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If Not Me, Then Who…? Kenneth Reige

“If Not Me, Then Who…?”

- 1st LT Travis Manion, USMC, KIA 29 APRIL 2007

By Kenneth Reige

The Travis Manion Foundation is an organization which was established as a memorial fund, and has taken off by leaps and bounds. They travel the globe helping communities and families deal with the loss of a service member. For more information on the Travis Manion Foundation and to find out how you can help, please visit www. travismanion.org.

Let’s look more into the statement that Manion made that has become this organizations motto: “If Not Me, Then Who…?” This is a very powerful statement and those who wear or have worn the uniform of our country understand its meaning. We “get it” and gladly accept the challenges that come with taking an “oath” to protect and defend our way of life. We are also called “The Elite 1%” and know that freedom comes with a cost, and that cost sometimes includes making the ultimate sacrifice for others.

To me, this is what Travis meant by, “If Not Me, Then Who…?” As a Marine Officer in a combat unit, he knew the dangers and volunteered to go into harm’s way, and as a result, laid down his own life to protect his fellow Marines and to help us live under the blanket of freedom and to make something real and good of our lives.

So, who/what is the Travis Manion Foundation and how did they come about visiting Gallup, NM? About four years ago as I was traveling with Hershey back to Gallup, we encountered Ms. Cindy Dietz who was wearing a t-shirt with the name “The Travis Manion Foundation.” I was curious, so we struck up a conversation and she told me about her son Danny Dietz. Danny was a Navy Seal who made the ultimate sacrifice during what was called “Operation Red Wings.” Also fellow Navy Seal Lt. Michael Murphy made the ultimate sacrifice during this intense battle. Lt. Murphy would (posthumously) receive our nations highest award for valor, The Medal of Honor. There was a book and movie that was made regarding Operation Red Wings called, “The Lone Survivor.”

Upon our arrival at the airport, Ms. Dietz told us she was meeting with the rest of the Travis Manion Foundation and would be traveling to Gallup, NM. We told her that we were from Gallup, which caught her by complete surprise. Later that week we (The Comfort Suites) hosted a cookout for their entire group and found out a little more about Travis Manion and the foundation that was created in his honor.

Fast forward to 2017 when the Travis Manion Foundation returned to Gallup. It was during that visit that I became fully aware of the power of this organization and the power

The Dog Tag of Chief Warrant Officer Bryan J. Nichols and others which are proudly on display on the Battle Field Cross at the Comfort Suites in Gallup.

of what we are doing here at the Comfort Suites. It was the last night the group was here and we were hosting a cookout in their honor. All were sharing wonderful stories, and tears of laughter and sorrow, when one of the Gold Star Wives asked if she could speak with me. She began to tell me the story of her husband, Chief Warrant Officer Bryan J. Nichols, and how he was KIA (Killed In Action) on 6 August 2011. This touching story she was now sharing with me included an event that had happened at the Comfort Suites. She stated that first she doesn’t want me to think she is crazy, but her husband had come to her, not in a dream, but was there with her. He reached out his hand to her and stated that he knows she will always love him, but she was too young to be alone and he needed her to move on with her life. She then produced a dog tag that she had made in his honor that she had worn every day since his funeral. She stated that if it were

Gold Star Memorial at the Comfort Suites, honoring Specialist Lori Piestewa who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom on 23 March 2003.

not for the Travis Manion Foundation, she would never have been able to move on in life. The next morning as she was leaving, I accompanied her to our Battle Field Cross where she placed that same dog tag of Chief Warrant Officer Bryan J. Nichols; a memory here for all to see.

Group picture taken by Ms. Felicia Kee during our celebration of life with the Travis Manion Foundation.

In April, The Travis Manion Foundation was back in Gallup to help our community. On Monday, April 8th, we had a great evening of fellowship and healing while “breaking bread” with our friends and planning their next expedition to Gallup. I also visited with Mrs. Tina Tranauskas who is the Senior Manager of Expeditions to find out what project they were working. Tina shared how honored they are to come to Gallup and help a local veteran with his home. In the past they have assisted with homes and with the renovation of a church. The members of this organization have given so much. The saying, “All Gave Some, Some Gave All,” is such a powerful statement that these Gold Star Families understand more than anyone. These families have borne the burden that is required to ensure our freedom, and it was such an amazing honor to have these great Americans sharing their life stories.

I want to share one last picture of 1st Lt. Travis Manion who made the ultimate sacrifice on 29 April 2007. He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star with Valor Device, and the Purple Heart. His final resting place is at Arlington National Cemetery in Section 60 Site 9179.

1st Lt. Manion was one of our nations best, and his statement of “If Not Me – Then Who?” is more than just a motto for a foundation; it was the way he lived his life. I salute you sir and say, “Welcome Home.”

This month’s Medal of Honor Quote comes from United States Naval Academy Graduate Thomas J. Hudner, Jr. (Class of 1947), who received his Medal of Honor for his actions during the Korean War and retired from the United States Navy at the rank of Captain (O-6).

“Our freedom, envied the world over, was attained at great personal sacrifice–we cannot allow it to wither away through apathy.”


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