15 minute read

Gallup’s State Veterans Cemetery Sandra McKinney


Dedication Ceremonies

By Sandra Mckinney

By Sandra McKinney

Gallup Fire Department hoisted the flags on the ladder truck.

The cemetery flags flying at attention.

“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

It was quite the blustery day for the dedication ceremonies for the Gallup State Veterans Cemetery. The one positive thing about the wind, is that it kept the flags flying at attention throughout the ceremonies. The heavy, sustained winds did not deter the many patriots from attending the dedication. Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2019, was a very historic day for Gallup, New Mexico, and our veterans. We had numerous city, state, and national dignitaries present to speak about the importance of establishing this Veterans Cemetery in Gallup.

When Governor Martinez was in office, she understood the great need for more veterans’ cemeteries and put the wheels in motion for four new cemeteries to be placed in New Mexico: Ft. Stanton, Gallup, Angel Fire, and Carlsbad. “In a state as large and rural as New Mexico, it is our responsibility to ensure that these resting places are as close to home as possible, so that our veterans and their families do not have to travel hours upon hours to lay their loved ones to rest or to visit their burial sites,” Martinez said. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, New Mexico is home to about 170,700 veterans, including more than 21,000 women veterans.

George D. Eisenbach, Jr., Director of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, traveled from Washington, D.C. to be with us for the momentous day. He stressed the importance of recognizing the sacrifices made by our military members, and the importance of providing a proper final resting place for our heroes.

This is the first of four phases for the Cemetery.

The many dignitaries on the podium.

Mayor McKinney addressing the gathered patriots.

George Eisenbach, Jr., director of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs speaking to the gathered patriots.

As growth warrants, federal dollars will be obtained to expand our cemetery. There is currently one Committal Shelter, more can be added, there are currently 400 niches for Columbariums, and 480 in-ground crypts, additions will be made as needed. This cemetery is funded by federal dollars and will be managed by the State of New Mexico Department of Veteran Affairs.

The dedication may have taken place on Memorial Day, but internments will not be available until the beginning of July 2019. Many have already asked about the opportunity to move their loved one from an existing burial site to the new State Veterans Cemetery. They will need to contact a licensed funeral service practitioner. The practitioner will need to obtain a Disinternment/ Reinternment Permit from the New Mexico Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics in Santa Fe for this process. The practitioner will also handle the overall disinternment/ reinternment process.

An application must be made to the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services (www.nmdvs.org/ cemetery - and click on PreApplication for Burial.) If you are not computer savvy, a Veterans Service Officer can help you with this process, also many of our Gallup Veterans Helping Veterans members are versed in the application process. A veteran and their spouse may be buried at a veterans’ cemetery. A spouse may be buried first if they precede the veteran in death.

Death is certainly not something we want to think about, and generally we hesitate to talk about the process, but it is certainly advantageous to make preparations in advance.

On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 7:00pm at the VHV Post at 908 Buena Vista in Ford Canyon, the Veterans Helping Veterans will hold a seminar concerning all the documents that will be required for burial of a veteran (or spouse).

They will provide instructions and a packet for guiding you through the process of preparation. As a time of death is always an emotion-packed experience, it is of great benefit to be prepared in advance. This seminar is beneficial to men and women - veteran and spouse. There will also be information provided for the general public (non-veteran related). Please take advantage of this free informational seminar.

The Visitor’s Center.

Entrance Gate to the Cemetery

The Memorial Walk and Resting Place. Our beautiful southwest landscape and the gorgeous clouds only enhance the setting. One of the Columbariums.

The Visitor’s Committal Shelter.

The Flag Assembly Area with the Hog Back in the distance creating an amazing landscape.

Our Vision Excellence in educating our students to become self-reliant, productive citizens in a multicultural society. STRATEGIC GOALS FOR EXCELLENCE The Strategic Goals represent the four most critical priorities for positive change and improvement in the District over the next 3 years. Each goal statement gives general direction and focus to our work.Our Mission

Preparing our students for success. We empower and develop our students through improving academic knowledge, promoting essential Goal #1: Increase Student Success skills and positive character traits, providing safe and healthy learning Strengthen academic performance & student engagement. environments, and creating strong partnerships among parents, By 2022, we will have identified and addressed the key drivers colleges and the business community. to continued student success. We will have further focused our investments and efforts on the essential building blocks of student achievement.

Our Values

Our values lie at the core of our work. They inform our teaching, our Goal #2: Create Career Pathways philosophy of leadership, and our relationships with the students and Connect student learning to their career goals. the communities we serve. By 2022, we will have implemented a system of career awareness and preparation for all students. Students will have opportunities to learn The Whole Child – We address the whole child, understanding about careers, build workplace skills, and pursue a career pathway(s) that there are many factors – both within and outside the school before graduation. Students will have the necessary foundation to setting – affecting learning, achievement, life success and overall pursue their career goals. student well-being. Cultural Diversity – We recognize that we serve and operate within a uniquely diverse community in which multiple cultures co-exist. It is our obligation and desire to embrace and include in the curriculum the diverse cultures, histories and languages of our community. Excellence – We are committed to fostering a learning culture, centered on the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of the educational mission. Prosperity – We are committed to fostering positive attitudes and behaviors aligned with personal success, self-sufficiency and service to one’s community. Community Engagement – We value the engagement of community members and stakeholders as partners to raise up new generations of healthy, productive and successful citizens. Equity, Equality and Access – We are committed to providing consistent excellent instruction, quality learning environments and supportive services for all students and their families.


2022 Our Vision Excellence in educating our students to become self-reliant, productive citizens in a multicultural society. Our Mission Preparing our students for success. We empower and develop our students through improving academic knowledge, promoting essential

Gallup-McKinley County Schoolsskills and positive character traits, providing safe and healthy learning environments, and creating strong partnerships among parents,

STRATEGIC PLANcolleges and the business community. Our Values 4/4/19 10:15 AM Our values lie at the core of our work. They inform our teaching, our philosophy of leadership, and our relationships with the students and the communities we serve. STRATEGIC GOALS FOR EXCELLENCE The Strategic Goals represent the four most critical priorities for positive change and improvement in the District over the next 3 years. Each goal statement gives general direction and focus to our work. The Whole Child – We address the whole child, understanding that there are many factors – both within and outside the school

Goal #1: Increase Student Success setting – affecting learning, achievement, life success and overall student well-being. Strengthen academic performance & student engagement.

By 2022, we will have identified and addressed the key drivers

Cultural Diversity – We recognize that we serve and operate to continued student success. We will have further focused within a uniquely diverse community in which multiple cultures our investments and efforts on the essential building blocks of student achievement. co-exist. It is our obligation and desire to embrace and include in the curriculum the diverse cultures, histories and languages of

Goal #2: Create Career Pathways our community.

Connect student learning to their career goals.

Excellence – We are committed to fostering a learning By 2022, we will have implemented a system of career awareness and culture, centered on the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of preparation for all students. Students will have opportunities to learn the educational mission. about careers, build workplace skills, and pursue a career pathway(s) before graduation. Students will have the necessary foundation to pursue their career goals. Prosperity – We are committed to fostering positive attitudes and behaviors aligned with personal success, self-sufficiency and service to one’s community. Goal #3: Empower Our Team Develop & support employees to grow professionally within the District.

Community Engagement – By 2022, we will have a workforce in which individuals have We value the engagement of community members and stakeholders as partners to raise up new generations of strong expertise within their chosen professions and have clear healthy, productive and successful citizens. career development opportunities within the District. A shared OBJECTIVE MEASURE A. Post-secondary attendance rateIncrease Post Graduation Success B. Post-grad student employment rate Improve Student Engagement A. Attendance rate B. Classroom engagement walkthrough rate Improve Student Academic Achievement A. Average proficiency growth ranking of 10 largest NM districts B. Graduation rate Increase Partnerships with Community, Employers & Agencies # of MOUs and # of MOAs Improve Parent/Family Engagement & Attendance Parent-teacher conference attendance rate 2017/2018: 58.7% Improve Utilization of Financial Resources Mid-year budget expenditure rate Improve Holistic Approach to Student Success

Goal #3: Empower Our Team Develop & support employees to grow professionally within the District. By 2022, we will have a workforce in which individuals have strong expertise within their chosen professions and have clear career development opportunities within the District. A shared responsibility and devotion for our mission will resonate throughout the District and will reinforce our passion for education. Goal #4: Strengthen Partnerships STRATEGIC GOALS FOR EXCELLENCE Expand community partnerships to support & educate our students. The Strategic Goals represent the four most critical priorities By 2022, we will have expanded and strengthened our partnerships for positive change and improvement in the District over the with local agencies and individuals to establish a support network next 3 years. Each goal statement gives general direction and focus to for our students, including opportunities in the community to our work. extend and enhance student learning services for all students and their families. Goal #1: Increase Student Success Strengthen academic performance & student engagement. By 2022, we will have identified and addressed the key drivers

Achieving strategic objectives will allow the District to to continued student success. We will have further focused realize its 3-year Goals. To set the table for balanced our investments and efforts on the essential building blocks of planning and action, Strategic Objectives were generated by student achievement. addressing critical changes and improvements needed. Goal #2: Create Career Pathways

GOALS AND KEY OBJECTIVES Based on the Goals and Objectives, we address the issue of accountability – to ourselves and to our stakeholders with Connect student learning to their career goals. By 2022, we will have implemented a system of career awareness and performance measures. To answer the question, “What preparation for all students. Students will have opportunities to learn does success look like?” we do a deeper drill-down into about careers, build workplace skills, and pursue a career pathway(s) final_trifold_bleed.indd 1 each Objective by how we will measure our success. before graduation. Students will have the necessary foundation to Improve Physical Learning Environment, pursue their career goals. Infrastructure & District Responsiveness Goal #3: Empower Our Team Develop & support employees to grow professionally within final_trifold_bleed.indd 2the District. By 2022, we will have a workforce in which individuals have strong expertise within their chosen professions and have clear career development opportunities within the District. A shared responsibility and devotion for our mission will resonate throughout the District and will reinforce our passion for education. Goal #4: Strengthen Partnerships Expand community partnerships to support & educate our students. By 2022, we will have expanded and strengthened our partnerships with local agencies and individuals to establish a support network for our students, including opportunities in the community to extend and enhance student learning services for all students and their families. 28 July 2019

A. Wellness score (Internal GMCS surveys for 3rd grade through 12th grade)Achieving strategic objectives will allow the District to B. Number of discipline referrals resultingrealize its 3-year Goals. To set the table for balanced in consequences per year planning and action, Strategic Objectives were generated by



Increase Post Graduation Success A. Post-secondary attendance rate B. Post-grad student employment rate Baseline data available June 2019 TBD

Improve Student Engagement

Improve Student Academic Achievement A. Attendance rate B. Classroom engagement walkthrough rate

A. Average proficiency growth ranking of 10 largest NM districts B. Graduation rate A. 2017/2018: 90.33% B. Baseline data available June 2019


A. GMCS currently #1 in ranking B. 2017/2018: 67%

The Strategic Goals represent the four most critical priorities A. Remain in Top 3 for positive change and improvement in the District over the B. 75% next 3 years. Each goal statement gives general direction and focus to our work.

Increase Partnerships with Community, Employers & Agencies # of MOUs and # of MOAs 0 new 12 new

Goal #1: Increase Student Success Improve Parent/Family Engagement & Attendance Parent-teacher conference attendance rate 2017/2018: 58.7% 70% Strengthen academic performance & student engagement. By 2022, we will have identified and addressed the key drivers to continued student success. We will have further focused

Improve Utilization of Financial Resources Mid-year budget expenditure rate December 31, 2017 58.36% average spent 80% spent by department December 31 of each year our investments and efforts on the essential building blocks of student achievement.

Improve Holistic Approach to Student Success

Improve & Align Curricular Framework & Instruction A. Wellness score (Internal GMCS surveys for 3rd grade through 12th grade)

B. Number of discipline referrals resulting in consequences per year A. % to completion of all curriculum

B. % Teachers instruction aligned with curriculum A. 44% (Math, English, Science,

Social Studies)

B. Baseline data available June 2019 A. 100% Add 3 in 2018-19 – PE, Art,

Health, Add 2 in 2019-20 – Music,

Soft Skills 9/9 in 2022 B. TBD

A. Baseline data available June 2019 A. TBD

Improve Alignment of Student Outcomes with Career Requirements B. 2016-2017: 5,809 B. 4,980

A. # of high school students participating in career pathway per year B. # of students graduating with employability/soft skills coursework C. Dual credit course completions per year A. 0% B. 0% C. 554 A. 75% B. 80% C. 1000

Improve Communication Media distribution Radio = 3,809 spots Newspaper = 110 articles & ads Social Media Posts = 586 posts Radio = 4,109 Newspaper = 170 articles & ads Social Media Posts = 1036 posts

A. Qualified candidate poolImprove Staff Recruitment

B. Vacancy rate A. 1.97 applicants for every teaching position B. 25.3%

Goal #2: Create Career Pathways Connect student learning to their career goals. By 2022, we will have implemented a system of career awareness and preparation for all students. Students will have opportunities to learn about careers, build workplace skills, and pursue a career pathway(s) before graduation. Students will have the necessary foundation to pursue their career goals. Goal #3: Empower Our Team Develop & support employees to grow professionally within the District. By 2022, we will have a workforce in which individuals have strong expertise within their chosen professions and have clear A. 4 per position career development opportunities within the District. A shared B. 17% responsibility and devotion for our mission will resonate throughout the District and will reinforce our passion for education.

Improve Retention of Teaching Staff Retention rate

Improve Staff Development & Satisfaction Employment satisfaction score

Improve Physical Learning Environment, Infrastructure & District Responsiveness A. Work order completion time B. Technology help ticket response time 77.7% 85%

65.63% “Satisfied or above” 27.06% “Somewhat satisfied”

Goal #4: Strengthen Partnerships Expand community partnerships to support & educate our students. 75% “Satisfied or above” 17% “Somewhat satisfied” By 2022, we will have expanded and strengthened our partnerships with local agencies and individuals to establish a support network Baseline data available June 2019 TBD for our students, including opportunities in the community to extend and enhance student learning services for all students and their families.

Gallup-McKinley County Schools

640 South Boardman Drive Gallup, New Mexico 87301 505.721.1000 www.gmcs.k12.nm.us



4/9/19 11:22 AM

Achieving strategic objectives will allow the District to realize its 3-year Goals. To set the table for balanced planning and action, Strategic Objectives were generated by addressing critical changes and improvements needed.

Based on the Goals and Objectives, we address the issue of accountability – to ourselves and to our stakeholders with performance measures. To answer the question, “What does success look like?” we do a deeper drill-down into each Objective by how we will measure our success.

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