1 minute read
Corpus Edax
Luis G. Bento, Lisbon
Company: A two-person effort focused on making video games! We are Luís G. Bento and Nuno Bento. After making our first video game in 2020 and participating in a game jam in 2021, we're making a new game set to release in 2023. Luís focuses on making the game while Nuno focuses on making sounds for the game!
Highlighted Game: CORPUS EDAX is a first-person-melee RPG with an immersive-sim design philosophy. This means the world is highly reactive to your actions, and dialogue choices influence the outcome of the story and your play-through of the game. It has a heavy focus on narrative, physics and systems working together.
epicmcdude.itch.io luis.grtmb@gmail.com