If you are looking for a new great New Year’s Resolution, here is a great idea for you. Get your sewing machine out again and start sewing! I know it is a fun idea, but when was the last time you tackle some sewing work, or better yet, have you ever threaded a sewing machine?
It is one of the primary jobs in sewing that you need to get it done, before actual sewing. So, clear the dust off the old machine frame, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to jumpstart your sewing machine. Learning some clever tricks to make the process easier, and this will make a big difference in how you perceive your relationship with your sewing machine!
Before You Start
• Consult the sewing machine manual, if you can get your hands on one. It should give you diagrammatical instructions about the job at hand. If you have lost it anyway, this article is for you.
• Settle on a thread color you want to use and fill the bobbin with it.
Read more about Sewing at https://www.plurk.com/p/o5akxo