Broadcasting (Sixth Grade) • • • •
Project management and collaboration Design Research and communication Professional video production, using video tools
Week one: Pretest for typing skill (via Pretest for media literary (via Overview of equipment. Week two and three: Notes over iMovie Introduction project: Interview with a fellow scholar. View projects created by fellow scholars and critique. In this project, the scholars will: Demonstrate basic operations in the production of video. Develop questioning technique. Insert context into speech visually. See following evaluation form: Scholar Interviews (Due 09/01/2009) Critique Form
Group Members:
1. Introduction (thoroughly explains the issue/topic, leads the viewer into the story) 1
2. Questioning (clear open ended questions asked) 1
3. Camera Work (Focused, steady, tripod used, good composition, creative, etc) 1
4. B-Roll (used, adds interest and supports the main topic, etc.) 1
5. Audio (Levels are appropriate and consistent) 1
6. Time Constraint (fits 1.5 – 2 mintues) 1
7. Titles (Nametags used, correct spelling) 1
8. Conclusion (Ends the segment, leads the viewer out of the story, smooth) 1
9. Overall Story (clear, stays focused on main issue/topic, informative) 1
List 2 each below and use complete sentences. Use specifics! Strong Points:
Weak Points/Suggestions/Alternate Solutions: Week Four and Five
Stock Footage Commercial using Creative Commons video,, Scholars will find video that on the internet that is related to their core content areas and product a video that combines the variety of clips into one. The goal of this project is to edit multiple video sources into one, piece that flows, but also to promote higher level thinking skills, as the scholars will have to base their work off of previous knowledge. Broadcasting 6th Grade Stock Footage FRENZY Commercial Fact Sheet
Fill in the following information pertaining to your Stock Commercial:
1. Name the footage you are using:
2. What is the subject/subject area you are trying to promote?
3. What audience does your commercial target?
4. What specifics will you mention about the subject area?
5. Where can the audience find more information about your subject?
6. Why should your audience listen to your commercial?
7. What slogan might you use to promote your subject area?
8. What celebrity would endorse your subject area? Why?
9. What TV station might play this commercial? Why?
Name: Date: Stock Footage Commercial Checklist ____ I have added titles that state the name of the subject area being advertised.
____ I have used a minimum of three different video clips.
____ I have added music that is appropriate to the subject area being advertised.
____ I have included a title screen that includes the group member names, period, year, etc.
____ I have included appropriate transitions between clips.
____ My commercial looks like and sounds like a real commercial.
____ I have gone back and added my own creative touch to the video.
____ I have properly exported as a Quicktime Movie and have played my exported video to make sure the export worked properly.
____ I have saved my video as “My Name Stock Commercial Subject” and NOT “My Great iMovie”.
____ My final commercial is at least 1:30 in length.
Week Six and Seven:
Shooting and Framing Notes PSA regarding culturally relevant issue: Scholars will create a Public Service Announcement, similar to a commercial, which may run on the morning announcements. The purpose of this assignment is to expose scholars to issues culturally relevant issues occurring outside of the school and to be able to demonstrate a message in a fixed amount of time. In this project, the scholars will: Develop a script and storyboard. Demonstrate storytelling that is audience appropriate. Use visuals to portray context. Broadcasting Sixth Grade Grade Assessment Public Service Announcement Part I September 9th, 2009 Group member names:
Student group provided Video Treatment Plan:
0 = Did not turn in
5 = Partially complete 10 = Completed
Student group provided Storyboards:
0 = Did not turn in 5 = Partially complete 10 = Completed
Student group utilized it’s time wisely:
0 = Inappropriate use of time 5 = Appropriate use of time some of the time
10 = Used their time wisely
Broadcasting 6th Grade Group member Names: Grade Assessment Public Service Announcement Part II September 15, 2009 Student group utilized proper use of
0 = Did not complete
Camera, sound efx, editing,
6 = Needs improvement
VO’s, music:
8 = Above average work 10 = Excellent
Student group provided a well written
0 = Did not complete
Script, followed it, and the script
6 = Needs improvement
Added to the overall production:
8 = Above average work 10 = Excellent
Student group’s PSA makes sense, With no major glitches: 0 = Did not complete 6 = Needs improvement 8 = Above average work 10 = Excellent
Student group utilized it’s time wisely:
0 = Inappropriate use of time
6 = Appropriate use of time some of the time 8 = Appropriate use of time most of the time 10 = Used their time extremely well Student group worked well together As a team: 0 = Did not get along at all 6 = Needs improvement 8 = Above average work 10 = Excellent
Student group met the required time Limit between :27seconds - :33 seconds:
1 = Did not meet the limit at all 2 = Time more than :05 seconds +/:27 sec- :33 seconds. 3 = Time was +/- :01 seconds 4 = Time met requirement
Week eight and nine Final Project: Students will create a special interest news story about a person or event happening in the Galileo Community. To better understand the project, the scholars will complete a homework assignment that requires them to watch a news broadcast and look for particular events to help them create their story. See attached sheet (grade the news).
Special Interest News Story Presentation and Planning
Group researched the subject and integrated 3 or more "tidbits" from their research into their newscast.
Group researched Group researched the subject and the subject and integrated 2 integrated 1 "tidbits" from their "tidbit" from their research into their research into their newscast. newscast.
1 Either no research was done or it was not clear that the group used it in the newscast.
Accuracy of Facts All supportive facts Almost all facts are One fact is are reported reported reported accurately (3 of 3). accurately (2 of 3). accurately.
No facts are reported accurately OR no facts were reported.
All graphics clearly illustrate the material being presented
All graphics are related to the material being presented
Most graphics are related to the material being presented.
Many graphics are not related to the material being presented. Distracting
Speaks clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time and mispronounces no words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time but mispronounces 1 or more words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and mispronounces no words.
Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of the time AND/OR mispronounces more than 1 word.
Posture and Eye Contact
Stands or sits up straight and looks confident and relaxed. Establishes eye contact with audience during most of newscast.
Stands or sits up straight. Establishes eye contact with audience during most of newscast.
Slouches or appears too casual but establishes good eye contact with audience during most of newscast.
Slouches or appears too casual AND establishes little eye contact with audience during newscast.
Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about
Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about
Facial expression and body language show some interest and enthusiasm about
Facial expression and body language depict apathy or boredom with the
the topic throughout the newscast, but it is not overdone.
the topic the topic throughout the throughout the newscast, but it is newscast. somewhat overdone.
Awareness of Audience
All students in group can clearly explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics they chose fit their intended audience.
All students in group can explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics they chose fit their intended audience.
There was some awareness of the audience, but not all of the students can describe how the vocabulary, audio and graphics they chose fit their intended audience
Limited attention to audience in designing newscast AND/OR one or fewer members of the group can explain how the element relate to the audience.
Point of View ‐ Purpose
Story establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Cohesive newscast.
Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus.
The purpose is It was difficult to somewhat clear figure out the but many apects of purpose of the the story seem story. only slightly related.
Duration of presentation
The story was between 2 ‐ 5 minutes and did not seem hurried or too slow.
The story was between 2 ‐ 5 minutes but seemed SLIGHTLY hurried or too slow.
The story was between 2 ‐5 minutes but seemed VERY hurried or too slow.
The story was too long or too short.
Group Work
The group functioned exceptionally well. All members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
The group functioned pretty well. Most members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
The group functioned fairly well but was dominated by one or two members. The group (all members) was almost always on task!
Some members of the group were often off task AND/OR were overtly disrespectful to others in the group AND/OR were typically disregarded by other group members.
Grade the News News Scorecard Analyze each story and place a check mark in the appropriate blank. When you’re done, add the marks and write the total in the ( ) at the end of the space.
Date of Newscast___________ News Organization__________ Newscast Time_______ 1. Put a mark next to the single topic that best matches the primary subject of the story. Core (Main Subjects) Topics: Politics/Government ( fires/Accidents ( )
Natural Disaster ( )
Education ( )
Social Trends
Economics/Business Reporting ( )
Crime/Justice/Prison ( )
Health ( ) Science/Technology
( (
) )
Total core topic stories = Peripheral (Light Stories) Topics: Celebrities’ lives/deaths/ arrests ( )
Lesser fires/accidents Interest ( )
Other stories
Total peripheral topic stories = 2. Named sources: Now go back and review the stories that were reported. Were the quotes rephrased statements or actual video footage of a person giving a quote? Explain. 3. Gender Diversity: Female__________________Male________________Don’t Know__________ Enter numbers of Females and Males who were reported as MOST important.
4. Apparent racial/ethnic diversity: Place a mark for each named on-camera source in the newscast. African ( ) Native American ( ) Asian ( ) Euro/Anglo ( )
( (
) )
Hispanic/Latino ( )
Pacific Islander
Middle Eastern Other Couldn’t tell
General Comments: In the space below, list some general observations and comments you noticed from the newscast.
Did certain stories grab your attention? If so, why?
Were the stories organized in a specific way? If so, how?
Overall, was the newscast mostly positive or negative reporting? Explain your answer.
Group Evaluation Forms
Name_______________________ Date________________________ Project______________________
Self-Evaluation/Critique Answer the questions below in complete sentences.
1. Please describe your completed project. (Simply explain the story or premise of your video as if you were describing it to someone who had never seen it).
2. In what ways did you contribute to your group’s efforts? (Did you work as camera operator? Storyboard? Editor? Talent? Director? Etc.)
3. Please describe any difficulties you may have run into during this production and how they were handled. (Technical issues? Planning problems? Etc.)
4. What do you feel is the weakest aspect of this project? Also, what is the strongest aspect? Explain and be specific!
5. If you had to evaluate this project, what would you give yourself in terms of a letter grade with respect to the amount of effort you personally put into the assignment? Explain why.
Name_______________________ Date________________________ Project______________________
Partner Evaluation Answer the questions below in complete sentences. 1.
What did YOUR PARTNER do well on this final project?
What do you think YOUR PARTNER should have done better?
What were the main responsibilities of your partner?
Next to the item, write your name or your partner’s name. If you both did the work equally, write BOTH.
• • • • • •
Worked with the camera = Edited the project = Created the idea for the story = Worked on the project outside of class time = Wrote the script = Asked for help from Mr. Swanson =
If you don’t feel your partner did an equal amount of work, please explain WHY below. Be VERY specific…