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How to train your dog + Training tips
What are the benefits of owning a cat?
The life cycle of Butterfly
The danger of keeping exotic pets
How ocean animals live at the bottom of the ocean
How animals survive extreme cold conditions
Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people?
Why do Zebras have stripes?
How to look after a rabbit?
Do penguins have knees?
Interesting facts about octopuses
Why snakes are good pets? 4
Reasons why parrots make good pets
Everything you should know about grooming your dog 5
One day, a strong and powerful hound was chasing a rabbit. After running for a long time, the tired hound gives up the hunt. A passing goatherd said jeeringly that that the little one is better than the beast. To this, the hound responds: “The rabbit was running for its life, I was only running for dinner. That is the difference between us.�
Top training tips How to train your dog + Training tips
re you ready to start training your dog or puppy? Proper training and socialization are among your dog's basic needs. At first, dog training can seem overwhelming, especially if this is your first dog. The truth is that training your dog is a very big project. If you take it step by step, you will find the task to be far less daunting. Whether young or old - all dogs can benefit from learning some basic commands, so let’s get started.
Always start lessons for new tricks in a quiet room in your house away from any distractions.
Be patient, just like us, dogs all learn at different rates so do not worry if your dog does not pick things up straight away
Break training up into short but regular sessions so your dog is not overwhelmed
Always end with something your dog knows, so the session finishes positively
What are the benefits of training my dog? Teaching your dog basic obedience like sit, wait and coming back when called gives them the freedom to do the things they like to do, like running off lead and coming with you to meet friends and family, while being safe and under control. Dogs are intelligent animals and most love to learn so training can be a great way of stopping them from getting bored.
How do dogs learn? All training should be reward based. Giving your dog something, they really like such as food, toys or praise when they show a particular behaviour means that they are more likely to do it again. It is important to find out what your dog really likes and what their favourite things are. Favourite treats are often small pieces of meat or cheese. The better the reward the more your dog will enjoy training and learning.
Photography by: Michael Barnes
Photography by: Richard Brutoy
Remember that training is an ongoing process. You will never be finished. It is important to keep working on obedience training throughout the life of your dog. People who learn a language at a young age but stop speaking that language may forget much of it as they grow older. The same goes for your dog: use it or lose it. Running through even the most basic tricks and commands will help them stay fresh in your dog's mind. Plus, it's a great way to spend time with your dog. Resources RSPCA. Dog training. Available at: Stregowski J (2020). How to Train Your Dog. Available at:
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Photography by: Celine Sayuri
Photography by: Hans Jurgen
The environment is so extreme that the size limit in Antarctica for an ectotherm is about 13mm, the size of the largest fully terrestrial (land) animal in Antarctica. In other words, any animal larger than this would be unlikely to be able to warm up enough to become active before it started to get cold again.
If it is so cold, why do animals go to the Antarctica and Arctic ? The answer is that there is a huge seasonal supply of food. Due to upwellings of deep ocean water bringing high levels of nutrients to surface layers and long day length of up to 24 hours light for months on end depending on the latitude that results in continuous photosynthesis. The Southern Ocean is exceptionally productive. There are literally millions of tonnes of potential food in the Antarctic Ocean if you can catch it and process it efficiently. Large blue whales can catch and eat 4 tonnes or more of krill a day for weeks on end in the summer months, they are good at the catch and process thing.
How animals survive extreme cold conditions
Resources Bridget B. (2019) How Does Wildlife Survive Winter's Freezing Temperatures? Available at: Cool Antarctica. How Animals Survive in Cold Conditions Science of the Cold. Available at:
The commonest question asked about animals in Antarctica and the Arctic is how do they cope with the extreme cold conditions that are found there?
uch of Antarctica is a cold largely featureless icy desert where above freezing temperatures are hardly reached if ever at all. The temperature of the Antarctic Ocean that surrounds the continent varies from -2°C to +2°C (+28.4°F to +35.6°F) over the year. Seawater freezes at -2°C (+28.4°F) so it cannot get any colder and still be water. Arctic and Antarctic birds and mammals such as penguins, whales, bears, foxes and seals - are warm blooded animals and they maintain similar internal body temperatures to warm blooded animals in any other climate zone - that is 35-42°C (95-107°F) depending on the species. They must keep high body temperatures to remain active. These animals are known as endotherms (endo-inside + therm-heat) as they generate their heat internally. The polar regions' cold and wind mean that this heat can very quickly be lost leading to hypothermia (hypo-under). Many (nonpolar) animals are ectotherms (ecto-outside) , which means that they generate so little heat internally they are dependent on the external environment to warm them up to a level where their body and enzymes function sufficiently well enough for an active and functional life. Typically, they raise their temperature by basking in the sun until they are warm enough to become active. Reptiles and amphibians do this while invertebrates are usually small enough to be able to warm up quickly to the ambient temperature from the air alone without basking in direct sunlight. All polar land animals of any size therefore need to be warm-blooded to be active.
Photography by: Jonatan Pie
What are the benefits of owning a cat ? Did you know that owning one is good for you?
Benefit No 4
Benefit No 1
Benefit No 5
If you are worried about your carbon footprint, it is better to own a cat than a dog. A 2009 study found that the resources needed to feed a dog over the course of its life create the same eco-footprint as that of a Land Cruiser. Meanwhile, cats—which eat less in general and are more likely to eat fish than corn- or beef-flavoured products—only have the approximate carbon footprint of a small hatchback.
In 2002, the National Institutes of Health released a study that found children under a year old who were exposed to a cat were less likely to develop allergies— and not just pet allergies. According to Marshall Plaut, M.D., chief of the allergic mechanisms section at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "high pet exposure early in life appears to protect against not only pet allergy but also other types of common allergies, such as allergy to dust mites, ragweed, and grass." And while the cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a threat to young children, experts say that by changing your cat’s litter box every day and keeping the animal indoors, you should be safe and allergy free!
Studies have shown that just watching cat videos on the internet can boost a person's energy and create positive emotions—so it's no surprise that actual cat ownership has a number of benefits.
Benefit No 2
Owning a cat can lower your stress levels. Research has found this has a knock-on effect on your risk of cardiovascular disease. This study found a decreased risk of death from heart diseases including stroke among people with cats.
In a survey by Cats Protection of 600 people where half had mental health problems, 87 per cent of cat owners felt that their pets have a positive impact on their wellbeing. 76 per cent also said they found coping with everyday stresses easier thanks to cats.
Benefit No 3
A cat purring does not just show they are happy. The sound has also been long associated with a therapeutic healing ability on human bones and muscle. It is to do with the frequency of purr vibrations at 20-140 HZ. With studies such as this one showing that frequencies in the 18-35 HZ range have a positive effect on joint mobility after injury, scientists have begun talking about how the cat noise could help humans. ‘This association between the frequencies of cats’ purrs and improved healing of bones and muscles may provide help for some humans,’ Leslie A. Lyons assistant professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California explains in a post for Scientific American.
Photography by: Tran Mau Resources Benjamin K, Thompson A (2017) 10 Scientific Benefits of Being a Cat Owner. Available at: Shackleton E (2015) 8 scientifically proven reasons why having a cat is good for you. Available at: They%20can%20lower%20your%20risk%20of%20heart%20disease&text=Just%20like%20dogs%2C%20owning%20a,stroke%20 among%20people%20with%20cats.
Photography by:Rana Sawalha
Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people? Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with sharing their lives with companion animals. However, many of us remain unaware of the physical and mental health benefits that can also accompany the pleasure of snuggling up to a furry friend. Pets have evolved to become acutely attuned to humans and our behaviour and emotions. Dogs, for example, can understand many of the words we use, but they are even better at interpreting our tone of voice, body language, and gestures. And like any good human friend, a loyal dog will look into your eyes to gauge your emotional state and try to understand what you are thinking and feeling. Studies show that interactions with animals can decrease stress in humans. Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol. Caring for an animal
can help children grow up more secure and active. In a 2001 study, researchers found that pet-owning patients with high blood pressure could keep their blood pressure lower during times of mental stress than patients without pets. Another study shows that pet owners may also have increased odds of surviving for at least a year after having a heart attack. “Both pet ownership and social support are significant predictors of survival, independent of the effects of the other psychosocial factors and physiologic status,” wrote the heart-disease researchers. And in 2008, a group of Italian researchers documented the successful introduction of a shelter dog to Alzheimer’s patients. Patients were given questionnaires, and many responded that animal-assisted activities (the dog as a therapy animal) was beneficial. “You can always talk to the dog, and the dog’s not going to judge you,” says the school principal.
Sources Dogs help humans reduce stress. Available at: Give the gift of hope (2020) The Health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of Pets. Available at:
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Photography by: Anton Darius
Photography by: Boris Smokrovic
Stage 2 - The caterpillar
Once ready, the caterpillar leaves its egg home and enters the big outside world! And these little critters have one serious appetite – they eat their way out of the egg and immediately start chomping on the leaves of the host plant. During this stage, they shed their skin four or five times – as the caterpillar grows, its skin becomes too tight and splits open, revealing a new, larger skin underneath. A fully grown caterpillar can be over 100 times larger than when it emerged from its egg.
Stage 3 – The chrysalis Photography by: Dominik Qn
We all love butterflies for their beautiful, brightly coloured wings. But did you know that these fab flyers begin life as something completely different? As they grow, they undergo one seriously terrific transformation – a process known as “metamorphosis “. Butterflies have four life stages, the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. Each of the four stages are unique to individual species of butterflies which is part of what makes watching and raising butterflies so much fun.
Stage 1 – The Egg
It all starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants. Inside these tiny eggs, caterpillars grow. Depending on the species, egg stage usually lasts 3-7 days and can vary in shape and texture – they can be round, oval, or cylindrical, and smooth, bumpy, or wrinkled.
Once fully grown, the caterpillar forms itself into a “pupa” (or chrysalis) – a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. They usually do this on twigs or safe, hidden areas around the host plant. The “pupa” stage may last a few weeks to several months depending on the species. During this time, a hardened case forms around the pupa to protect it from predators and extreme weather conditions. And inside, the tissue, limbs and organs of the caterpillar transform. The result? A wonderful, winged butterfly!
Stage 4 – The Butterfly
Once the butterfly is ready to emerge, the case around the pupa splits open. But it is not time for take-off just yet, as the wings are at first wet, soft, and wrinkled against its body. The butterfly waits for its wings to dry, and pumps a liquid called haemolymph into them so that they become big and strong. Once fit for flight, this brilliant bug then takes to the air in search for flowers to feed on and for other butterflies to mate with. Resources Kelly. Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Amazing! Available at: National Geographic Kids. THE BUTTERFLY LIFE CYCLE! See the fascinating transformation from caterpillar to butterfly! Available at:
Photography by: Frida Bredesen
Why do Zebras have stripes? Zebras are famous for their contrasting black and white stripes – but until very recently no one really knew why they sport their unusual striped pattern. It is a question that’s been discussed as far back as 150 years ago by great Victorian biologists like Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Since then, many ideas have been put on the table but only in the last few years have there been serious attempts to test them. These ideas fall into four main categories: Zebras are striped to evade capture by predators, zebras are striped for social reasons, zebras are striped to keep cool, or they have stripes to avoid attack by biting flies. The answer to that question has been hard to find. Zebras in the wild are not easy to get close to. So Dr. Caro and a colleague, Martin How, went to Hill Livery, a horse farm moonlighting as an orphanage and a conservation hub for captive zebras near the University of Bristol in Britain. With their students, they observed and filmed horse flies trying to bite zebras. They also dressed some horses in zebra print to see if it helped them avoid fly bites. The flies pestered all the horses and the zebras in the paddocks equally. But once they got close, the zebra stripes seemed to dazzle the flies so much that they could
not manage a controlled landing. Flies zoomed in too fast and either veered off just in time — or simply bumped into the zebra and bounced off. The flies did not seem to like the zebra coats on horses. The only thing they can say for certain is that the high contrast between black and white most likely tricks the fly’s low-resolution vision, which relies on sensing movement. The idea is that the stripes set up an optical illusion that disrupts the expected pattern of movement the fly experiences as it approaches the zebra, preventing it from landing properly. Another idea is that flies do not see the zebra as a solid entity but a series of thin black objects. Only when very close do they realize that they are going to hit a solid body and instead veer off. The researchers are now conducting tests with coats of different patterns, contrasts, and thickness, to see just what it is about the stripes that stops the flies. “By playing around with those variables, we’ll be able to get inside the head of the fly, or the eye of the fly, to work out what’s sort of confusing to it,” said Dr. Caro. In the meantime, people planning on being around horses or horse flies may want to consider wearing zebra print rather than a solid to avoid being bitten.
Resources Harris S (2019) Zebra’s stripes are a no fly zone for flies. Available at: Klein J (2019) Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? Scientists Camouflaged Horses to Find Out. Available at:
What to do to help stop private possession of exotic animals
The danger of keeping exotic pets Exotic animals — lions, tigers, wolves, bears, reptiles, non-human primates — belong in their natural habitats and not in the hands of private individuals as “pets.” By their very nature, these animals are wild and potentially dangerous and, as such, do not adjust well to a captive environment. Exotic animals do not make good companions. They require special care, housing, diet, and maintenance that the average person cannot provide. When in the hands of private individuals, the animals suffer due to poor care. They also pose safety and health risks to their owners and any person meeting them. Exotic animals are inherently dangerous to the individuals who possess them, to their neighbours, and to the community at large. Across the country, many incidents have been reported where exotic animals held in private hands attacked humans and other animals and escaped from their enclosures and freely roamed the community. Children and adults have been mauled by tigers, bitten by monkeys, and asphyxiated by snakes. By their very nature, exotic animals are dangerous. Although most exotic animals are territorial and require group interactions, an exotic pet typically is isolated and spends most his/her day in a small enclosure unable to roam and express natural behaviours freely. Nondomesticated felines, such as lions, tigers, leopards, and cougars, are commonly held as pets. These exotic animals are cute and cuddly when they are young but have the potential to kill or seriously injure people and other animals as they grow. Even a seemingly friendly and loving animal can attack unsuspecting individuals. Many large cats have escaped from their cages and terrorized communities. Several of these incidents have resulted in either serious injury to the persons who met the animal, or the death of the animal, or both. Reptiles, including all types of snakes and lizards, pose safety risks to humans as well. Many incidents have been reported of escapes, strangulations, and bites from pet reptiles across the country. Snakes are the most common “pet” reptiles — about 3% of U.S. households possess 7.3 million pet reptiles — and have the potential to inflict serious injury through a bite or constriction. According to the University of Florida, more than 7,000 venomous snake bites are reported annually in the United States (it is uncertain how many of these snakes are pets), 15 of which result in death. Moreover, there have been several reported incidences involving strangulation by snakes. For example, on August 28, 1999, in Centralia, IL, a 3-year-old boy was strangled to death by the family’s pet python. The parents were charged with child endangerment and unlawful possession of a dangerous animal.
1 Never buy exotic animals from dealers or pet shops, and support legislation that would make owning exotic animals illegal and prohibit the interstate sale of exotic animals.
2 If you observe an exotic animal being abused, living in deplorable conditions, etc., report it to the appropriate animal control agency.
3 Educate others. Write a Letter to the Editor. Share this fact sheet with friends and family.
4 Find out how your state, city and county regulates private possession of exotic animals. If your state, city, or county does not prohibit private possession, contact your state senator and representative or your city and county council members and urge them to introduce legislation banning possession of exotic animals. Resources Born Free USA. Animals in Captivity. Available at:,carry%20 the%20Herpes%20B%20virus. PETA. Exotic Animals as ‘Pets’ Available at: https://
Photography by: Mike Marrah
a r e t f a ok o l o t How ? t i b b a r Rabbits are unique pets. They have specific needs to live a long, happy, and healthy life. There are many breeds to choose from, although a rabbit of mixed breeding can offer just as much fun and companionship. Rabbits with long fur take much more looking after as the fur can become matted quickly and therefore requires daily grooming. Most rabbits are happy living either indoors or outside but, if choosing to keep them as house rabbits, extra care must be taken to keep them safe in their indoor environment. All cables must have a protective covering, and house plants should be removed as they may be poisonous. It is most important that rabbits can exhibit their natural behaviour, so they must be kept in accommodation which allows them to hop, stretch and play. Think carefully about whether you have the time, money, facilities, and knowledge to care for rabbits as they can live for up to ten years. The best time to buy rabbits is when they have been weaned from their mother at about six to eight weeks old. Rescue centres such as Blue Cross usually have all ages of rabbits ready to be placed in the right homes, and adults can also make rewarding companions – some people prefer to take on an older animal. The other alternative is to buy from a reputable breeder or a good pet shop where the staff are prepared to give as much time as you need to make the right decision.
Home comfort for your rabbit Outdoor rabbits need plenty of room with a hutch large enough to be able to stand on their hind legs, have the opportunity to stretch out, and hop around. There must also be a private compartment for them to retire to when they wish for some privacy. The minimum hutch size for small or large rabbits is 183cm x 60cm floor space, by 60cm tall. Gone are the days when rabbits were kept at the end of the garden in a hutch with no facility for exercise. A good choice of accommodation for rabbits is a small wooden Wendy house with either a large run attached, or a fenced area surrounding it to allow the rabbits to exercise as and when they feel the need. If this type of accommodation is chosen, it gives owners the opportunity to observe them exhibiting more natural behaviour. Rabbits kept in accommodation which is too small often become bad tempered and difficult to handle.
This may be because they are suffering from skeletal pain because of being confined. If your rabbit’s behaviour changes in this way, consider their accommodation but also seek veterinary advice. It is important that the accommodation is sited in a shaded area away from direct sunlight, strong winds, and rain. The rabbits must have extra bedding and protection from the elements during the winter months. Ensure the accommodation has strong sliding bolts and is predator-proof as it is possible for a rabbit to die of shock from being harassed by domestic and wild animals.
What to feed your rabbit Hay or grass should be the basis of your rabbit’s diet, and a few fresh vegetables should be offered as well. Remember cereal-based diets (the muesli-type) are high in sugar and low in minerals, and therefore should not be given. Small quantities of high-fibre pellets are a better choice. They need a daily variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, washed thoroughly before feeding. Think natural – good foods are carrots, spinach, watercress, broccoli, celery, apples, and dandelion leaves. Never give rabbits grass cuttings as this will cause serious health problems. Dried ready grass is available from pet shops, and this is acceptable. Fresh water must always be available and changed daily. Make sure, if using a water bottle, that it is working properly.
How to pick up your rabbit Rabbits that are regularly and correctly handled from an early age can learn to tolerate the experience, but remember that most will never feel comfortable, as it is not natural for them to be lifted up with their paws off the ground. When you do need to pick up your rabbit, the safest way is to slide one hand underneath the body and in-between the front legs, with your other arm around its hindquarters, supporting its body weight. Place the rabbit against your body with its head towards your arm. Never pick a rabbit up by its ears or by the scruff of its neck. Always put a rabbit down gently, hind legs first, on a non-slip surface. Resources Blue Cross for pets (2020) Caring for your rabbit. Available at: Cushman A. How to Care for a Pet Rabbit. Available at: Photography by: Matt Pike
How ocean animals live at the bottom of the ocean
hen you dive to the bottom of a deep swimming pool, you might start getting a painful or unpleasant feeling in your ears and sinuses. This is because they contain air: that feeling comes from the air sacs in your body being squashed by the pressure of the water. Fish living closer to the surface of the ocean may have a swim bladder – that is a large organ with air in it, which helps them float up or sink down in the water. Deep sea fish do not have these air sacs in their bodies, which means they do not get crushed. But having a body with no air cavities will only get you so far, since high pressure can also destroy the very structure of molecules – the tiny building blocks that make up all matter. To help with this, deep sea creatures have “piezolytes” – small, organic molecules which have only recently been discovered. These piezolytes stop the other molecules in the creatures’ bodies, such as membranes and proteins, from being crushed by the pressure (though we are not exactly sure how, yet). Another interesting thing about piezolytes is that they give fish their “fishy” smell. Shallow water species have piezolytes too, but deep-sea species have many more – so deep-water species would smell much fishier. This molecule is only effective up to certain depths though; as the water gets deeper, the pressure becomes too much, even for snailfish. Tiny organisms called microbes have been recovered from the very bottom of the Mariana Trench, and they have peizolytes to help protect them, too. While some animals live full time in the deep sea, others just visit. Species such as Cuvier’s beaked whale commute between the surface of the water, to breathe, and depths of over 2,000m, to feed. These whales breathe air, but their lungs are collapsible, so they do not get crushed when the whales dive into the deep sea for almost two hours at a time. When diving, these whales store the oxygen from the air they breathe in their blood and muscles. They can do this because they have higher levels of haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules – which are used to store oxygen – than other whale species. Cuvier’s beaked whales can also reduce their heart rate and temporarily stop the blood flowing to certain parts of the body, which helps the oxygen to last longer. So, there are a few different ways creatures can survive in the deep sea, depending on whether they are just visiting, or live there all the time. There is one last thing to think about: it’s very difficult for scientists to study deep sea animals, as they tend to die when they are brought to the surface – so there might be many other remarkable features we don’t yet know about.
Resources Skelly J (2015) What does it take to live at the bottom of the ocean? Available at:,which%20sink%20to%20 the%20bottom.&text=It's%20like%20being%20crushed%20to%20death%20in%20a%20freezer. The Conversation (2019) Curious Kids: how do creatures living in the deep sea stay alive given the pressure? Available at:
Photography by: TJ Fitzsimmons
Do penguins have knees? According to Digitaloft, this brilliant question is searched 18,100 times a month. So, without further ado, do penguins have knees? The answer is YES, they do. A penguin’s legs are built up of a femur, knee, tibia, and fibula, just like human’s legs. Their legs may appear short and stubby, but do not be deceived, most of them are concealed by feathers. If you look closely at a penguin's legs, you will notice that they are set far back on the body. This makes it more difficult to walk on land, as it requires more energy to move quickly. Also, penguins walk on the soles of their feet instead of their toes like other birds. As a result, waddling helps penguins to maximize their momentum while using the least amount of energy. Since penguins spend as much as 75% of their time in the water, their bodies have evolved to be able to move quickly through the water. They use their tails and feet as rudders, and their flippers act much like wings do on other birds — essentially, penguins "fly" through the water! Resources Rotherham College (2017) Blog: Do Penguins Have Knees? Available at: %E2%80%93%20yes%2C%20penguins,them%20are%20concealed%20by%20feathers. Wonderopolis. Do penguins have knees? Available at:
Photography by: Sergio Martinez
Photography by: Long Ma
Octopus blood is blue because it has a copper-based protein called hemocyanin. When an octopus is swimming, the organ that delivers blood to the organs stops beating. This exhausts the octopus, which is likely the reason they prefer to crawl than swim, according to the Smithsonian article.
Fact No 3 Octopuses come in many different sizes. The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is 12 to 36 inches (30.5 to 91.4 centimeters) long and weighs 6.6 to 22 lbs. (3 to 10 kilograms). The giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) is the largest octopus. They typically grow to 16 feet (5 meters) long and weight around 110 lbs. (50 kg), but one was recorded to weigh more than 600 lbs. (272 kg) and measure 30 feet (9.1 m) across, according to National Geographic. The smallest octopus is the Octopus wolfi. It is smaller than an inch (2.5 cm) long and weighs less than a gram.
Fact No 4 Octopuses live in oceans all over the world. Most are pelagic, meaning they live near the water's surface in shells, reefs, and crevices. Some species live on the floor of the ocean, making their homes out of caves.
Fact No 5 Photography by: Jack B
Interesting facts about octopuses Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. Some other fun facts: They have three hearts and blue blood; they squirt ink to deter predators; and being boneless, they can squeeze into (or out of) tight spaces.
Fact No 1 Octopuses have an excellent sense of touch, according to the World Animal Foundation. Their suckers have receptors that enable an octopus to taste what it is touching.
Fact No 2 An octopus has three hearts. One pumps blood through its organs; the two others pump blood through its gills, according to the World Animal Foundation.
Octopuses are carnivores, which means they eat meat. Meals can include clams, shrimp, lobsters, fish, sharks and even birds. Octopuses typically drop down on their prey, envelop it with their arms and pull the animal into their mouth.
Fact No 6 The world “octopus” comes from the Greek, októpus, meaning “eight foot.” The word’s Greek roots means it’s pluralized as a Greek word, too, which depends on both a noun’s gender and the last letter it ends with. In this case, an -es is simply tacked on. So, no octopi, octopodes or octopussies, Harmon Courage points out.
Fact No 7 Two-thirds of an octopus’ neurons reside in its arms, not its head. As a result, the arms can problem solve how to open a shellfish while their owners are busy doing something else, like checking out a cave for more edible goodies. The arms can even react after they have been completely severed. In one experiment, severed arms jerked away in pain when researchers pinched them. Resources Bradford A (2017) Octopus Facts. Available at: N Rachel (2013) Ten Curious Facts About Octopuses. Available at:
Reasons why parrots make good pets #1 Parrots and other birds have a high degree of intelligence. Several studies have demonstrated that parrots have advanced abilities to problem solve and communicate, and they can even understand human constructed concepts like math (addition and subtraction), shapes, and colours. Not only is their intelligence extremely impressive, but it is also very entertaining. You can pass hours of time talking to, communicating with, and teaching your parrot new things. With a parrot, you will never have a reason to be bored!
#4 As we mentioned above, parrots are extremely intelligent. Combine this with the fact that parrots love attention from their owners and training becomes a breeze. Training your parrot to talk, mimic, count, and learn colours can be a great hobby and is a good way to fulfil your time. Keep in mind, however, that parrots do not just pick up on things when they are trained to do so. They are always listening and can pick up on words and behaviours even when you are not trying to train them. So, do not be surprised if one day while you are entertaining guests, your parrot lets out a few swear words that you did not expect. Photography by: Simon Shim
Unlike some animals like cats and dogs, parrots do not require much in the way of grooming. Parrots are naturally hygienic animals who groom their feathers daily. No shampooing, no flea baths, no haircuts, or trips to the groomers – a quick nail trim occasionally is all you have to worry about.
#3 Some animals can cost a fortune to feed, but the parrot is not one of them. While exact dietary needs will vary from parrot to parrot, the average parrot will only eat ¼ – ½ cup of pellets per day. This can then be combined with fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds to make up an entire daily menu for your feathery friend. Experts recommend that ⅓ of your parrots’ diet be made up of seed mix, ⅓ should be made up of a pelleted diet, and ⅓ should be made up of fresh fruits and vegetables. All in all, you should expect to spend approximately $35-$60 per month on parrot food depending on which type of parrot you have and their own specific needs.
#5 When you are renting a space from a landlord, one of the things that you often need to worry about are pet fees. While some landlords have no problem with you bringing a pet into their space, others will charge a monthly or yearly fee for you to do so. Others will not allow pets at all. In return, your cat or dog may end up costing you more, or you may not be able to rent the place that you would like to rent at all. The good news is, most landlords do not consider parrots or other birds species to be “pets”. In return, they are welcome almost anywhere and no additional fees will be added to your bill. Resources John (2019) 20 Reasons Why Parrots Make Good Pets. Available at:
Why snakes are good pets? Often associated with deadly incidents or even horror stories, snakes are commonly misunderstood but can make fascinating companion pets. Like any pet, snakes offer company and stress relief for their owners. Snakes do not require daily walks in the park, and they are quiet during the day and at night. With infrequent defecation, a pet snake’s habitat is also an easy cleanup. Snakes are fascinating creatures and providing they are treated with respect, will come to trust their owners, and enjoy coming out of their tanks to explore and interact with people. If you have allergies to cats, dogs or birds, snakes are a perfect choice for a pet! They usually shed their skin in one go and it is easy to pick up and dispose of. Another reason is that snakes don’t make any noise, so if you live in a flat or have close neighbours there’s no worry that it will bark when you are not there, rip up furniture or leave little ‘presents’ for you on the carpet. They live for a long time – generally 15 years or more – so there are no worries about getting a new family pet only to have heartbroken children when it dies a few months later Before making the decision to own a snake, there are many factors to consider. Researching different pet snake breeds and their lifespan and health requirements are a must. Dr.
Sharman Hoppes, clinical associate professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, suggests snake breeds that may or may not make a suitable pet. “Ball Pythons, King Snakes and Corn Snakes are great. Large boas and pythons do not make good pets for most people due to their large size,” Hoppes said. Snakes also require precise habitats to survive. Hoppes explains that owners should provide lighting that produces a day and night cycle. Temperatures should be 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, with a cooler temperature at night that never falls below 75 degrees. A warmer basking site that measures around 90 degrees should also be available to your pet. Under the cage heaters and heat lamps are the best way to regulate temperature. “Hot rocks” are not encouraged as they can potentially burn your pet snake. Hoppes recommends placing a thermometer on the cage to make sure the temperature in your cage is appropriate. Although snakes are often misunderstood and sometimes gain negative attention, they can make great companion animals and require minimal care. If you are interested in owning a snake, remember to research and consult a veterinarian that is familiar with the health requirements of snakes..
Resources Fenn V (2016) Forget dogs or cats – Here’s why snakes make the best pets. Available at: https://metro. Texas A&M University. Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2015) SNAKES AS PETS. Available at: offer,also%20an%20easy%20clean%2Dup.&text=%E2%80%9CBall%20Pythons%2C%20King%20Snakes%20 and%20Corn%20Snakes%20are%20great.
Photography by: Frank Flores
Choose a safe, well-lit place for grooming.
Everything you should know about grooming your dog Proper dog grooming is about more than doggie hairstyles or being best in show—it is an essential part of the life of any healthy dog. Dogs, just like people, need regular baths and other physical maintenance. Regular grooming also will keep you in sync with changes in your dog’s health and builds the bond between you and your four-legged friend. Before giving it a go, make sure you are aware of important best practices for at-home grooming and that your vet has given your dog a clean bill of health.
You need to be able to see what you are doing, and you also want a safe, nonslip surface so your dog does not slip and fall. Do not tether your dogs during grooming—that can lead to terrible accidents. Of course, if they love being brushed, brush them anywhere and as often as possible—this can be a great bonding experience. You can even use brushing as a reward after a grooming procedure that they are not so fond of.
Use appropriate dog-grooming equipment. Depending on your dog’s fur and skin type, a special brush might be necessary. Research online or ask your veterinarian what kind of brush is most appropriate for your dog’s coat. Similarly, make sure the nail clippers, scissors, trimmer, etc. are all high-quality and appropriate to your dog. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for suggestions Resources McVey R (2017) Everything You Need to Know About Dog Grooming. Available at: Sullivan K (2019) The Most Important Do’s and Don’ts When Grooming Your Dog at Home. Available at: https://www.
You should groom your dog regularly Some dogs can develop painful mats and skin problems, which you may not notice right away. Certain breeds—including shih tzus and Pomeranians— should be brushed often. Dogs’ nails should be trimmed regularly, too. Overgrown nails can pose a risk to dogs’ well-being and trimming nails that have grown out can be unnecessarily stressful and uncomfortable for your dog. When dogs are uncomfortable, they are much less likely to cooperate.
Be Patient Dogs can sense your stress, so make sure that you are calm and relaxed, too, and you have set aside plenty of time for the grooming session. Go slowly and pay close attention to what you are doing and your dog’s reaction. Watch for signs of stress, such as trembling, whining, or panting that is not heatrelated, and take a break if needed. Be extra cautious when using scissors and nail clippers. If your dog tends to panic and won’t stand still, try grooming more often, like once a week, and just do a little bit at a time. When clipping your dog’s nails, just do a few at a time if needed. And be sure to give lots of praise, petting, and treats. Make it a positive experience. With kindness and patience, your dog will eventually get accustomed to the process and feel more comfortable.
Photography by: Nasia Mitta
Photography by: Casey Cauhon
Photography by: Karina Vorozheev