A ch oice of san dw ich , accom pan ied by a selection of m in iatu re sav ou ries, fresh ly bak ed scon es an d m in iatu re desserts, serv ed w ith a ch oice of loose leaf teas or fresh ly brew ed coffee an d a glass of Lau ren t Perrier ch am pagn e Selection of Sandwiches (Please select on e of th e follow in g per person ) Praw n M arie Rose Roast B eef & H orseradish Goats Ch eese & Roast Pepper H on ey Roast Gam m on & Sm ok ed Ch eddar Miniature Savouries H om em ade Sou p H aggis Sau sage Roll Sm ok ed Ch ick en Caesar Fresh ly B ak ed Scon es (Serv ed w ith h om em ade preserv es, bu tter an d w h ipped cream ) Miniature Desserts Straw berry Victoria Spon ge Coffee m acaroon , ch ocolate & roast h azeln u t Lem on posset, elderflow er jelly, raspberries, m erin gu e A pple & black berry m ou sse, h on eycom b, fresh blu eberries