jeanette Winterson’s fantastical imagery one moment, and Mitch Albom’s simple storytelling the next. If you have ever wanted to get really captured by a story, then dig this one out from the back of your bookcase, give it a dusting off, and get involved, because this certainly is a forgotten gem to remember. books@gairrhydd.com





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Love 'em or hate 'em, some books are literary Marmite. Being debated this week: Money by

It’s sometimes hard to like Martin Martin Amis Amis: a friend of mine once remarked that reading Amis made her feel guilty for being human. Provoking intellectual spats over remarks made during interviews; friendship with media polemic Christopher Hitchens: Amis has not aided his own likeability. That is Amis the man; Amis the author is something different. Like Nabokov, Bellow and Updike, (authors Amis has expressed admiration for), he manages to paint detestable portraits that are hard not to empathise with and on some level like. Money’s John Self is an excellent example. In the novel we witness Self ’s debaucheries: frittering away his money on booze, sex and drugs in a spiral of self-denial and torment, leading to the destruction alluded to in its full title, Money: A Suicide Note. As in Nabokov’s Lolita, we have a protagonist whose moral decrepitude invites loathing and contempt from a reader. Yet Self is charismatic and funny, taking a vile fascination in his own depravity. Amis makes a profound point in assassinating the core ideals of Reagan’s and Thatcher’s economic and social projects, that society is a collective of self-determined and ultimately selfish individuals whose only concern is money and its attainment. Amis shows the shocking and isolating consequences this sort of mercenary life to buy and consume immediate, base pleasures. John Self is lost in his own life, but by no means evil, and for all his terribleness remains a likeable character whose vulnerability we cannot help but relate to. Such depth of characterisation can make Money hard to get to grips with, but it is always a worthwhile read. Kevin Jones





Money. The book on the first year syllabus that I most looked forward to. I was eager to make a start on the novel. Until, that is, I made a start on the novel.

Ugh. It’s not that I don’t get the joke (well, most of it), I just don’t find it funny. To list everything I found stupid, abhorrent, or simply crap about the book would fill half of Quench, so here’s a selection. The fact that the protagonist is called ‘John Self ’. Oh, yeah, he’s selfish, and he’s also a sort of everyman, so let’s give him a nice ordinary name to go with that clever-clever surname. That, and all the other lazily adapted, trying-to-be-funny names for things, like cars called ‘Autocrat’ and ‘Fiasco’ and rockstars called Spunk. The fact that Self calls it a ‘handjob’ when he’s simply having a wank. The sheer obnoxiousness of the characters. That may well be the point. It’s still irritating as fuck. The fact that Amis explicitly includes himself. I don’t think that makes him deep, or profound, or that he makes a suave, succinct literary point. I think it makes him a bit of a tosser. And if the character Amis is nothing like the real Amis (one can only hope) then it’s a pointless exercise anyway. I never even got to the end. I have tried and failed three times to finish Money, making it the first book to defeat me simply by being so off-putting. It’s even put me off other Amis works that I might actually enjoy. Modern classic it ain’t. Greg A. Rees


The Brightest Star in the Sky Marian Keyes

The Very Thought Of You Rosie Alison

(Michael Joseph) The latest offering from the doyenne of chick-lit is a cosy, heart-warming saga following the residents of one address in Dublin as they are visited by a mysterious presence set to change their lives forever. The writing isn’t as sharp as devotees may have come to expect, and at over 600 pages Keyes should be having some stern words with her editor, but this is still a cut above your average pink-clad, handbag-adorned literary mush. Wryly tackling issues such as dementia, depression and rape as only this breezy Irish wordsmith can, ‘The Brightest Star in the Sky’ is a witty and engaging read. And although I’ve eaten Maltesers with more substance than this book, it’s perfect for a bit of respite from those tomes on your reading list. Give it a whirl if you liked Cecelia Ahern’s ‘If You Could See Me Now’ or Sophie Kinsella’s ‘Twenties Girl’. Alice Hughes

(Alma Books) On the eve of the Second World War, Anna is evacuated to the relative safety of the Yorkshire countryside, where the infuriatingly melancholic Thomas Ashton and his domineering wife Elizabeth have decided to found a refuge for evacuees, in order to populate their mansion with the children they cannot have. An artist’s arrival exposes the cracks in their relationship, and young Anna is caught up in the mire of the Ashtons’ imploding marriage. Alison’s first novel can irritate at times with forced whimsy, yet it can be deeply moving, especially when focusing on Anna, a likeable protagonist. Some storylines, such as the exploration of Anna’s mother’s newfound freedom (in an anxious but vibrant London), suffer from a tendency towards sentimentality and nostalgia. Saying this, the novel is an enjoyable enough twist on the coming-of-age tale, and its flaws can be forgiven as its fluent prose makes it an easy and enjoyable read. Kevin Jones



Freshers' Survival Guide

Clean Sharp and Camel Gwennan Rees guides us through the key looks






The Alternative Aviator Jacket -









The Sensible Heel In keeping with this season’s trend for utility and ‘real clothes’, there is a new heel on the block. The kitten heel. But, don’t go throwing your skyscrapers out just yet. The return of this heel doesn’t make all others redundant. It just means options. Halleluiah! This heel is perfect for daywear as stilettos mean blisters, bunions and other aildy footwear alternative which graced the catwalk this season was the wedge. Whether shoe or boot the tones wear neutral and in keeping with the rest of winter’s wardrobe. The aviator trend even inspired the buckle boot at Burbhave adopted as their own. Dare to wear thigh high boot again this season, the Gucci girls showed us how it’s done. Toshop have once again come up with a runway worthy pair.

The Chunky Knit better way to include texture in your wardrobe than through chunky knits? Designers experimented with texture and the result was mesmerising. Karl Lagerfeld at Chanel wove wool with fur. The result: a beautifully textured cross-breed of fabric which looked as natural as moss growing on stone. fashion science project when she wove cashmere with a soluble yarn that dissolved when the material was washed. The lead by playing with texture. Legs were warmed at Chanel with woollen tights, models sported ski-bunny prints at D&G, and even headbands had a cable knit at Prada. Perfect for throwing on with trousers, skirts, or dresses, the chunky knit epitomises the new functional winter wardrobe.




The Tailored Trouser Yes, that’s right, you’ve guessed it... the trouser is back. And may we say, better than ever. After seasons of leggings, harems, and wet look, the trouser has fought its way back to the runway. Wide leg, bootcut, peg leg, crop, they all made an appearance. Balmain (true to form) sent less practical but ever beautiful evening trousers cut from elaborate and elegant materials down the runway to the awe of the onlookers. The new focus is on the high-waisted trousers which were present at Chloé. Worn with skyscraper heels, these trousers will instantly lengthen any leg. For casual day wear, take inspiration from Isabel Marant and Mulberry who sent their models down the runway in cropped cigarette trousers paired with a low heel. Remember to add socks to avoid losing toes this winter. Keep the trend youthful by pairing trousers with casual tees




The Winter Coat bite. Justify your coat by making it an investment piece. Stick to simple cuts and neutral colours to make sure you can were it anywhere, anytime. Look to Chloé, Gucci and Mulberry for inspiration on camel colours, which was the statement colour this season. Spanning the spectrum in coffee, toffee, caramel, sand, and many more, experiment with camel to see which shade is right for you. Or, look to the likes of Céline, Marc Jacobs and Stella McCartney for darker coats of navy, green and gray. These colours are as versatile as camel but will require less protection from dirt.... not to mention that they ooze military chic. Whichever trend you choose there is a high street alternative. Head to Topshop for an array of camel colours and beautiful fur alternatives (don’t forget that student discount).




LGBT+ EXPLAINED Shuh-Myon-Chko Introduces








What the Hec explores.. -









Quench Photographer of the Year 2009/10 best entries


27 quenchp


JUMP ON BOARD A quick guide on how to get your photos in Quench

So, two weeks in, hope it’s all going well. Either way, it’s definitely about to get a little bit better as you read on and learn how to get yourself involved with the photography section and -hopefully get some of your photos seen. As we said last issue, we are going to spend all of this year making every effort to get as much student photography in Quench as possible so, before we properly start with all the exciting features in future editions, we’re using this one just to explain a few things. Now, you’re going to have to help us out on this one, how often your photos are used is just as dependent on a bit of tenacity as it is the quality of the picture. Joining the mailing lists, coming to the meetings, being in contact, even coming up to the office to meet us (bringing with you a coffee and a danish) are the best, if not only, ways to get us working on your behalf. If you think your pics, projects or sessions deserve to be printed, and they have a bit of a story behind them, drop us a line. Who knows? You could find a week’s section dedicated to them. In terms of more general contributions, not necessarily just for this section, keep your ears, and more importantly your eyes, open for what the whole of student media is or will be focusing on – chances are they’ll want a photo of it, and if you’ve got it, we’ll get it to them. We will be in constant contact with other sections, as well as the Gair Rhydd crew, to see what photographic content they so desire. Said desires will then be forwarded to those on the mailing list to see if anyone other than Google Images can suitably provide. Apart from being able to bask in the glory of being a published photographer (kind of), regular suppliers of photos will have the



opportunity to enter their work into the Best Contributing Photographer category in the Student Media Awards at the end of the year – a big thing around here. On top of all this, there will be a photography competition every edition with the winning picture being printed on the centrefold and entered into the overall competition at the end of the year where they will all be judged by a prolific photographer somewhere (we’ll sort the minor details like ‘who?’ later, but trust, it’ll happen). Also, as if that wasn’t enough, each edition’s winner will receive an enlarged print of their photo! Aren’t we kind! Across the page are all the winners of last year’s competitions (they didn’t get prints). For winning entries, we will be looking for both conceptual and visual originality as well as technical skill, and we’ll do our best to keep the themes as varied and interesting as we can. To enter, email us no more than two images with your name and the theme as the subject. Since all that many of us have been doing all summer is getting messy in various fields, we thought it apt that the first competition’s theme should be FESTIVALS, for what better way to celebrate the end of summer than to reminisce about the parts we don’t remember? So, for those who have any bit of interest in anything we have just said, pick up your camera and get immersed, we want your photographs. All correspondence to: quenchphotos@gairrhydd.com


Surfing the Gower We all have friends who surf at the Gower, those crazy fools who brave the cold water and early starts, but apparently it is the land lovers who are missing out! According to the Lonely Planet, those all knowing writers who guide us around the world, The Gower provides “some of the best surfing in the UK.” With their untouched beaches, the likes of Langland, Caswell and Llangennith offer perfect conditions for beginners and also more challenging waves for the experienced. Llangennith, or Gennith as the locals call it, is set up for the surf scene due to its numerous surf schools which run daily lessons throughout spring and autumn and a surf shop named PJ’s which rents boards and also gives a daily surf report. Llangennith is the perfect place to relax whilst waiting for a wave and also recover afterwards. The local pub, The Kings Head has become somewhat of a surf institution, a must do after a stint on the waves. So you have no more excuses; grab a tent, rent a board and get yourself down to the Gower.

Barry Culture Now, Barry, here’s one for the senses. If you’re in search of a stomach wrenching roller-coaster, turquoise ocean and fine dining, Barry certainly isn’t the place for you, instead this small town holds a unique charm which is unrivalled the world over. Taken with a pinch of salt it is a fun day out and a never fails to make you smile. Bundled into a one small bay is a pleasure park, open between Easter and September (12-8pm), which boasts a log flume, rollercoaster and dodgems. Along the coast is a promenade scattered with amusement arcades and fish and chip shops, obviously serving the delicacy of chips and curry sauce. The long sand beach of Whitmore Bay stretches for hundreds of metres at low tide and at high tide you can retreat for the grassy, windswept walks along the headland. Barry has something for both the old and the young and is only thirty minutes by train from the City Centre – It is a must do for every Cardiff University student.

Porthcawl Camping


Porthcawl is a well known camping destination for young people as a cheaper way to spend a few nights around the traditional seaside town. For students on a budget there is no end of fish, chip and ice cream shops and you can even catch your own dinner by sea fishing at Newton Beach. Inexpensive eats can leave extra cash for adventure sports on the open plains of the surrounding area, activities such as quad biking, rock climbing and mountain biking are all found at the Outdoor Adventure Centre close by. Campsites provide the perfect opportunity to star gaze under a cheap cider stupor, listening to the dulcet tones of ‘Kumbaya’ around the camp fire. Be it for the sights, food or atmosphere Porthcawl is a great student desti-

Diving Swansea Who would have known that some of the best dive spots in Britain can be found on the west coast of Wales? Swansea Bay, only forty minutes from Cardiff is home to the Bay Divers, a club filled with experienced locals who can show you a side of Swansea and the surrounding area that you wouldn’t have known existed! The diving club arrange frequent trips along the Welsh coast which boasts an interesting array of marine life from face to face encounters with seals in the morning to eerie wreck dives such as The 1940 Strombus at night. Night diving is also recommended alongside Mumbles pier, so if you fancy a nocturnal adventure why not hop on a train from Cardiff Central and make your way over to Swansea Bay. Limeslade Bay, west of the Gower Peninsular, is another big name in the diving world. It is a small sheltered cove with dramatic rock drop offs and good visibility. Diving in Swansea is a must do for both the experienced divers out there and those who are just beginning. Who else could boast they’ve seen the underside of the Mumbles at night?




Adventures Around


Local activities for the thrill seekers amongst you, Clare Baranowski talks you through the basics.




. . . . o t n o i t a De stin

Exhilarate Simone Miche discovers her adventurous spirit, throwing herself into the best of New Zealand's extreme pursuits.

Call me conservative, when it comes to travel activities I’m more of a ‘culture vulture’ than a thrill seeking ‘adrenalin junkie’ and get my kicks from sourcing out local delicacies and learning the colloquial tongue rather than donning my hard hat to explore the extremities on offer. However, when I arrived in New Zealand, an extreme-sport enthusiast’s utopia, I decided to join the junkie’s, adopt a bit of ‘All Black’s’ spirit and take pleasure in every exhilarating adventure it threw my way... -

cold water, I decided that my interest in waterdown South to see what other pulse-raising fun could be had. In the weeks that passed, I went sky-diving above the snow-capped peaks of Mt Cook and later, with two feet on the icy ground this time, I explored the Franz-Josef glacier. But



the highlight. Porous rock crumbled beneath my feet as I scrambled up the steep mountain side but my back-breaking adventure proved



decided to give the pongy geothermal hotspot)

for: it is something of an aquatic paradise and a favourite amongst thrill-seekers because of the lakes, rivers and waterfalls that can be enjoyed by a variety of water-sports. With high hopes of a little danger, I decided to give white-


acing summit stood just a few meters before me. It took me six hours to complete the 19.4 km trek and I arrived back at the base, overwhelmed with excitement, with a profound


and my cravings for calamity were hardly

person dingy. But the chatter, which had been turned to silence as rapids encroached and we plummeted down a 15 foot waterfall. After being thrown out of the vessel and into the icy




get accompanied by a severely sore body!) and spent the rest of the day as if i’d never really ible high. New Zealand was of course a place of beauty and pure exhilaration and I usher anyone with, like me, a new-found taste for all things extreme to make this a must on their list of destinations.



Arts The Introduction With an estimated £19 million of cuts made to the Arts Council in England this June a scary number of organisations – such as art centres, theatre groups and orchestras – lost their funding to the hounds in Number 10. And the story doesn’t get any better for the Arts Council in Wales. Funding cut backs saw approximately 32 organisations wave a tearful good bye to the revenue which kept hope do the arts have for survival? The future is not quite as bleak as the headlines would have you believe. No doubt times are hard but we in the Arts section thought it high time we focused on those willing to travel that extra mile to keep the Arts above sea level. Over the next few months we speak to playwrights, artists, publishers, actors and many more alike to bring you the exclusive low-down on how to make it in the industry and ensure that the Great British Culture doesn’t die a tragic-stage death.

Here is a taster of what else to expect…

Culture and the City – we preview all the cultural delights in and out of the city to ensure you get to see them

Cardiff Culture Crawls – Where are the best places to go for a snazzy cocktail, cheap pint and a spoonful of art or theatre at the same time? We tell you with this quirky guide to all the artsy venues in our glorious capital And – what would any Arts section be without





A Playwright's P

Ex-Cardiff Uni student, Nat Stone, welcomed Quench along to her play Can I have a Job Please? last month. We sent Lizzie Hayes, Sara Handley and Dave Knowles along to review it.

Can I have a Job Please? examines the different scenarios a graduate might face during the current rat race for jobs. But what would our reviewers make of it?

Can I have a job please? can be summed up as a playwright’s play. After an initial sense of expectation, established by crumpled CVs strewn across the floor, the play degenerated into a showcase of the playwrights’ knowledge of dramatic techniques. True content and a definitive narrative were substituted for pretentious episodes of dance and mimesis. The abundance of abstract techniques left the audience with a sense that the play was to be analysed critically as opposed to be engaged with or enjoyed. Indeed, the only message we grasped was the playwrights’ perception of the unfairness of graduate unemployment. The portrayal of menial jobs as being below the ‘Intellectual’ struck us as arrogant and unpleasant in light of the current economic climate and subsequent high levels of genuine long-term unemployment and poverty.



What’s more, the play was neither dark nor comedic and the sporadic titters emanated from the English in-crowd making us wonder whether the play would appeal to a wider, less literary audience. Despite the play’s failings with regards to form, theme and comedy, the actors gave a strong performance which helped the play exceed its limitations. Their energetic performance breathed life into a clichéd script. That said the script did have elements of originality such as a particularly poignant monologue from the male lead considering the limited space one has to express themselves within the confines of a paper CV. The playwrights’ potential is obvious, however, we don’t feel the abstract nature of the play best expressed their talents. We shall reserve judgement until their next dramatic offering… ‘Next please!’



The Interview

Katie Haylock caught up with Nat after the play and talked writing, collaborating and getting your talent out there...

Hey Nat congratulations on the performance. What exactly was the inspiration behind the play?

ily twere recruited to spread the word! As well ye olde faithful facebook.

It all began when I met my cowriter and co-director Anna at a writing group in the Sherman Theatre. We just clicked and thought - what the hell - let's write a play! As newly graduated jobseekers it came naturally to write about the transition under which we were going ourselves: leaving the comfort of uni life and starting that tedious process of job hunting.

Tell us a bit about the young budding starlets who performed in the play?

How did you find collaborating on the script? It is honestly one of the best things I have ever done. I am naturally a comic writer whereas Anna is a little more dark and mysterious. In this play we were able to find the confidence from one another to be a little off the wall and experiment with the format. Plus we had a lot of fun in the process! And how did you go about actually getting the script – from paper – to the stage? After it was written we cast the actors from the University of Glamorgan. Then it was a case of finding a venue (Ten Feet Tall) and negotiating a deal. Rehearsals were divided between The Atrium and Ten Feet. Then all friends and fam-

Despite the various scenarios within the play, we felt it best to cast just two acting sensations – Fran Holles and Sebastian Newbold – both from the University of Glamorgan. Their creative input combined with mine and Anna’s directorial skills really eorked. They had so many lines to memorise and various characters to enact: I really don’t know how they did it! What advise would you offer to enthusiastic writers like yourself within the student populace? Exploit your resources! As a writer raw talent is equalled by the number of contacts you have in your phone. So get involved in the student media: write a weekly article; edit a section; get your own radio show.And – most importantly – write as much as you can!

Watch out for more reviews of Nat's work in future months here at Quench.





Thomas Mallory's epic tale of knights, quests and heroines took to the stage in the Courtyard Theatre in Stratford this summer.

You are no doubt familiar with the Disney adaptation of The Sword and the Stone when the young boy Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and is declared King? But did you know that this was inspired by a gent called Sir Thomas Mallory back in Medieval England? Morte D’Arthur is Mallory's epic tale of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. And, in typical RSC style, this epic (some modern transalations are divided into 23 books) was brought to life on stage. So four hours later what were my thoughts... The performance started strongly. Moments of humour were framed by atmospheric lighting and dramataic costume design. Often the narrators were clad in dark capes holding candles - spooky to say the least! Minimal prop usage, tactical narrating and impressive stage directions (at one point Sir Gareth swung in from the middle circle) made for a visually enthralling show. But this is as good as it gets I am afraid. Although it was well narrated the tales were pieced together a little crudely and so I found myself lost and confused at crucial moments (particularly when Arthur dies). Jumping from



comedy to tragedy the characters had little opportunity to develop into romantic heroes and heroines. And it seems that the current economic recession took its toll on the RSC: I never expected that the majority of the cast would have three roles to play each. Like so many of the films (John Boorman’s Excalibur; MGM’s Knights of the Round Table), the RSC’s Morte D’Arthur has tried to combine the comic with the tragic Arthurian traditions in a quasi-Shakespearian manner. Plus, it was bloody long. A good attempt but a little uneven for my liking. So sorry RSC, it is just a 3/5 this time. Katie Haylock

Culture and the City Cardiff Design Festival Spanning from 1st-15th October the Cardiff Design Festival celebrates Cardiff talent at its best. Enjoy vintage fashion fairs, interactive art within the community, tea and cake days and much more besides. Here is a sneaky peak at some of our personal favourites and all admissions are free! 6th October Buffalo Boutique Buffalo Bar opens its doors to new and local designers from the Cardiff area to showcase and sell their designs directly to the general public. With the added bonus of 2-4-1 cocktails be sure to put this date in the diary for some seriously quirky, one-off purchases and fanciful alcoholic concoctions. Doors open at 7pm. 14th October: Giant Sculptures Exhibition The Royal Welsh College’s first year and postgraduate Theatre Designers create giant sculptures from a range of recycled materials. These mega original and eco-friendly designs will be on display for two days only in the Castle Grounds. On Show from 1pm to 7pm. Theatre 10th Sept - Fri 29th Oct Chapter Arts Centre, Canton The LL Files Every Friday evening until the end of October, BBC Radio Wales’ topical comedy team take a comical look at the news from Wales to Washington — and beyond. Recording starts at 6.30pm; please collect your tickets by 6pm and be in your seats by 6.15pm.


Upcoming Artsy Events in and out of the Capital.

National - Art The National Gallery The Channel 4 Lectures: The Genius of British Art Fridays 1 October – 5 November, 6.30–7.30pm, Sainsbury Wing Theatre In these very special events, each presenter of a new Channel 4 series, The Genius of British Art, gives a personal view of the art of Britain. The presenters are David Starkey, Augustus CaselyHayford, Howard Jacobson, Roy Strong, Janet Street-Porter and Jon Snow. While you are there why not check out some of the current exhibitions such as: VENICE: CANALETTO AND HIS RIVALS 13 October 2010 – 16 January 2011 CLIVE HEAD: MODERN PERSPECTIVES 13 October – 28 November 2010 Clips of the forthcoming programmes will be previewed as part of the event. £6/£4 concessions each. For full details and to book tickets, visit www.nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/ the-genius-of-british-art.

With Matthew Gravelle, Richard Elfyn, Siriol Jenkins and Rhian Morgan. Written by Myfanwy Alexander. Free (please reserve your seats at the box office on 029 2030 4400)




MUSIC Editorial

A big hello and a cheery wave from the stranded youngsters furiously beavering away in Quench towers (that’s a Mogwai reference by the way – one of a multitude of exciting gigs to look forward to this academic year). After last issue’s in-depth guide to Cardiff ’s wide array of live music venues, it comes with great sadness that we report the surprise closure of the legendincredibly sweaty, the 200-capacity venue played host to local and international acts on the verge of stardom, including the likes of Funeral For A Friend, Lostprophets and Kings Of Leon. Although the sign on the door reads “closed until further notice”, it is of little comfort to the bands who were lined up to play the venue over the coming months. recent years have seen the openings of Cardiff Arts Institute, Millennium Music Hall and the revival of the Coal Exchange. With so many options for artists of all shapes and sizes, Cardiff will continue to be a city with a thriving music scene, no matter what setbacks may come its way. Of course, so much of this success depends on you, the audience, the gig-goers, the crowds. So get out there; the fate of Cardiff itself depends on you.




Previews Frankie & The Heartstrings Clwb Ifor Bach Monday 4th October Coming to a Clwb near you is one of the most hyped bands to come of the festival season. Specialising in melodic indie-pop not dissimilar to the Futureheads, bring a rosy collection of songs mance, literature and gritty social realism. With one of the most charismatic front men on the scene, Frankie Francis and his merry band of Sunderland lads have taken obvious tips from their 80’s predecessors, as is visible in songs such as Ungrateful, but cade most of you missed put you off - this is swooning, melodic indie pop at its most pure and enjoyable. With support from the equally Neat, hyped as one of the best guitar-led bands in many a year, this smorgasbord of loveliness is one not to be missed. Head on down after the Student Media Recruitment party, and double your levels of cool.

Cirque Du TRAFFIQUE Cardiff Arts Institute Friday 1st October known as the best party in town.

James Zabiela and Andrew Weatherall Millenium Music Hall Saturday 9th October Anyone with even the faintest

grown tired of the same old forgettable night clubs and decided to do something about it. Wander and expect to see serious fancy dress, face painting, a lucky dip, interactive art and much more. On October 1st the circus comes to town as they present one of their biggest line-ups to date. Kanji Kinetic brings huge mash-up of 4x4 and synthy dubstep whilst duo Squire of Gothos will take the night into new levels of madness with their bassline, speed garage silliness. As if that wasn’t enough, Vid Warren will be impressing all with his beatboxing, juggling, harmonica playing skills. circus performances, cash-prize fancy dress, fun-fair type games and even a range of clown costumes for sale courtesy of the magical girls at Hocus Pocus.

it very hard to avoid the powerestablished for four years, they regularly bring the biggest lineups to Cardiff and Saturday the 9th will be no exception. Anyone who can remember James Zabiela’s last visit to our fair city will know why he is regarded with such high esteem in the techno and house scenes. His Radio One Essential Mix is availfor yourself why he is such a big hitter. Andrew Wetherall joins JZ to ensure any serious ‘heads’ out there won’t be able to stay away. Wetherall has been there from the start, rising to fame back in the days of acid house and warehouse parties off the M25 Orbital. His ever evolving sound ensures that twenty years on he’s as fresh as ever. Support comes courtesy of techno-heads Ghosts.




ALBUMS A rundown of recent releases


faster tempos present in tracks like


quieter moments outweigh the


Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up

Superball Music


Faith In Sleep Unsigned

Opening their latest album with the ominous atmosphere of SuperImposter -

something of a celestial alignment burgeoning British experi-metal

Oscar Acceptance Speech Silent/Transparent


euphoria not present in the faces comparison with Oceansize’s of

SuperImposer highlights the same


Frames up well but lacks the epic scope Frames such a near-

in on itself with the same luminesthe album to propel Oceansize -


Michael Brown This concise collection of



Bastions of the British experi-





The Script


Science and Faith RCA

as much as it is an exercise into



on the post-millennial British






Faith in Sleep is that of a captain -

for no reason other than because

Faith in Sleep is a majestic al-


with O’Donoghue begging ‘can

passionate - a rather pleasant Although at times repeating

me about this album is the self-


hear that The Script are from This latest effort has more than out that little bit too soon Jon Berry

For the First Time seem casual but somehow essential to the

Matt Tilling music@gairrhydd.com



Live Joanna Newsom Colston Hall July 16th Having been a latecomer to Joanna Newsom, I feel something of a cheat to have seen her twice over the past 2 months. She's the sort of artist that should probably have been on my "hopefully-willget-to-see-one-day-if-I'm-lucky" list for a good few years before any hope of ticking her off. Yet here I am, having just seen her once at Green Man festival in August and now at Colston Hall in Bristol; two very different events in setting, sound and spectacle apart from one thing. Both shows played host to huge crowds which were immediately tamed into the most absoof a sweet girl from California. This is the reverence of Joanna Newsom. The enchantment of both her and her song is such that you could be forgiven as she sits before you on stage to forget that you are in fact listening along with sever-



al hundred other people. Colston Hall provided an appropriately

long way from the muddy hedonism of Green Man or the sweaty darkness at Clwb Ifor Bach as I nestled into my soft red chair and soaked in the stalls, balconies and curtains that surrounded me. And yet as she walked on stage that same uncanny anticipation that I had felt only a month before settled over the audience. The sensational acoustics of the hall meant that even her light footsteps could be heard as she stepped up to her harp, and the onset of opener ’81 marked the start of a quite mesmerising couple of hours. We were fortunate enough to hear the full band that recorded on her latest album, Have One on Me - trombone, violin, mandolin and all. The range of instruments picked up by each musician was astonishing, but even more so was the fact that these were then used to reproduce the complex arrangements that made that album so sublime. Referring to group's hypermulti-instrumental string's

man, one of the crowd even shouted out between songs, "Is there anything Ryan can't play?!” Unfortunately Ryan missed this. He was busy tuning his Bulgarian tambura. One of the few criticisms of her most recent record is that it lacks some of the oddball character that loved. This was a set to please all, however, as early and late work were played in equal measure, from the tenderly confessional lament of Easy to the darn tootin' romps of . There’s a constant feeling with her music that it’s the manifestation of a mind so wonderfully unique and charming that it cannot be adored without utter adoration of the maker. For this reason, her shows have a particularly special atmosphere, and the kind that only comes from a united love between strangers. Whether in hall Newsom is surely one of most bizarrely brilliant artists around today. Simon Roach

Pulled Apart by Horses Clwb Ifor Bach July 14th

Despite having seen Pulled Apart By Horses several times before, there is always an air of excited apprehension prior to one of their gigs. Just how will anger be articulated at a particular moment; will they chose to spit over the crowd, trash the stage, throw things, get heavily involved with the inevitable mosh-pit? All are possibilities, and all are undertaken at this particular event. PABH last stopped by Cardiff as part of last year’s SWN festival, and it was once again SWN that brought them to town. Prior to their set there is an almost tangible sense of that which is about to unfold. This evening PABH are joined by Cardiff based, duel bass-toting sludge mongers Exit_International and Cardiff's cohabiting breakneck, psycho-blues proponents, Strange News From Another Star. Consisting of only three members, SNFAS have a presence that seems unfeasible considering they consist only of a bassist who happens to be over seven foot tall, a guitarist/singer who happens to keep on touching women inappropriately (apparently), and a drummer who, well, drums solidly without even the slightest air

of an ego about him - a feat which is itself admirable. SNFAS execute an acerbic wit that materialises itself within their songs, stage manner, and interactions with the crowd. It’s something of a novelty these days to see a band that doesn’t take itself with tomb-like seriousness. That’s not to say SNFAS act like fools onstage, they simply engage with the crowd like a band that is utterly joyous at the opportunity to venture their breakneck blues stompers to a wider audience. As enjoyable as SNFAS, and as much as the crowd enjoy their set, the collective consciousness within the room is looking to the headliners. If you hadn’t seen PABH before, you could be forgiven for assuming that the group of guys tuning instruments prior to the set had simply walked in off the street and picked up them up. They are completely unassuming to look at. Therein lays the devastating nature of their aggression. PABH are normal young men who are just really pissed off, and vent that anger through loud, brash but undeniably inspiring music. PABH have a white-hot, incendiary energy that catches like tinder as soon as they dig out that its effect throughout their set. My ears haven’t yet fully recovered. In a good way though of course. Jon Berry

Singles Nicki Minaj Your Love Cash Moneh Records

4/10 This Trinidad born rapper is tipped to be yet another female solo artist set to take over the charts. It’s annoyingly repetitive, however, and by sampling Annie Lennox’s No More I Love You it’s clear that borrowing from artists helps to make an otherwise bland song mildly interesting. There is no doubt that this is for a Radio 1-listening, superclub-loving crowd... Emma Wilford

Feeder Renegades Big Teeth

4/10 Amid much confusion as to whether Feeder had disbanded and re-emerged, rebranded under the Renegades moniker, I admit a degree of excitement was felt at such a proposition. However, Feeder are still Feeder, both by name and by nature, but instead of opting for catchy, chart friendly tunes, they have adopted a harder edged sound. It’s just a shame that the sound of Renegades is both tired and dated. Jon Berry

Kings Of Leon Radioactive Columbia

5/10 Falling somewhere between Aha Shake Heartbreak and Only By The Night, although not quite capturing the best of either, Radioactive will no doubt prove to be a successful single. But don’t like Sex On Fire despite a chorus seemingly contrived to induce similarly euphoric off-key wails. Michael Brown

FILM news views In some disturbing board-game

Battleships – aptly named Battleship – has somehow reached its production stage. To make matters even more depressing, Rihanna (her of ‘Come here rude boy boy can you get it up?’ fame) has been cast in her acting debut, alongside fashion model Brooklyn Decker. Also, aliens are involved. The ‘scipected for 2012, by which time we’ll probably also have Connect 4: Yellow Strikes Back to look forward to. Cowboy and space ranger done good: after taking in over $920 million at


It was revealed by Casey Afing the breakdown of Joaquin I’m Still Here, was all actually a gigantic farce. Apgrew a beard, made rap music and got a paunch. Well done him.

Nike have patented the design of a self-lacing trainer, paying homage to Marty McFly’s awesome kicks from Back to the Future 2. Whilst no launch date has been announced, phrases like ‘automatic ankle clinching system’ are

took its deserved place as the hightime. Since its release in cinemas on

just a matter of time before these simultaneously nostalgic and futuristic shoes hit the high

11th highest grossing feature of Matt Ayres and Emily Kate Bater

This Hitchcockian thriller opened Venice Film Festival to huge acclaim, and rightly so based on the stunning trailer. From the mind that brought us Requiem For A Dream and The Fountain, comes the ultimate mind fuck that is Black Swan. Natalie Portman plays a veteran

Trailer trash No.12 Black Swan

competition with younger rival Mila Kunis. As both compete for the lead role in the production of Swan Lake, Portman becomes more and more obsessed with winning and embroiled in a strange relationship with her opposition. After a brief foray into social realism with The Wrestler, Aronofsky is back doing what he does best, and while Black Swan may look like an old fashioned thriller it is anything but ordinary, and its frights are equally matched by stunning cinematography. But it does look really bloody scary. Emily Kate Bater



film FILM

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Dir. Edgar Wright Cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jason Schwartzman

8/10 Adapted from Canadian cartoonist Brian Lee O’Malley’s critically acclaimed collection of graphic novels, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a dazzling display of video-game-meets-comicbook coolness. Sounds nerdy, eh?

Matt Ayres




The Illusionist Dir. Sylvian Chomet Cast: Jean-Claude Donda, Edith Rankin, Jil Aigrot





Batman Voice ParentsDepth- 0 11

Power - Justice

Level Up? If you’ve ever traversed the depths of a comic book store, or even self-consciously stopped outside one for a quick glance through the window at its array of socially uncool paraphernalia, you won’t be surprised to hear that the majority of comic and graphic novel sales today come from cinematically adapted work. Although the likes of Kick-Ass and Watchmen may have previously garnered a cult of loyal readers, it’s only since the

perhero blockbusters that, via Hollywood, became Spiderman trilogy. On the tle too far; Sin City, for all its unique visuals, is a near frame-by-frame copy of Frank Miller’s comic. In an overly accurate rendition, complete with cheesy dialogue and gratuitous violence, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this was a satire of Those that do it right, however, have placed com-

been able to claim any real mainstream exposure. This is, of course, an extremely commercial take point of what makes each medium so appealing. It’s often overlooked, but before the age of television, comjuxtapose image and word as a means of storytelling. Cut to C21 and we can see a striking parallel between the two industries. As well as using a combination have the added advantage of employing sound, movral that with such limitless storytelling possibilities, comics should make the jump from paper to celluloid. Of course, like any adaptation, there’s a risk that some of the comic’s original charm will be lost in transit. Tank Girl, whilst making for a wonderfully grubby futuristic post-punk comic, is a noteauthors’ trademark scribbles and murky colouration on the big screen. There’s also a wealth of su-



history. The Dark Knight proved that superhero movies don’t have to be super unrealistic; The Crow, forgetting its pair of forgettable sequels, managed to both draw and expand upon the original comic in all of its gothic glory; the aforementioned KickAss and Watchmen are both stunningly composed,

example, contain Batman wannabes (Big Daddy ment of the comic reading demographic that really makes them stand out as worthy adaptations. So whilst it’s unlikely that the millionaire producers and moguls of Beverley Hills spend their pocket money on the likes of Brian O’Malley’s critically acclaimed and unashamedly nerdy Scott Pilgrim series, its recent adaptation has fared well enough critically and commercially to prove that comics, despite being deemed uncool, can occasionally make for some pretty cool movies. Matt Ayres


Mario Italianness - 10

Moustache -8 Power Mushrooms Party - Super With Comic books and games now making an indellible mark upon cinema, whether the Nerd revolution has more to offer than just cheap thrills.

scious, has a poor rep. As Charlie Brooker says, you probably see them as "Bleeping, blooping masterbatory aids for emotionally crippled social outcasts, probably male outcasts, probably sexually inexperienced and frightened of the real world, probably, for losers like me". Such damp words hardly signal hope that Games offer inspiration or narrative nuance, instead making one think of the vapid Tomb Raider or of the brash stupidity of Transformers. As much a tale of inventive failure as an indictthese have relied on the power of franchising but shows that the turgid Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within has a distinctly rotten Tomatometer of 43%. bringing subtler and innovative aspects of 16-Bit aesthetics to the screen. Rather than geeks dining on fanboy characters, Edgar Wright and co. are leading the way in applying intuitive aesthetics learnt button bashing. Oscar winning The Hurt Locker shares the claustrophobic tension of Modern Warfare 2's paranoiac environs and Neill Blomkamp's experience as possible Halo director was used with the extraterrestrially engaging District 9. All which brings us back to Wright's brave attempt at levelling up Scott Pilgrim. Wright has cut the slack and given a snappy yet well realised vision of gaming aesthetics. Perhaps the most pleasant element of SP is that Michael Cera's character

is a gamer rather than a hero. As such, his 7-Bit quest to defeat his gf's evil exes is imbued with his own personal gaming experience, rather than enacting a plodsome adapted narrative. The world of the combo's and gains 'the power of love', all the while classic touches like enemies exploding into coins, extra lives and attribute points add to the surreality.

scenes, its distinct self-deprecating Canadian humour also borrows its styling from point and click adventure games like Simon the Sorcerer. Affected celebration of lame puns such as ‘Bi-Curious?, down perfectly and is all the more heart warming for its self-conscious eccentricity and oft-lameness. ence can extend to, though. With a successful adaptation seeming unlikely even in conception, if the Geeks are to truly inherit the earth, someone atypical slacker movie and make a fully realized world, without losing the visceral thrill that games can give. As a start though, Wright has excelled in constructing a world built in 16-bit colour, and when one considers the paucity of charming action movies and how lazy self-aware irony such as Tarantino has become (Kill Bill plays like the worst beat-em-up ever), it seems Games have more to offer than mere childish violence and adolescent thrills.





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Emily Kate Bater


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