Galaudet Gallery is a fine art gallery that is available for events, parties, casual get togethers and other kinds of celebrations.
Located at 2223 West Hubbard, Galaudet Gallery is located in a private area of the city minutes from the United Center, the West Loop and the Lakefront.
With over 2000 square feet of space on the first floor, guests can mingle with art, architecture and history.
With over 3000 square feet of space in the backyard, guests can enjoy a nature hideaway, private with tall locking fences and a vine covered chain link fence with razor wire (none of which is visible). Grass, trees, flowers and grapes relax in this urban oasis.
Contact Vicki at 715-513-9994 for more information or email at galaudetgallery@gmail.com.
The owner of Galaudet Gallery and 2223 West Hubbard is also president of the 501 C3 not for profit the Memorial Nature Fund which has partnered with Galaudet Gallery to produce luscious Landscape Architecture Art Installations in the backyard area. You can rent from either the gallery or the not for profit.

Two Event Spaces: In or Out?

Inside the gallery space is an open floor plan where tables and chairs may be set up or the open floor plan can be used for standing drinks, talks, art.
Between these first two rooms around 35 people can comfortably stand or sit. There is a back open floor plan kitchen and two rooms off to the side each of these rooms can comfortably fit around 15 people standing or sitting.
Hardwood floors throughout with a tiled kitchen area and a ceramic tiled bathroom is available for guests

Two Event Spaces: In or Out?

Outside is a private backyard with Mulberry & Elm trees, a wildflower garden and vines of grapes and flowers. Seating on the lawn or deck is optional. There is a back fence that is 12 feet high and a brick wall to the east and a vine covered chain link fence with razor wire to the west. To the north is the gallery making this space completely private and secluded with butterflies and birds. The occasional rabbit will hop by too.
Over 40 people can comfortably mingle and sit in this urban oasis. It is also easy to tent over the backyard in case the weather wants to participate in the fun.
A brick and stone walkway diagonally takes one from the deck to the back gate