11 minute read

A Tribute to God for My Beloved Mom

“The multitude in heaven pray for the rest of us, inspire us by their example, and remain present to us in ways to which we know not. This faith community stretches beyond time and space.“

I am ocean away from you dear mom.

I take care of elders and find comfort knowing God will take care of you in how I take care of those who come my way.

Deep in my heart I have always prayed to God to grant that I be with you when the Good Lord says you completed your journey here on earth.

At 3 pm my time, I know it will be your waking hours soon for you to pray, I will sneak a good morning cheer through text whenever I can. At 7’ o clock pm to midnight, I check your line if you’re active so we can talk. How you are feeling, what are you having for breakfast or lunch, what’s your agenda for the day and whatever we want to share. Then you will say that you’re ready to exercise which I am happy to lead you, I am so glad when I see you perk up to move and follow the steps. Then we would finish it with silly singing and slow dancing together. Sometimes when you are not up to exercise, we will sing, you outdo me with all the Marian songs, you know so many. There is this one song I must hear again that you sang with so much gusto. Early this year, I have learned from our church how to sing ‘Salve Regina’ and when I started singing this, I saw you were surprised and joined me with heartfelt joy, it became our song. You would finish the song with a phrase that I could only respond to with Amen, then you smile.

I yearned so much to come home alone to be with you since the last time I was with you was in 2019.

I texted to you in July that I will be home in mid-September, you gave me a thumbs up.

Your monthly doctor’s appointments say that there’s not much of any concern regarding your health, except with normal aging nutritional needs.

Two weeks before you left, I conversed with Lola (grandma), telling her how much I love you and I asked her to make sure you are happy and to take care of you if I am not enough. I also remember praying to God deeply to free you from any illness and if you must get sick from this Covid, to just take you in His arms.

In our phone conversations you would talk about your neighbors how they would be sick with Covid and were taken to the hospital to die alone in fear.

Your companion recalls how you visited friends and busied yourself with taking care of papers those two weeks before God took you. You attended mass, visited friends and ate a good meal on your last day.

God must have heard my prayer, because you sent me a picture of Grandma those two weeks. I did not think anything of it until after you completed your journey.

Those two weeks, our hearts were talking and connecting more in prayers despite our distance. You whispered many thoughts to my heart that would only be coming from you. I continued my days and routines with peace and prayerful heart because you have always raised me in prayers.

In the early morning at 4 am two days before the day of your leaving, I was awakened by loud thump to what seemed to be a thick, big wooden door, five times. I did not think much of it but told myself if it happens again then I will wake my husband. It happened again five times, the rhythmic loud thump to a big thick wooden door.

On the day of, it was the first Friday and I felt the need to go to church and so I went to the 8 o’clock mass. I remember waking up with a sense of undeniable peace and a grateful heart for a deep sleep that I seldom get. The day went on as I attended to my tasks at hand easily except for some interfering thoughts of someone trapped within four walls but can see sky and a query of, if the person can survive. I thought yes, it is a known military tactic and mental game to stay alive as long as he/she can see the sky, he/she will survive. The day’s event included a visit from a committed devout Catholic couple traveling from

California to Texas. They were new acquaintances from when we went to the church in Pagosa you visited once years ago. They stopped by my work and left my family a ‘gift’. It was to be that I will not meet them to thank them physically, as I stepped out of the office when they arrived. Their gift that was so special was a portrait image of Our Lady of Life, depicting a mother and child. This was also an image that I found a replica of amongst the scarce treasures that I found in your bedroom when I came home later.

That day, another client came unscheduled to whom I happily attended to and with childish glee I blurted to her, “I am going home because it is my mom’s birthday!” I was thinking of your birthday nearing on November 6. … the time I exclaimed with exorbitant joy it was your birthday was early dawn of Saturday in our birth country.

Mom, your lifeless body was found on the early morning of the first Saturday, the day of our church’s devotion to Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I thank you Lord for allowing me to feel peace at the moment of my beloved mom’s birthday to Eternal Life.

Ate, my older sister, and I left the next day and arrived in our birth country only to be placed in mandatory quarantine for 9 days! We were not allowed to step out of our room. How thankful we were, for there was a big window to view the sky.

We saw you in your beautiful urn of Mother of Perpetual Help on the 15th day.

God in His wisdom allowed our family to celebrate virtual mass together with you the day we found your lifeless body on your bed, before the funeral place took you away. Each day of your viewing until we arrived, a priest held mass at your home as you stated in your will. We (your family from USA, Singapore and Philippines) were able to be with you day and night praying, saying our rosaries, singing, participating in masses for you, as we were connected live virtually with you.

Our hotel room became a sanctuary of prayer for you. We were there every step of the way to the cremation on the fifth day and after until we arrived on the 15th day. We completed your will and took you to your final resting place with Lola on the 16th day. The entrance to Mount Carmel columbarium was made solemn as the hymn of Salve Regina was sung with the heavenly choir.

Mommy, God’s love is perfect, and God’s timing is perfect.

Your best legacy to us is your love for God.

On your 40th day of passing, we celebrated Our Lady of Fatima proclaiming she is Our Lady of the Rosary. We will remember to be faithful, praying our rosary as we have watched you do daily.

Thank you God, for the love and life of our mother as your gift for us.

My mom is a mother to 6 children.

She graduated BSBA, magna cum laude at 20 years old in 1962.

She was a businesswoman, an accountant college professor, a real estate broker, a long-time pre-school directress.

She was an author/contributor to short stories and poems to her local courier.

She published 10 books (religious books and short stories and poems in English and our local dialect). One of her books is entitled ‘God’s Doorway’ with a portrait of God knocking to a wooden door.

She transcribed short prayers (leaflets) from English to our local dialect with the church approval.

To me, my mom always portrayed Jesus in her works. She catechized the youth, visited the elders and the abused, helped the poor and supported the priests and her local church 110%.

Although distant, she showered us with her love through her unceasing prayers and sacrifices. With patience and thanksgiving, she allowed us to grow and mature. Mom never asked much, but that we know and learn of God’s love.

Her favorite saint is St. Therese of Lisieux.

They call her Sister Nards, OCDS (Third order Carmelite sister). She also took pride as a member of Legion of Mary.

She passed on wearing her brown Carmelite uniform, her scapular and a white cape symbolizing her as a servant of God at age 78 on September 4, 2021.

By Benita Amor -John 14:16


505.863.6851 300 WEST AZTEC, SUITE 200 GALLUP, NM 87301

America Recycles Day

The 25th Annual National America Recycles Day (ARD) is November 15, 2021.

AAmerica Recycles Day is highlighted once a year to promote the social, environmental, and economic benefits of recycling. The benefits of recycling: saves energy, water, landfill space, and $ (your tax dollars). The hope is that these benefits would encourage more individuals and businesses to recycle, and municipalities to set up efficient recycling programs. America Recycles Day (ARD), initiated in 1997 and celebrated annually, is the national day dedicated to encouraging Americans to be smart citizens of Planet Earth and to build consumer demand for recycled products. Observe the 4-Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle, be Respectful of and Responsible for Mother Earth!

REDUCE: Buy less stuff! Limit the number of things used so there is less to throw away, less to reuse, less to recycle. Buy durable goods and toys.

REUSE: Use things again and again.

REPURPOSE: Find a new use. Use your imagination to be Green!

RECYCLE: Where possible deposit CLEAN used items to make new. Give Your Garbage Another Life. The national recycling rate is 34%.


Learn. I will find out what materials are collected for recycling in my community at recyclegallup.org or the City of Gallup web site.

Act. I will reduce the amount of waste I produce, recycle more, and I will buy products made with recycled content. Estimated 75% of the waste in the US could be recycled!

Share. I will encourage a family member or a friend to take the pledge.

Help to make a difference. Take the “#BeRecycled” pledge at americarecyclesday.org or kab.org/programs/ard/pledge. Recycling, Reducing, Reusing, Repurposing are the easiest things anyone can do to limit the consumption of our finite natural resources. ARD is a program of the national nonprofit Keep America Beautiful! To learn more: “41 Eye-Opening Recycling Statistics for 2021” petpedia.co/recycling-statistics AND go to – recyclerebuild.org treehugger.com onegreenplanet.org among others . . .

In Gallup, The McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council had to make the hard decision to, once again, cancel the America Recycles Day annual Recycled Arts & Crafts Fair. We hoped 2021 would bring us back together. Unfortunately, our COVID numbers in McKinley County have been too erratic for us to plan a safe large participant event.

Instead of our indoor community fair MCRC decided to sponsor a Kids’ Recycled Craft Kit Pick-up

at the Recycling Depot on Saturday, November 6 between 11 am

and 2 pm. Children and youth will have their choice of several different recycled craft kits.

The public is invited to come to pick up an updated “Where to Recycle in Gallup-McKinley County” brochure, visit the Recycling Depot, ask questions and learn more about how to Reduce our consumption of manufacture materials; Recycling, Reusing, Repurposing items and Composting. This will take place at the Larry Brian Mitchell

Recreation Center, 701 Montoya

Blvd. Look for the canopy near the Recycling Depot! For more information contact: betsywindisch@ yahoo.com, April 505-879-3293 or Millie & Gerald 505-722-5142.

MCRC hopes we can safely come together for an Earth Day event in 2022!



Winter Hours – after time change 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 1:30-5:30 pm Summer Hours --- after time change 9:00 am-1:00 pm and 2:00 -6:00 pm


Ford Canyon Park: 908 East Buena Vista Larry Brian Mitchell Recreation Center: 701 Montoya Questions: 505- 863-1212

NWNM Regional SWA Transfer Station Monday through Saturday 8:00 am-4:30 pm 107 Hasler Valley Road Questions: 505-863-5776

For more information and what is accepted at the City and Regional SWA sites: McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council recyclegallup.org facebook.com/recyclegallup (505) 722-5142 betsywindisch@yahoo.com Where to Recycle in Gallup-McKinley County


What Are the Top 10 Most Important Recycling Facts and Statistics

u It’s estimated that 94% of Americans support recycling. u The US currently has more than 2,000 landfills. u Only 2% of the building material waste is recycled. u It’s estimated that 75% of the waste in the US could be recycled. u Mankind generates 2 billion metric tons of waste every year. u At 66.1%, Germany has the highest MSW recycling rate in the world. u Turkey is among the countries with the lowest recycling rate in the world at 1%. u Americans throw away 35 billion plastic bottles every year. u Americans send back only 25% of their cardboard for reuse. u A staggering 1 million seabirds die due to plastic pollution every year.

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