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What Our Students Say They Will Remember
For graduating and returning students alike, Gannon University has become a place to call home. Many of our students have shared with us their moments of learning, growth, encouragement and accomplishments while at Gannon. As we conclude this year together – and many of you begin new journeys – we are delighted to leave you with some of these messages.
Meeting my fiancé and my best friend at Gannon - Caitie Strout
International Night - Priya Shrees Magar
Homecoming/family weekend!!! - Avery Stevens
Seeing my first real patient during lab for PA school 😀 - Abigail Printz
Thursday community mass ❤ - Rachel Praetzel
Hosting nationals for Acrobatics and Tumbling in 2018 - Nicole Pizzi
Detroit ABST - Aidan Kerlin
A’Darius Porter - by helping me to see things outside my default perspective - Megan Loibl
Dr. Hawkins for pushing me to be my best - Haylie Szalanski
Campus Ministry and Commuter Life - Rachel Praetzel
Becky Perry! - Nikki Johnson
All of the OT faculty!! - Haylie Szalanski
Dr. & Mrs. Ropski ❤ - Priya Shrees Magar
The athletic training staff - Brooke Hepditch
Caroline Palmer and Jen Majewski in the PA Dept. - Catie Strout
My amazing coach Alia Nolan - Nikki Pizzi
Getting above at least a 3.5 every semester 😀 - Haylie Szalanski
Putting GU women’s rugby on the map at regionals in 2019!! - Gannon Women’s Rugby
My experience as an ABST leader has changed my life - Katie Gress
Getting a PR at PSAC swim meet - Abigail Printz
Congrats! Even though this semester has been far from normal, you still did it! - Catie Strout
Shout out to the best class ever - Cassidy Burns
Live every moment like it's your last - Sydney Oyatta
Your impact was not lost on the rest of us. You’ve changed us for the better. - Katie Gress
You are all going to be greatly missed - Haylie Szalanski
We ❤ you - Gannon Alpha Kappa Psi
We’re here for you! Now and always! - Gannon Office of Career Development and Exploration