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Rotary Club of Gallup Jay McCollum

It’s a Privilege to be a ROTARIAN!

Why be a Rotarian or why should I join a Rotary Club? Somebody may even ask, what does it mean to be a Rotarian? Chances are questions like this, will in one form or another, will surface up in discussions between a Rotarian and someone who is thinking about becoming a member of a Rotary Club. I have spent most of my professional career, in two communities, being a member of a local Rotary Club. It’s a privilege to be a Rotarian, and I must tell from my personal experience as a member of the Gallup Rotary Club.

A Rotarian believes in Rotary and in what Rotary stands for. What Rotary stands for is stated in the Object of Rotary. * Above all, Rotarians believe in “Service Above Self”, Rotary’s international motto. Rotarians believe in sharing Rotary with others. Being a Rotarian means more than the sum of what a Rotarian believes about Rotary; it means maintaining high ethical standards in one’s business, one’s profession, and in one’s personal life.

It’s a privilege to be a Rotarian by having the opportunity to experience meeting and serving with outstanding leaders in a community. This will greatly expand one’s circle of acquaintances and foster lifelong friendships. Rotarians, together help do for their community what they might never accomplish alone. A Rotarian is a member of a local Rotary Club, which gives them an opportunity to be actively involved in the affairs and service projects of their local club. Each Rotarian can demonstrate the strength of their commitment to Rotary in the service they render to their club, through their club to the community, and through the Rotary Foundation to people throughout the world. Rotarians are working to eradicate Polio

worldwide in our lifetime. In recent years Gallup Rotarians have raised and given away over a half a million dollars in scholarships to area high school graduates planning to attend a college or university.

Some people take for granted so many things that have been done by those before them. We take for granted our freedom, bought at a great price by others. We enjoy fruit and shade and beauty from trees planted by an earlier generation. We travel highways and cross bridges built by others. We attend colleges founded and supported by others. We worship in churches perpetuated by the blood of martyrs in buildings erected by those before us. Our cities were carved from a wilderness conquered by pioneers. May we not join in the vandalism of a new generation but buy into “Service above Self.”

Jay McCollum, Gallup Rotary Club

*The Object of Rotary: First. The development of acquaintance as opportunity for service; Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; Third. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; Fourth. The advancement if international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Walking in Beauty Keeping Those Goals!

As summer is approaching and resolutions made have been left behind, it is still a good idea to get back on track. As a new month is upon us, commit yourself to accountability. Your goal may be to lose weight, walk more, eat dinner at home more often, watch less TV, put down your phone more, eat more protein, work on relationships. Whatever your goal may be just find a way to be more accountable. With a few good strategies, healthy habits for life can be maintained.

Here are some simple steps:

Get More Bang For Your Buck

Have a plan that is realistic with your time and schedule. Reach out to a professional like a dietitian or a physical therapist to help guide you in a plan that you can be successful with. Having a personalized plan and someone to be accountable along with makes a healthier lifestyle easier to accomplish. This professional can help you make changes, eliminate barriers and give you an individualized plan. Grab A Friend

Have a few friends or family members involved in your plan. Letting others know, helps you to keep on track and gives you that extra support. Having sessions with a professional gives you that accountability that is needed to set goals, reach goals and change a plan if you need to. Find an App or Health Gadget

We live in an age of health-savvy gadgets and apps. Find one that works best for you. Many gadgets now can track steps, sleep habits, heart rate, calories and more. Tracking of your goals by using technology is as easy as checking your email. Look for ways to map out trails near you for walking, biking, hiking and running.

Remember not to lose that motivation but to start back up when you feel like you have failed. We all have a new month beginning, it is never too late to start back up. Make a small change today to improve your overall health or well-being. Daisy Arsenault, Registered Dietitian

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