WOOD collection
Best from Nature, Best from Technology For ages the world was flat and confined, bounded by strict lines and tied by obligatory laws. And only fashion was able to tint the dull daily routine of our ambience, by shifting its shapes, colors and moods.
Mix of the styles has become a new trend. Infinite possibilities of digital images stepped out of the plain paper and a classic wood flooring was enhanced by millions of nuances and designs. Everything for You, to find that very pattern which will ideally reflect your aspiration.
Digital Print on wood flooring – the best of nature and the best of technology, embodied in the interior of Your dream.
Anticipating the Delight! Series Performance is dedicated to the ones with an extraordinary personality and talent. Incredible, creative, inspiring, exceptional. To those who create, whose style is being copied by others and whose vision of the world becomes a trend. Series Performance by Tarkett, represents an incredible technology from the world's leader, expressed in the idea of uniqueness and beauty. By using the state-of-art digital print technology, Tarkett created exclusive designs which will give your creative ideas a brand new dimension!
collection FASHION
Collection FASHION ANTICIPATING THE DELIGHT In the spotlight, surrounded by excited eyes, on a point break. They are in everyone's focus and it is them who make the future. Artists, whose creations enrich our life. They draw inspiration from the world around and surround themselves with the best. They can combine incompatible things, shifting it into a masterpiece. Performance Fashion is an ultramodern collection. With digital print technology, age-old tradition of creating quality wood flooring and the most modern color application technology are being brought together. A noble oak with sheer blue sea waves, blueprints of a medieval genius on a semi-worn boards, traces of old gold on a rich wood structure‌ This is a new, revolutionary trend on a runway of interiors, when the floor becomes a part of your image. 6
Gianni 10
Gianni Style
GIANNI Style Дж анни Стайл
550169017 mm
skirting Gianni Style / 559541076 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
GIANNI Boho Дж анни Бохо
550169015 mm
skirting Gianni Boho / 559541092 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
GIANNI Eccentric Дж анни Эксентрик
550169016 mm
skirting Gianni Eccentric / 559541097 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Vivienne 18
Vivienne Eccentric
VIVIENNE New Look Вивьен Н ью Лук
550169011 mm
skirting Vivienne New Look / 559541075 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
VIVIENNE Eccentric Вивьен Эксентрик
550169009 mm
skirting Vivienne Eccentric / 559541090 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
VIVIENNE Grunge Вивьен Гранж
550169010 mm
skirting Vivienne Grunge / 559541096 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Coco 26
Coco Shine
COCO Shine Коко Ш айн
550169006 mm
skirting Coco Shine / 559541072 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
COCO Elegance Коко Элеганс
550169007 mm
skirting Coco Elegance / 559541095 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
COCO Boho Коко Бохо
550169008 mm
skirting Coco Boho / 559541100 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Nina 34
Nina Elegance
NINA Elegance Н ина Элеганс
550169013 mm
skirting Nina Elegance / 559541074 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
NINA Black Out Н ина Блэк Аут
550169012 mm
skirting Nina Black Out / 559541091 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
NINA New Look Н ина Н ью Лук 550169014
skirting Nina New Look / 559541101 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Salvatore 42
Salvatore Style
SALVATORE Eccentric Сальваторе Эксентрик
550169005 mm
skirting Salvatore Eccentric / 559541078 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
SALVATORE Grunge Сальваторе Гранж
550169003 mm
skirting Salvatore Grunge / 559541089 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
SALVATORE Shine Сальваторе Ш айн
550169004 mm
skirting Salvatore Shine / 559541094 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Salvatore Style Сальваторе Стайл
550169001 mm
skirting Salvatore Style / 559541099 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Louis 52
Louis Elegance
LOUIS Eccentric Луи Эксентрик
550169020 mm
skirting Louis Eccentric / 559541077 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
LOUIS New Look Луи Н ью Лук
550169018 mm
skirting Louis New Look / 559541093 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
LOUIS Elegance Луи Элеганс
550169019 mm
skirting Louis Elegance / 559541098 / 80x20x2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Paco 60
Paco New Look
PACO New Look Пако Н ью Лук
skirting Paco New Look / 559541073 / 80х20х2400 mm
1:1 ratio
1:7 ratio
Tarkett wood pictograms
1-strip wood flooring
Wood Flooring is commonly described by strips and board width. Each 1-strip board is unique with unrepetable structure. Our 1-strip products will give your wood flooring special appearance.
Digital print technology on real wood
By using specially developed equipment for digital printing on real wood, Tarkett enhances natural wood beauty with unique and modern designs. Thanks to the innovative colour application method, possibilities of changing colours and nuances combined with the individual grain of each board, Tarkett proudly offers a wide variety of exceptional wood flooring designs. Tarkett`s wood flooring has never been so perfect.
Brushed surfaces
The wood surface is being processed with special metal brushes, which are removing the soft wood. In that way, wood flooring structure is emphasized visually, but also in terms of touch.
Edge style
The way the edges and ends of boards are cut is called edge detail or bevel. Maxi bevel gives your floor high contrast dramatic effect and emphasize the nature of each 1-strip board.
Lacquer Proteco Strong
Proteco STRONG lacquer is one of the strongest and the most durable wood surface protection that ensures long life expectations. With its excellent performances in the most relevant abrasion and micro-scratch tests, the Proteco STRONG lacquer makes the surface look new and fresh for a very long time.
Aqua Guard
Tarkett developed special hydrophobic liquid and state of art applying equipment to protect the most sensitive part of installed wood flooring – short connection between boards. Hydrophobic liquid is applied on predefined area of parquet boards with quick and precise method that represents standard in industry for finishing wood products.
Healthy Floors
In order to keep you and your family safe, Tarkett has introduced Healthy Floor lacquer properties, which prevent bacteria reproduction on wood flooring.
Real Wood
The environmental benefits of choosing real wood are indisputable. Far less energy is consumed in timber production, processing and disposal, than in any other construction material. And, after each wood harvest, the forests are replanted for the next generation.
Glue-free and extremely user friendly locking system, T-lock. The boards are simply angled into each other and locked effectively. This simple construction also makes possible dismantling very easy.
Salvatore Style
Paco New Look
Gianni Style
Gianni Boho
Coco Shine
Louis New Look
Vivienne Grunge
Vivienne New Look
Vivienne Eccentric
Louis Elegance
Salvatore Shine
Nina New Look
Coco Elegance
Nina Elegance
Nina Black Out
Gianni Eccentric
Salvatore Eccentric
Coco Boho
Salvatore Grunge
Louis Eccentric
Design overview
Tarkett Parquet
Tarkett Parquet for iPhone
Tarkett Parquet
Tarkett Parquet for Phones
Tarkett RUSSIA Andropov avenue, bld. 18/7 115432, Moscow, Russia +7 495 7753737 Tarkett UKRAINE 13, Staronavodnitskaya str., sect G, of. 126-B Kiev, 01015 Ukraine + 380 44 569 12 21 Tarkett SEE Industrijska zona bb 21400 Bačka Palanka, Serbia +381 21 7557 649 Tarkett BELARUS Gvardeyskaya str., 10, room 3, 220035, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 394 91 35 Tarkett KAZAKHSTAN 010000, Republic Kazakhstan, Astana Turan avenue, blbg.18, BC «Turan 18», block «B», office 504-507 tel +7 (7172) 79 90 80 (81-84) fax + (7172) 79 90 80 (ext.3513)
Products presented in brochure may differ in colour from real wood flooring samples due to various techniques of materials.