CV curriculum vitae. Otero Tarazona personal info Otero Tarazona 25B, Rascanya, 46470 Catarroja, VALENCIA. SPAIN work experience Dates: 09.2009 -09.2010 Occupation: Collaboration in FONT+MES TRE arquitectos S.L.P. Main activities: The job consis ted on developing architectural projects in all phases, from the idea to drawing and r e ndering, and also memories. We also did m any architectural competitions, winning some of them. Name of employer: Francisco Mestre, José Font. C/Ribera, 18, 6, Valencia. Dates: 10.2009 – 06.2010 Occupation: Grant holder in the Architectural Compositions Department of the ETSAV, UPV. Main activities: Collaboration in teaching activities (academic articles, presentations, blog and assistant to the lecturer). Design and layout of the annual subject’s publication. Name of employer: Francisco Noguera, Guillermo Guimaraens. ETSAV, UPV. Camino de Vera s/n. Valencia. education and training Dates: September 2004- April 2011 Title of qualification awarded: Architecture Name of organisation: Universitat Politécnica de València (Spain) Dates: September 2008 - August 2009 Title of qualification awarded: Architecture (Erasmus grant) Name of organisation: Universitá degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) competitions and works Dates: October 2008 Type of Event: Architectural competition Name of organisation and position: IInd Verni•Prens® competition for architecture students. HONORABLE MENTION
Dates: May 2009 Type of Event: Architectural competition Name of organisation and position: 18th Competition of Constructive Solutions Pladur®. HONORABLE MENTION. Dates: May 2010 Type of Event: Architectural competition Name of organisation and position: IV Competition Hyspalit Chair. SELECTED PROJECT Dates: November 2010 Type of Event: Architectural competition Name of organisation and position: IV Verni•Prens® competition for architecture students. 2nd AND 3th PRIZE. Dates: Febrary 2010 Type of Event: Architectural competition Name of organisation and position: International Competition for the head offices of the FAC. SELECTED PROJECT Dates: May 2011 Type of Event: Social Innovation action. Name of organisation and position:“Ciudad Libro”(created by Ángel Arenas). International Poetry Festival of Granada personal skills Mother Tongue: Spanish, Catalan Other languages: English (B2, First Certificate in English, Cambrisge ESOL) Italian (B2 - ten months living in Italy) Social skills and competences: Good team player. Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments. Computer skills and competences: Advanced knowledge of Autocad, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Modelling and renderizing with 3D Studio Max and VRay. Advanced command of Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel. SkecthUp, Corel Draw. Artistic skills and competences: Photograpy - Graphic Design Music - 8 years playing the violoncello. Member of the Micalet Orchestra for 1 year. Driving licence: B
12 Library and knowledge center. Valencia. Final project, 2011
The project consist on developing a new concept of library and knowledge center in the city center of Valencia.
final mark: 9/10
11 Hamman in New Gourna. luxor. IV Hyspalit chair, 2010 Modulation, order, grain. That’s what comes out when we first see the Hassan Fathy’s plan for New Gourna. It is a plain drawing that shows us all the horizontal planes of the city, of each building. We can feel the space, ruled by an unavoidable rhythm of light and shadow that defines a deeply horizontal space that protects us from the relentless sun of the desert.
selected project
10 FAC headquartes. C贸rdoba. Competition. In collaboration with font+mestre arquitectos S.L.P. 2010
selected project
9 bordigola. mobiliario urbano. concurso verni路prens, 2010
second prize
8 surco infinito. pieza de fachada. concurso verni路prens. 2010
third prize
How to create a prefabricated piece for the facade that can, apparently, leave behind the modulated facade image and transmit the randomness? the piece must achieve unity in the walls and it must allow changes of the pattern only changing the position of the pieces. We will study also the possibility of creating a piece for a drywall with a supporting structure of stiles and rails.
7 masterplan in an industrial area in Prato. Toscana, Firenze. 2009 The masterplan project The proposed masterplan is focused on two specific choices: first, the strengthening of the role of the Bisenzio River through the creation of new footpaths that cross the block, thus mending the two banks and their respective districts, from the other hand, the organization of a green space inside the block that coordinate the differents building components.
general site plan
site model
cross section
6 the light of tomorrow. velux international award. 2009 Waterlight. thoughts about the light. light through a fluid creating of new environments, new forms. two organic elements in the service of a new form of inhabiting urban space.
5 reading pavilion. Pladur iberic prize. 2008
site plan. Viveros’s park
main elevation
interior: entrance hall
The main idea is to create a place, not a building, avoiding the distinction between a free and open public place like a park, and a building bounded and closed. The pavilion is part of the park, does not fall on him. It creates a space for open-ended nature, not outside, not inside, which organizes the entire project. It is an space characterized by light, a present light.
Honourable Mention
north-south section
east-west section
4 academy of music in Trinitat quarter. Valencia. 2008
auditorioum section The conservatory is situated in a key location: it dominates the new longitudinal square, on the other hand, it is nourish by the green mass of one of the greatest parks of the city: Viveros. This aspect is of great importance in the project because the vegetation is very present in all courses.
The project is based on a functional division of the program, so it is separeted the more public uses (auditorium, cafeteria) located on the ground floor, very permeable and outgoing, the more internal (school) that form a closed volume.
ground floor
first floor
3 housing in Trinitat quarter. Valencia, Spain. 2008 The project proposes a total redevelopment of the block by removing the existing buildings but maintaining its uses. To this end, it provides an equipped base with two plants.
2 housing block. 2007
general plan
a space with multiple posibilities 1. all interior, 2. interior+balcony, 3. all exterior
1 house between lemon trees. 2006
The project consist on designing a courtyard house in a lemon trees field, planted along an orthogonal alignment with a module of 6x6 metres. The key is to find the connexion between the regular grid of trees and the new arhitecture.