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7 Questions Fowler Roberts

Q: During the campaign, what was the biggest surprise? A: A lot of people weren’t aware of many things. They didn’t know that running for city council was nonpartisan. A lot of people didn’t know where they could register to vote and they didn’t know a lot of basic things going into the election. Q: What was the most enjoyable part of the campaign for you? A: That’s easy. I think the most enjoyable part was getting to meet a lot of new people. That’s my favorite thing, I love meeting new people and that was really enjoyable for me. Q: What was the biggest hassle? A: I wouldn’t say it was a hassle, but I would just say one thing that took a lot of time, was I went door to door. We had a really clean campaign, I guess making sure that the public also is clean, so that you don’t have members of the public starting rumors about you or your opponent. Q: What did you respect most about your opponent? A: Julia and I had a really good race and I felt like it was clean. I really respected that she worked really hard. She worked with her family to get out there and she ran a clean campaign, and I really respected her for that. I think she ran with the right intention and I appreciate that. Q: What current public figure do you most admire? A: I, you know this is kind weird. That I don’t know this person, but I recently found out that the mayor of Phoenix is like 40 years old. My sister lives

7 QUESTIONS in Phoenix. She just really worked really hard and I was just so impressed because she is one of the youngest mayors for a metropolitan city and she’s a female mayor, and I really admire that. Sara Piano For City Counsel By Fowler Roberts 7 6 5 Q: What do you enjoy most about living in Gallup? A: I know this sounds cliché, but I love the people and I love the diversity of the culture. I find Gallup to be a really friendly place and love that there is so much mix of culture and blended culture that has come together. I think it makes Gallup a really unique, special place. Q: The last question is, if you could go back in time and live the life of any historic figure, who would you choose and why? A: This is a really hard question because I feel like there’s so many, but I want to say maybe Martin Luther King Jr. I think that I can’t imagine in that day and age when there was such a separation between race and the amount of work, he had to do to bring people together. I think that would’ve been incredibly hard. But I think he must have been such an incredibly driven and smart human being to take that on and to really be able to bring people together. And I feel like he was such a leader, and I would’ve loved to have been in his shoes and understand his thought process and his leadership style. He did amazing things and I just think that would be really cool to see. 4 3 2 1

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