6 Best Practices To Manage Email Reputation
By: Alphasandesh.com
Initiation • If you are an email marketer and getting your email filtered, it might not be the email content, but your email reputation that needs improvement. • When you deliver emails, major ISPs and other external parties will assign you an email reputation. This sender score finds out whether you will be considered a spammer or as a valid email sender. A good email reputation makes sure an optimum deliverability. It will augment the possibility of your messages getting into the inbox of your recipient.
How to manage email reputation • Here are some email marketing best practices which would be really very helpful in managing your email reputation: Avoid to change your IP address Evaluate reputation data Rethink before making any changes Make sure about unsubscribe process Register to email feedback loops Administer unknown users
Avoid to change your IP address • Ignore to change your IP address. New IP addresses without any history are subject to restrictions and more rigorous reputation thresholds.
Evaluate reputation data • Frequently evaluate your reputation data across a big set of resources. Here are the kinds of data you should evaluate from time to time: spam grievance rates, unidentified user rates, spam trap issues and infrastructure problems.
Rethink before making any changes
• Prior to making any major changes to your email marketing program mainly to the type of content delivered or the frequency of delivery, you should assess the changes with a small piece of the list and determine your spam complaint rate. If the fresh emails depict more complaints than normally for your program, rethink about your strategy.
Make sure about unsubscribe process
• You should be cautious about your email unsubscribe process. Receiving opt-outs off the list as rapidly as possible is key to reducing complaints. Check your process on a usual basis (preferably, prior to each send) to make sure that it works. Also, make sure to process feedback loop complaints and eliminate them from your email list before each send.
Register to email feedback loops • Once you have registered for the email feedback loops, drag those complainers off your list immediately who pressed the report spam button.
Administer unknown users • It is significant to administer unknown users. Regularly look at the proportion of messages sent that could not get delivered at receiving email server due to the nonexistence of the user.
Conclusion • Therefore, email marketing programs will only get successful if the number of users who go through and reply to the messages delivered.
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