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Her Vision

Her Vision

Tell me about your business and how you came up with the idea for your business?

My business Good Girls Cosmetics strives to be a business that offers a variety of products such as lotions, body oils, cosmetics and more. However, as of right now my businesses flagship product is a wide variety of shimmer dry oils. Theses oils are designed to dry up the second they are rubbed on the the skin, leaving only shimmer and no greasy residue.


My business idea stemmed from my passion for self-care and indulgence, particularly my obsession with high-end body oils and cosmetics. I recognized the problem of the high costs draining my wallet and saw a gap in the market that my business could fill. Determined to find a solution, I took matters into my own hands and began crafting my own products In the process, I conceived the idea of an affordable cosmetic line, catering to fellow enthusiasts facing the same budget constraints After brainstorming and researching, I developed a clear vision and strategy for my business

HowhasbeingapartoftheJuniorTank CompetitionwiththeHenryCountyAlumnae ChapterofDeltaSigmaThetaSorority, Incorporated,helpedyouwithbuildingyour business?

ParticipatingintheJuniorTankCompetitionwiththe HenryCountyAlumnaeChapterofDeltaSigma ThetaSorority,Incorporated,providedinvaluable supportandmentorshipforbothmeandmy business.Participatinginthecompetitionmarkeda significantinitialstrideinlaunchingmybusiness. Throughoutthecompetition,Ireceivedguidanceon refiningmybusinessmodel,pitchingmyideas effectively,andnetworkingwithotherentrepreneurs andprofessionals.Theexperiencehelpedmegain confidenceandexposure,ultimatelycontributingto thegrowthofmysmallbusiness.

Werethereanychallengesthatyouencountered whilestartingyourbusinessandhowdidyou overcomethosechallenges?

Starting a business always comes with challenges, and I encountered several along the way One major challenge was creating a formula composed of highquality ingredients that would also be affordable for all audiences and consumers. To overcome this, I sought help from trusted adults and fellow entrepreneurs to receive the best possible feedback for my business I researched which suppliers had the best quality ingredients for my business and proceeded from there Overall, persistence, adaptability, and seeking support from mentors and peers were key in overcoming these obstacles and advancing my business."

Rebuilding Ex Offenders & Reducing Incarceration Rates with Sheriff Reginald B. Scandrett

Written By Shawn Raleigh

I am sure most are familiar with or heard of the term recidivism. Recidivism is the recurring act of criminal behavior, resulting in multiple convictions for that behavior According to O C G A (Official Code of Georgia Annotated) 17-10-7 if a defendant has a prior felony conviction and is convicted of a second felony, the judge must sentence the defendant to the maximum prison term However, the judge can also suspend or probate the sentence, unless it's a mandatory life sentence

In Georgia 1 out of 3 individuals return to prison under the recidivism statutes This has created a strain on the court system, prison population, law enforcement, families, and taxpayers It is understood that we all should be held accountable for our actions. Especially if we are repeating a cycle of detrimental behavior. Lawmakers have approached this issue with "Tough on Crime" "Lock them up and throw away the key'' campaigns. But is this the right approach to curb recidivism? However, there are many who believe that mental health, lack of resources, and no solid support systems are underlying factors of recidivism. Not to mention that many return to an environment of hopelessness.

Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett has taken an holistic approach using "The Law of Reciprocity" as inspiration to combat recidivism. Growing up on the Westside of Atlanta , Scandrett witnessed first hand many of his peers get sent off to prison only to return to society more broken because the community couldn't support them in any kind of way He watched as they just set out to survive and to do it by any means necessary Any means necessary refers to all the thingsIn Georgia 1 out of 3 individuals return to prison under the recidivism statutes This has created a strain on the court system, prison population, law enforcement, families, and taxpayers It is understood that we all should be held accountable for our actions

Especially if we are repeating a cycle of detrimental behavior. Lawmakers have approached this issue with "Tough on Crime" "Lock them up and throw away the key'' campaigns. But is this the right approach to curb recidivism? However, there are many who believe that mental health, lack of resources, and no solid support systems are underlying factors of recidivism. Not to mention that many return to an environment of hopelessness.

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