Event Partner Guide 2022
Newark First Fridays is Newark’s only monthly festival. May through September, individual creatives, cultural institutions, city agencies, retailers, manufacturers, and universities across the city participate by hosting around 20+ events monthly spanning the arts disciplines. DEADLINES + DATES MARCH 18 | First Deadline to Submit Event or Activation Proposal April 1 | Soft Launch + After Party May 6 | Festival Season Kickoff + 1st Official After Party May 6-September 2 | 6th Annual NFFr October 7-December 2 | NFFr Winter Program* WHY PARTNER? COMMUNITY Newark First Fridays helps bring the public to your space. Year after year, our event partners report that they create new valuable relationships and partnerships at their Newark First Fridays event. MARKETING/PR Newark First Fridays offers you the opportunity to reach a broad and diverse audience through our marketing/advertising campaign and PR efforts each year, which reach thousands. Digital Newsletters (9,000+) Social Media (32,000+ reached in 2021*) Event Listing in Official Festival Guide Event Listing in Festival Website
● Branded video for festival partnership (30-60secs) ● Banner advertisement in one NFFr Newsletter ● Included in Monthly Events Promotion for NFFr ● Email newsletter promotion ● Social media promotion on one or more of the following platforms: ○ Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
● Included in Monthly Events Promotion for NFFr ● Email newsletter promotion ● Social media promotion on one or more of the following platforms: ○ Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
● Email newsletter promotion ● General festival guide listing ● Social media promotion on one or more of the following platforms: ○ Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
● Email newsletter promotion ● General festival guide listing * Listing due 15th of the month prior to upcoming NFFr
HOW TO ORGANIZE AN EVENT Plan and host your own Newark First Fridays experience! Event types include exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops, talks/panel discussions, walking tours, open studios, and public happenings. Topics can vary and may represent one or more design disciplines. We encourage collaboration across neighborhoods, industries, and disciplines. 1. Represent Newark First Fridays’ mission. Everybody loves a fête yet Newark First Fridays is more than that. Our mission is to bring needed equitable business and exposure to Newark as a creative city: business creation, transforming underutilized space, hyper-local business marketing, and documentation of our impact are essential services we seek to provide. 2. Identify your primary target audience. Familiarize yourself with our program tracks and the target audiences for each. Identify your primary target audience prior to registering your event. This will determine the track that your event will fall under. Events may be listed under one or more tracks; this will be at the discretion of Newark First Fridays staff. 3. Express the 2022 theme. This year’s theme is “First Grade Lessons”. As we turn 6, let’s embody the whimsicalness and freedom of our youth, as in exploring food or drink, or in learning new skill sets or new things in general. Whether it's a public
park; a corner for busking; a living room series; our favorite coffee shop; our city; or the world, few can compare to how Newark shows up and shows out. In 2022, the Newark First Fridays festival will focus on events and public programming that demonstrate how regular exuberant activity can strengthen connections to places, to each other while encouraging positive economic indicators. NFFr challenges you to create events that embody the feeling of: ”First Grade Lessons”, for you and your brand. We want you to explore the many ways that this feeling exists and influences community growth. POLICIES Events Must be Open to the Public Newark First Fridays has the goal to reestablish the Greater Newark Area as an arts destination for both local and international artists and businesses. Therefore, all events presented as part of the Festival must be open to the public and we encourage you to make attending free or low cost. We understand the need to charge will vary depending on the type and production costs of your event. Payment / Confirmation When you submit your partner application, you will be prompted to make a payment. All partnerships MUST be paid for to secure marketing. If you require an extension to this deadline, such as processing time for checks, please contact Newark First Friday staff as soon as possible prior to March 18. Cancellations Full refunds will be granted for event cancellations made prior to March 31st. We’re sorry but we are unable to issue refunds for events canceled after March 31st.
Event Partner Guide 2022 EVENT PREPARATION CHECKLIST EVENT CATEGORIZATION ❏ Primary Intended Audience (Choose your primary intended audience. This will determine the program messaging your event falls in. Events may fall under more than one category and message, but this will be at the discretion of Newark First Fridays staff.) EVENT DESCRIPTION ❏ Event Title ❏ Event Description (500 characters max.) ❏ Your Company Logo (High res, 300 dpi preferred) ❏ Event Photo (High res, 300 dpi preferred) ❏ Ticket Price (Indicate cost of event; add the URL to purchase tickets for your event - we recommend using Ticketleap.com.) LOCATION + TIME ❏ Name of Venue ❏ Venue Address ❏ Date(s) + Time(s) (Choose a date + time for your event. As events are approved by Newark First Fridays staff, they will be added to the heatmap, located to the right of the date/time fields. As more events are approved, the heat map will indicate what other events are happening on that same day/time so you can avoid competition for attendance and see who you can partner up with in your neighborhood.)
VENUE ❏ Audio/Video (as needed) ❏ Seating (as needed) ❏ Food + Beverage (not necessary, but can be a great opportunity to collaborate with local restaurants and vendors) ❏ ADA Accessible (preferred but not required)
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR EVENT 1. REVIEW FESTIVAL UPDATES AT linktr.ee/newarkffr 2. GO TO bitly.com/nffrpartner TO SUBMIT EVENT PROPOSAL 3. FILL OUT THE EVENT SUBMISSION 4. SUBMIT YOUR EVENT Once your event proposal has been reviewed, you will receive confirmation, event guide template, and an invoice. Payment of invoice must be received to complete the event registration process.
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USE THE NEWARK FIRST FRIDAYS LOGO Using the Newark First Fridays logo to market your event is required. Thousands have already experienced the Newark First Fridays festival and encountered our logo over the past three years. Adding our logo to your event promotion introduces you to new audiences and marks you as part of a much bigger picture. Therefore, the Newark First Fridays logo must appear on all print and multimedia promotional materials for your event. USE THE NEWARK FIRST FRIDAYS NAME In your marketing and press materials please note the spelling of our festival name – “Newark” should be spelled out, not abbreviated, and “Fridays” pluralized. Also, please note the typecase styling of our parent company name – GalleryRetail – there is no space between “Gallery” and “Retail”. LINK TO THE NEWARK FIRST FRIDAYS LINKTR.EE Please include the website URL for Newark First Fridays on all promotional items, when possible – linktr.ee/newarkffr Widen your audience and help us to build momentum by connecting with Newark First Fridays via social media. We will share your Festival-related posts on Facebook and Instagram as well as tweets on Twitter. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK: Like our page: facebook.com/newarkffr
Event Partner Guide 2022 INSTAGRAM: Follow us on Instagram @newarkffr When posting photos of your Festival event on Instagram, tag @newarkffr and use the official Festival hashtag: #nwkfirstfridays TWITTER: Follow us on twitter.com/newarkffr. When talking about your Festival event on Twitter, tag @newarkffr and use the official Festival hashtags: #nwkfirstfridays
HOW WE MARKET YOUR EVENT COHESIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN We are currently working with a number of outlets to market NFFr as a whole, which include local print/web advertising, and various printed collateral with citywide distribution. MEDIA + MARKETING SPONSORS We work with several media and marketing sponsors to get the word out about Newark First Fridays events to the public. PRESS OUTREACH/PITCHES Each year, the Festival is featured in a variety of media outlets including television, radio, print, and online articles. Our staff works year-round to develop and maintain a variety of local, national, and international press contacts.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS SEND US YOUR PRESS RELEASE Did you know we will share your press release on our new Medium platform? You must include the boilerplate information on Newark First Fridays at the bottom of your press release as well as mention that your event is a 2022 Newark First Fridays event. A sample press release template is included in this packet for your convenience. Email your final press release(s) to us at newarkfirstfridays@gmail.com. COUNT AND REPORT EVENT ATTENDANCE Reporting your Newark First Fridays event attendance is required – so please have a plan in place to collect your event attendance. Attendance is important to us in terms of impact assessment, applying for grants, garnering sponsorships, and helping event partners, like yourself, plan successful events in the future. Event partner surveys will be distributed post event/festival. TAKE PRINT-READY PHOTOS OF YOUR EVENT An image is worth a thousand words. We’d love for you to share any high-resolution digital photographs of your event to be included on our social media pages and in
future Newark First Fridays marketing, communications, and press outreach. Photo files, with photographer credit and captions, can be submitted via file transfer to: newarkfirstfridays@gmail.com. IMPORTANT DEADLINES + DATES
MARCH 18 | First Deadline to Submit Event or Activation Proposal April 1 | Soft Launch + After Party May 6 | Festival Season Kickoff + 1st Official After Party May 6-September 2 | 6th Annual NFFr October 7-December 2 | NFFr Winter Program*
PRESS RELEASE TEMPLATE {YOUR LOGO} {Media Contact: Name} {Phone Number} {Email Address} FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE {MAIN TITLE} {SUBTITLE} WHEN: {Pertinent Date(s)} WHERE: {Location} WHAT: {150 word description of event – make sure to include that it is a part of Newark First Fridays 2022} Example: The Young Creatives Alliance presents the 1st annual Young Creatives Awards as part of the 6th season of the Newark First Fridays festival. The Young Creatives Awards are... HOW: {Include details/links about how to obtain tickets, register, enter the competition, etc.} ### {ABOUT YOU} Boilerplate information about your organization, about 75 words. ABOUT Newark First Fridays is an all-inclusive, safe and vital community-driven platform to showcase emerging artists, makers, artisan food vendors, musicians, and many uniquely talented street performers and vendors. This year’s festival kicks off on May 6 and events run from December 2. For more information on planning an event, sponsoring, advertising, or attending the 2022 festival, visit: linktr.ee/newarkffr