2 minute read

Walking in Beauty

Christmas is a time for families and friends to get together while sharing a meal. I don’t know about you but during this season we see all kinds of goodies coming our way. Homemade cookies, breads, fudge, you name it, anything with some sugar and we know Christmas has arrived. If you want to survive the Christmas season without packing on an extra 10 pounds, here are three suggestions to try.

First, do not try to cut-calories by skipping meals during the day. Saving up for that one big meal will only cause you to eat more when the time comes. It is important to eat balanced meals throughout the day that include plenty of vegetables and fruits. Have fruits and vegetables cut-up and ready to go so that when you are hungry you can grab these first. Also, recognize when you are full. Remember not to encourage your children to clean their plates, but let them know it is okay to stop when full. Second, keep a balanced environment in your home. Help your children see that these traditional foods are only one aspect of the Christmas season. Modeling to them the real reason for the season is time spent with our loved ones. Instead of the main-focus of our celebrations being food, let’s take time to go for a walk, go see a play, play in the snow or play a board game. Starting your own traditions with your family that do not involve food can help model good behaviors that promote a healthy lifestyle. A new tradition may include a fun-walk or run. Look for things in your area that promote physical activity.

The third suggestion is about what to do if you are visiting with relatives that do not share the same idea as you for a healthy lifestyle. While visiting, find time to spend with your family in regular physical activity. Offer to help with the grocery shopping and help make recipes that include a variety of vegetables and fruits.

The Christmas season can be a stressful time for all of us, but by just remembering to not skip meals and having healthy choices in our homes, along with some added activity, we can all have a guiltfree Christmas season.

Merry Christmas from Camille’s!!!

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