Graduates and members of the audience are asked to remain in their seats throughout the ceremony so that they do not interfere with the special moments of others. During the ceremony, please turn off all cell phones and mobile devices. Thank you.
Order of Procession
The Faculty Marshals
The Faculty and Administration of the University
The Graduate Marshals
The Graduates of the University
The Trustees of the University
Order of Exercises
“Pomp and Circumstance: March No. 1”
Sir Edward Elgar
Posting of the Colors of the United States and Gannon University * Gannon University’s Army ROTC
National Anthem *
“The Star-Spangled Banner”
By: Francis Scott KeyCall to Commencement
Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Student Experience
Invocation *
Rev. Michael T. Kesicki, University Chaplain
Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President
Musical Interlude
“My Wish” by Rascal Flatts
Performed by Ashleigh Lutz ’23 and Brendan Cuddihy ’23
Accompanied by Pamela Verity
Introduction of Commencement Speaker
The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L., Bishop, Diocese of Erie
Presentation of Honorary Degree
The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L., Bishop, Diocese of Erie
Walter Iwanenko, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Student Experience
Commencement Address
Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Karinna M. Vernaza, Ph.D., Dean College of Engineering and Business
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Lori D. Lindley, Ph.D., Dean College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Sarah J. Ewing, Ph.D., Dean Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences
Associate of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Conferral of Degrees
Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President
Alumni Association Welcome
Rebecca Erwin-Cohen, Ph.D. ’90 President, Gannon National Alumni Board
Conferral of Distinguished Student Awards
Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President
Archbishop John Mark Gannon Award Gannon University Medal of Honor
Prayer of Sending Forth
The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L., Bishop, Diocese of Erie
*All who are able are asked to stand.
Prayer of Sending Forth
The Bishop: God, our Heavenly Father, we praise you for creating us in your image and likeness. In your generous Providence, you allow Gannon University to be a community where this great truth of human dignity is proclaimed, learned and lived. You wish Gannon to be a place where our students can seek and find you. With grateful hearts, we thank you for sustaining our graduates with your love and your truth.
All respond: Amen
The Bishop: Lord Jesus Christ, by your death and resurrection you redeemed a fallen human family. Be with our graduates as they continue to discern what is right and good and true in the midst of the confusion and tensions in our world. Help us to build a culture where each human life, no matter how vulnerable, may be respected and protected from degradation and violence. Lord, be our way, our truth and our life.
All respond: Amen
The Bishop: Come, Holy Spirit, bestow upon our graduates soundness of mind and holiness of life. With the aid of your spiritual gifts, prompt them to integrate their faith into their lifestyles, their work, and their relationships. Help them to value the service of others over selfish gain. Come, O Spirit, enkindle in them the fire of your love.
All respond: Amen
Academic Regalia in American Universities
In 1895, the Intercollegiate Commission presented to American institutions of higher learning the Intercollegiate Code. Today, this code provides for three types of gowns. Those for bachelors are made of black material and have long, pointed sleeves. The master’s gown is made with an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The rear part of its oblong shape is a square cut and the front part has an arc cutaway. The doctor’s gown is made with bell-shaped sleeves and like the master’s gown, it is designed so that it can be worn open or closed.
The black oxford cap is worn for all degrees, but only the doctor’s cap may be made of velvet. Only doctors and presidents of colleges may wear a gold tassel on the cap.
Faculty, Staff, Parents recite together: Lord God,
You accompany us at each moment of our journey through life.
Continue to guide our graduates in the paths they have chosen.
May your truth purify their values.
May your wisdom enlighten their decisions. May your goodness be the foundation of their relationships.
May your love be the consolation of their souls. Be at their side in difficulty.
Prompt their generosity in prosperity.
Deepen their humility in success.
All respond: Amen
The Bishop: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All respond: Amen
It is the hood which is the most important and distinctive feature of the American code.
The doctor’s hood, of black cloth, is four feet in length and made with a wide panel. The master’s and bachelor’s hoods are three-and-one-half feet long and three feet wide.
The binding or trim of all hoods is of velvet, two, three and five inches wide for the bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees, respectively.
The color of this velvet trim indicates the department or faculty to which the degree pertains, each department having been assigned a different color by the Intercollegiate Code. The lining of the hood reflects the official colors of the college/university.
Arts, Letters, Humanities - White
Business - Drab
Education - Light Blue
Engineering - Orange
Health Sciences - Sage
Law - Purple
Medical Sciences - Green
Nursing - Apricot
Philosophy - Royal
Public Administration - Peacock
Public Health - Salmon
Science - Gold
Social Work - Citron
Theology - Red
Keith Taylor, Ph.D.Keith Taylor, Ph.D., is the seventh president of Gannon University, a Catholic, diocesan, comprehensive university founded in 1925 by Archbishop John Mark Gannon. He was appointed to the role in May 2011. Gannon University offers six doctoral, 29 master’s, 57 bachelor’s and six associate degree programs across two campuses – one in Erie, Pa., and one in Ruskin, Fla. Taylor served as Gannon’s provost and vice president for academic affairs from 2005-2011. During his tenure, he established a dynamic strategic vision and integrated planning and operations that empowered the community to achieve great success across all dimensions of university work in their efforts to transform lives. His focus as provost continued into his presidential leadership having reorganized Gannon’s academic structure to a more integrated three-college model; created a growing satellite campus in Ruskin, FL; added new strategic academic programs to meet current and future market needs; broadened the community focus to a global perspective; and instituted the Erie-GAINS (Gannon Alliances to Improve Neighborhood Sustainability) and OWB (Our West Bayfront) neighborhood revitalization programs. He is noted for his open, strategic leadership style and commitment to students, service to the community and building cultural and global awareness. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy, a master’s degree in exercise science and a doctoral degree in anatomy and cell biology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has 35 years of experience as a faculty member, scholar, and leader at all levels of higher education.
Gannon’s Vision 2020 comprehensive campaign culminated in 2016 with more than $67 million raised to support a spectrum of critical needs; and Gannon’s Believe. Inspire. Transform. capital campaign has raised more than $82 million toward its $100 million goal in 2025.
More than $135 million in major capital improvements have been completed during the past decade in Erie and Ruskin, including construction and transformation of seven academic buildings, the Nash Library, North Hall, I-HACK and South Hall. These facility and program enhancements have transformed the campus and allowed the community to make great strides to bolster efforts to support student learning and achievement. Gannon’s commitment to access and affordability to a growing diverse student population is reflected in the additional academic, personal and career advising, and resources offered to first-generation, low income and disabled students bolstered by the burgeoning success in extramural funding since the establishment of the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects as well as the Student Success Center.
Taylor has also reaffirmed Gannon’s commitment to social justice and Catholic social teaching with ardent support for the Center for Social Concerns and Mission and Ministry efforts. The Erie-GAINS and OWB initiatives began under Taylor’s leadership and represent a series of intentional partnerships with government agencies, businesses, and community organizations to revitalize the neighborhoods surrounding Gannon’s campus.
Prior to his work at Gannon, Taylor served Daemen College in Amherst, N.Y., from 1988-2005 as a full professor, academic dean of health and human services, chairman of the Department of Physical Therapy, as well as the assistant to the vice president for academic affairs for instructional technology and liberal learning.

CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Undergraduate Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Jasmine Marie Aldridge
Bachelor of Science
Jonathan Alker
Victoria Sue Bartlett+++
Mitchel Thomas Daubert
Katie Jo Dybowski
David Franklin Eitner, III
Katelyn Halapin
Sydney Hanratty+
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Maria Angelica Arenas Acevedo
Molly Burke+
Ranuki Onara Hettiarachchige++
Alexa Lee Elizabeth Littman+++
Kristen Heflin++
John Dominic Insinna
Gino Jordano
Moses P. Juah
Kaisamusa M. Kamara
Ashleigh N. Lutz+
Adnan Morina++
Legend Perry
Marcus Christian Rathburn+
Annalina Soares Reis++
Tommylee L. Sierra Pedraza
Tyler Wilson
Hilcia Merlos
Andrew James Mottola
Marshall Dean Murray+
Sophia Rose Piatt++
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Ali Mohammed Al Marhoon
Saleh Alghamdi
Abdullah Algublan
Raga Ali
Yazeed Alotaibi
Diego Belchi Pertegaz+++
Subek J. Besilde
Layton Graham Bingham
Albert L. Caldwell, III+
LaTosha Clark
Lea M. Coffman
Anthony Corigliano
Lennox Carl Crews
Tyler Anthony Darden++
Justin M. Decheck
Sergio Del Castillo+
Esteban Diaz
Kevin Thomas Dodds
Natalya Eyl Suazo++
Eduardo Fantauzzi-Somoza
Christopher Farnsworth
Dominic Ferraro+++
Rafael Ferreira Vianna+++
Christian Joseph Fortin+
Andreas Friedl+++
Gabriel Francis Gallagher++
Michaela Rose Giambrone+++
Victor Gil Martinez
Lynsey MaKayla Habig+++
Andres Hasbun Velasco
Christopher Heinrich+
Alec M. Hite+++
Caleb Michael Houston
Mikayla Elizabeth Hricz++
Tinashe Katsande
Martin Kaverman, Jr.
Michael John Keller, Jr.
Justin Kerestes+++
Georgios Panagiotis Koutroulis+++
Alexei J. Kowallis
Eleanor A. Kramer
Jacob M. Kruszewski
Kiet Cong Tuan Le
Ireland Rose Lilly
Allyson Lindo
Taylor Macenzie Lindsey
Joel Arturo Lopez Perez
Michael Lupo++
Dominic MacArthur
Matthew Manczka+
Morgan Louise Schreck++
Kyle Jon Shank+++
Ethan Swierski++
Joshua Albert Weiss
Abigail Markle+++
Bradley Nguyen+
Joseph Nicolia
Juan Martin Pacheco Molina
Lawson Paden
Craig M. Palotas, Jr.
Donald M. Paracca
Nick Porciello
Nigel Reddick
Nicholas Rinella
Victoria Marie Sandstrom+
Jojin Saramma Johny
Brennon Songer
Emma Catherine Steele++
Isabella M. Sumney+++
Jonathan Uhl
Alexandra Grace Valerio+++
Daniel Andres Vazquez Cruz+
Mikayla Noemi Vega
John Vergotz, Jr.+
Cameron Vozel+
Luke A. Wells
Matthew S. Wiitanen
Shelby Allen Wiley, Jr.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sydney Bongiorno++
Nikoly Dos Santos+++
Seth Goodrick
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Engineering
Jacob S. DeHart
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Kaylee Hatfield+++
Daniel Hughes+++
Sean Michael Hart+++
Jared Daniel Heidt+++
Derrick Darnell Reid, Jr.
Jacob Rose++
Prakat Sherchan
Austin C. Detzel
Daniela A. Morales Dardon
Lydia Eloisa Nemeth+
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Brenna Eileen Callahan
Masen A. Collins++
Brendan R. Cuddihy
Alexander W. Deemer+
Sean K. Flynn, Jr.
Kieran Alexander Gagnon+
Sophia Glabus+
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
David James Creely+
Nikoly Dos Santos+++
Nasser Haidar
Elizabeth Marie Kuhar
Alexa Lee Elizabeth Littman+++
Elisabeth Patricia McAllister+++
Sean McPeak
Abdullah Mohammed Mobarki
Andrew James Mottola
Marshall Dean Murray+
Thomas James De Leon Olaes
Seth Sanders
Kyle Jon Shank+++
Ivor Wood, IV
Sarah Jean Young+
Sean Michael Hart+++
Jared Daniel Heidt+++
Jacob Rose++
Jacob Dominic Rudy+
Associate of Arts
Sheradha Basnet
Keosha Charvae Johnson
Bachelor of Arts
Rawan Al Juboori++
Alexandra Alers
Sarah Almosawi
Sofia Isabel Alvarez-Forteza+++
Alaina Rose Barrick+
Leah Bermudez+
Riann Bethel+
Sophia Binsol
Brianna Blaszak++
Amy Breitfelder++
Abizandra Burgos
Mia Marie Cameroni+
Caonabo H. Camilo
Abbigail Grace Camp
Melissa Nicole Carlson++
Thomas L. Carroll++
Jared J. Cedzo+
Ingfa Chaichana
Christopher P. Clancy+
Taylor Conklin+++
Amara Devericks
Obiefuna Ezeigbo
Wanda R. Favors
Bachelor of Science
Zainab Z. Albidhawi
Kimberlea Carlson
Allison Elizabeth Dorosch+++
Lindsay Dougherty
Kelsey Marie Fadale+++
Sarah Katherine Fails
Tammy Knox
Cynthia Marie Mullen
Keira Catherine Rutherford
Rachel Elizabeth Finnegan
Donovan Forte
Sydney Gibson
Samantha Gouge
Andres Hasbun Velasco
Seth Johnson
Aidan P. Kerlin++
Max Owen Kroell+++
X’Zavier Lightning
Emma Lux++
Lucas Paul MacKenzie
Biletambe Malango
Madison Nicole Maurice
Demetrius A. Mims, Jr.
Michael Montgomery+++
Nhu Diem Tran Nguyen+
Daniel James O’Brien
Korin Owens
Joshua T. Perrin+++
Duc Pham
Demarko Antwan Polk, Jr.
Addison Price++
Kaitlyn M. Reigel+++
Alyssa Root
Caleb Jonathan Sapienza+
Caelan Jane Scholl+
Kollin Schwab
Andrew Sessamen
Ali Lorrenn Smith+
Bransen Corleone Stanley
Tyree TiShon Sutton
Goshuami Valoy Tineo
Mikayla Noemi Vega
Eva Mia Vendrell Martin
Gabrielle Elise Vollant++
Madyson Anne Wakeley
Luke Andrew Welker
Matthew Jon Whaley+++
Jacob Andrew Wilhelm+++
Faith Williams++
Lauren Evelyn Williams+
Faith Wilson
Dylan L. Woods
Kaelee M. Wyant
Jeremy P. Zawelensky+
Danielle Patricia Floor
Laurel Ann Fuhrman
Anna L. Graham+++
Alexa Raine Harding++
Lauren Maxine Kneidinger+
So Jung Lee
Jaydan Miller+
Rachel Grace Praetzel+++
Victoria Teliski
Sydney Williams
Brianna Yates
Victoria R. Yonko
Associate of Science
David W. Bostaph, Jr.
Jaelyn M. Brookbank
Kierstyn N. Buczynski
Bachelor of Arts
Addyson Lee Vavick+++
Bachelor of Science
Deven Abbott
Cassandra Marie Acey
Olivia Mamie Ackley++
Chloe Elise Adiutori+
Zahra Ameen Alalawiyat++
Rabab Alamairy+++
Asma Obaid M. Aldhafeeri
Bintalhuda Abdullah Al-Dhumani
Walaa Sadiq Alhassan++
Faruk Jack Alihodzic++
Emily Hannah Allshouse+
Mustafa Mohammed Alramadhan
Alexander Altmire+
Connor Atkins+
Robert Banister
Brooke Ashley Barcia++
Lily Bargabus+
Scott Becht++
Mandi Bellas
Alison Renee Benim+
Melanie Marie Bertges+++
Andrew Robert Beyer++
Alex Donald Blackburn++
Chyna Bohman
Milton Bond, IV
Adna Borovina
Michael Borowicz++
Jacob Brooks+
Elisabeth Brown+++
Erin Brumagin+
Lauren Kathryn Buzard
Morgan Marie Byers++
Kaylee Anna Callaghan
Billie Caruso+++
Rylee E. Casilio
Isabella Mae Chatkin
Alex Taylor Chelton+
Gwendolyn Ciletti-Dougherty++
Madelyn Grace Clark++
Grace J. Clevenger+
Brock Neal Conn
Joshua Matthew Connor++
Alexandra Jean Cowell+++
Amanda Leigh Crago++
Ashley Nicole Cumberledge++
Samantha L. Dales++
Ellie G. Fledderman
Dazhane Marie James
Troy C. Lata
Kalyn F. Naylor
Madison R. Rothleder
Hanna M. Taylor
Abigail Davis+
Brittney Davis+++
Nicholas Demchuk++
Madison Marie Demski
Trenten J. Dippold++
Adam R. Durfee++
Madison Marie Duschek+++
Isabella Lucy Ehrensberger+++
Zoe Ehrensberger+
Domenic Ellis
Claire Elizabeth Fahey+++
Alison M. Fancher+++
Brock Farley
Joseph Gregory Ficca+
Colette Jean Fischer+++
Stephanie Lynn Floor++
Michael Ford Formanski++
Grace Elizabeth Foster++
Madison Suzanne Foster++
Amy Celine Frosch++
Hayley Gannon++
Ryan Elizabeth Gannon++
Brendan James Gavin+
Samantha N. Geci+
Lilanya Gfeller+
Danielle Claire Gielarowski++
Morgan Gilbert
Julianna Marie Girts
Allison Marie Gladden
Liliya Golub++
Jorge I. Gonzalez Perez+
Hannah Joanne Gorski+++
Leah Mei Grady+
Danielle Elizabeth Gray++
Bryce Grecco
Isabella Maria Green++
Alexander W. Grove
Alexandra Michelle Gyory+
Lauren Amelia Habursky+++
Sara Haines
Abagail A. Hanson
William E. Harrison
Maya Hayes+
Grace Elizabeth Heim+++
Lauren Ashley Heutsche+
Olivia Heysek+
Jack A. Hilbrich++
Emilie Cecilia Hilliard+++
Jacob Hollo+
Dalaina Holmes+++
Adaria Kalise Hopkins
Madeline Anna Horst+
Mariah Elizabeth Hoyt++
Joseph Michael Ingrando, III+
Alli Lyn Jacobs
Dazhane Marie James
Stephen Luke Jaussen+++
Emily Kathleen Kalkiewicz
Alexis Keating++
Olivia Kelly+++
Reiley Kennedy++
Laxmi Khadka
Samantha Kirsch++
Sydney Scott Klakeg
Julia Koger++
Sripada Kondur+
Daniel Leonard Kotik+++
Daria-Hanna Koul++
Bethany B. Krystek+++
Mariah Kshir+
Kristina Anne Laher++
Ryan Matthew Laitinen++
Sheila Colleen Lang++
Michaelah Elisabeth Lanza
Troy C. Lata
Izabella G. LeGuard++
Hannah Lillie
Claire Elizabeth Livingston+++
Erica Loader
Leah Nicole Lombardi+
Kara Danielle Lynch
Kaitlyn Patsy Lyons+++
Marissa Paige MacDonald
Carmen M. Mancuso+++
Caleb Mandel+++
Bridget Marks++
Athena Martinez
Ashley Mayes+++
Matelyn Rose McAfoos+
Brianna N. McCloskey+
Sydni Renee’ McConnell++
Kamryn Marie McCullum
Madison McElhinny+
Tristin Nicole McKanna+
Alyvia Jean McKimm
Anthony Michael Miceli
Tyler Mihna
Tekyiah Nyree Moffett-Taylor
Miranda Morales
Joshua Caleb Murray
Dima Murtada+
Daniel Patrick Oar+++
Chaylise Oden
Maria Ondrejko++
Catalina Ordonez Siza+++
Caitlin O’Rourke++
Abigail Osche+++
Olympia Otulakowski++
Oluchukwuka I. Owunwanne
Abigail Lynn Palotas+++
Gianna Marie Panigall
Nyjah S. Paskell
Joshua Michael Pavlovich+++
Jacob Alexander Petit
Eileen K. Phillips
Elizabeth Pirrello+
Emily Syrece Poling++
Nicholas J. Pouch
Carolyn Louise Pratt++
Amanda Nicole Pristas+
Jacob Edward Przybylski
Jenna Rose Puhalla+
Sherin Puthenpurayil+
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bassam Alanazi
Fatimah Alromadan
Kayla Renee Bauer
Stephanie Rene Becker
Kaley Renee Byerly
Julia Sara Ciarimboli
Jordan Folga+
Carly Fox++
Hanna Edward Harman
Hannah Lee Harvey
Marli Jo Hawk++
Matthew Bell Queiroz+
Ella Rose Rasper++
Brandan A. Rea
Jema Reasoner
Marion Hart Reilly+++
Jenna R. Reisdorf++
Morgan M. Rinas+++
Karina Marie Rogers+
Lauryn Rougeux
Andrew James Samuels
Bethany Schirz+++
Emily Margaret Schneggenburger+++
Emily Seggio
Hannah Grace Shabala+
Rebecca Michelle Sheridan++
Katie Sherwin+++
Hannah Michelle Shuck++
Mandeepk Kaur Singh+
Jenna Rose Sins+++
Kamerun Snell
Jacob Snyder+++
Hunter Sorenson++
Nicole Speelman+
Haley Marie Spicer+++
Megan Lynn Spizarny+
Taré Marie Standback
Avery Stevens
Jillian N. Sullivan+
Haylie Szalanski
Bimala Tamang
Nisha Tamang
Hanna M. Taylor
Anna M. Thomas+++
Jacqueline Thomas
Jana Marie Thomas+++
Jessica Elizabeth Thomas++
Alexis Tosado
Sarah Lynn Turton
Kathryn Elizabeth Unger++
Isaac David Unruh
Matthew David Vallone+
Sady VanAlstine+++
Angela Vicini
John Mark Vieira
Grace Vrana
Andrea Watson+
Colin D. Watts
Jenna Weisner+
Harley Welch
Madeline Rosalee Welch++
Gabrielle Wisniewski Willacker+++
Devin Williams+++
Kayla Millicent Williams
Alexandra Wilson+
Kyle Chandler Wolf
Addison Womeldorph
Kylie Elizabeth Woodward
Marley Jayne Woolslare+++
Elizabeth Wyant+
Elizabeth Grace Wygonik++
Samantha Elizabeth Young
Scott Peter Zanella, II+++
Claire Elizabeth Kiphuth+
Julia Kunco
Emma Nicole Lowers+++
Hannah Alivia Maciak
Natalia Maister+
Bryce Lynn Mazurkiewicz
Abigail LouAnn Miller+
Taylor Munson
Madeleine Grace Olsen+++
Blake E. Pattison+
Maria Faustina Pregler
Maryonna Marie Rogers
Almina Sabic
Daniel Patrick Scheidhauer++
Jennifer Lynn Shalkham
Jordan Skrekla
Sanibel Stravinsky++
Emma Kathryn Trapper+
Cameron Paige Trautman++
Tara Mary Wanat
Hannah Noelle Warner+
Lauren Yurkewicz
ACADEMIC AWARDS Undergraduate Studies
For Excellence in...
Alexandra Grace Valerio Accounting
Victoria R. Yonko Advertising Communication
Olympia Otulakowski Biochemistry
Scott Peter Zanella, II Biology
Kyle Jon Shank Biomedical Engineering
Gabrielle Pire Business Administration
Devin Williams Chemistry
Hannah Grace Shabala Communication Sciences and Disorders
Jared Daniel Heidt Computer Science
Nikoly Dos Santos Computer Science and Software Engineering
Reghan Kennedy Criminal Justice (BA)
Victoria Sue Bartlett Cybersecurity
Madison Nicole Maurice Digital Media
Rachel Grace Praetzel Early Childhood Education PreK-4
Michaela Rose Giambrone Economics
Daniel Hughes Electrical Engineering
Melissa Nicole Carlson English
Georgios Panagiotis Koutroulis Entrepreneurship
Kristen Heflin Environmental Engineering
Benito G. Vilardo Finance
Michaela Rose Giambrone Healthcare Management
Matthew Jon Whaley History
Annalina Soares Reis Industrial Engineering
Diego Belchi Pertegaz International Management
Thomas L. Carroll Legal Studies (BA)
Dominic Ferraro Marketing
Carmen M. Mancuso Mathematics
Alexa Lee Elizabeth Littman Mechanical Engineering
Oluchukwuka I. Owunwanne Medical Science Laboratory
Jaydan Miller Middle Level Education
Claire Elizabeth Kiphuth Military Science
Sydney Williams Mortuary Science
Emma Nicole Lowers Nursing
Lauryn Rougeux Nutrition and Human Performance
Isabella Maria Green Occupational Therapy
Max Owen Kroell Philosophy
Claire Elizabeth Livingston Physician Assistant
Kaitlyn M. Reigel Political Science
Jacob Andrew Wilhelm Psychology (BA)
Olivia Kelly Psychology (BS)
Cassandra Marie Acey Public Health
Addison Price Public Service & Global Affairs
David W. Bostaph, Jr. Radiologic Science
Ali Mohammed Al Marhoon Risk Management
Caelan Jane Scholl Social Work
Sean Michael Hart Software Engineering
Alexa Raine Harding Special Education PreK-12
Lynsey MaKayla Habig Sport Management and Marketing
Christopher Heinrich Supply Chain Management
Melissa Nicole Carlson Theology
Leadership and Service Awards
Doc Beyer Service Award for Outstanding Achievement in Scholarship and Athletics
Jacob Hollo
Madeleine Grace Olsen
Fraternity Medal of Honor
Dominic MacArthur
Sorority Medal of Honor
Madison Marie Duschek
Inspiration for the Next Generation Leadership Award
Kimberlea M. Carlson
Joe Luckey Service Award for Dedication to the University
Kylie Elizabeth Woodward
Martha Noyes/Sandra Mead Leadership Award
Victoria Sue Bartlett
Msgr. Wilfred J. Nash Service Award
Grace Elizabeth Foster
Kylie Elizabeth Woodward
Outstanding University Ambassador
Sydney Scott Klakeg
Reverend Charles Drexler Award for Outstanding Leadership in Faith, Worship, Community and Service
Brendan R. Cuddihy
Rachel Grace Praetzel
Distinguished Student Awards
The Archbishop John Mark Gannon Award For General Scholastic Excellence
Victoria Sue Bartlett
Emilie Cecilia Hilliard
Claire Elizabeth Livingston
The Gannon University Medal of Honor For Character, Leadership and Scholarship
Carmen M. Mancuso
Ashley Mayes
Daniel Patrick Oar
To be announced at Commencement Ceremony
Rachel Grace Praetzel
Anna M. Thomas
Honors Program Graduates
Honors Scholar
These students have completed a minimum of 24 Honors credits, maintained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25, and have either taken six credits of a foreign language or have met additional service hour requirements.
Billie Caruso
Ashley Nicole Cumberledge
Madison Marie Duschek
Claire Elizabeth Fahey
Amy Celine Frosch
Kaylee Hatfield
Kristen Heflin
Stephen Luke Jaussen
Associate Honors Scholar
Olivia Kelly
Julia Koger
Ryan Matthew Laitinen
Leah Nicole Lombardi
Kaitlyn Patsy Lyons
Abigail Lynn Palotas
Joshua T. Perrin
Elizabeth Pirrello
Rachel Grace Praetzel
Addison Price
Sherin Puthenpurayil
Ella Rose Rasper
Emily Seggio
Emma Catherine Steele
These students have completed a minimum of 18 Honors credits, maintained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25, and have either taken six credits of a foreign language or have met additional service requirements.
Trenten J. Dippold
Daniel Patrick Oar
ROTC Commissionees
Caitlin O'Rourke
Benito G. Vilardo
The following students were commissioned as officers in the United States Army.
Daniela A. Morales Dardon
Claire Elizabeth Kiphuth
Nurse Corps
Daniel Patrick Scheidhauer
Nurse Corps
Jacob Andrew Wilhelm Adjutant General
Ivor Wood, IV
Sarah Jean Young Military Police
Gannon is a Catholic, Diocesan university dedicated to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. Our faculty and staff prepare students to be global citizens through programs grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and professional specializations. Inspired by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, we offer a comprehensive, values-centered learning experience that emphasizes faith, leadership, inclusiveness and social responsibility.
A digital version of this program can be found at www.gannon.edu/commencement.