4 minute read
Nutritank: Bristol sparks a movement
from Spring 2019
by Galenicals
Nutritank: Bristol sparks a movement NutritankBlackBag Article
Around 80% of patients who walk into general practice have conditions related to poor diet or lifestyle choices. We are living for longer, but spending more years in ill health with stressful ‘on-the-go’ lives, eating increasing portions of nutritionally poor food and lack of physical activity. Obesity and lifestyle-related disease is affecting quality of life and putting the healthcare systems under strain. Nutrition and lifestyle are the leading causes of disease but medical students and doctors are underconfident in advising patients on the matter. To Around 80% of patients who walkinto general practice have condition(s) related to poor diet or lifestyle choices. We are living for longer, but spending more years in ill health with stressful ‘on-the-go’ lives, eating increasing portions of nutritionally poor food and lack of physical activity. Obesity and lifestyle-related disease is affecting quality of life and putting the healthcare systems under strain. Nutrition and lifestyle are the leading causes of disease but medical students and doctors are unconfident at advising restore the eroded relationship between food, lifestyle and health in the modern patients in the matter. To restore the eroded relationship between food, lifestyle and world and equip future doctors with the tools needed tackle these issues, Bristol health in the modern world and equip future doctors with the tools needed tackle these medical students, Ally Jaffee and Iain Broadley created Nutritank. issues, Bristol medical students, Ally Jaffee and Iain Broadley created Nutritank…
This This lifestyle medicine hub, is taking a dual approach to ensuring nutrition is lifestyle medicine hub, is taking a dual approach to ensuring nutrition is embedded into embedded into the medical curriculum. Nutritank targets policy makers as well the medical curriculum, targeting policy makers as well as ensuring that students are as ensuring that students are empowered within their university communities empowered within their university communities via their NutritankSoc. Though all our via their NutritankSoc. Though all our work, we maintain our core values: workwhether, itbe national orata local level in our23 branches across the UK, we maintain our core values:
The past year the national committee has hosted a Sustainable Health and Wellbeing in partnership with College of Medicine, worked with the British Dietetics Association to create a bespoke nutrition course for students as well as collaborating with Dr Hazel Wallace (The Food Medic, checkouther 18
Over the past year the national committee has made a lot of progress. Nutritank hosted a Sustainable Health and Wellbeing in partnership with College of Medicine. We have worked with the British Dietetics Association to create a bespoke nutrition course for students. We have even collaborated with Dr Hazel Wallace (The Food Medic, check out her free podcast on iTunes!), Dr Rangan Chatterjee (author of the 4 Pillar Plan) and Dr Rupy Aujla (The Doctor’s Kitchen). Amidst writing a best selling recipe book, working as NHS GP, hosting his podcast amongst other ventures, Rupy has founded Culinary Medicine UK. This RCGP accredited and designed course gives doctors the opportunity to learn the foundations of clinical nutrition and practical cooking skills so they can best motivate their patients to lead healthier lives using food.
In July 2018, Bristol became the first medical school to offer this course to its students over the 4 week eSSC period. The hard work of our founders was noticed by Jamie Oliver’s team, who came to interview the students on the course - for those of you wondering, it was was completely surreal experience for all of us and yes what you see is what you get, he’s exactly like he is on the telly!
Locally the Bristol branch has hosted and been part of a variety of events. We’ve contributed to the Students for Global Short Course (session on the ‘ Food Crisis’), presenting at the the 3rd Year PREVENT! Central Study Day (right) and an eSSC evening on ‘Healthy Diets’; as well as creating community partnerships with business such as Beets and Roots (Nutritank members get exclusive discounts!).
But we’re not done yet...on the 30th of March we’re hosting a lifestyle medicine conference with GPSoc based on the 4 pillar plan. The day will consist of a series of short lectures and workshops on nutrition, physical activity, relaxation and sleep. Come and find out how you can apply these principles to your future practice as well as your own lifestyle; certificates will be provided, so keep your eyes peeled as we have some exclusive speakers lined up!
It may not seem the most appealing or exciting part of your medical training,
but it most certainly will be one of the rewarding. Changing patients’ behaviours, is by far one of the most difficult aspects of being a clinician, so much so that most don’t even try. Imagine having the confidence to tackle this, instead of prescribing patients pills, you will be able to work with them to get to the root of their problem: providing sustainable solutions through lifestyle changes alongside their medical care. You’re not simply giving a quick fix for their illness, but empowering them to lead healthier lives, focusing on being ‘well’ instead of just ‘being’.
S. SARFARAZ, 4th year MB ChB Bristol Branch Lead 2018-19
With thanks to Ellen Crisp, Ally Jaffee and Iain Broadly