S C HO OL D I S T R I C T 1 1
April 2009 Perspectives Mission Statement Educational Support Professionals will continuously support the District 11 Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan
Food and Nutrition Services Staff Galileo School of Math and Science Left to right: Julie Ann Trautman, Katie Hollis, Joanne Maelloro and Jennifer Rossum
S C H OO L D I S T R I C T 1 1 ESP Council Office 1033 N. Franklin Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Office Phone: 719-520-2492 Fax: 719-520-2437 Email: mckinbl@d11.org Editing: Judith McIntire
As those of us who are temporarily housed at the Galileo School of Math and Science face the prospect of packing back up and relocating to 1115 North El Paso, we know that we need to express our appreciation and gratitude to all of the staff at Galileo, where we have been welcomed warmly since October of 2008. We send a special thanks to the Galileo kitchen staff. Katie Hollis, Julie Ann Trautman, Joanne Maelloro and Jennifer Rossum always have cheerful faces and go out of their way to help us feel welcome and wanted. We extend an enormous THANK YOU to all the staff of Galileo, and especially to the ESP who serve students, staff and guests in such a professional manner in the cafeteria . Submitted by: D-11 Central Office Staff Visitors to Galileo School of Math and Science.
Educational Support Professionals