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Cyber Engineering
FACULTY: Professors: Fong Mak, Ramakrishnan Sundaram, Wookwon Lee. Associate Professor: Yong-Kyu Jung. Teaching Assistant Professor: Donald MacKellar
Cyber Engineering focuses on the development of secured cyber systems – integrated mechanics, electronics, computer hardware and software in a networked, web-enabled environment. Course and project work focuses on hardware & software design, hardware root-of-trust, trusted operating systems, secure communication, and secure networked services. Cyber Engineering focuses on the integration of the hardware and software interfaces to provide the platform of a secured system, and helps students learn the tools and techniques to develop secure embedded systems for our knowledge economy. Cyber Engineering has applications in communication, consumer, energy, infrastructure, health care, manufacturing, military, robotics, and transportation. Hence, students can find jobs in this vast array of industries particularly as the Internet of Things (IoT) is integrated into our daily life. The core knowledge and skills to do IoT right are computer engineering, embedded software, and cybersecurity techniques that are centerpieces the Cyber Engineering curriculum. Our Cyber Engineering program found its root in Computer Engineering and Embedded Software curriculums offered in the past that are married with the cybersecurity techniques and practices. Cyber Engineering program aims to educate students to achieve the following: • An ability to apply security principles and practices to the design, implementation, and operations of the physical, software, and human components of cyber system • An ability to apply protective technologies and forensic techniques • An ability to analyze and evaluate components and systems for security and to maintaining operations in the presence of risks and threats • An ability to consider legal, regulatory, privacy, ethics, and human behavior topics
Program Educational Objectives
Our program integrates the Liberal Studies Core and emphasizes holistic student development per the mission of Gannon University. The program educational objectives, which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Cyber Engineering, are to produce graduates who: 1. Demonstrate professional ethics and personal values in daily and professional life that exercise informed literary and aesthetic judgments by leveraging diverse cultures and societies 2. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership qualities and/or attainment of leadership roles in a global work environment 3. Demonstrate a passion for life-long learning through engaging in the rapidly changing and emerging areas of technology, and/or continued professional development 4. Demonstrate technical proficiency in applying knowledge of cyber engineering pertinent to hardware, software, and human components in their professional career. To achieve these objectives, the Cyber Engineering Program maintains a modern curriculum, state-of-the-art laboratories and teaching techniques, a well-qualified faculty, and a strong advising system. The program is designed to adhere to the EAC commissions of ABET. Students will acquire the following skill sets or student outcomes upon their graduation.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Cyber Engineering program has been specifically developed to achieve the following ABET student learning outcomes: 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
You will experience.
• Students will be explored to the GENI system, an open infrastructure for at-scale networking and distributed systems for research and education that spans the US. GENI,
Global Environment for Network Innovations, provides a virtual laboratory for research and education. With GENI, students will have a platform to learn advanced skills and knowledge in cybersecurity. In addition, students will also engage in learning with a commercial cloud system such as Google cloud or Amazon cloud. • Students will gain hands-on experience with networking infrastructure, coupled with secured root-of-trust network, development platform for real-time kernels and operating systems.
The report by Cybersecurity Ventures* predicted that it will cost the world $6 trillion annually in cybercrime damage by 2021 and hence, the pressing situation has created an unprecedented shortage of cybersecurity workers. In addition, Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions globally by 2021. Our program is designed to fulfill the needs of future work demand in the cyber areas. * Cybersecurity Ventures, “2017 Cybercrime Report,” sponsored by Herjavec Group, https://cybersecurityventures.com/2015-wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2017-
The Program
The Cyber Engineering (CYENG) program requires 129 credits to graduate. The program has 31 credits for Math/Science, 42 credits for LS cores, and 55 credits for engineering courses and electives. The program also provides a one-semester study abroad option. All CIS course descriptions are provided in the section Computer and Information Science. All CYSEC course descriptions are provided in the section Cybersecurity. All ECE course descriptions are provided in the section Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Cyber Engineering Curriculum (129 credits)
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 2 First-Year Seminar/ENG 100 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Intro to Networks/CIS 290
17 Spring 3 Critical Analysis Comp/LENG 112 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Digital Logic Design/ECE 140 1 Digital Logic Design Lab/ECE 141 3 Circuit 1/ECE 228 1 Circuit 1 Lab/ECE 229 3 Intro to C/C++ (ECE 111) 1 Network Security Lab/CYSEC 101 18
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Discrete Math/Math 222 3 Microcontroller Applications with IoT//ECE 245 3 Data Structure & Algrthm/ECE 217 3 Intro to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 IT security/CYSEC 210
15 Spring 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 u-controller essentials for Cyber Appl/ CYENG 225 3 Number Theory/Cryptography/ MATH 310 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 1 Leadership Seminar/CIS 303 16
JUNIOR Fall 3 Trusted OS/CYENG 312 3 Physics I/PHYS 210 1 Physics I Lab/PHYS 211 3 Intro to Cyber-physical Syst/CYENG 237 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 Cyber Crime and Society/CRJS 241 3 Test, Measurement, and Control/ ECE 243 Spring 3 Tech Selective 3 Math/Science Elective 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 level course 3 Secured Embedded System/CYENG 350 3 Philosophy II/LPHI
17 16
SENIOR Fall 3 Tech Elective 3 Speech 3 Physics III/Phys 214 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Tech Elective 15 Spring 3 LS Senior Capstone/LBST 383 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 3 Math/Science Elective 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 15
Cyber Engineering Study-Abroad Curriculum (129 credits)
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 2 First-Year Seminar/ENG 100 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Intro to Networks/CIS 290 17 Spring 3 Critical Analysis Comp/LENG 112 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Digital Logic Design/ECE 140 1 Digital Logic Design Lab/ECE 141 3 Circuit 1/ECE 228 1 Circuit 1 Lab/ECE 229 1 Network Security Lab/CYSEC 101 3 Intro to C/C++ (ECE 111) 18
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Discrete Math/Math 222 3 Microcontroller Appl. With IoT/ ECE 245 3 Data Structure & Algrthm/ECE 217 3 Intro to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 IT security/CYSEC 210
JUNIOR Fall 3 Trusted OS/CYENG 312 3 Physics I/PHYS 210 1 Physics I Lab/PHYS 211 3 Intro to Cyber-physical Syst/ CYENG 237 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 Cyber Crime and Society/CRJS 241 3 Test, Measurement, and Control/ ECE 243
17 Spring 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 U-controller Essentials for Cyber Appl/ CYENG 225 3 Number Theory/Cyptography/ MATH 310 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 1 Leadership Seminar/CIS 303 16
Spring 3 Fine Art series/LFIN 3 Math/Science Elective 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 LPHI or LTHE III course 3 Philosophy II series/LPHI 3 Literature Series/LENG
SENIOR Fall 3 Speech 3 Physics III/Phys 214 3 Tech Elective 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Math/Science Elective 15 Spring 3 Tech Selective 3 LS Senior Capstone/LBST 383 3 Secured Embedded Syst/CYENG 350 3 Math/Science Elective 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 15
Technical selective courses are core specialized courses intended to allow students to focus the breadth or depth of their degree program. Student must choose two of the following to fulfill the curriculum requirements: