PERSPECTIVES Volume 57, Issue 2
Woman of the Year: Enitan Doherty-Mason By: Alyshia Inks, National Vice-President Every convention, Gamma Sigma Sigma recognizes a woman of national or local prominence for her outstanding contributions in volunteer service and who has made a difference in her community. It gives me great pleasure to announce the 2011 Woman of the Year recipient as Mrs. Enitan Doherty-Mason, founder and executive director of Eduwatch. Doherty-Mason was nominated by District 7 Director, Ashley Thomas. Eduwatch is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that provides educational resources to schools and educational institutions in Nigeria. Her efforts touch the lives of Nigerian children of all ages, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation, in order to develop them into responsible and productive members of society. Doherty-Mason stated that it is difficult for these children to focus on school because they don’t know what’s going to be waiting for them when they get home. Many children live without electricity and running water, something that we take for granted having as a part of our everyday lives. “She embodies service, friendship, and equality in her actions, not only to bring awareness through her own nonprofit organization, but also with the organizations she shares membership in.” —Ashley Thomas
Doherty-Mason moved to the United States in 1976 in order to further her education. She said that the development of Eduwatch was not planned and began shortly after a trip back to Nigeria while shadowing a local principal. She was in shock at the condition of the school and lack of resources being provided to the children, and she immediately held a workshop to reach out to the school’s educators. Doherty-Mason then asked her friends for donations and purchased educational tools on her own to send to the schools. Doherty-Mason now coordinates a variety of programs including: Nigeria Reads, Meet a Nigerian Author project, Read Aloud project, Partners in Education, Books for Schools, and Adopt-A-School.
In addition to her work with Eduwatch, Doherty-Mason is also involved with various organizations including: the National Education Association of the United States, National Peace Corp Association, Delta Kappa Gamma, the Maryland State Teachers Association, and Women’s Business Meetings. After speaking with Doherty-Mason, I can see how she has inspired so many young women and men to take action and make a difference in the world. Through her leadership, wisdom, and community service, she has tutored countless children, trained an abundance of educators, and served as a mentor and role model for young women.
“As a woman, you are capable of reaching beyond your borders. You can do lots of small things to get the ball rolling. Believe that one person’s small actions can make a huge impact. You don’t have to wait. You just need to get started!” —Mrs. Doherty-Mason
How can you get involved? If you live in the greater Washington D.C. area, volunteers are needed to assist with distribution, administrative work, and public relations. If you do not live in the area, you can promote tolerance by increasing awareness about literacy, Nigeria, and Nigerians. Voluntary donations are also needed for financial support of packaging and shipping costs, as well as to support a variety of related programs. Please join me in congratulating Doherty-Mason as our 2011 Woman of the Year. We look forward to meeting her and hearing more about her worthy cause at the 2011 National Convention in Herndon, VA this summer! For more information on Doherty-Mason, Eduwatch, and related programs, please visit
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By: Karen Kerr, National Convention Committee Chair
Please join us in Herndon, VA as we celebrate the 30th National Convention of Gamma Sigma Sigma. On behalf of the National Board of Directors, Staff ,and the Convention Committee, I welcome everyone to register today for the 2011 National Convention, July 13-17, 2011 at the Westin Washington Dulles. The registration system is now live on our national website and ready for you to register to join us! If you would like a paper copy of the registration form, please email Tanja Bibbs at Early registration ends April 1, 2011 and final registration ends June 1, 2011. The theme for this Convention, “Capitalizing on Service,” will focus on our service to the community, to Gamma Sigma Sigma, and to our members. Convention is the perfect blend of business meetings, fellowship opportunities, and educational programs. We are adding networking events and wellness breaks as well to make this an even better event! This will be in addition to the traditional activities, including: Spirit Night, late evenings in the Hospitality Room, and the Woman of the Year luncheon. We also will be giving out many awards to honor not only chapters/colonies, but also individual members who have worked very hard for the organization. Events will conclude on Sunday with the installation of our new National Board of Directors. Do you live in the Northern Virginia area? Are you interested in attending but cannot come for the whole event? We will open up our Woman of the Year luncheon for those attendees who live locally and cannot come to any other event. Check out the website for more details. Full registration and day-only registration will also be available and those do include the Woman of the Year luncheon in the registration. If you have any comments/questions, please contact Karen Kerr, National Convention Chair at We look forward to seeing you in July to “capitalize on service” with your fellow Gamma Sigma Sigma members in Herndon, VA!
Convention T-shirts Don’t forget to order your t-shirt for Convention, even if you cannot attend!!!
Registration Fees Full-time* rates (these vary depending on lodging: quad-single): $355-$710
The shirts will be available in short and long sleeved at a cost of $10-$16 depending on size and style.
Day-Only* rates (no lodging): $235 Woman of the Year Luncheon** (no lodging or materials; attendance at this event only): $50-$75 * Rates increase by $25 after April 1. **Rates increase by $10 after April 1. Registration closes on June 1, 2011.
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Members wanting to send a question for this section of Perspectives can send it to Questions will be selected to respond to in each edition. Dear NBD, Why are auxiliary members not allowed to wear the Coat of Arms? Jennifer Baker The Gamma Sigma Sigma Coat of Arms is our most special symbol. The right to wear our Coat of Arms is reserved for initiated members only, as they have successfully completed the member-in-training process and are recognized as full members of our sorority. That is why colony members, auxiliary members, and honorary members cannot wear our Coat of Arms. Lynne Mowers, National Parliamentarian 2011
By Alison Dobbins, Nominating Committee Chair
The 2011 Nominating Committee met the weekend of February 26th, 2011 in Houston, Texas. A total of 23 applications were received by the January 31st deadline. The members of the Nominating Committee are Alison Dobbins (Chair), Lynn Thorton (Yellow Rose Alumni Chapter), Lelar Corbett (Lone Star Alumni Chapter), Katie Gugliotta (Gamma Kappa), and Katy Haynes (Gamma Kappa).
The following candidates were slated by the Nominating Committee: President: Keli Connor Vice President: Alyshia Inks Treasurer: Jennifer Gentry Service: Mindy Jae Feldman Membership: Ranita Williams Program: Karen Kerr Marketing: Sarah Wyland Alumni: Karen Erickson District Director 1: Kate Wagner District Director 2: Jenna Hershelman District Director 3: VACANT District Director 4: Aldenise Shuler District Director 5: Demetria Curry District Director 6: Patrice Reed-Green District Director 7: Ashley Thomas District Director 8: Tanisha Cousby
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to apply for National Office. We encourage anyone interested in a position to run for office from the floor of convention. Any member who is an alumni member at the time of the 2011 National Convention is eligible to run from the floor. In order to run for office, a complete application (including three letters of reference) must be received by the Nominating Committee Chair by June 1st. All candidates must also declare their intention to run from the floor by June 1st. Applications are available online or can be obtained by emailing the Nominating Committee Chair at
A Candidates' Forum will be held during Convention. During this forum, candidates will have the opportunity to speak about their goals and specific plans for the offices they seek and to address questions from the membership. Candidates’ flyers will be included in a mass mailing to chapters, posted to the national website, and in the convention packet distributed to all Convention participants. If you would like to submit a question to a candidate or candidates prior to Convention, please email with the question and office(s) it applies to. A reply will be sent through the Nominating Committee.
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Greater Atlanta Alumni Colony (Atlanta, GA) Delaware Diamonds Alumni Colony (Delaware) Louisiana Alumni Colony (Louisiana)
Congratulations to the Zeta Theta Chapter for becoming fully chartered! Congratulations to the Delta Theta Chapter for becoming fully chartered!
Gamma Rho Reactivating Chapter Delta Gamma Reactivating Chapter Epsilon Kappa Reactivating Chapter Eta Alpha Reactivating Chapter Pennsylvania State-Behrend Colony Auburn University-Montgomery Colony Gannon University Colony Wright State University Colony Elizabeth State University Colony Old Dominion University Colony University of North Florida Colony Kennesaw State University Colony
Congratulations to the following new Eta Mu and Eta Nu Chapters! GREATER
As one of the newest additions to District VI, the Greater Atlanta Alumni Colony (GAAC) wasted no time in rolling up their sleeves and serving the Atlanta community. Since its formation, the colony has collected bookbags and school supplies for Atlanta students, served lunch at a local women’s shelter, and participated in the Light the Night Walk and Girls on the Run 5K. October in particular was a busy month for the colony as they helped MADD’s Georgia office prepare one of their biggest fundraisers: “Walk Like MADD.” Knowing that MADD would need as much help as possible, the colony reached out to their District VI family for additional volunteers. On the day of the walk, members of Zeta Tau and Zeta Omicron arrived ready to serve. Together, they registered more than 330 walk participants and assisted the MADD staff with on-site needs. ELIZABETH
The Elizabeth City State University (ESCU) Colony of Gamma Sigma Sigma has truly I.M.P.A.C.T-ed their campus through service! They won two awards given by the Office of Student Life: the "Best Decorated Table" during the Club and Organizations Day, winning $100, and "Best Decorated Table" during the Big C.A.U.S.E., winning $100. They donated their prize money to the National Kidney Foundation. The ECSU Colony also volunteered regularly with the Girl Scouts, Meals on Wheels for the elderly, the Boys & Girls Club and The Northeastern Community Development Center. They also are March of Dimes team leaders and St. Jude Children’s Hospital volunteers. The colony hosted a Toy Drive and collected 145 toys for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program, which benefits at-risk youth. This colony exemplifies what a true Gamma Sig is: someone who puts service first!
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A busy fall semester for the Gamma Kappa Chapter at the University of Tennessee—Knoxville began as they volunteered with the Salvation Army, Saving Little Hearts, and the Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley on a weekly basis. They also planned events for their fall rush. Their rush theme, “Gamma Sigs in Knoxvegas,” was a huge success and they were able to volunteer at events such as Boo! at the Zoo, Race for the Cure, Buddy’s Race, the Fantasy of Trees, and many more with their new members. In addition to service events, they held percentage nights at local restaurants to earn money for their philanthropy; they were able to enjoy delicious food and the pleasure of helping out a good cause! They also had a chance to strengthen their bonds by holding their formal in the heart of downtown Knoxville and said their goodbyes to the seniors who gave all their love to Gamma Sig. They are looking forward to the ways their chapter will change and continuing their service events that will allow them to strive in friendship and service. BETA
GAMMA The Beta Gamma Chapter at the University of Delaware has been very busy this past semester! The Beta Epsilon M.I.T. class consisted of 56 new members, raising Beta Gamma’s total to 210 members. Between all their members, they completed a total of over 6,300 hours! The Chapter has continued to work with service partners from the past, including a local children’s hospital and nursing home, as well as some newer partners to make a difference both in their hometown and around the country. The Chapter raised $1,400 at their Alex’s Lemonade Stand this past semester and $7,000 for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in the past six months.
They worked with the B+ Foundation, a local organization which supports families around the country whose children have been diagnosed with cancer. Beta Gamma has “adopted” a B+ hero named Fiona, an 8-year-old cancer survivor, and is very excited to get to know her! This spring, Beta Gamma looked forward to two major fundraising events: Relay for Life and UDance, an event that raises money for the B+ Foundation. In addition, they took another M.I.T. class and are excited to use their large number of members to do even more good in the world around them.
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Jamie Tier Williams, a member of the Tarheel State Alumni Chapter, was nominated by Karen Kerr (National Database Coordinator and President of the Tarheel State Alumni Chapter) for the alumni spotlight! The alumni of our sorority are some of the most dynamic, interesting, and giving women I have ever encountered. I am honored to present to you our Alumni Spotlight: Jamie Tier Williams. Williams is a shining star who touches the lives of everyone she comes into contact with. Her giving nature and dedication to Gamma Sigma Sigma is an inspiration. Williams is originally from Avenel, New Jersey. She attended East Carolina University where she earned both her Bachelors and Masters degrees. She currently works as a teaching instructor for the Department of Health Education and Promotion at East Carolina University. She became a member of the Delta Chi Chapter and is currently a member of the Tarheel State Alumni Chapter. Presently, she works as the faculty advisor for the Delta Chi Chapter at East Carolina University. Williams provides the undergraduate members with guidance, a listening ear, and her knowledge in the sorority. Do you know a collegiate or alumni member who deserves to be recognized Williams continues to be dedicated to her, sorority, and her community. in a future issue of Perspectives? One piece of advice that she would like to share is “Remember why Contact the Perspectives editor at you joined Gamma Sig and that your membership doesn’t end after college. Get involved: join an alumni chapter to continue to serve your community, and give back to your collegiate chapter.” GAMMA
As each of you started a new year in Gamma Sigma Sigma, I am sure you have wonderful plans in your respective areas Connect with other members of Gamma Sig at: for service and even some social events. We would like to encourage you to share information regarding your chapter/ colony activities and collegiate and alumni membership spotlights through our new blog. The Spirit of Service blog compliments the mass email and Perspectives in sharing stories about collegiate and alumni members and their activities. We would like the blog to serve as a national recruitment tool for new groups to join the organization and current members to obtain new ideas. The Spirit of Service blog is linked to the national website titled, “In the News” or viewable at; feel free to subscribe! The National Public Relations Assistants would be happy to write about your chapter/colony activities, or you can submit a piece as well. Just let us know. Feel free to post photos to our facebook page and share the link to videos of your chapter/colony on YouTube for us to add to our YouTube Channel favorites.
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By Andrea Powers, National Alumni Director
Greetings! It has been a productive past few months for alumni. During the winter months, our alumni kicked it up into high gear. The Nutmeg Alumni Chapter rang bells and collected donations for the Salvation Army, CNEAC clipped coupons for our beloved troops, and the Atlanta Metropolitan Alumni Chapter fed the homeless and participated in toy drives. Our alumni-at-large also have continued to serve through their individual service efforts and community outreach, including working with local libraries to focus on educating at-risk children. I want to encourage alumni to attend convention this year. Our alumni have a knowledge base unlike any other tool that our sorority possesses. Please come out and share your knowledge, historical information, and service project ideas with everyone. It also warms my heart to let you all know that we have interest groups starting up in Maine, Daytona Beach (Florida), Miami (Florida), Washington D.C. including Maryland and Virginia, Birmingham (Alabama), Chicago (Illinois) and the surrounding areas, and Madison (Wisconsin). We continue to grow and bring our alumni back together to serve. If you are interested in starting an interest group, joining a colony or chapter, please contact PROSPECTIVE
There are many ways to serve in the National Organization of Gamma Sigma Sigma. One of the best ways to learn about the organization and how it works is to be involved as a member of one of the National Committees or serve as a Chapter Consultant, Alumni Assistant, Public Relations Assistant, or Membership Assistant. Between now and shortly after the National Convention, members can submit their interest online to serve in one of these roles. By completing the Prospective Worker's Interest Form, you will be supplying your ideas, interests, and ways you would like to better the sorority. Feel free to visit on the national website for a full list of descriptions for each of the roles. If you have any questions regarding serving on a committee or as an assistant or chapter consultant, or if you would like a printed form sent to you, please contact the National Vice President, Alyshia Inks, at
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The Houston Bayou City Alumni Chapter is planning an exciting new year. The first meeting started with members sharing their vision for the 2011 calendar year. The chapter will focus on increasing its visibility throughout the city and learning to work smarter, not harder. HBCA’s spring calendar includes continuing projects with the Houston Food Bank, conducting an Alex’s Lemonade Stand at the Spring ISD’s annual Fun Run, and Relay for Life. New projects this year include a Carnival of Service at Roberson Middle School Math, Science and Fine Arts Academy, where they will share the importance of volunteering and community service with middle school age students. They also will lead an empowerment series at a local charter school that will help develop character, instill self-esteem, and promote volunteering. TARHEEL The Tarheel Alumni Chapter continues to work hard as they complete the first six months as a chapter. It’s hard for them to believe that they’ve already been in existence for two years in the state of NC. They are looking forward to attending their 2nd Convention this upcoming summer and being able to have voting delegates in attendance. They elected new officers for 2011 at their last meeting of the year and they are ready to work hard to improve the chapter. They will be attending the District 4 Spirit Day on April 10, 2011 in Kernersville, NC where they also will be participating in the National Kidney Foundation Walk. They also will participate in the Race for the Cure on June 11, 2011 in Raleigh, NC, and they will finish off their big walks by participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Charlotte, NC on October 22-23, 2011. They will continue their standing service projects of collecting coupons for the military and collecting Box Tops for Education. If any members are interested in joining them for any of these events or wants to join their chapter, please email them at and visit their website to find out more: STEEL
The Steel City Alumni Chapter has had an active year of service in 2010! The 10 active members of Steel City have participated in various service projects in the Pittsburgh community, as well as nationally and internationally. Several members volunteered with the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera by selling merchandise and refreshments during performances. They also participated in the sorting, wrapping, and packing of durable medical equipment and supplies to send to third world countries for the Global Links organization. Their ongoing projects consist of cutting coupons for military families overseas, as well as volunteering at Victim Impact Panels for Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
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On October 9, 2010 the northern chapters of District 1 participated in a Service/Spirit Day. The Alpha Iota, Alpha Pi, and Beta Delta Chapters joined the Twin Cities Alumni Chapter in the Twin Cities National Kidney Foundation Walk. The Gamma Sigma Sigma team raised $2,080 for the National Kidney Foundation! Following the walk, the members gathered for some Gamma Sig spirit consisting of ice breakers and Gamma Sig Jeopardy and Trivia. They concluded their day with a Founder’s Day Ceremony. A special thanks to all members who participated!
OMICRON The Omicron Alumni Chapter would like to formally introduce and welcome their newest member to their beautiful sorority: Ms. Princess Mosley! Princess joined their chapter in November 2010 and has really hit the road running. They look forward to her continual growth within Gamma Sig.
GATEWAY The Gateway Alumni Chapter has been hard at work this fall and winter. In the fall, they hosted the District 1 service day. Along with the Delta Xi and Alpha Psi Chapters, they collected backpacks and school supplies for local schools, repaired old jewelry for a nursing home, and created educational games for at-risk children. Members of Gateway enjoyed meeting other members and learning about their unique chapters. Gateway has also created their own Facebook page: the Gateway Alumni Chapter. They found that this is a great way to get the word out about the chapter, share photos and upcoming service opportunities. The new year was kicked off with their first annual Holiday Open House event, created to reconnect with the St. Louis area Alumni. Guests and current members were asked bring canned food for the local food pantry or winter outerwear for the St. Louis area homeless shelters. In addition to the collected food and outerwear, educational games were created for at-risk children. It was a success and they hope to make this an annual event.
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GEMINI Greetings all alumni in the Southeastern Pennsylvania area! The Gemini Alumni Chapter is in their 12th year this fall and would like to have you as part of their chapter. Their meetings are held six times a year and they offer service projects at every meeting. They are especially excited about their involvement in a children’s literacy project that they will be continuing this year. If you would like more information about their chapter, you can visit their yahoo group at or locate them on facebook under the name Gamma Sigma Sigma Gemini Alumni Chapter. TARHEEL
Congrats to the TSA Chapter members who have worked so hard to get the colony its charter! On July 23, 2010 a charter was granted and the members couldn’t be more excited. As always, they are still collecting coupons and boxtops as their two staple service projects. In the fall, the chapter looks forward to volunteering in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Charlotte, NC doing various opportunities. The chapter is looking to expand and grow in the upcoming year. Visit their chapter website at often for new and exciting recruiting, service and family events. As always, if you would like to join the Tarheel State Alumni Chapter, email ATLANTA
The White Rose Alumni Chapter participated in several events last fall. In September, they participated in the Kidney Walk and the Lupus Walk. In October, they hosted a Founder’s Day Weekend. In November, they hosted the 2nd Annual White Rose Ball Weekend on November 12-14th in Nashville, TN. To join them for their events, please contact the chapter at
The AMA Chapter began their 5th year of service with the addition of new members and exciting new service. In January, they welcomed their newest additions through a creative and innovative process that allowed new and old members to learn more about the sorority and members of the chapter through Gamma Sig jeopardy and a pillow making service project for breast cancer survivors. In March, they participated in the Hunger Walk, where they assisted with registration, vendor set-up and runner assistance, and brought about awareness for Hunger. In May, they provided water for race participants in the Komen Race for a Cure. The chapter is proud to have 20 active members, ranging in ages and locale. With the fall service line-up including creating a mentoring relationship with a local school and working with at risk children, they are continuing their service to the Atlanta community. They are currently planning their 5th anniversary charter celebration to include a week of events. With their fast growth and continued service to humanity they continue to seek out members in the Atlanta community who want to continue service and be a part of a growing friendship.
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ALUMNI! Do you have a picture from the past? Do you want to show off your Gamma Sig style?
Send in your old Gamma Sig pictures to be used in the time line at Convention! Contact for more details!
As your chapter/colony continues or begins to use a website, please be sure to refer to the national website guidelines to have your website linked to the national website. The guidelines are available on the national website. Now, all websites must be gender neutral and provide a disclaimer before the URL can be linked to the national website. When your website is ready, email the URL address to ADVERTISE
Contact for more information on how you can advertise in the next issue of Perspectives! CONTACTING
Gamma Sigma Sigma • PO Box 248 • Rindge, NH 03461-0248 • 800-585-7508 • 216-803-3065 (FAX) Perspectives Editor • Jen Jones • 3625 Duval Rd, Apt 1633 Austin, TX 78759 • 305-519-1968 The deadline for submissions for the Fall 2011 issue of Perspectives is August 26. Send all submissions to You can find the submission form on the website!
For Sale: Gamma Sig tote bags Tote bags, seen at left, are $10.00. Contact Jo Charest for more information!
Have a fundraiser you want to advertise? Want to send special membership announcements and recognitions? Contact Aurelia Spaulding,
Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority C/O Karen Kerr, Database Coordinator 5683 Gold Creek Bay Hickory, NC 28601