Class of 2022 May Commencement Program - Doctoral & Graduate

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COMMENCEMENT Graduates and members of the audience are asked to remain in their seats throughout the ceremony so that they do not interfere with the special moments of others. During the ceremony, please turn off all cell phones and mobile devices. Thank you.













Keith Taylor, Ph.D. President


Joseph Pfleger President, Student Government Association


The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L. Bishop, Diocese of Erie Chairperson, Board of Trustees


T. Andrew Caswell, Ph.D. President, Faculty Senate



Stacy M. Juchno ’98 Executive Vice President and General Auditor for The PNC Financial Services Group

Karinna M. Vernaza, Ph.D. Dean, College of Engineering and Business


Lori D. Lindley, Ph.D. Dean, College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences


Rev. Michael T. Kesicki ’83 University Chaplain and Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry

10. Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D. Dean, Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences


Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Student Experience



Order of Exercises Processional* “Pomp and Circumstance: March No. 1” Sir Edward Elgar Posting of the Colors of the United States and Gannon University* Gannon University’s Army ROTC National Anthem* “The Star-Spangled Banner” By: Francis Scott Key Call to Commencement Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Student Experience Invocation* Rev. Michael T. Kesicki, University Chaplain and Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry Welcome Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Introduction of Commencement Speaker Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Commencement Address Stacy M. Juchno ’98 Executive Vice President and General Auditor for The PNC Financial Services Group

Presentation of Degree Candidates Lori D. Lindley, Ph.D., Dean College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D., Dean Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences Occupational Therapy Doctorate Doctor of Physical Therapy Karinna M. Vernaza, Ph.D., Dean College of Engineering and Business Master of Business Administration Master of Healthcare Administration Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering Master of Science in Computer and Information Science Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Engineering Management Master of Science in Environmental Health and Engineering Master of Science in Environmental Science and Management Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Lori D. Lindley, Ph.D., Dean College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Master of Arts Master of Education Master of Public Administration Master of Science Master of Science in Criminalistics Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D., Dean Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences Master of Athletic Training Master of Physician Assistant Science Master of Science Master of Science in Nursing Conferral of Degrees Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President Prayer of Sending Forth The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L., Bishop, Diocese of Erie

All who are able are asked to stand.





Prayer of Sending Forth The Bishop: God, our Heavenly Father, we praise you for creating us in your image and likeness. In your generous Providence, you allow Gannon University to be a community where this great truth of human dignity is proclaimed, learned and lived. You wish Gannon to be a place where our students can seek and find you. With grateful hearts, we thank you for sustaining our graduates with your love and your truth. All respond: Amen The Bishop: Lord Jesus Christ, by your death and resurrection you redeemed a fallen human family. Be with our graduates as they continue to discern what is right and good and true in the midst of the confusion and tensions in our world. Help us to build a culture where each human life, no matter how vulnerable, may be respected and protected from degradation and violence. Lord, be our way, our truth and our life.

Faculty, Staff, Parents recite together: Lord God, You accompany us at each moment of our journey through life. Continue to guide our graduates in the paths they have chosen. May your truth purify their values. May your wisdom enlighten their decisions. May your goodness be the foundation of their relationships. May your love be the consolation of their souls. Be at their side in difficulty. Prompt their generosity in prosperity. Deepen their humility in success. All respond: Amen The Bishop: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All respond: Amen

All respond: Amen The Bishop: Come, Holy Spirit, bestow upon our graduates soundness of mind and holiness of life. With the aid of your spiritual gifts, prompt them to integrate their faith into their lifestyles, their work, and their relationships. Help them to value the service of others over selfish gain. Come, O Spirit, enkindle in them the fire of your love. All respond: Amen

Academic Regalia in American Universities In 1895, the Intercollegiate Commission presented to American institutions of higher learning the Intercollegiate Code. Today, this code provides for three types of gowns. Those for bachelors are made of black material and have long, pointed sleeves. The master’s gown is made with an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The rear part of its oblong shape is a square cut and the front part has an arc cutaway. The doctor’s gown is made with bell-shaped sleeves and like the master’s gown, it is designed so that it can be worn open or closed. The black oxford cap is worn for all degrees, but only the doctor’s cap may be made of velvet. Only doctors and presidents of colleges may wear a gold tassel on the cap.

It is the hood which is the most important and distinctive feature of the American code.

Arts, Letters, Humanities - White

The doctor’s hood, of black cloth, is four feet in length and made with a wide panel. The master’s and bachelor’s hoods are three-and-one-half feet long and three feet wide.

Engineering - Orange

The binding or trim of all hoods is of velvet, two, three and five inches wide for the bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees, respectively.

Nursing - Apricot

The color of this velvet trim indicates the department or faculty to which the degree pertains, each department having been assigned a different color by the Intercollegiate Code. The lining of the hood reflects the official colors of the college/university.


Business - Drab Education - Light Blue Health Sciences - Sage Law - Purple Medical Sciences - Green Philosophy - Royal Public Administration - Peacock Public Health - Salmon Science - Gold Social Work - Citron Theology - Red


COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Stacy M. Juchno ’98 Ms. Stacy Juchno graduated from Gannon University with a Bachelor of Science Business Administration, Accounting. Ms. Juchno is the executive vice president and general auditor for The PNC Financial Services Group. She is a certified public accountant. At PNC, she is responsible for all aspects of the internal audit function providing assurance on the effectiveness of PNC’s risk management, control and governance processes to the audit committee and board of directors. Juchno is the executive leader of The PNC Military Employee Business Resource Group and a member of the PNC Foundation board of directors. Prior to being named to her current position in December 2013, she served as a senior vice president and Finance Governance and Oversight director responsible for the oversight of enterprise-wide SOX section 302 and 404 activities, including the reporting of SOX matters to the SOX steering committee, disclosure committee and audit committee. Juchno serves on the board of directors and finance committee of the Veterans Leadership Program. She is a member of the board of directors of the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania and is a member of the United Way Women’s Leadership Executive Council. In addition, she serves on the board of trustees at Gannon University.

Stacy M. Juchno Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa




CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Doctoral Studies COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophy Sonia K. Emmanuel Organizational Learning and Leadership Doctoral Dissertation: Building Youth Leadership Capacity: Overcoming Barriers to Success Kristin Nichole Upton Organizational Learning and Leadership Doctoral Dissertation: A Phenomenological Study of the Millennial Experience in Corporate Training

MOROSKY COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND SCIENCES Occupational Therapy Doctorate Vivian R. Atsu Mary Bertsch Kevondria Kiera Cager

Christa Hartle Analyn Magpantay Joens Elyse Kay

Teri S. Krassen Lauren Thomas Abbigail H. Walsh

Natalia Hodakovsky Benjamin Lyle Homan Taylor N. Kaseler Brittany Nicole Kelley Devon Klingler Brianna Alice Kouzoujian Troy Wayne Lang Christina Janel Longjohn Elizabeth Anne Martin Bridget Elizabeth McCready Olivia Chase McNamer Zachary Adam Muye Matthew Michael Orinick Youjin Park Rachel Ann Poetker Nicole Laura Polaski

Caitlin Marie Powers David S. Russo Jr. Elizabeth Marie Salem Christopher Robert Sanders Regina Marie Saxon Hannah Elizabeth Smithmyer Justin Scott Stewart Kiyah Marie Taggart Kirsten Samantha Terry Brandi N.Tirado Jacob Vaillancourt Dimitri Varvatsas Brendan Thomas Waltman Tyler Andrew Wenig Jonathan Wesley Wilson

Doctor of Physical Therapy Zahraa A. Al-Quraishi Mark Charles Armen William J. Bays Cole B. Beckwith Juliana Kay Brotzman Cole Daniel Cable Shelbi Marie Durbin Christine Laura Ebdlahad Megan N. Fessler Jon Feuerstein Samantha Erin Fields Justin S. Fishkin Colin Jacob Fort Madelyn Elizabeth Gentile Karlee Ann Helbling Allison Gwen Hill



CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Graduate Studies COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS Master of Business Administration Krishna Sai Aluru Randy W. Arnold Brittany Beh Santosh Bhusal Michael Blythe Carly Darling Bouch Carolyn R. Cartwright Kennedy DeMatteis Kristina DeMatteis Evan M. Fisler Sajan Jose Ryan Kalbfus Olivia Joy Kashuba Medina Klino

Dominic Knowles Alonde Legrand Megan Eileen Loibl Madison Lydic Mark Allen Majewski, II Sripriya Manchella Michele McCoy Jorge Ignacio Mejia Jacob William Mertz Chauncey Alexander Miller Mittapalli Jeevan Kumar Ashraf Ali Khan Mohammed Dina Moshi Rueben Abhishek Narender

Jesse Ntihemuka Nkusi Braden Matthew Olsen Kevin Paton Abhipsa Pattnaik Narsimha Yasasvi Ramsagar Kirk Reynolds Kristin R. Schorr Mariela Solis Pradeep Reddy Sudini Daniel Teliski Javier Valeiras Brandon Wetherholt Molly Kathleen Whaley

Lindsey Carol McCarthy Michael Mozdzen Alexis Nuara

Jon Gregory Solberg

Andrew Fair

Alexis Palmiotto

Master of Healthcare Administration Leticia Al Taie Sydney Letizo Nathan Maietta

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering Kaden Andrew Conley

Master of Science in Computer and Information Science Srinath Abbaraboina Niket Prasad Bhave Vishnu Govindu Ajinkya Prabhu Jadhav

Leena Manjunath Mythri Bhargav Munige Nivetha Raj Pappuraj Varshitha Pericherla

Aparna Pisolkar Tejaswi Sagar Sugur

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Muath Hathah

Master of Science in Engineering Management Nasser Saud N. Abu Khalil

Mohsin Bashir

Muath Hathah

Master of Science in Environmental Health and Engineering Simonate R. Taylor

Master of Science in Environmental Science and Management Melissa M. Bronder


Susannah Ashley Harris

Eric Sapp



Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Fouad Almohsen

Joel D. Leise

COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Master of Arts Alanoud I. AlQasem Alaa Khleel Alsowayna

Michelle Candy Armendariz Kirim Jeon

Jordan Saeli

Annelise Hatton Kyle Christian Jordan Elizabeth Jean Kolodziejczak-Sanner Kristi Kubatka Elizabeth Anne Meier Tara Marie Messenger Paige Stahl Ohler Merissa Jayne Pardus

Jessica Lee Querry Jessica Hanlin Reynolds Shannon M. Smith Jessica A. Szymanski Tyler J. Tracy Ashley Kay Vella Samantha Ward Lisa Wright

Ethan F. Bennett Ashley R. Caldwell

Grant T. Filbeck

Master of Education Todd Erick Anderson Ashten Bartel Sara Borro Joshua W. Evans Kyleigh A. Farrar Nicole Finalle Irene C. Gankosky Jessica Ann Gordon

Master of Public Administration Bander Almealibi Temulin Batjargal

Master of Science Shannon Bhagwandien Julia Marie Bickerstaff

Thomas Ray Clothier, Jr. Jena Leigh Hollidge

Master of Science in Criminalistics Diego Andres Camargo Yliana Y. Diaz Campos Patria Luwalhati D. Garcia

Victoria Kindle Leigha K. Lockhart Freddie Nixon

Mariah N. Silva Audya Simone Williams



MOROSKY COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND SCIENCES Master of Athletic Training Mohammad Jabbar Al-Fatlawi

Makayla Renee Guentner

Isabelle Marie Vieira

Jessi Marie Hanhilammi Benjamin James Haylett Katherine Abigail Howey Lamberti Cecilia Izydorczak Ashley Kerestes Olivia Rae King Maureen Kirkpatrick Joshua R. Kovalcin Rachel Kuchnicki Aurora Julianna Lingg Mckenna Martinosky Aesling Elizabeth McCullough Cassandra Lynn McKernan Rachel Anne McKernan Molly Nicole McNutt Chrystal Mensah Wiredu Olivia Margaret Miller Dynara Mirone Evan Thomas Moore

Kaitlin Elise Morrison Meredith L. Morse Sawyer J. Overhoff Gabriela Cristina Palombo Kiersten Elizabeth Pearce Maria Jean Querriera David Robert Reith, Jr. Rachel Kathryn Ross Jordan Seroka Sumiyah Safiyah Shaikh Logan Slade Sydney Marie Usher Madison M. Wainwright Margaret Waters Hailey Wehner Joseph Whaley Alena Wisniewski Megan Marie Zymroz

Margaret Grady Johanna Gregory Katelyn Ann Gress Grace Hartfiel-Carr Jessie May Hines Lauren Elizabeth Holdren Alexandria Marie Hotz Amanda B. Jones Abby Nicole Kane Kaylee Ann Keith Kara Kern Sarah Khalil Adriana Christine Lasky Miranda Liane MacWhirter Elizabeth S. Maurer Camryn Gayle McCall Meghan Lynn McCurdy Elysa Mary Meekins Katelyn Paige Miles Fernando Monar Jacob Nesser

Cameron Perry Alyssa Marie Pontious Kevin Andrew Richards Maria Y. Sandoval Zackery P. Scarpino Carolyn A. Schreck Marissa M. Scott Cassandra Shelpman Julia Lee Shutika Tabytha Sylvia Jane Smith Hannah Spiess Anna Marie Stec Keith Swartley Silvija Marija Taraska Kourtney Michelle Thomas Sarah Marie Varcolla Mikayla Jane Wimer Marissa K. Witkowski Maria Lynette Wojtila Laurel Hanna Yohn

Master of Physician Assistant Science Adam R. Badgley Nicholas James Briggs Katelyn Rose Cefali Hope Churley Lauren Emily Clifford Madison Catherine Clifford Tyler Cross Morgan Delayne Davenport Hollen Alexa Davinsizer Connor Day Seth Donald Drummond Elizabeth Lilyanne Eddy Robert Felger Sarah N. Fiorello Sydney Jae Fountain Emerald Lynn Foust Gretchen Ann Gasmire Jordan Glowacki Chelsea Hamilton

Master of Science Jenna Bailey Nicole Ashley Baker Ashley N. Bantin Karlie J. Bardonner Brittney T. Barr Laura Jane Bebinger Savannah Sue Boyle Carolyn Renee Brown Natalie Paige Brown Ryan Camp Adasiah R. Carlson Brady Kenneth Conn Emily Ann Crtalic Lauren Davenport Lucy DeRidder Rachel Ann Dinges Julia Lauren Dixson Luke Anthony Engel Madeline Rose Ferrara MacKenzie Fitzgerald Amber Hope Gill




Master of Science in Nursing Dustin Morgan Alcorn Ashley Ninan Alex Matthew C. Anderson Amy J. Bahl Jessica Lynne Barbato Adam Zachary Simpson Boyer John P. Case Chelsea Rae Cowan Jonathan Cunningham Brittany Daniels

Adrienne Eby Marisa Lynn Fisher Shayla Freeborough Jeffrey S. Harcus Bethany M. Hemmes Hannah Rose Kondrlik Joshua M. Kuzman Donny Le Katherine Mary Lowe Mary Malay

Vesna Manjic Siarhei Mikhailouski James Lee Pennington Meghan E. Prather Jose A. Rios Matthew M. Walbert Ekaterina Whitney Jake Wisener Kelsi R. Young



ACADEMIC AWARDS Graduate Studies For Excellence in... Athletic Training Isabelle Marie Vieira Biomedical Engineering Alexis Palmiotto Business Administration David J. Ress Business Analytics Dominic Knowles Clinical Mental Health Counseling Jena Leigh Hollidge Criminalistics Patria Luwalhati D. Garcia Computer & Information Science Oghenemaiga Elebe Doctor of Physical Therapy Benjamin Lyle Homan

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Education in Curriculum & Instruction Ashley Kay Vella

Occupational Therapy Katelyn Paige Miles

Electrical Engineering Abdulaziz M. Alshareef

Organizational Learning & Leadership Jeanette Ruth Redenius

Environmental Health & Engineering Susannah Ashley Harris

Physician Assistant Mckenna Martinosky

Healthcare Administration Leticia Al Taie

Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Elyse Kay

Mechanical Engineering Joel D. Leise Nurse Practitioner Marisa Lynn Fisher Nursing Jan N. Ward

Public Administration Ethan F. Bennett Sport & Exercise Science Kara Kern Strategic Communication Jordan Saeli




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GANNON UNIVERSITY MISSION Gannon is a Catholic, Diocesan university dedicated to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. Our faculty and staff prepare students to be global citizens through programs grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and professional specializations. Inspired by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, we offer a comprehensive, values-centered learning experience that emphasizes faith, leadership, inclusiveness and social responsibility.

The list of graduates included on the commencement program is not intended to be used as an official indication of graduation. The diploma of the University and the official transcript, signed and sealed by the proper officers, provide authentic testimony to the conferring of a degree.


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