7 minute read
Strategic Communication (MA
include the use of problem based/case study approach, organized around the body system, with an orientation toward health maintenance and promotion and prevention of disease and disability.
GDPT 854 Evidence-Based Practice 3
The purpose of this course is for students to continue to develop and refine their evidence-based practice skills. The course will culminate with a group written synthesized narrative review of the literature for their evidence-based project topic, under the guidance of their content advisor. Student will learn to identify and describe research design methods and data analyses for a specific problem statement and/or research question. Students will also demonstrate an understanding of the legal and ethical standards required when designing and conducting a research study that uses human subjects.
GDPT 856 Community Health Initiatives 3
1 credit In the third course of this sequence, students collaborate with community partners and peers to complete two distinct servicelearning projects. Development of professional skills, attitudes and values is fostered through community and peer engagement. Students develop, deliver, and evaluate at least one community educational presentation that addresses community-identified needs. Students deepen their understanding of difference in health care practices among individuals and culture groups.
GDPT 860 Health Care Systems & Policy 4
1 credit The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) identified their vision statement as “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” The Health Care System and Policy 4 (GDPT 860) and 5 (GDPT 870) courses apply this vision statement through collaborative group project assignments that incorporate the development of a simulated health-focused physical therapy programs. Through the project development, the students gain an appreciation for the role of business literacy in health care transformation and the necessity for excellence in professional skills. This course introduces the theories and application of management activities including personnel relations, budgeting, planning, organizing, and operating a physical therapy program in a variety of health settings.
GDPT 861 Evidence-Based Practice Guidance (Elective)
1 credit The purpose of this course is for student evidence-based practice groups, who elect to continue their evidence-based practice project, to develop a detailed plan for completing their project. Students will be required to discuss the comparative merits of the various methods of evidence-based practice communication and select the method which best suits their project. Students will be required to develop a contract with their faculty advisor which specifically details their project and includes a strategy for searching and synthesizing the literature. This contract will detail the expectations for progression of evidence-based practice project through 7th and 8th semesters of the program. End products for the Faculty-Student EvidenceBased Practice Contract may include but are not limited to synthesis of a research report or article ready for publication; platform or poster presentation; Case Report; Special Topic Reviews (such as systematic reviews, groups of tests/measures, clinical predictor rules); or Journal Club with regularly scheduled meetings with specifically focused topics. Data analysis procedures using SPSS will be offered and available to students whose end product requires quantitative analysis of data.
GDPT 862 Clinical Experience 2
5 credits Ten-week full-time clinical experience provided primarily throughout the United States. The experiences are designed to provide the student with the opportunity to develop competence in the management of patients with neurologic, orthopedic and cardiac dysfunction in a variety of settings, including but not limited to, acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, or skilled nursing facility.
GDPT 866 Community Health Initiatives 4
1 credit In the fourth course in this sequence, students learn to: 1) compare the levels of the health literacy and identify adaptive educational techniques to use with individuals throughout the ranges of health literacy; 2) apply advocacy concepts for the health and wellness needs at the individual level; and, 3) develop a Capstone project proposal in collaboration with a student-selected community organization. The project will meet the needs or objectives identified by the organization. The project can take any form mutually agreed upon by the course coordinator, faculty mentor and student, providing it meets required proposal guidelines. Examples of an organization’s needs include but are not limited to: educational presentations, marketing plans, consultation, advocacy, or assistance with the organization’s sponsored events. Capstone project proposal outcomes reflect a plan that blends meeting the community partner’s needs/objectives with continued development of students’ Professional Core Values.
GDPT 867 Clinical Synthesis 2
1 credit This course is designed to facilitate in the physical therapy student the ability to synthesize clinical data with the research evidence supporting the examination and treatment of the selected diagnoses. Within the structure of the course, the student is required to 1) analyze the literature regarding the self-selected patient case, 2) facilitate a discussion of these findings in a small group setting with colleagues, 3) synthesize the group’s findings with evidence-based practice in an expert panel classroom presentation, and 4) critique and reflect upon the previous examination and treatment selections of the patient cases. A comprehensive exam will be given in the course which reflects content from the previous five semesters as a preparatory experience for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE).
GDPT 870 Health Care Systems & Policy 5
2 credits The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) identified their vision statement as “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” The Health Care System and Policy 4 (GDPT 860) and 5 (GDPT 870) courses apply this vision statement through collaborative group project assignments that incorporate the development of a simulated health-focused physical therapy program. Through the project development, the students gain an appreciation for the role of business literacy in health care transformation and the necessity for excellence in professional skills. This course continues to build on the foundational business and management practices presented in Health Care System & Policy 4 (GDPT 860), and includes professional development skills related to resume development, application of interview skills and networking practice.
GDPT 872 Clinical Experience 3
4 credits This is an eight-week, full-time clinical experience provided in a variety of health care settings. The experience is structured to provide the student with the opportunity to develop competency in the management of patients with acute or chronic dysfunction.
GDPT 873 Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention for Integumentary & Multi-System Movement Dysfunction
4 credits This course integrates information from prior system courses with the added complexity associated with the patient with multisystem dysfunction. Systems reviewed in more detail will include immunologic, integumentary, urogenital and gastroenteric, as they apply to the physical therapy examination, evaluation and intervention of patients with multi-system dysfunction with consideration for genomics, hematologic conditions, nutritional needs, neoplastic conditions. Previous course work will be used as a foundation for developing patient care management skills specific to patients with prosthetics, pelvic floor dysfunction and obesity. Aspects of impairment and disability related to psychological, social, economic and/or vocational issues and needs are included. The course offers lectures, laboratory activities with peers and community volunteers, evidence-based practice reading assignments, clinical observation experience, and problem-oriented case discussions building from simple to complex patient/client scenarios, all to develop the necessary competencies of physical therapy practice in these areas.
GDPT 874 Evidence-Based Practice 4 (Elective) GDPT 871 Evidence-Based Practice Guidance 4 (Elective)
2 credits Students will progress through the course by completing the work detailed by the Faculty-Student Evidence-Based Practice Contract established in the previous semester. End products for the FacultyStudent Evidence-Based Practice Contract may include but are not limited to synthesis of a research report or article ready for publication; platform or poster presentation; Case Report; Special Topic Reviews (such as systematic reviews, groups of tests/ measures, clinical predictor rules); or Journal Club with regularly scheduled meetings with specifically focused topics. Progress toward the identified end product of the contract is required.
GDPT 882 Clinical Experience 4
6 credits This is a twelve-week, full-time clinical experience provided primarily throughout the United States. The experience is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to develop advanced skills in the management of patients in an interest area or to practice in a unique setting. This experience will also emphasize the administrative, consultative and diagnostic role of the autonomous physical therapist.
GDPT 884 Evidence-Based Practice 5 (Elective) GDPT 881 Evidence-Based Practice Guidance 5 (Elective)
2 credits Students will progress through the course by completing the work detailed by the Faculty-Student Evidence-Based Practice Contract established in the previous semester. End products for the FacultyStudent Evidence-Based Practice Contract may include but are not limited to synthesis of a research report or article ready for publication; platform or poster presentation; Case Report; Special Topic Reviews (such as systematic reviews, groups of tests/ measures, clinical predictor rules); or Journal Club with regularly scheduled meeting with specifically focused topics. Progress toward the identified end product of the contract is required.
GDPT 886 Community Health Initiatives 5
1 credit In this final capstone course students complete their community Capstone project as per their proposal developed in GDPT 866: Community Health Initiative 4. Students will demonstrate their role as an educator and/or advocacy at the individual level. Students share their project outcomes with other student physical therapists and community members through oral and/or visual presentations; and prepare a written summary about community Capstone project outcomes that reflect how the community partner’s needs/ objectives were progressed and/or achieved; and, on how Capstone Project contributed to the development of students’ Professional Core Values.