End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL501 Context of Practice Name: Galuh Indri Wiyarti Student ID: gw259654 Learning Outcome
Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
5A1 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, historical, technological, social, political or other contexts relevant to individual subject disciplines. (Knowledge and understanding) (Research / critical awareness)
This is evidenced throughout my blog posts, when I start as having initial ideas and develop it through research mainly from books. Also evidenced in my visual journal when I put it into my practical work.
5A2 Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between the theoretical and practical contexts of their own creative concerns. (Knowledge and understanding) (problem analysis/definition)
This is evidenced both in my essay and visual journal, where I put the theory from the artist in my essay and put it into my own practice in the visual journal. The connection is also evidenced in my 10 words pitch poster.
Very Good
5B1 Evidence the ability to use logic, reasoning and critical judgement to analyse ideas from a range of primary and secondary sources. (Cognitive skills) (Critical awareness)
This is evidenced in my blog when I investigate my research question, essay development and updates in visual journal. This is also evidenced in my visual journal, which I tried to experiment in rearranging images to perform collage inspired by the theorists I discussed in my essay.
5C1 Evidence the capacity for undertaking practical and theoretical research that demonstrates an informed application of critical, effective and testable processes. (Practical and professional skills) (research)
This is evidenced in my blog to which I reflect my investigation in visual journal, experimentations, and progression of my understanding in the chosen topic.
Very Good
5D1 Organise and carry out selfdirected projects and
This is evidenced in completing the essay, visual journal, 10 word pitch poster, study tasks, and
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
Very Good
communicate outcomes through written and other appropriate forms. (Key transferable skills) (professionalism / technical competence / visual quality)
COP3 proposal. Also evidenced throughout my blog posts about the journey in completing the module.
Summative Evaluation I begin this module by taking my current interest in the technique of collage, which recently I decided to choose it as my medium of work. I feel like I wanted to develop my practice as an illustrator and have a basic understanding in the concept of it, so it will reflect into my work as a professional in the future. The starting point to my research was looking at historical aspect, but then it starts to develop into social and culture aspects too. I intend to look at collage from the very first time it was being used as a visual communication, although in the end I found this hard to look at, as there have been some doubts throughout the originality of collage and where it came from. Then I start to get intrigued with how collage communicates to people, how it used as a visual language, and how it connects to the people. So I start to investigate the aesthetic in it by reading from books and put it into practice in my visual journal. The whole process of investigation both in the essay and visual journal was pretty straightforward for me. I start in looking at Dada and Surrealism which where collage can be seen most as a product of, and then to Modernism world itself. As I look into the practice examples, I took Max Ernst’s work, as he has been the most influential person regarding collage in the art scene. Also John Stezaker’s to compare with from more modern time, which work I admired. I look into both of them, discussed the differences and the silver linings which were become my conclusions in the essay. Although I had some problems when trying to determine the theorist that I would like to discuss in my essay. Because it was so straightforward, I felt like I just recited things from books that have been published and state the obvious without analyzing something out of it. It is when I read a book about Modernism that Derrida’s Deconstruction Theory came up. The second problem was obviously trying to understand the theory itself. Because Derrida himself didn’t coin the term, instead it was created from people who investigate his essays. I needed to skim read a lot of books related to this until I understand the whole picture of deconstruction. On the bright side, I think it had trained me to read fast and help me to enable myself to work efficiently. The most enjoyable part in this module was definitely the visual journal. As I mentioned before I wanted to investigate collage because this has been my current method of working as an illustrator. I was looking forward to fill the pages to put my essay theory into practical work. I experimented a lot using mixed media to portray emotions and feelings. The artists that I mentioned in my essay inspired me a lot during the whole process. I adapt their method of working from my research, and put it into my practical work in my own way. I have some doubts at first about creating a narrative flow to fill the second half of the visual journal. I feared if my collage work was not good enough for people to understand the story. But then as I thought about it again what I want to test out was if I were able to create the ambiguity of it throughout the mood and emotions I want to give in each pieces.
What I regret the entire time was that I did not manage my time wisely for this module. I feel like I have not given my best yet to invest my time doing the whole research. The last bit of the essay and visual journal was done in a bit of a rush. I would like to read more about my chosen artists in depth if I have more time. Definitely refined my grammatical error, as it has been hard for me as a foreign speaker to write in my second language. Overall I am quite satisfied with what I did for the module. I would not change my chosen topic if I can redo the project; it’s just about time management. I feel like I have more understanding in doing collage technically and conceptually. I would definitely choose a subject related to this for my COP3 research as it would certainly help me to progress within my practice.