Class of 2022 Commencement Program - Ruskin

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COMMENCEMENT Graduates and members of the audience are asked to remain in their seats throughout the ceremony so that they do not interfere with the special moments of others. During the ceremony, please turn off all cell phones and mobile devices. Thank you.

COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Order of Procession The Faculty and Administration of the University The Graduates of the University The Dais Party

Dais Party Keith Taylor, Ph.D. President Bradley Collins, MD, SFHM, FACP ’99 Staff Hospitalist at the Miriam Hospital and Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical Educator at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University Rev. Michael T. Kesicki ’83 Chaplain and Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Student Experience T. Andrew Caswell, Ph.D. President, Faculty Senate Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D. Dean, Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences



Order of Exercises Processional* Pomp and Circumstance: March No. 1 Sir Edward Elgar National Anthem* “The Star-Spangled Banner” Francis Scott Key Call to Commencement Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Student Experience Invocation* Rev. Michael T. Kesicki Chaplain and Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry Welcome Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Presentation of Honorary Degree Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Introduction of Commencement Speaker Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Commencement Address Bradley Collins, MD, SFHM, FACP ’99 Staff Hospitalist at the Miriam Hospital and Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical Educator at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University Presentation of Degree Candidates Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D. Dean, Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences Conferral of Degrees Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Academic Awards Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D. Dean, Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences Prayer of Sending Forth Rev. Michael T. Kesicki Chaplain and Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry

All who are able are asked to stand.




COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Bradley Collins, MD, SFHM, FACP ’99 Dr. Bradley Collins is a staff hospitalist at the Miriam Hospital. He is also an Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical Educator at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University. He received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Gannon University in 1999. He graduated Magna Cum Laude, Honor’s Scholar 1999, Medal of Honor. He also received the Greek Medal of Honor and the Joe Lucky Service Award. Dr. Collins received his Doctorate Degree from the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine in 2003. He received the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award. In 2006, he graduated from Brown University School of Medicine, Internal Medicine He was the past President of the Rhode Island Medical Society where he was the youngest President in the history of the society. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Board Medical Preparatory Academy Charter School for underserved/underrepresented children with hopes to attain post graduate training in the medical field. Dr. Collins is the President and Founding Member of the Rhode Island Chapter of the Society of Hospital Medicine. He is a member of the Gannon University National Alumni Board.



CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences DOCTORAL STUDIES Occupational Therapy Doctorate Keyla Alvarez Ruiz Ashley Elizabeth Bassett Norman Beckwood Julia Kathryn Berti Katie Marie Cadman Francesca Centeno Brianne Elizabeth Chute Khalen Clark Maya Nicole Cooper Catherine Elizabeth Crouch Kathryn Crowder Jessica Elizabeth Jo Davenport Victoria DiBenedetto Madeline Elena Fezzie Jessica Iris Frazier Kayla Galvan

Hannah Marie Graham Lovely Noell Green Michelle Louise Green Crystal Dawn Johnson Krista Marie Klukan Joy R. Leindecker Caitlyn G. MacKelvey Maddison Marcia Messina Cheryl A. Meyers Jessica Nickolina O’Conner Krysta Catherine Postlethwaite Vanessa Nicole Quintanilla Mosche Inez Reed Stephanie Gbriela Roden Jennifer Nicole Sanford

Doctor of Physical Therapy Melissa Catherine Arft Luke Bigham Brett D. Coleman Kayla Ann Copas Bryanna Jean Cowan Sly Anthony Bruce Edwards Sydney Lee Franko Kevin Antoine Hodges Morgan Leigh Hoffman Karla Eden Jagodinski Ariel McDole Julie Lynn Mattes Karoulin Mikhaeil Gabriela Marie Mora Jerica Claire Newman


Taylor Ann Parlet Dylan T. Prough William Dwayne Roark Aimee Elizabeth Ruiz Samantha Mary Salud Yrline Seraphin Cameron Reid Singleton Morgan Ashley Slaymaker Zachary L. Snyder Siobhan Stack Jaclyn Lorrine Street Andrea Swope Matthew Joseph Volski Baher Bassam Wahba


GRADUATE STUDIES Master of Athletic Training Cheyenne Ashley-Susan Buksch Thomas Nicholas Hilb

Diamond Niaan Mungroo Alexander Rodgers

Master of Physician Assistant Science Anamaria Carmen Acosta Rosina Anzalone Kelly Renee Black Savannah Bradley Marisa Joy Canale Rachael Marie Cobo Jillian Lee Crema Iriselis Cruzado Brandon Dennis Mariah Jade Ford Julia K. Gesensway Kalash Heera Cecelia Herbinko Abbie Lynn Heupel Erica Lee

Brooke R. Munroe Emely Oliva Haley Pasqualone Vrena Puentes-Corchero Emily Rich Paige Victoria Rittelmann Alyssa Ruane Morgan L. Sandhagen Crystal Shen Kayla Raine Silvero Sonja Sahar Skinner Susannah Margaret Smith Odalys Vieda Maggie Waggoner Ashley Marie Williams

Master of Science AnneMarie Ruth Bradford Jamie Marie Brod Abbigail Boyd Brown Alice Renee Buenvenida Ashley Colon Lauren Frances Curry Sarina Marianne Daul Daniela Patricia Daza Cecelia Rose Enman Brittany Ferrera Valery Christiana Ganthier Carrie Jacka Yena Kim Rachel Rose Knowlton Jasmine Locke Samantha Marie Morrow

Alysia Maria Muoio Madison Lee Petty Carleigh Pula Mariangely Rampolla Marynes Rios Erin Patricia Ryan Jonathan Calvin Saintilus Tiffany Skaggs Detria Adelle Smith Mariah Davis Smith Ryan Springer Jessika Nevada Strater Megan Taylor Ashley Marie Valderrama Gabrielle Volk Shatira Laviyon Williams



ACADEMIC AWARDS Graduate Studies For Excellence in... Athletic Training Diamond Niaan Mungroo Occupational Therapy Doctorate Jessica Elizabeth Jo Davenport Doctor of Physical Therapy Luke Bigham Physician Assistant Savannah Bradley Speech-Language Pathology Cecelia Rose Enman Sport & Exercise Science Detria Adelle Smith



Prayer of Sending Forth Rev. Kesicki: God, our Heavenly Father, we praise you for creating us in your image and likeness. In your generous Providence, you allow Gannon University to be a community where this great truth of human dignity is proclaimed, learned and lived. You wish Gannon to be a place where our students can seek and find you. With grateful hearts, we thank you for sustaining our graduates with your love and your truth. All respond: Amen Rev. Kesicki: Lord Jesus Christ, by your death and resurrection you redeemed a fallen human family. Be with our graduates as they continue to discern what is right and good and true in the midst of the confusion and tensions in our world. Help us to build a culture where each human life, no matter how vulnerable, may be respected and protected from degradation and violence. Lord, be our way, our truth and our life.

Faculty, Staff, Parents recite together: Lord God, You accompany us at each moment of our journey through life. Continue to guide our graduates in the paths they have chosen. May your truth purify their values. May your wisdom enlighten their decisions. May your goodness be the foundation of their relationships. May your love be the consolation of their souls. Be at their side in difficulty. Prompt their generosity in prosperity. Deepen their humility in success. All respond: Amen Rev. Kesicki: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All respond: Amen

All respond: Amen Rev. Kesicki: Come, Holy Spirit, bestow upon our graduates soundness of mind and holiness of life. With the aid of your spiritual gifts, prompt them to integrate their faith into their lifestyles, their work, and their relationships. Help them to value the service of others over selfish gain. Come, O Spirit, enkindle in them the fire of your love. All respond: Amen





GANNON UNIVERSITY MISSION Gannon is a Catholic, Diocesan university dedicated to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. Our faculty and staff prepare students to be global citizens through programs grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and professional specializations. Inspired by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, we offer a comprehensive, values-centered learning experience that emphasizes faith, leadership, inclusiveness and social responsibility.

The list of graduates included on the commencement program is not intended to be used as an official indication of graduation. The diploma of the University and the official transcript, signed and sealed by the proper officers, provide authentic testimony to the conferring of a degree.

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