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Universidade de TrásosMontes e Alto Douro Last access on:19082016 11:54:00
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Job: Postdoctoral Fellowship
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Main research field: Economics
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UTAD offers 1 postdoctoral fellowship for the research project VINE AND WINE INNOVATION PLATFORM INNOVINE&WINE, operation NORTE010145FEDER000038, of the University of TrásosMontes and Alto Douro (UTAD), financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (2014/2020).
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Job/Fellowship Reference: BPD/UTAD/INNOVINE&WINE/1001/2016
Job description: PostDoctoral Fellowship (1 position) Reference: BPD/UTAD/INNOVINE&WINE/1001/2016 UTAD offers 1 postdoctoral fellowship for the research project VINE AND WINE INNOVATION PLATFORM INNOVINE&WINE, operation NORTE010145FEDER000038, of the University of TrásosMontes and Alto Douro (UTAD), financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (2014/2020), under the following conditions: Scientific area: Economics Compulsory admission requirements: The postdoc fellowship is suitable for candidates of any nationality holding a PhD degree in Economics, or in a related field. Immediate availability. Preferential admission requirements: 1. First degree in Economics; 2. Experience in research in the areas defined in the work plan; 3. Excellent speaking and written knowledge; 4. Domain of quantitative data analysis techniques; 5. Domain of econometric software for creating databases and for the estimation of econometric models with panel data and temporal series. 6 To have articles in peer review international journals in the areas defined in the work plan. 7. To be able to work autonomously and also in a collaborative environment, to show initiative; 8. Verbal and written communication skills; 9. Availability for residence in Vila Real. Work plan: The post doctoral fellow will be integrated into the activity “International Trade”, within the COMPETITIVENESS research line of the INNOVINE&WINE project. The fellow will assume scientific coresponsibility by the management of the research activity. The aims are: to construct a unique database concerning international trade in Portuguese wine; to examine temporal dynamics of the wine trade using time series techniques; to assess the competitive performance through appropriate indexes; and to estimate and analyse the determinants of wine exports using international trade models and various types of econometric methods. The work plan will include: Literature review around the thematic of the research activity; Construction of quantitative databases; Definition of models to estimate; Statistical and econometric analysis (temporal series, panel data); Progress reporting and preparation of results for publication and dissemination; Writing technical papers and scientific project publications in English; Presentation of the research results among key stakeholders of the wineproducing regions as well as academia; Support the organization of seminars and other outreach events; Support the activities of project management and financial control; Contribute to scientific research with original and independent initiatives within the project activities goals; Scientific supervisor of young researchers of the team project. Legislation and regulations: Law nº. 40/2004, of 18 August (Research Fellowship Holder Statute); Regulation for Fellowships of the Fundac¸a~o para a Cie^ncia e a Tecnologia, I.P., approved by Regulation No 234/2012 , published in the Diário da República (Series II) of June 25, 2012 , amended and republished by Regulation No 326/2013 , published in the Diário da República (Series II) of July 27, 2013 and amended by Regulation No 339/2015 , published in the Diário da República (Series II) of 17 June 2015 and the Research Grants Regulations of the University of TrásosMontes and Alto Douro Order RT.36 / 2011 of July, 6, published in the Diário da República (Series II) by Order No. 9157/2011 of July, 19. Workplace: The work will be developed at the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) at the University of TrásosMontes e Alto Douro, UTAD campus, Quinta dos Prados, or at the facilities of the Centre of Excellence of Vine and Wine, at the Science and Technology Park Regia Douro Park, Vila Real, Portugal, under the scientific supervision of Professor Sofia Gouveia. Duration of the Grant: The duration of the fellowship is 6 months, with foreseen beginning in october 2016, and eventually renewable up to the end of the project. Value of monthly maintenance allowance: Monthly stipend is € 1495 according to the stipends established by FCT, I.P. in Portugal (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). Payment will be made by bank transfer, check or equivalent method, on a monthly basis. Selection methods: Candidates will be selected on the basis of documentary evidence, supplemented if
methods: Candidates will be selected on the basis of documentary evidence, supplemented if necessary by an interview of the best candidates, up to a maximum of 5 applicants. The order of the candidates will be expressed on a scale of 0 to 5 points, rounded to one decimal, through the analysis of: a) Merit (40%): classified according the number of publications in peerreviewed journals with JCR and Scopus indexing; b) Adequacy to scientific activity (50%): assessed by the candidate's experience according to the Curriculum Vitae, with particular attention to the work plan areas; c) Motivation for work (10%). If the interview will be needed, a weighting of 30% will be given to interview and 70% to documentary evidence to establish the final ranking. The jury may decide not to award the grant if the profiles of the candidates do not meet the required qualifications and experience. Juri Composition: Chair: Professor João Rebelo Effective Vowel: Professor Sofia Helena Gouveia Effective Vowel: Professor Lina LourençoGomes Results publication/ Candidates notification:: The ranking of the candidates will be published at the Atrium of the P2 building – UTAD and the approved candidate will be notified by email. In the case of an unfavorable award decision (i.e. for applicants not selected to receive grants), the applicant has a period of 10 days after disclosure, to appeal by request of a preliminary hearing, pursuant to the Portuguese “Código do Procedimento Administrativo”. Application: The call for applications is open between 523 September, 2016. Applications should be submitted by email to sgouveia@utad.pt with mandatory delivery and read receipt, and will include: Detailed Curriculum vitae (including academic degrees and grades, scientific activities, projects participation, publications, other relevant skills); Course(s) Certificate(s); Motivation Letter (including a brief description of research experience and why you are suitable for the announced position); Other documental evidence which the applicant considers relevant. The candidate must fill the application form “Mod4_BIUTADFormulário de Candidatura à Bolsa de Investigação”, available on website, following the guidelines below: Access to the homepage of UTAD: www.utad.pt. Select the menu "Investigar" Option "Bolsas de Investigação". In the page "Bolsas de Investigação”, select the option "Download" next to the title "Modelos de Documentos […]". Download the Portuguese or English application form (Mod4_BIUTADFormulário de Candidatura a Bolsa de Investigação). The applicant has the right to equal opportunity and treatment. No candidate can be privileged, favored, jeopardised, deprived of any right or exempted of any claim in regards to descendent, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnic origin or race, place of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs or union membership. Vacant posts: 1 Type of contract: Other Job country: Portugal Job city: Vila Real Job company/institute: Universidade de TrásosMontes e Alto Douro Application deadline: 23 Setembro 2016 (The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description) Top of page
2. Dados de contactos da organização 2. Organization contact data Organization/institute: Universidade de TrásosMontes e Alto Douro Address: Quinta de Prados Vila Real 5001801 Portugal Email: saradias@utad.pt Website: http://www.utad.pt
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3. Habilitações académicas 3. Required education Level
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4. Línguas exigidas 4. Required languages
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5. Experiência exigida em investigação 5. Required research experience
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