April 2009 Perspectives Mission Statement Educational Support Professionals will continuously support the District 11 Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan
Front Office ESP — Galileo School of Math and Science Left: to Right: Sean Brady, Bes Smith, Michelle Perez, Nan Cornella, Dave Miesse
SCHOOL DISTRICT 11 ESP Council Office 1033 N. Franklin Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Office Phone: 719-520-2492 Fax: 719-520-2437 Email: mckinbl@d11.org Editing: Judith McIntire
As those of us temporarily housed at Galileo look at packing and moving back to the ad building, we know we need to express our appreciation and gratitude to all the staff at Galileo, especially the Educational Support Professionals in the front office. They welcomed us with open arms in October 2008 and have been extremely patient and amazingly cheerful with us during our stay at the school. Michelle Perez, Bess Smith and Nan Cornella have gone out of their way to accommodate us and make life easier whenever we need assistance. The building manager, Dave Miesse, always wears a smile and seems eager to help with whatever we ask of him. Even before we moved into the Galileo School of Math and Science, Dave was helpful and welcoming. Sean Brady, campus security, does a great job keeping students and staff safe! We appreciate his watchful care. We extend an enormous THANK YOU to these professionals with whom we have been privileged to work since last October. We admire the way they serve students, parents and community members. We will miss them! Submitted by: D-11 Central Office Staff Visitors at Galileo School of Math and Science
Educational Support Professionals