2 minute read

John Connelly

ETGs: Continued momentum

Interblock Global CEO John Connelly discusses the supplier’s “aggressive” online strategies, labour plans and what’s on the horizon for the fi rm in the coming months

"Casinos are seeing a new player category enter the casino floor, which is, as a result, driving incremental revenue and providing operational efficiencies"

only increased. At Interblock we will be releasing several new products, features and functionality to help operators address this financial burden. The focus will be to help optimise the number of employees needed to run a casino floor, while utilising technology to increase the decisions per hour and house advantage for casinos globally.

What is on the horizon for Interblock over the coming months? The culture of Interblock is very much dedicated to innovation and, therefore, we spend a considerable portion of our time concentrated in this area. This combined with the need to scale our company on a quarterly basis due to the considerable growth we are experiencing within the ETG segment has been a necessary focal point. The ability to support our customers in a more economically diverse manner is driving many of our decisions heading into 2022. This obviously encompasses our desire to go online and expand our product offering to new demographics within the gaming industry on a global scale. Interblock will continue to find new ways to help casino operators find incremental revenue, reduce operating expenses and remain competitive against new forms of entertainment. 2022 will be a great year for our industry and we hope to make Covid a distant memory in the months to come.

How is 2022 progressing compared to Interblock’s expectations so far? The initial indications for 2022 are positive and show continued momentum within the Electronic Table Game (ETG) segment. North America has led the global recovery from Covid-19, while the international regions around the world are finally showing positive trends we have not seen since 2019. We are also experiencing a new level of interest from casino operators to expand their ETG footprints, with the objective to address both labour shortages and increased labour expenses. This combines with operator desire to yield up traditional table games and utilise ETGs, to increase handle and house advantage. As a result of this migration towards live table game technology, casinos are seeing a new player category enter the casino floor, which is, as a result, driving incremental revenue and providing operational efficiencies. How are your plans for online developing? Entering the B2B online business is one of the highest priorities for our company in 2022. We are aggressively working on various strategies to take the product portfolio and unique play actions to the online community. However, I prefer to talk more about this once we are live.

We have noted a number of new hiring events from within the industry. How is the sector more widely in the US looking to address labour shortages? Without question, this challenge has helped fuel the growth of ETGs within the North American Region. This trend seems to be becoming more relevant each year and, with the indications of inflation becoming more of a reality, the demand for automation and new forms of product offerings has

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