Game|Changers Admission Report August-October 2011

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GameIChangers One-year ad-hoc education and research program

Admission Campaign Report (August-October 2011)

Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. Program announcement 3. Information distribution 4. Application process 5. Interviews 6. Final selection process 7. Feedback meeting 8. Admission statistics 9. Authors 10. Attachments


Š 2011 Game|Changers. Admission Campaign Report. Use of materials provided is allowed only with permission received in advance. All rights on images and texts are reserved to Game|Changers ad-hoc education and research program.

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Introduction The admission campaign to the GameChangers program 2011/2012 (further – the Program) took place from August till October 2011. However, pre-admission activities were initiated in June, 2011. The admission campaign has been conducted in several steps: 1. Program announcement in the Internet (August-September, 2011). 2. Information distribution through partner, academia and community networks (August-September, 2011). 3. On-line application process and further application assessment (September


17, 2011). 4. Interviews and additional test tasks (September 17-28, 2011). 5. Final selection (September 28-29, 2011). 6. Feedback meeting (October 5, 2011). Program announcement In order to reach more potential students, the Program has been widely announced in the Internet via: ·

Program’s official web page (;


Vkontakte page (;


Facebook page (;


Twitter account (@GameChangersRu);


Media sources and Information Partners (, Habrahabr, UNOVA, Startuppoint and etc);


Universities web-pages (IFMO, GSOM, SPbSTU and etc.);


Communities and incubators web-sites (e.g. Project “HomeWork”, “Ingria” and etc.).

Detailed list of sources can be found in the Attachment 1. The total number of publications is 36. Several examples of the announcements can be seen at the Picture 1. Other screenshots can be downloaded here (ZIP, 4213K).


Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Picture 1. Several examples of announcements screenshots (FRUCT, StartUpPoint, ITMO, SPbSTU)

Information distribution Informational send-outs have been distributed through Institutions and Academic and Corporate Partners. The total amount of mailing lists was 15 (Attachment 2). Furthermore, the Google group for publishing information on the Program’s open events has been created (picture 2). It can be reached at In addition, the Program’s poster (picture 3) has been produced and distributed in main Universities and partner organizations, 31 in total. The full size poster is available here (PDF, 84 K). 3

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Picture 2. Google group screenshot

Picture 3. Program poster

Application process Program application period lasted for two weeks. Applicants had to fill in an online registration form with open questions related to the IT industry and their general achievements and expectations. The form included the following fields: · Name, contact details, social network profile; · Short bio and achievements; · Your expectations of the course; · What IT trends do you see? · What areas/industries do you consider the most promising for IT introduction? · Name a success story in IT you like and/or IT person (scientist, engineer, business guy) you admire; · Which of your knowledge, skills and abilities can be useful to make the course better? · Link to your term work, project, report or publication that highlights your experience in writing/analysis/design/etc. (optional); · Recommend a person who can be a promising candidate or an expert (optional). 4

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report The Program received 112 unique applications. They have been evaluated independently by Program’s curators and representatives from the Advisory Board. The most questionable entries have been discussed in a team. Candidates have been accessed according to several criteria: ·

General and social intelligence;


Pro-activity and vision;


Current background and further potential.

Admission team included: ·

Sergey Dmitriev, Program Director;


Vladimir Aluferov, R&D Director;


Nikolay Vyahhi, Bioinformatics Track Curator;


Ekaterina Chaykina, Admission Coordinator;


Alexey Knorre, Junior Curator;


Veronika Vetrova, HR Director at Openway Group;


Alexandra Shishova, Higher School of Economics;


Anna Gunina, European University at St. Petersburg;


Dmitry Orlov, Program Alumni representative (2010/2011).

Interviews and additional test tasks 51 face-to-face interviews have been conducted with authors of the most interesting applications. Interview process took 7 days. Every interview lasted for one and a half hour and consisted of three stages: · Test (30 min., 5 open questions in English); · Conversation with another candidate (30 min., no language requirements); · Interview with the Program’s committee (30 min., in a form of an open conversation in both English and Russian). Furthermore, a number of additional home tasks were given in order to access potential and abilities of several candidates. They were developed according to Program’s focus and candidate’s background, expertise and interests. Subsequently, these tasks were evaluated by Program’s curators and representatives of partner 5

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report organizations. In addition, examples of coursework, presentations, CVs and other results of student’s activity were taken into account. Pictures 4 and 5 illustrate the interview process. More pictures are available in the Program’s photo album.

Pictures 4 and 5. Interviews at EMC and “Openway” offices

Final selection The goal of the selection process was to identify the most valuable students with high potential. The candidate’s image constituted from his or her general understanding of the IT industry and its trends, ability to acquire information and learn, level of English, entrepreneurial and/or analytical mindset, and motivation for the course and for the IT industry in general. In addition, the Program aimed at composing an interdisciplinary and diverse group. Firstly, the short list was created that consisted of 32 applicants (attachment 3). Eventually, admission team has selected the core group of intended 20 students. They were notified on 29th of September. The first group meeting took place on 5th of October at the Jet Brains Company. The final list of students enrolled to the Program 2011/2012 is available in the Attachment 4. Feedback meeting On Sunday, 2nd of October the feedback meeting (“FeedBack Party”) was organized for applicants who had not been accepted to the Program. During the 3 hour meeting, candidates received detailed comments on their applications and interviews as well as suggestions and advice for their future endeavors. They had also an opportunity to provide a valuable feedback to the Program team on the application process. 6

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Pictures 6 and 7. Curators and students at the “Feedback party”

Admission statistics Total number of received applications is 118 – 112 unique and 6 duplicates. 63% of candidates were male, and 37% - female.

Figure 1. Gender distribution (percentage)

98 candidates (88%) have provided information about their education. The main “flow generators” were: National Research University ITMO, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics and Graduate School of Management within St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. Many other Universities were presented, but they demonstrated fairly low activity (only 1 or 2 applications from each of them).


Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Figure 2. Distribution between Higher Education Institutions (persons)

Figure 3 demonstrates that Gmail holds the position of the most popular mail service with 65 persons (58%). The next closest – – has 22%.

Figure 3. Distribution of applicant’s mail services (persons)

52 out of 112 candidates have indicated Vkontakte as a social networking tool (figure 4).

Figure 4. Distribution of applicants’ social network profiles (persons)


Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report Most of candidates have programming, project management and economics among their background (80%). The rest of them have different interests – it can be seen in the Figure 5.

Figure 5. Distribution of applicants’ background (persons)

Figure 6 illustrates applicants’ expectations of the course. As it can be concluded, the majority of candidates seek professional and personal growth.

Figure 6. Applicants’ expectations of the course (persons)

Authors Report prepared by Ekaterina Chaykina, Admission Coordinator, Admission statistics prepared by Aleksey Knorre, Junior Curator, Editor: Sergey Dmitriev, Program Director,


Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Attachments Attachment 1. List of the sources (Media, communities and Universities) MEDIA # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

date 1,9 3,9 4,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 6,9 6,9 7,9 7,9 9,9 13,1 14,1 15,7 15,9 16,9

media VK, FB, Twitter Startuppoint HabraHabr CS Club UNOVA InnovativeRussia Ingria YourStart HSE{Inc} FRUCT Project 'HomeWork' iUni T&P QD

contacted by Dmitriev Knorre Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev itself Dmitriev itself Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Aluferov Dmitriev Dmitriev Chaykina Dmitriev

contact Sergey Dmitriev UGC UGC Alexander Kulikov Evgeny Savin Denis Gavrilov Irina Kruzhilina Natalia Fedotova Sergey Balandin Vladimir Aluferov Sergey Dmitriev Kristina Fedorchenko Polina Ostasheva Anna Lekanova

status published published published published published published published published published published published published published published published published

links paper only Web



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6,9 6,9 6,9 7,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9

organisation HSE SPb site GSOM IT dept AIESEC Engec GSOM Career Center PM-PU MathMech SE VK SUT Moyka EMC EAA PGUPS

contacted by Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Chaykina Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev



Tatiana Sueva Tatiana Gavrilova Victoria Orlova Karina Khabacheva Ivan Ugarov Sergey Serebryakov Maxim Arzumanyan Gennady Smorodin Victor Dashonok

done done done done done done announced announced done


links Web -

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

# 10 11 12 13 14

date 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9



16 17 18 19 20

9,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9

organisation MathMech SE dept MathMech IFMO KT career site IFMO en news site IFMO ru news site NW State Service Academy AIESEC Finec Polytech PhysMech Polytech FTK Polytech FUIT Herzen

contacted by Dmitriev Dmitriev


status done done done published published

Terekhov Seledgi Dmitry Zubok

Chaykina Chaykina Dmitriev

Irina Selezneva


Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev

Tatiana Novikova Igor Shturts Andrey Baranov Alexander Schukin Anastasya Semenova

done announced announced published announced


links Web -

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report

Attachment 2. Mailing lists #


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 7,9

13 14 15

7,9 8,9 14,9

organisation Polytech PhysMech AppMath Econom faculty NevaCamp QD IT Industry mailing list BEST AIESEC Engec AIESEC Finec European University GSOM Career Center BEST (SPbSTU) CFE

contacted by



Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Dmitriev Asonov Dmitriev Dmitriev Chernysh Dmitriev Dmitriev Chaykina

Igor Shturz Smorodin, Lyozina Vlasov Sergey Dmitriev Sergey Dmitriev Igor Asonov Victoria Orlova Tatiana Novikova Anna Chernysh Karina Khabacheva Radmila Andreeva Igor Egorov

done done done done done done done done done done done done

mailing list EAA mailing list mailing list mailing list Link external and internal mailing lists external and internal mailing lists mailing list (1-3 year students) bachelors (3,4 year), masters (1,2 year) mailing list mailing list mailing list

RAEE CS Center Start in Garage

Chaykina Dmitriev Dmitriev

Anastasia Vishnyakova Eveniya Smolnikova Anastasia Lee

done done done

mailing list mailing list (external) mailing list



Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report Attachment 3. Shortlisted candidates # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Candidates (under consideration) Olga Yanuk Ksenia Artemenko Aleksandr Kim Alexandra Vachnadze Igor Sumbaev Olga Barshay Ivan But Valerya Sizikova Viktoriya Puzach Sergey Karashevich Maria Karpova Yulia Kholodnova Anton Ivanov Miron Kostenko Oksana Buyak Zhenya Turova Vladimir Smirnov Sedrak Kalashyan Yulia Detkova Gabriel Chukwu Okoli Manayev Dmitry Dmitry Konchalenkov

Education (short comments) SPbSU, MathMech Economics ? IFMO MTE GSOM GSOM (bachelor) GSOM GSOM (bachelor) Polytech -> SUT SPbSU, applied IT and IR SPbSU, MathMech, Astronomy IFMO, BusiInTech Polytech -> graduate SPbSU, MathMech ITMO, GSOM Polytech Arch and Civil Engineering SPbAU, IFMO MathMech Polytech -> SPbSU inf BA LETI MathMech (SE) Polytech FTK

Maxim Korpoussov Anatoly Weinstein Maksim Shvecov Ann Potanina Tereshchenko Dmitriy Aleksey Minabutdinov Makarov V. Dmitry Anastasiya Semenyuk Mikhail Vink Sofia Kamyshan



ecosystem ecosystem entrepreneureal ? bioinformatics ? entrepreneureal ? / commerce entrepreneureal entrepreneureal ecosystem ? corporate ? corporate ? ecosystem creative industries ? corporate ? corporate ? -




GSOM МФТИ, MathMech Math, GSOM herzen journal EU SPb IFMO (DataArt) PGUPS LETI GASU

SV V? S V, W -

banks banks (Yota) -


S S S K S S ? S ? V S S V? SV SV

Potential Track

Game|Changers Admission Campaign Report Attachment 4. Final group, GameChangers 2011/2012 students #



Ksenia Artemenko

Financial Management, ARDLIFE



Olga Barshay

Graduate School of Management, SPSU

master student


Ivan But

Graduate School of Management, SPSU

4th year student


Oksana Buyak

IT and Management, SPSTU

master student


Yulia Detkova

Economics Faculty, SPSU

master student


Sofia Kamyshan

Civil Engineering, SPSUACE

3rd year student


Sergey Karashevich

Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, SPSU



Yulia Kholodnova

Economics and Management, SPSTU


Alexandr Kim

Mathematics and Mechanics, SPbSU;


Technological Entrepreneurship, University ITMO

master student

10. Dmitry Konchalenkov

Technical Cybernetics Faculty, SPSTU

4th year student

11. Miron Kostenko

Graduate School of Management, SPSU

master student

12. Dmitry V. Makarov

IT and Programming, University ITMO

master student

13. Viktoriya Puzach

International Relations Faculty, SPSU

3rd year student

14. Anastasiya Semenyuk

Integrated Information Security, PGUPS

3rd year student

15. Maksim Shvecov

Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, SPSU

2nd year student

Business Informatics, State University of

1st year student



Valerya Sizikova

University, faculty



17. Evgeniya Turova

Architectural Faculty, SPSUACE


St. Petersburg Conservatory;


Graduate School of Management, SPSU

master student

19. Mikhail Vink

State Electrotechnical University LETI

5th year student

20. Olga Yanuk

Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, SPSU

3rd year student


Alexandra Vachnadze


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