American Rifleman 2018-04

Page 16


A Time to Come Together, A Time to Unify

T By Pete R. Brownell President

NRA OFFICERS Pete R. Brownell President

Richard Childress First Vice President

Carolyn D. Meadows Second Vice President

Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President John Frazer Secretary

Wilson H. Phillips Jr. Treasurer Josh Powell Executive Director, General Operations Christopher W. Cox Executive Director,

Institute For Legislative Action

he 147th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits is just around the corner, taking place at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, May 3-6, in Dallas, Tex. In true Texas fashion, this event promises to be the biggest and best NRA meeting yet. I would like to personally invite you to join us in the Lone Star State for what is the largest, annual pro-Second Amendment celebration in America. It is time for us to gather as the NRA family, to meet old friends and to make new ones that will last a lifetime. I’m looking forward to spending time with all of you—people of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds who are sincere believers and participants in freedom. Constitutional freedom is not a right we take lightly. It is what makes America unique; defending and protecting it is what the NRA is all about. And, it’s the very essence of our annual event—which is a melting pot for freedom. We all belong to many national, state and local organizations that share one ideal in common, our love of freedom—specifically the Second Amendment. Firearms owners, hunters, law enforcement, union members, gun collectors, competitive shooters, home defense/ concealed-carry advocates, political activists … no matter our individual interests or varied affiliations, we are all NRA members. More than ever, we must recognize we are all more alike than different. We must mass and focus our collective firepower for the mutual benefit of all. There is no better organization to facilitate this unity than your NRA. This is an all-out exhibition of our Second Amendment lifestyle with all of your favorite guns and gear, top-rate musical entertainment, fun for the kids and family, raffles to win firearms, training seminars, celebrity autograph sessions, and the chance to chat with your favorite pro-Second Amendment

personality. Most of all, it is a chance to meet with your NRA leaders and friends who share your values. It’s also an opportunity to better understand exactly what the NRA is doing for you and your Second Amendment. More specifically, the Annual Meetings play a key role in focusing our collective energy to take the political fight to our states and towns, which is exactly where mid-term elections will be fought. We must do everything to unify our power to ensure continued pro-gun majorities in both houses of Congress at the federal level and in each state house.

THE ANNUAL MEETINGS PLAY A KEY ROLE IN FOCUSING OUR COLLECTIVE ENERGY TO TAKE THE POLITICAL FIGHT TO OUR STATES AND TOWNS, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHERE THIS YEAR’S MID-TERM ELECTIONS WILL BE FOUGHT. Last year President Donald Trump graced us with his presence. Rest assured, Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox will again present distinguished guests who are joining with the NRA to help us defend freedom. You can get all the details, including ticket information, hotel reservations and a full schedule of events by visiting Now is the time to attend the NRA Annual Meetings! Let’s show the world our commitment to freedom is stronger than ever. Your presence counts, and I look forward to seeing you in Dallas.

NRA Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall Hours May 4 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. May 5 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. May 6 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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Special Events May 3 National NRA Foundation Banquet & Auction May 4

Women's Leadership Forum Luncheon & Auction APRIL 2018


May 4

NRA-ILA Leadership Forum

May 4

NRA-ILA Dinner & Auction

May 4

NRA Country Jam

May 5

NRA Saturday Evening Concert

May 6

National Prayer Breakfast

May 6

Women's New Energy Breakfast

May 6

NRA Youth Day

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