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Student Planning
Welcome to myGC Student Planning, a self-service course planning software tool that that helps you to choose the best path to success, succeed and complete your educational goals in a timely manner, keep you on track with your academic progress, explore new programs, view the course catalog and syllabus in one click, and easily register for courses from your phone, tablet or computer.
Quick Start Guide
Get Started
1. Log into the Whitecaps Portal from the Whitecaps Toolbox on the right-hand side of the GC homepage.
2. Click on the graphic “myGC” on the portal, and then Student Planning and Registration tab.
Course Planning
1. Click Go to My Progress
2. View your active program requirements and click Search for Courses that fulfill this requirement.
3. Select the course you would like to take and click Add Course to Plan
4. Select the term you want the course planned for and then click add course to plan.
5. Repeat step 3 & 4 until all your courses have been planned.
6. Go to Student Planning and Registration tab on top left-hand corner and select Plan & Schedule. Then click Go to Plan & Schedule to review your planned courses under Schedule tab and then Timeline tab.
• You may make changes to your plan by using “drag and drop” feature as well as “delete” function.
Course Registration
1. Once courses have been fully planned, click Plan & Schedule. Under Schedule view, use the directional arrows to scroll to the desired semester at which you intend to enroll.
2. Under each course you have planned, click View Other Sections to see all possible results. The calendar will populate with available section in yellow. Select your preferred section by clicking Add Section. (Note: sections information may NOT be available until after open registration starts).
3. Click Register Now for all courses, or register for courses individually.
You may only add or drop courses online prior to first day of class.
Additional Tips
Green – Registered; Yellow – Planned; Red – Course is full or conflicting with another course time
If unable to register, review HOLDS and contact appropriate department.
To learn more about Student Planning, refer to “GC Student Planning Self-Service User Reference Guide – Student View” or the instructional video in the Whitecaps portal.