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Spring Garden Prep: What You Need To Do To Get Ready To Grow

It’s the tail end of winter and beginning of spring. You might be thinking about landscaping and gardening projects. What should you start getting ready even before the ground thaws? No matter if you’re a beginner or seasoned gardener, here’s a list of to help you spring into the planting season!

Grab Those Tools

Before you can start doing work in the garden, you need to prepare your equipment. By taking an inventory of needed items, you can be ready to dig!

Before you start to dig or plant, be sure all of your tools are cleaned. Any remaining plant sap or dirt and debris can hold bacteria or fungal spores that have grown over the winter months.

Try soaking in a solution of 10% bleach to 90% water for about a half hour to kill any soil pathogens that might be present. After disinfecting your tools, rinse off any remaining bleach with clean water.

This is also a great time to sharpen any tools that need it. From pruners to shovels, a quick sharpening will help with nice clean cuts. One item that is often forgotten about – sharpening lawn mower blades. Nice sharp blades will ensure an even cut.

If you have a gas lawn mower, did you drain the gas when putting it away? Make sure to empty old gas from the lawn mower and clean or replace the carburetor. This is a good time to get your lawn mower serviced and ready for spring mowing season.

Getting Your Garden Beds Ready

Early spring is good time to add soil nutrients, loosen soil in beds, and remove stray weeds. Overturn the soil 6-8 inches. Weeds also make an early appearance in garden beds. Removing weeds by the root ensure that they will not return. These steps will also help prevent pests and keep your young plants safe. Raised beds may need to be topped off with more soil. Top your raised beds with new soil if the level has dropped over the winter. Also make sure the raised beds are clean and free of debris.

Tree and Shrub Pruning

If you pruned your trees prior to winter, they will start leafing early. If you did not prune, you need to prune before the trees start budding or leafing. Remove dead branches. These steps will give your trees a great start on their new growing season.

Perennial and Shrub Maintenance

At the beginning of spring, before shrubs bud and form leaves is the time for light pruning and shaping. If your bushes are already showing signs of growth, do not prune.

These steps will help your garden grow and give you hours of enjoyment and satisfaction. While enjoying your winter landscape, envision what is under the snow and make your gardening preparation list.

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