4 minute read

Third Grade Class: Rehoboth Christian School

Exercising is Fun! By Aeneas Bia Everyone should start exercising because you get stressed and you stay healthy. You should limit your screen time; if you stay on screen time, it can hurt your eyes and your brain. You also need to drink water and milk they make you strong, healthy, and you are in good shape. In the article Be A Fit Kid, it says, “At breakfast you have to put strawberries in your cereal. At lunch eat six baby carrots. For a snack eat an apple. And for dinner a ½ cup of broccoli. And one bowl of salad.” You need to stay active!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are not active, your body gets weak. If you are on electronics too much, it can break your friendship with your friend. And if you meet a friend on a game, you’re not a friend, if you want to be a real friend you got to meet them. And it is not cool to lose a friend.Now I want you to start exercising. Please sign if you agree.

Everyone Should Stop Littering

By Eddie Huizinga

Everyone should stop littering. It hurts animals in the world.

My friend saw a cop littering! Cops should do the opposite.

When my family goes to Walmart, we see a lot of trash. We need to pick up that trash. Everyone should stop littering. We need to stop littering.

If you litter your kid may not see a butterfly. You may say, “A butterfly will be here when I have a kid.” They will not be here if you litter.

Animals die each day. We are giving worms all the work! Worms work all day. We need to give them a break. Worms eat a lot of trash a day. Trash may have a lot of chemicals in the trash and they may die. Do you want to kill worms? I do not.

Do you know how much trash is dumped into the sea? A lot. A lot of sea animals get killed each day. When I was in 2nd grade, we watched a video about trash.

Go outside and pick up trash. The world is not a trash can!

I am in a group called Cadets. We do a thing called a trash-athon. We go outside and pick up trash.

We need to stop littering! Start Exercising By Piero Parker Do you know how many people are on screens? If you are on a screen for a long time, I’d say you should start exercising. If you don’t exercise, your brain gets damaged day by day. For instance, if you are playing on your phone, tablet, computer, Xbox, or PlayStation, you are damaging your brain because it’s programing your brain in a different way that is not good. You are damaging your eyesight. Your body gets weaker day by day if you spend a lot of time on technology and not exercising. Since you spend so much time on technology, your muscles get weaker because you are just sitting and not using them. Instead of being on screens, exercise! Swim, go for a bike ride, be outside, and get some chores done. For example, getting chores done before you get on screens is always a good idea.Now I want you to get off screens and exercise. Do chores and play outside.

Protect Plants and Animals By Aubrie Runningbear

Have you ever gone in the forest with no animals and plants? No! You haven’t but this could happen in the future. So, imagine if you were camping with no hammock because there are no trees and no plants to admire! And with no trees and plants, you could not live to tell your family that there were no trees!! Because the trees produce fresh air. So, if you want to live and camp with a hammock, you have to protect the earth! Okay, imagine if you were hunting and all you found was nothing, because you killed all the animals!! If the plants die, the animals die, then we die with them! So, stop what you are doing!! Here are some ways you can help protect plants and animals.1. Don’t throw trash. 2. Don’t capture animals. 3. Keep the world clean. Sign below if you agree to help protect plants and animals.

Everyone Should Stop Littering By Elijah Moses

Everyone should stop littering because it hurts plants and animals. If you do litter, this is what will happen to plants. If you litter next to plants, they will rot and break. If you litter near an animal, they will think it’s food and choke on it. In some cities or towns, you might see something in the air from pollution. And it could get people and animals sick. That’s the second reason why we should not litter. You all know this is God’s earth and he wants us to take care of it. He doesn’t want it to be trashed and smelly. He wants it to be clean and smell good and that’s why we should not litter!! If you agree that we should stop littering, please sign below.

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