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"Testimonials Describe What Has Been and Are a Promise of What is to Come" - Ron Kaufman

Testimonials describe what has been and are a promise of what is to come.

- Ron Kaufman

This month’s quote comes from Ron Kaufman who is a columnist at Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He is also the author of 15 books on service, business, and inspiration.

In today’s society, information comes to us from every direction. Some of us select news sources based on our preference toward a particular point of view. Our phones and social media even know what we are thinking and presents us with advertising based on what is known about us. With so many controlled messages vying for our attention, how do we determine which to accept, and which to reject?

I believe that the time-honored approach of asking our friends and neighbors for a recommendation is by far the best way to separate the hype from the facts. When a trusted friend tells you about their positive experience with a business, you are very likely to enjoy that same experience as well.

Over the years, a number of web sites have sprung up that receive and publish feedback from recent customers. One that comes to mind is Trip Advisor. Before booking a vacation destination, many of us now consult Trip Advisor on whether the destination has positive reviews.

Gambino Realtors is proud of our brokers and we ask clients for honest feedback. Those responses are published for you on our company website, GoGambino.com.

Before your next real estate transaction, I invite you to look at what past clients say about their experience. As our quote this month states, a testimonial not only describes what has been, but is also a promise of what is to come.

Jonathan R. Krause, President Gambino Realtors

815.282.2222 | www.GoGambino.com

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