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A New Mexico Hero of World War II That Many Have Never Heard Of Kenneth Riege

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A New Mexico Hero of World War II That Many Have Never Heard Of

This is a short story about PFC Jose Valdez Recipient of the Medal of Honor

By Ken Riege USAF Veteran

Jose F. Valdez was born on 3 January 1925 and raised in Gobernador, NM, which is now a ghost town. Jose Valdez, like most young Americans of the time, answered the call when their nation needed them and joined the fight in June 1944. At the time he was living in Pleasant Grove, UT, and, upon completion of his basic military training, was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division. The 3rd ID is considered the most decorated division in the Army having earned more “Medal’s of Honor” (to include our very own Hershey Miyamura) than any other division in the United States Army.

On 25 Jan 1945, Pvt. Valdez was on patrol with five of his fellow soldiers near a small railway station near Rosenkranz, France, when they unexpectedly confronted an enemy counterattack. They were staring down an enemy tank when Pvt. Valdez, upon his own initiative, opened fire against the tank with his automatic rifle. This action made the tank withdraw. Pvt. Valdez eliminated three enemy soldiers in the firefight when the Germans ordered a full-out attack and sent in two companies of infantrymen. Now an infantry company typically consist of between 80 to 250 soldiers, so Pvt. Valdez and his fellow soldiers had more than a load of trouble headed their way.

When Pvt. Valdez and his fellow soldiers received their orders to withdrawal, without hesitation, Pvt. Valdez offered to cover them. He opened fire upon the approaching enemy holding them off until his patrol members were able to reach the American lines. Pvt. Valdez was severely wounded and somehow managed to drag himself back to the American lines. Sadly, three weeks later, he died from his wounds.

PFC Jose Valdez was laid to rest in the Santa Fe National Cemetery with full military honors. His headstone is in Section Q, Site 29. Here is a picture of his headstone to encourage all to visit these hallowed grounds and to pay your respects to all the brave men and women who have been laid to rest there. I have included his Medal of Honor Citation for all to read: Jose F. Valdez

Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company B, 7th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division

Place and date: Near Rosenkrantz, France, January 25, 1945 Entered service at: Pleasant Grove, Utah Born: Gobernador, New Mexico G.O. No.: 16, February 8, 1946 Citation

He was on outpost duty with five others when the enemy counterattacked with overwhelming strength. From his position near some woods 500 yards beyond the American lines, he observed a hostile tank about 75 yards away, and raked it with automatic rifle fire until it withdrew. Soon afterward he saw three Germans stealthily approaching through the woods. Scorning cover as the enemy soldiers opened up with heavy automatic weapons fire from a range of 30 yards, he engaged in a fire fight with the attackers until he had killed all three. The enemy quickly launched an attack with two full companies of infantrymen, blasting the patrol with murderous concentrations of automatic and rifle fire and beginning an encircling movement which forced the patrol leader to order a withdrawal. Despite the terrible odds, Pfc. Valdez immediately volunteered to cover the maneuver, and as the patrol one by one plunged through a hail of bullets toward the American lines, he fired burst after burst into the swarming enemy. Three of his companions were wounded in their dash for safety and he was struck by a bullet that entered his stomach and, passing through his body, emerged from his back. Overcoming agonizing pain, he regained control of himself and resumed his firing position, delivering a protective screen of bullets until all others of the patrol were safe. By field telephone he called for artillery and mortar fire on the Germans and corrected the range until he had shells falling within 50 yards of his position. For 15 minutes he refused to be dislodged by more than 200 of the enemy; then, seeing that the barrage had broken the counter attack, he dragged himself back to his own lines. He died later as a result of his wounds. Through his valiant, intrepid stand and at the cost of his own life, PFC Valdez made it possible for his comrades to escape, and was directly responsible for repulsing an attack by vastly superior enemy force.

The USNS Private Jose F. Valdez (T-AG169), was named after World War II Medal of Honor recipient PFC Jose F. Valdez, was a technical research ship in operation during the 1960s. The "Galloping Ghost of the Ivory Coast” or "Grey Ghost of the African Coast,” as she was affectionately called by her crew, was deployed around Africa from 1961 until 1969.

There is not a lot of information about Jose Valdez, but all we need to know that he was a great hero that put the life of is

his fellow soldiers and the freedoms that we enjoy today before his own. I am very proud and honored to be able to write a little about this brave young man that not many know about and to honor him in a way that he should be.

I invite all to visit the Comfort Suites in Gallup to see the above display we have honoring PFC Jose Valdez.

This month’s Medal of Honor Quote comes from United States

Army Veteran and

Vietnam War MOH

Recipient Michael J. Novosel:

“The American Flag displayed on one’s lapel is admirable, but it will never equal carrying it in one’s heart.” PFC Jose Valdez lived this quote beyond any shadow of a doubt on 25 January 1945.

Questions for Nathan White First Baptist Church’s New Song Leader

Gallup, NM, would like to welcome the new Song Leader at First Baptist Church. Nathan White has come here from Tucumcari with his family to start a next chapter in his life of ministry. First Baptist Church invites you to come and meet the new Song Leader and take part in a Sunday or Wednesday service that will be filled with worship and music. How long have you been involved in music ministry?

Since I was 16 years old. I was very blessed that in 2000 I was asked by Sandia Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque to start their first contemporary service. I was there for two years. For someone who doesn’t regularly attend a church service, what do you see as the importance of music related to worship?

Music plays two important roles in worship. First, music is used to help the saints praise and edify who our Lord is and what He has done for us as Christians. Lastly, music, especially singing, helps the saints build themselves up in truth and love. That is why it is so important to sing songs that speak to these principles. What other roles will you play at First Baptist Church?

Although the wheels are always turning about things that I would like to do for First Baptist and the city of Gallup, I believe there are two things that I am going to work hard on in my first year here. First, I would like to create a summer music academy for children to come and learn piano, recorder, and get basic musical training, especially since public schools around the country are cutting music programs and making it harder for kids to get a good musical education. Lastly, I love college kids; when I was getting my Masters at the University of Denver, I was given the opportunity to teach voice and music theory to freshmen and non-majors and I loved it! I would love to reach out to UNM-Gallup and see if some of their college students would like to use their musical gifts as a part of our music ministry at First

Baptist, as well as see if they would like the idea of starting a college choir at some point. The possibilities are really endless. Studies show that church attendance is down in the United States. How important is being part of a church family to you and why? It is very vital! These days I hear a lot of people, both saved and unsaved, talk about trying to find God’s will for their lives, and what they don’t understand is that God tells us in his word that part of his will for our lives is that we be a part of a local body of believers. Meaning it is important to be a part of the church. Of course, the first thing I hear is the church is full of hypocrites, and my answer is, absolutely we are! God didn’t die for perfect people, He died for sinners, and we are all sinners who have been saved by a gracious God, who wants us to learn and grow with one another. Sometimes that means we are going to disagree, fight and argue, but that happens in all families, but growth happens with all of these experiences. If you are not a part of a local church family, you can’t find God’s will for your life and you certainly won’t grow in the way He wants you to. What are the influences you have had in your life that have brought you here to Gallup as the Song Leader?

Well, I must say that there have been many, but I think the biggest influence I had was one of my professors in college. I had been studying to be a full-time opera singer in school, but was having some reservations and was seeking the Lord’s will in my life. My professor Dr. Bradley Thompson had me come in one day and sing some of my opera arias for him, but also had me bring my guitar, sing, and play some of the new church songs I was learning. I remember he asked me afterwards how I was able to sing classically and then sing in a more traditional contemporary, popFrequently Asked Questions style voice back-to-back like that. I responded, “I Q. Who should complete the don’t know; I just do it.” He then told me that was Frequently Asked Questionscensus questionnaire? a rare thing that he hadn’t seen in many singers, A. One person in the home should complete and he thought with my ability to sing like that Q. Who should complete the the questionnaire and include every person and with my ability to play multiple instruments, census questionnaire? A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly? A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly? A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. that to just sing opera, in his mind, would be a waste of my full potential. It was then that I decided to obey where the Lord had been calling me most of my life and go into music ministry, because it allows me to do all of those things. Do you prefer traditional church songs or more contemporary pieces? What is your favorite worship song? I prefer both! However, I don’t think many enrolled or principal tribe in the Q. What kind of assistance is available church musicians are picky enough in what they write-in area. to help people complete choose, so I spend a lot of time researching songs Q. What kind of assistance is available the questionnaire? before I pick them for the congregation to sing. to help people complete the questionnaire? A. Assistance responding to the A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free There are great songs being written nowadays, but there are also some great songs that were 2020 Census will be available on phone number. Language guides, language written long ago. Of course, on the flip side, there 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for are some songs that were written many years ago that are not so good, and there are a lot of new songs that some churches are singing today that are cringeworthy. Great songs are great songs no request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, video tutorials and how-to resources can matter when they were written. It is the job of a video tutorials and how-to resources can help you complete your census form. great musician to bring them to life in such a way help you complete your census form. Many communities, partners, and local that people don’t care when it was written.Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance. Q. How does the Census organizations will also provide assistance. Q. How does the Census Bureau count people without a My favorite worship song is a modern hymn that has been written by a very gifted pastor and Bureau count people without a permanent residence? A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have permanent residence? A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have song leader Matt Boswell entitled “Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor.” The music is simple and beautiful, and the text is rich with the truths of God’s word, that can build up the people of his church.

First Baptist Church been displaced by natural disasters. been displaced by natural disasters. 2112 College Drive

Sunday Mornings For more information, visit:For more information, visit: 2020CENSUS.GOV2020CENSUS.GOVService Times: 8:30 am or 11:00 am fbcgallup.com D-OP-AI-EN-055 D-OP-AI-EN-055

2020 Census Snapshot — American Indian/Alaska Native What is the census?

Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country on April 1. Our tribes do not share enrollment numbers with the government, so it is important for all American Indians and Alaska Natives to participate in the 2020 Census.

What’s in it for me?

The 2020 Census is an opportunity to provide a better future for our communities and future generations. By participating in the 2020 Census, you help provide an accurate count of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Your responses to the 2020 Census can help shape how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed each year for programs and grants in our communities. The 2020 Census is our count. Our responses matter. Regardless of age, nationality, ethnicity, or where we live, we all need to be counted.

Responding to the 2020 Census is:


In early 2020, every household in the United States will receive a notice to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail.


Your responses to the 2020 Census are confidential and protected by law. Personal information is never shared with any other government agencies or law enforcement, including federal, local, and tribal authorities.

2020 Census Snapshot — American Indian/Alaska Native What is the census?

Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country on April 1. Our tribes do not share enrollment numbers with the government, so it is important for all American Indians and Alaska Natives to participate in the 2020 Census.

What’s in it for me?

The 2020 Census is an opportunity to provide a better future for our communities and future generations. By participating in the 2020 Census, you help provide an accurate count of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Your responses to the 2020 Census can help shape how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed each year for programs and grants in our communities. The 2020 Census is our count. Our responses matter. Regardless of age, nationality, ethnicity, or where we live, we all need to be counted.


The federal government and local American Indian and Alaska Native leaders and decision-makers will use 2020 Census data in a variety of ways that can benefit Native people and our communities.



Responding to the 2020 Census is: Easy

In early 2020, every household in the United States will receive a notice to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail.


Your responses to the 2020 Census are confidential and protected by law. Personal information is never shared with any other government agencies or law enforcement, including federal, local, and tribal authorities.


The federal government and local American Indian and Alaska Native leaders and Frequently Asked Questions decision-makers will use 2020 Census data in a variety of ways that can benefit Native

Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire? people and our communities.

A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children.

Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly?

A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the

American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete the questionnaire?

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census. gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages.

Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, video tutorials and how-to resources can help you complete your census form. Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance.

Q. How does the Census Bureau count people without a permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

2020 Census Key Dates Frequently Asked Questions Q. Who should complete the January-April 2020

census questionnaire? First census enumeration takes place A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person in Toksook Bay, Alaska. living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. March 2020 Q. How do I fill out the race Census notices are mailed or delivered question correctly? A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the to households. March-May 2020 American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your Census takers visit each household enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. to update address lists and collect Q. What kind of assistance is available information on the questionnaire.

to help people complete the questionnaire? April 1, 2020

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free Census Day May-July 2020 phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification Census takers visit households that cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the have not completed the questionnaire. questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for December 31, 2020 hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, video tutorials and how-to resources can By law, the Census Bureau delivers help you complete your census form. Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance. population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional Q. How does the Census Bureau count people without a seats.

permanent residence? March 2021

A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of By law, the Census Bureau completes people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those delivery of redistricting data to states. experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

Frequently Asked Questions 2020 Census Key Dates

Q. Who should complete the January-April 2020

census questionnaire? First census enumeration

A. One person in the home should complete takes place in Toksook the questionnaire and include every person Bay, Alaska. living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, March 2020 babies, and children. Census notices are

Q. How do I fill out the race mailed or delivered to question correctly? households.

A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the March-May 2020

American Indian or Alaska Native race box. Census takers visit each

You should then print the name of your household to update enrolled or principal tribe in the address lists and collect write-in area. information on the

Q. What kind of assistance is available questionnaire. to help people complete April 1, 2020 the questionnaire? Census Day

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on May-July 2020 2020census.gov and via our toll-free Census takers visit phone number. Language guides, language households that have glossaries, and language identification not completed the cards will be available in 59 non-English questionnaire. languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon December 31, 2020 request, as well as telephone device for By law, the Census hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, Bureau delivers video tutorials and how-to resources can population counts help you complete your census form. to the President for

Many communities, partners, and local apportionment of organizations will also provide assistance. congressional seats.

Q. How does the Census March 2021

Bureau count people without a

permanent residence? By law, the Census Bureau completes

A. Census Bureau employees work delivery of redistricting extensively to take in-person counts of data to states. people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters. For more information, visit:



Frequently Asked Questions 2020 Census Key Dates

Q. Who should complete the January-April 2020

census questionnaire? First census enumeration

A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska. living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, March 2020 babies, and children. Census notices are

Q. How do I fill out the race mailed or delivered to question correctly? households.

A. If you self-identify as American Indian March-May 2020 or Alaska Native, you should check the

American Indian or Alaska Native race box. Census takers visit each

You should then print the name of your household to update enrolled or principal tribe in the address lists and collect write-in area. information on the questionnaire.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete April 1, 2020

the questionnaire? Census Day

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on May-July 2020 2020census.gov and via our toll-free Census takers visit phone number. Language guides, language households that have glossaries, and language identification not completed the cards will be available in 59 non-English questionnaire. languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon December 31, 2020 request, as well as telephone device for By law, the Census hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, Bureau delivers video tutorials and how-to resources can population counts help you complete your census form. to the President for

Many communities, partners, and local apportionment of organizations will also provide assistance. congressional seats.

Q. How does the Census March 2021

Bureau count people without a permanent residence? By law, the Census Bureau completes

A. Census Bureau employees work delivery of redistricting extensively to take in-person counts of data to states. people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters. For more information, visit:



2020 Census Key Dates Frequently Asked Questions January-April 2020

Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire? First census enumeration takes place in Toksook

A. One person in the home should complete Bay, Alaska. the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, March 2020 babies, and children. Census notices are

Q. How do I fill out the race mailed or delivered to question correctly? households.

A. If you self-identify as American Indian March-May 2020 or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. Census takers visit each household to update address lists and collect information on the questionnaire.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete April 1, 2020 the questionnaire? Census Day

A. Assistance responding to the May-July 2020 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English Census takers visit households that have not completed the questionnaire. languages. Large-print guides to the December 31, 2020 questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for By law, the Census hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, Bureau delivers video tutorials and how-to resources can population counts help you complete your census form. to the President for

Many communities, partners, and local apportionment of organizations will also provide assistance. congressional seats.

Q. How does the Census March 2021

Bureau count people without a By law, the Census permanent residence? Bureau completes

A. Census Bureau employees work delivery of redistricting extensively to take in-person counts of data to states. people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters. For more information, visit:



Frequently Asked Questions Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire?

A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children.

Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly?

A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete the questionnaire?

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the 2020 Census Key Dates questionnaire will also be available upon January-April 2020 request, as well as telephone device for First census enumeration takes place in Toksook hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, Bay, Alaska. video tutorials and how-to resources can March 2020 Census notices are help you complete your census form. mailed or delivered to Many communities, partners, and local households. March-May 2020 organizations will also provide assistance. Census takers visit each household to update Q. How does the Census address lists and collect information on the Bureau count people without a questionnaire. permanent residence? April 1, 2020 Census Day A. Census Bureau employees work May-July 2020 extensively to take in-person counts of Census takers visit households that have people living in group housing, like college not completed the questionnaire. dormitories and shelters, as well as those December 31, 2020 experiencing homelessness or who have By law, the Census been displaced by natural disasters. Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional seats.

March 2021

By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states. For more information, visit:



2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Census notices are 2020 Census Key Dates mailed or delivered to households. 2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020 First census enumeration March-May 2020 takes place in Toksook Census takers visit each January-April 2020Bay, Alaska. household to update First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska. March 2020 Census notices are address lists and collect information on the March 2020 mailed or delivered to households. questionnaire. Census notices are April 1, 2020 mailed or delivered to households. March-May 2020 Census takers visit each Frequently Asked Questions Census Day March-May 2020 Census takers visit each household to update address lists and collect information on the questionnaire. household to update address lists and collect information on the questionnaire. April 1, 2020 Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire? A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, May-July 2020 Census takers visit households that have not completed the April 1, 2020Census Day babies, and children. questionnaire. Census Day May-July 2020 May-July 2020 Census takers visit households that have Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly? A. If you self-identify as American Indian December 31, 2020 By law, the Census Census takers visit households that have not completed the questionnaire. December 31, 2020 not completed the questionnaire. December 31, 2020 By law, the Census or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of By law, the Census Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional seats. Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete the questionnaire? A. Assistance responding to the congressional seats. March 2021 By law, the Census congressional seats. 2020 Census will be available on Bureau completes March 2021 By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states. March 2021 By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states. 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon delivery of redistricting data to states. request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, For more information, visit:video tutorials and how-to resources can help you complete your census form. 2020CENSUS.GOVMany communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance. Q. How does the Census D-OP-AI-EN-055

Bureau count people without a permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration Frequently Asked Questions takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

Q. Who should complete the March 2020

census questionnaire? Census notices are A. One person in the home should complete mailed or delivered to the questionnaire and include every person households. living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. March-May 2020 Q. How do I fill out the race Census takers visit each question correctly? household to update A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. address lists and collect information on the questionnaire. You should then print the name of your April 1, 2020 enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. Census Day

Q. What kind of assistance is available May-July 2020

to help people complete Census takers visit the questionnaire? households that have A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on not completed the questionnaire. 2020census.gov and via our toll-free December 31, 2020 phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification By law, the Census cards will be available in 59 non-English Bureau delivers languages. Large-print guides to the population counts questionnaire will also be available upon to the President for request, as well as telephone device for apportionment of hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, congressional seats. video tutorials and how-to resources can March 2021 help you complete your census form. Many communities, partners, and local By law, the Census organizations will also provide assistance. Bureau completes delivery of redistricting Q. How does the Census data to states.

Bureau count people without a permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Frequently Asked Questions Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire? Census notices are mailed or delivered to A. One person in the home should complete households. the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, March-May 2020 babies, and children. Census takers visit each Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly? household to update address lists and collect information on the A. If you self-identify as American Indian questionnaire. or Alaska Native, you should check the American Indian or Alaska Native race box. April 1, 2020 You should then print the name of your Census Day enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. May-July 2020 Q. What kind of assistance is available Census takers visit to help people complete households that have the questionnaire? not completed the A. Assistance responding to the questionnaire. 2020 Census will be available on December 31, 2020 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for By law, the Census Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional seats. hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, March 2021 video tutorials and how-to resources can help you complete your census form. Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance. By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Census notices are mailed or delivered to households.

Frequently Asked Questions March-May 2020

Q. Who should complete the Census takers visit each household to update census questionnaire? address lists and collect

A. One person in the home should complete information on the the questionnaire and include every person questionnaire. living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. April 1, 2020

Q. How do I fill out the race Census Day

question correctly? May-July 2020

A. If you self-identify as American Indian Census takers visit or Alaska Native, you should check the households that have

American Indian or Alaska Native race box. not completed the

You should then print the name of your questionnaire. enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. December 31, 2020

Q. What kind of assistance is available By law, the Census to help people complete Bureau delivers the questionnaire? population counts to the President for

A. Assistance responding to the apportionment of

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Census notices are mailed or delivered to households.

March-May 2020

Census takers visit each household to update address lists and collect information on the questionnaire.

April 1, 2020

Census Day

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who should complete the census questionnaire?

A. One person in the home should complete the questionnaire and include every person living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children.

Q. How do I fill out the race question correctly?

A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the

American Indian or Alaska Native race box.

You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete the questionnaire?

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in 59 non-English languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, video tutorials and how-to resources can help you complete your census form.

Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance.

Q. How does the Census

Bureau count people without a permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Frequently Asked Questions Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Q. Who should complete the Census notices are census questionnaire? mailed or delivered to

A. One person in the home should complete households. the questionnaire and include every person March-May 2020 living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, babies, and children. Census takers visit each household to update

Q. How do I fill out the race address lists and collect question correctly? information on the

A. If you self-identify as American Indian questionnaire. or Alaska Native, you should check the April 1, 2020

American Indian or Alaska Native race box.

You should then print the name of your Census Day enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. May-July 2020

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete Census takers visit households that have not completed the the questionnaire? questionnaire.

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on December 31, 2020 2020census.gov and via our toll-free By law, the Census phone number. Language guides, language Bureau delivers glossaries, and language identification population counts cards will be available in 59 non-English to the President for languages. Large-print guides to the apportionment of questionnaire will also be available upon congressional seats. request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, March 2021 video tutorials and how-to resources can By law, the Census help you complete your census form. Bureau completes

Many communities, partners, and local delivery of redistricting organizations will also provide assistance. data to states.

Q. How does the Census

Bureau count people without a permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work For more information, visit: extensively to take in-person counts of 2020CENSUS.GOV people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those D-OP-AI-EN-055experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Census notices are Frequently Asked Questions mailed or delivered to households.

Q. Who should complete the March-May 2020

census questionnaire? Census takers visit each

A. One person in the home should complete household to update the questionnaire and include every person address lists and collect living there, including relatives, nonrelatives, information on the babies, and children. questionnaire.

Q. How do I fill out the race April 1, 2020 question correctly? Census Day

A. If you self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, you should check the May-July 2020

American Indian or Alaska Native race box. You should then print the name of your enrolled or principal tribe in the write-in area. Census takers visit households that have not completed the questionnaire.

Q. What kind of assistance is available to help people complete December 31, 2020 the questionnaire? By law, the Census

A. Assistance responding to the 2020 Census will be available on 2020census.gov and via our toll-free phone number. Language guides, language glossaries, and language identification Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional seats. cards will be available in 59 non-English March 2021 languages. Large-print guides to the questionnaire will also be available upon request, as well as telephone device for hearing impaired. On 2020census.gov, video tutorials and how-to resources can By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states. help you complete your census form.

Many communities, partners, and local organizations will also provide assistance.

Q. How does the Census

For more information, visit: Bureau count people without a

2020CENSUS.GOV permanent residence?

A. Census Bureau employees work D-OP-AI-EN-055extensively to take in-person counts of people living in group housing, like college dormitories and shelters, as well as those experiencing homelessness or who have been displaced by natural disasters.

2020 Census Key Dates January-April 2020

First census enumeration takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

March 2020

Census notices are mailed or delivered to households.

March-May 2020

Census takers visit each household to update address lists and collect information on the questionnaire.

April 1, 2020

Census Day

May-July 2020

Census takers visit households that have not completed the questionnaire.

December 31, 2020

By law, the Census Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment of congressional seats.

March 2021

By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states. For more information, visit:



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