THE 7 THINGS WE LEARNED ABOUT OUTDOOR LOCK-DOWN ACTIVITIES Could we all please just go back inside now?
Words by Clare Bowie
The Garden. Yes yes, we know that Venice got clean, dolphins swam through the canals and the Himalayas could be seen from different places as the smog clouds cleared but nobody mentioned that everyone in suburbia would become complete garden bores, going on and on about their patio areas, the merits of bark over chippings and how they decided to paint their pergolas to connect the indoors with the outdoors. Stop telling me about it! Social Distancing. For many an introvert, these words were like gold dust sprinkled in their ears. What’s that? I don’t even have to make an excuse for not going out, not coming round or never seeing your annoying face again? I’m simply not allowed to see you or touch you. You may not hug me or try to kiss me, I am quite happy here in my own little home-made beer garden and I have finally had the time to build a really high fence because social distancing is just so important! #notsobad
The BBQ. It became a bit of a competitive sport. It started with a casual, ‘come round for a beer and a burger under the pergola,’ to, ‘I thought we’d try Cantonese salted cod to accompany my nettle infused gin.’ I mean, a quinoa salad or a pig on a spit would be just about acceptable but most people really want something that fits between two pieces of bread and since when was a yellow cheese square replaced with a slice of halloumi on a rosemary stalk? What?? ISLE OF MAN PREMIER MAGAZINE