Gallothai Christmas & New Year's Brochure 2022-2023

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Chocolatiers Collection Chocolate Box of 25 pcs. Size: 23 x 23 x 3cm. *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date.* SPECULOOS GRAIN CAMEETIRAMISU THAI TEANOISETTINE PHILIPPINES75%HIMALAYANSALTEDCARAMEL MACADAMIASALTED BANOFFEEPIEPASSIONFRUITPEANUTALMONDMOCHA

*Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date.* FCHR 0759 Chocolate Moments Box of 12 pcs. Size: 15 x 19 x 3.3 cm. FCHR 0758 Chocolate Moments Box of 5 pcs. Size: 23 x 7 x 3.3cm. CEYLAN ORANGECOFFEEVANILLA YUZU CARAMELGRAINCINNAMON PHILIPPINES75%ALMONDMOCHA RUMLIQUORRAISIN MARACAIBO

FCHR 0744 Sea Salt Dulce de Leche Chocolate with Biscuits Tablet in Envelope Size: 10 x 18 x 1 cm. AV.Weight: 70g. FCHR 0745D 75% Dark Chocolate with Hazelnut & Cranberries Tablet in Envelope Size: 10 x 18 x 1 cm. AV.Weight: 70g. Craft Chocolate *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date. Chocolate tablet shelf life 4 months from production date* FCHR 0765 Sweet ChocolateOccasionBoxof 6pcs. Size: 11 x 15 x 3cm. CRISPYBERRYPHILIPPINES75%NOISETTINE ALMONDMOCHA RASPBERRYSALTEDHIMALAYANCARAMEL

FCHR Size:ChocolateRavishingFCHRSize:ChocolateRavishing0760CollectionBoxof2pcs.9.8x5.8x3cm.0761CollectionBoxof4pcs.11x11x3cm. *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date. Solid chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date* FCHR 0751M Mixed Designs Assorted Milk Chocolate Napolitain ( Sold per box of 100 pcs. ) FCHR 0753M AngelMilkLollipop (Sold per bag of 5 pcs.) FCHR DulceGingerbread0752LollipopdeLeche(Soldperbagof5pcs.) FCHR 0523D SantaDarkLollipop (Sold per bag of 5 pcs.) WILDSPECULOOSBERRYTEA CEYLON TEA IRISH COFFEE

*Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date.* FCHR 0768 Happy Holidays Chocolate Box of 2pcs. Size: 7 x 11 x 3cm. FCHR 0769 Happy Holidays Chocolate Box of 15pcs. Size: 16 x 24 x 3cm. NOISETTINESPECULOOSGRAIN PHILIPPINES75% HIMALAYANSALTEDCARAMEL RUMLIQUORRAISINRASPBERRY VANILLAVODKA SAN FELIPE

*Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date.* FCHR 0762 Sensual Collection Chocolate Box of 6pcs. Size: 11 x 15 x 3cm. FCHR 0763 Sensual Collection Chocolate Box of 15pcs. Size: 23 x 15 x 3cm. GINGERBREADBRESILIENNE EARLTEAGREY VANILLAVODKACARAMEL&ALMONDCHERRY VENEZUELA43% MIGNON MINT &HAZELNUTLINSEED

Temptation Collection Chocolate Box of 9 pcs. Size: 15 x 15 x 3.3 cm. *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date. VANILLAFRENCHTEA HAZELNUTSALTYDUJA CURACAOBLUE BLUEBERRY CRISPYBERRY

Small Hamper FCHR 0725 Size: 30 x 17 x 18cm. 1. Penguin with Scarf 75g. 2. Santa Lollipop Dark Chocolate 3. Sea salt Dulce de Leche Chocolate with Biscuits Tablet 70g. 4. Green Tea Dusted Pistachio’s in Tin Box 65g. 5. Santa Belt Chocolate Bomb (Strawberry flavor) 6. Snowflake Chocolate Bomb (Peppermint) 7. Sweet Occasion Chocolate box of 6 pcs. 8. Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Spread 9. Brownie Brittle Dark Chocolate 65g. 10. Brownie Brittle Red Velvet Cranberry Chocolate 65g. Large Hamper FCHR 0726 Size: 42 x 17 x 22cm. 1. Madagascar Vanilla Sable with Almond 70g 2. Brownie Brittle Dark Chocolate 65 3. Brownie Brittle Matcha Green Tea 65g 4. Bear Holding Star 5. Dark 75% Hazelnut & Cranberries Chocolate Tablet 6. Spiced Fruit & Nut clusters 100g 7. Gingerbread Lollipop Dulce de leche Chocolate 8. Angel Lollipop Milk Chocolate 9. Orange passion fruit jam 10. Santa Belt Chocolate Bomb (Strawberry flavor) 11. Snowman Chocolate Bomb (White Chocolate flavor) 12. Holy Leaf Chocolate Bomb (Dark Chocolate flavor) 13. Green tea Dusted Pistachio’s in tin box 65g 14. Macadamia coated in Cranberry Chocolate in tin box 65g 15. Chocolate Moments 12 pcs. praline & truffles 16. Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Spread *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date, Solid chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date*

FCHR (SoldChristmas5653MTree6cm.WrappedGreenFoilAv.Weight9.5g.perbagof100pcs.) FCHR (SoldChristmas5655MBell3cm.WrappedMixFoilAv.Weight11g.perbagof100pcs.)FCHR 5665M Champagne Bottle 6.5cm. Wrapped gold foil Av.Weight 21.5g. (Sold per box of 24 pcs.) FPRA (Sold*ShelfwithChampagne0323DBottleWhiskyFillingAv.Weight:21.5g.life45days*perboxof24pcs.) *Chocolate Praline & Truffle shelf life 45 days from delivery date. Solid chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date* Chocolate Bomb Drop the bomb Pour 200ml hot milk onto the bomb Watch it dissolve and marshmallows float and ENJOY! *Shelf life 6 months from production date* FCHR ChocolateSanta0755BeltBomb(Strawberry)Size:Dia.5cm. FCHR (DarkChocolateHoly0757DLeafBombChocolate)Size:Dia.5cm.FCHR (WhiteChocolateSnowman0754WBombChocolate)Size:Dia.5cm. FCHR ChocolateSnowflake0756Bomb(Peppermint)Size:Dia.5cm. FTRU 0357D 75% Philippines (Sold per box of 30 pcs.) FPRA 7364D Acai Mixed Berry (Sold per box of 40 pcs.) FPRACeylan7769M (Sold per box of 30 pcs.) FPRARaspberry7785W (Sold per box of 30 pcs.) FPRA 7783W Mocha Almond (Sold per box of 30 pcs.) FPRA 7779W Peanut Passionfruit (Sold per box of 30 pcs.) FPRA 7365M Himalayan Salted Caramel (Sold per box of 40 pcs.) FPRANoisettine7784M (Sold per box of 40 pcs.)

*Brownie Brittle shelf life 12 months from production date* FPAS AV.Weight:DarkBrownie0320BrittleChocolate60g.FPAS AV.Weight:MatchaBrownie0319BrittleGreenTea60g.FPAS AV.Weight:CranberriesRedBrownie0321BrittleVelvetwith60g. FPAS 0318 Sablé AV.Weight:ChocolateDarkSable70g. *Shelf life 45 days from delivery date* FPAS Madagascar0317 Vanilla Sablé with Almond AV.Weight: 70g. *Shelf life 45 days from delivery date* FNUT 0023 Spiced Fruit & Nut AV.Weight:Clusters 100g. *Shelf life 4 months from production date* • All Spice • Gingerbread • Matcha • Coconut FPAS Holiday0316Cookies Assorted (Sold per Box of 24 pcs. Mixed Designs) Holiday Cookies *Shelf life 3 months from delivery date*

FPAN 0556D Dried Cherry coated in Dark and Red Chocolate Size: Dia.8 x 6 cm. Av.Weight: 65g. FPAN 0551D (Sold per Kilo) FPAN 0553 Hazelnut coated in Caramel Salted Chocolate Marble Size: Dia.8 x 6 cm. Av.Weight: 65g. FPAN 0550 (Sold per Kilo) FPAN 0555M Hazelnut coated in Milk Chocolate Marble Size: Dia.8 x 6 cm. Av.Weight: 65g. FPAN 0549M (Sold per Kilo) FPAN 0645D Toffee Pecan coated in Dark Chocolate Size: Dia.8 x 6 cm. Av.Weight: 65g. FPAN 0644D (Sold per Kilo) FCHO 1269 Dark Chocolate Spread Av.Weight: 200g. *Shelf life 6 months from production date* FCHOHazelnut1844M Milk Chocolate Spread Av.Weight: 200g. *Shelf life 6 months from production date* CJAM MacadamiaFPANAv.Weight:Strawberry001Jam250g.0726DcoatedinCranberryChocolateAv.Weight:65g.FPAN0724D(SoldperKilo) CJAM 003 Orange Passion Fruit Jam Av.Weight: 250g. FPAN 0725W Green Tea FPANAv.Weight:Pistachio’sDusted65g.0723W(SoldperKilo) * Jam & Panning Chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date*

*Chocolate Decoration sold per box of 100 pcs. Shelf life 4 months from production date* FPAN 0667 Rice Crispy “Christmas Mix” (Sold per bag of 1 kg.) *Shelf life 12 months from production date* FPAN 0666 Rice Crispy “Classic Mix” (Sold per bag of 1 kg.) *Shelf life 12 months from production date* FDEC 4524W Baby Penguin size: 3 x 4cm. FDEC 4523W Baby Polar Bear size: 3 x 4cm. FDEC 4525W Baby Santa size: 3 x 4cm. FDEC 4522W Babysize:Snowman3x4cm. FDEC 4513W | FDEC 4514W Cat with Lights size: 2.8 x 3.5cm. FDEC 4515W | FDEC 4516W Cat with Santa Hat size: 3.5 x 3cm. FDEC 4501W | FDEC 4502W Christmas Tree size: 3 x 4cm. FDEC 4520W Pup with Santa size: 3.5 x 3.5cm. FDEC 4521W Bear with Santa Hat size: 3.5 x 3cm. FDEC size:Greeting4519WSanta3x3.5cm.FDEC size:Jumping4517WSanta3.5x3.5cm. FDEC 4518W Little Snowman size: 3 x 3.5cm.

*Chocolate Decoration sold per box of 100 pcs. Shelf life 4 months from production date* FDEC 4508D | FDEC 4509D Happy New Year Fireworks size: 3cm. FDEC 4503W | FDEC 4504D Merry Christmas Santa Cap size: 3cm.FCHR 5698D FCHR 5698M FCHR 5698W FCHR (SoldSize:Mistletoe5699WLeaf6x4cm.perboxof 50 pcs.) FDEC 4510D FDEC 4511W FDEC 4512D Classic Christmas size: 5 x 4cm. FDEC 4498D FDEC 4499D FDEC 4500W Ribbon Happy New Year size: 5 x 3cm. FDEC 4505D FDEC 4506W FDEC 4507D Star Happy New Year size: 3cm.

*Solid chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date* FCHR 0709W Snowman with Broom Size: 4 x 6 x 9cm. AV.Weight: 40g. (Sold per bag of 2 pcs.) FCHR 0716W FCHR (SoldChristmas0710TreeSize:4x6x9cm.AV.Weight:35g.perbagof2pcs.)FCHR0717FCHR 0708M Little Santa Size: 4 x 6 x 9cm. AV.Weight: 40g. (Sold per bag of 2 pcs.) FCHR 0715M FCHR 0711M Bubbly Snowman Size: 4.5 x 4.5 x 8cm. AV.Weight: 30g. (Sold per bag of 3 pcs.) FCHR 0718M FCHR ElkFCHR(SoldSize:Bubbly0527MSanta4.5x4.5x8cm.AV.Weight:30g.perbagof3pcs.)FCHR0597M0735MwearingSweaterSize:8x5x13cm.AV.Weight:80g.FCHR0742MFCHR 0734 Long Beard Santa Size: 4 x 6 x 16cm. AV.Weight: 80g. FCHR 0741 FCHR 0730M Santa Holding Star Size: 7 x 9 x 17cm. AV.Weight: 100g. FCHR 0737M FCHR 0731M Santa Claus on Rocking Horse Size: 10 x 4.5 x 12.5cm. AV.Weight: 95g. FCHR 0738M FCHR 0732M Santa and Goodies Size: 4.8 x 7.5 x 13cm. AV.Weight: 85g. FCHR 0739M FCHR 0736M Bear Holding Star Size: 6.8 x 7.2 x 11cm. AV.Weight: 85g. FCHR 0743M FCHR 0733 Penguin with Scarf Size: 5.5 x 7.3 x 10cm. AV.Weight: 75g. FCHR 0740 ARRIVALNEW

*Solid chocolate shelf life 12 months from production date* FCHR 5680D | M Father Christmas Size: 2 x 3.5 x 7.5cm., AV. Weight 10g. (Sold per bag of 5 pcs.) FCHR 0612D | M FCHR 5681D | M Father Christmas Size: 3.5 x 5 x 11.5cm., AV. Weight 35g. FCHR 0613D | M FCHR 0672M Small Joyous Santa with Yellow Belt Size: 3 x 5.5 x 11cm AV. Weight 40g. FCHR 0673M FCHR 0674M Large Joyous Santa with Yellow Belt Size: 9 x 15.5 x 32cm. AV. Weight 440g. FCHR 0675M FCHR 0713W Cheerful Snowman Blue Scarf Size: 7.5 x 7.5 x 15cm. AV. Weight 150g. FCHR 0720W FCHR 0668 Santa Face CaramelJollyFCHRSize:CaramelBoot6x10x14cm.AV.Weight90g.FCHR06690712MSantawithTeddy&GiftsSize:12.5x10.5x16cm.AV.Weight200g.FCHR0719M FCHR 0087D | M Mini Hollow Classic Father Christmas Size: 2.3 x 2.5 x 6cm. AV. Weight 11g. (Sold per bag of 5 pcs.) FCHR 0611D | M FCHR 0714M Surprise Little Bear Size: 6.5 x 5.5 x 10cm. AV.Weight: 50g. (Sold per bag of 2 pcs.) FCHR 0721MEXAMPLE WHEN PACKED Item code packed in red

SUGAR DECORATIONS *Sugar Decorations sold per box | Shelf life 24 months from production date* 2D Packing box size: 20 x 27 x 4.5cm. | 3D Packing box size: 24 x 40 x 4cm.

*Sugar Decorations shelf life 24 months from production date* TSUG Size:PurpleSnowman00413DEarmuffDia.2.5x2.5cm.(210pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Mushroom00443DDia.2.5x2.5cm.(50pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Snowman00423DPinkBeanieDia.2x3.3cm.(160pcs. / box) TSUG 0038 Penguin Head 3D Size: Dia.2.5 x 2.5cm. (144 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Dia.3GreenSnowman00373DEarmuffx3.5cm.(84pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Reindeer00403DDia.3.5x3.5cm.(55pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Snowman00433DRedBeanieDia.2x3.3cm.(160pcs. / box) TSUG 0039 Christmas Tree 3D White Size: Dia.3 x 5cm. (51 pcs. / box) TSUG 0033 Santa feet upside down Size: 3.8 x 4cm. (80 pcs. / box) TSUG 0036 Xmas wreath green Size: 3.3 x 3.3cm. (120 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Snowflake00353.5x4cm.(150pcs. / box) TSUG Christmas0045Tree 3D Green Size: Dia.3.5 x 3cm. (55 pcs. / box) TSUG Christmas0046Hat 3D Size: Dia.3.5 x 2.5cm. (104 pcs. / box)

*Sugar Decorations shelf life 24 months from production date* TSUG 0029 Santa Holding Xmas Bauble Size: 2 x 3.5cm. (120 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Gingerbreadman00303.3x3.5cm.(140pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Christmas0031Tree3x3.5cm.(140pcs. / box) TSUG Snowman0032&TreeSize:3x3cm.(120pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Christmas0020Tree2x2.7cm.(300pcs. / box) TSUG 0021 Polar Bear Size: 1.5 x 2.5cm. (330 pcs. / box) TSUG 0022 Snowman Holding Tree Size: 2.2 x 2.5cm. (300 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Christmas0024Tree2.5x3cm.(175pcs. / box) TSUG 0016 Santa Face Size: 2.5 x 2.5cm. (252 pcs. / box) TSUG 0017 Holly Leaf Size: 2.5 x 1.5cm. (336 pcs. / box) TSUGStar0018 Size: 2 x 2cm. (350 pcs. / box) TSUG 0019 Snowman with Scarf Size: 2.2 x 3cm. (180 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Reindeer00253x3.5cm.(140pcs. / box) TSUG 0026 Santa Head Size: 3 x 2.5cm. (140 pcs. / box) TSUG Size:Snowman0027Face2.5x3cm.(280pcs. / box) TSUG 0028 Christmas Stocking Size: 2.5 x 3cm. (160 pcs. / box)

• HEAD OFFICE RSU Tower, Unit 301-303, 3rd Floor, 571 Sukhumvit Road, Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok,Thailand 10110 T: +66(0) 2381-6691 F: +66(0) 2381-6690 Website: Domestic department E-mail : Export department E-mail : • CHIANGMAI 117 Bamrungrad Rd., Watgate, Muang, Chiangmai 50000 T: (0)53 244-631 F: (0)53 246-571 • PHUKET 100/509-10, Chalermprakiat King Rama 9, Rassada District, Muang, Phuket 83000 T: (0)76 381-229 F: (0)76 281-230 The finest locally sourced ingredients. Crafted by Belgian expertise. Since 1993, Thailand.

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