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Cybersecurity is an important concern for government agencies, defense contractors, e-commerce companies, biotech research firms, and, in fact, any business entities that are concerned with the protection of their information capital. Students are prepared to have knowledge and skills in computer network security principles, human behavior and laws, cyber forensics, and the strategies and planning for securing information capital from cyber-attacks. To understand better how this Cybersecurity program different from the Cyber Engineering program offered at Gannon, these two programs both include content knowledge that address trusted supply chains, hardware & software design, hardware root-of-trust, trusted operating systems, secure data storage, secure communications, network security services, etc. valued by industry. Cyber Engineering is hardware-oriented in the security levels, whereas Cybersecurity is software-oriented. Cyber Engineering and Cybersecurity programs are two separate programs, but our learning environment provides many synergy project experiences between the two programs.
Program Educational Objectives
Our program integrates the Liberal Studies Core and emphasizes holistic student development according to Gannon University’s mission. The program educational objectives, which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity, are to produce graduates who: 1. Demonstrate professional ethics and personal values in daily and professional life that exercise informed literary and aesthetic judgments by leveraging diverse cultures and societies 2. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership qualities and/or attainment of leadership roles in a global work environment 3. Demonstrate a passion for life-long learning through engaging in the rapidly changing and emerging areas of technology and/or continued professional development 4. Demonstrate technical competency in applying knowledge of cybersecurity principles and practices for their successful career in a rapidly changing professional environment. To achieve these objectives, the Cybersecurity Program maintains a modern curriculum, stateof-the-art laboratories and teaching techniques, a well-qualified faculty, and a strong advising system. The program is designed to adhere to the CAC commissions of ABET. Students will acquire the following skill sets or student outcomes upon their graduation.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Cybersecurity program has been specifically developed to achieve the following ABET student learning outcomes: 1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions 2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline 3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts 4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles 5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline 6. An ability to apply security principles and practices to the environment, hardware, software, and human aspects of a system 7. An ability to analyze and evaluate systems for maintaining operations in the presence of risks and threats
You will experience.
• Students will be explored to the GENI system, an open infrastructure for at-scale networking and distributed systems for research and education that spans the US. GENI,
Global Environment for Network Innovations, provides a virtual laboratory for research and education. With GENI, students will have a platform to learn advanced skills and knowledge in Cybersecurity. In addition, students will also engage into learning with a commercial cloud system such as Google cloud or Amazon cloud. • Students will gain hands-on learning in core competencies needed to enter this growing workforce, including white hat hacking, strategic planning, incident response, design and deployment of cloud services, and management of security services.
The report by Cybersecurity Ventures* predicted that it will cost the world $6 trillion annually in cybercrime damage by 2021 and hence, the pressing situation has created an unprecedented shortage of cybersecurity workers. In addition, Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions globally by 2021. Our program is designed to fulfill the needs of future work demand in the cyber areas. * Cybersecurity Ventures, “2017 Cybercrime Report,” sponsored by Herjavec Group, https://cybersecurityventures.com/2015-wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2017-
The Program
The Cybersecurity (CYSEC) program requires 128 credits to graduate. The program has 16 credits for Math/Science, 42 credits for LS cores, and 70 credits for engineering courses and electives. The program also provides a one-semester study abroad option and a minor. All CIS course descriptions are provided in the section Computer and Information Science. All ECE course descriptions are provided in the section Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Cybersecurity Curriculum (128 credits)
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 2 First-Year Seminar/ENG100 3 Intro to Networks/CIS 290 3 Web Management & Design/CIS 240 17 Spring 3 Critical Analysis Comp/LENG 112 3 Intro to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Database Mgmt & Adm/CIS 255 3 College Physics I/PHYS 105 1 Network Security Lab/CYSEC 101 3 Intro to C/C++ (ECE 111) 16
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Discrete Math/Math 222 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Data Structure & Algorithm/ECE 217 3 Web Pgm & Implementation/CIS 355 3 IT security/CYSEC 210
JUNIOR Fall 3 Ethical Hacking/CYSEC 301 3 Information Assurance/CYSEC 306 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Cyber Crime and Society/CRJS 241 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 16
SENIOR Fall 1 Technical Communication/SPCH 110 3 Literature Series/LENG 3 Cyber Defense: Cloud Security/ CYSEC 308 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 level course 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Digital Evidence/CRJS 345 16 Spring 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 1 Leadership Seminar/CIS 303 3 Number Theory/ Cryptography/MATH 310 3 Mobile security and Implementation/CYSEC 212 3 ECE 228 Circuits I/ ECE 140 Digital Logic I/ PHYS 108 Physics 2 1 Associated Lab 3 Server Management/CIS 375 17
Spring 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 Data Security/CYSEC 303 3 Cyber Information Security/CYSEC 302 3 Server security/CYSEC 307 3 Free Elective 16
Spring 3 LS Senior Capstone/LBST 383 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Technical Elective/CIS 387 3 Technical Elective 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358
Cybersecurity Study-Aboard Curriculum (128 credits)
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 2 First-Year Seminar/ENG 100 3 Intro to Networks/CIS 290 3 Web Management & Design/CIS 240 17 Spring 3 Critical Analysis Comp/LENG 112 3 Intro to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Database Mgmt & Adm/CIS 255 3 College Physics I/PHYS 105 1 Network Security Lab/CYSEC 101 3 Intro to C/C++ (ECE 111) 16
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Discrete Math/Math 222 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Data Structure & Algorithm/ECE 217 3 Web Pgm & Implementation/CIS 355 3 IT security/CYSEC 210
JUNIOR Fall 3 Ethical Hacking/CYSEC 301 3 Information Assurance/CYSEC 306 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Cyber Crime and Society/CRJS 241 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 16
SENIOR Fall 1 Technical Communication/SPCH110 3 Technical Elective 3 Cyber Defense: Cloud Security/ CYSEC 308 3 Tech Elective 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Digital Evidence/CRJS 345 18 Spring 3 LS Senior Capstone/LBST 383 3 Data Security/CYSEC 303 3 Cyber Information Security/CYSEC 302 3 Server Security/CYSEC 307 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358
Spring 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 1 Leadership Seminar/CIS 303 3 Number Theory/ Cryptography/MATH 310 3 Mobile security and Implementation/CYSEC 212 3 ECE 228 Circuits I/ ECE 140 Digital Logic I/ PHYS 108 Physics 2 1 Associated Lab 3 Server Management/CIS 375 17
Spring (Study-Abroad Term) 3 Fine Art/LFIN 3 Philosophy/LPHI 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 Literature/LENG 3 LPHI or LTHE course 3 Free Elective 16
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) 1 Network Security Lab/CYSEC 101 3 Intro to Networks/CIS 290 3 Database Mgmt & Adm/CIS 255 3 Data Security/CYSEC 303 3 Information Assurance/CYSEC 306 3 IT Security/CYSEC 210 3 Cyber Crime and Society/CRJS 241 19
Technical electives are additional specialized courses intended to allow students to focus the breadth or depth of their degree program. Students should plan for these courses well in advance (at least a year) to ensure that the course(s) they are interested in will be offered in the sequence in which they can enroll. Students should plan their course sequence in order to have the appropriate prerequisites. In all cases, students should select these courses in consultation with their academic advisor. Eligible technical electives are • ECE3xx, ECE4xx, CIS3xx, CIS4xx, CYENG2xx, or CYENG3xx, CYSEC3xx with advisor approval. • CRJS2xx (approved list)
CYSEC 101: Network Security Lab
This course focuses on hands-on experience for students to expand and deepen their knowledge gained in networking and be familiar with essential tools used in cybersecurity. The lab experience provides students with a basic understanding of how networks are built and operate and to give students some experience with basic network analysis tools. Pre-requisites: CIS 290 1 credit
CYSEC 210: IT Security
Students learn the core concepts needed to secure an organization’s network as an IT security specialist. This course covers all the foundations of IT security from practical skills for securing hardware and network, understanding risk, to the basics of cryptography, cybercrime investigation and response. Prerequisites: CIS 290 3 credits
CYSEC 212: Mobile Security and Implementation
The course is to introduce the fundamental knowledge needed to understand and practice secure operations and development on Android mobile devices. Students focus on understanding the security weakness of Android devices from both operations and architectural perspectives. The basic development environments for mobile apps will be introduced and students will practice on developing basic mobile apps. The secure control during Android app development will be specially addressed. Pre-requisites: CYSEC 101, (ECE 111 or CIS 182/3), and CIS 255 3 credits
CYSEC 301: Ethical Hacking
The course is to develop the structured knowledge needed to retrieve privacy or secure information through cyber networks. Students focus on web-based technologies to search, gather and analyze personal or organizational information. This course provides students basic knowledge in cyber-attacks. In addition, this course will introduce all aspects of cybersecurity including data security, component security, human security, organizational security, and social security. Pre-requisite: CYSEC 210, CIS 355 and CYSEC 212 3 credits
CYSEC 302: Cyber Information Security
The course is to develop the structured knowledge needed to discover vulnerabilities of personal or organizational cyber systems. Students focus on penetration-testing tools to test the security of either personal devices or network servers. This course provides students advanced knowledge in cyber-attacks. In addition, this course will introduce all aspects of cyber-security including component security, connection security, system security, human security and organizational security. Prerequisite: CYSEC 301 3 credits
CYSEC 303: Data Security
The course is to develop the structured knowledge needed to protect digital data through cyber networks. Students focus on methodologies and technologies to backup, encrypt, or restore data. This course provides students basic knowledge of cybersecurity in data area. In addition, this course will introduce all aspects of cybersecurity including human security, organizational security and social security. Prerequisite: CIS 255 3 credits
CYSEC 306: Information Assurance
The course develops the structured knowledge needed to practice on assuring information and managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, transmission of information or data. Students focus on the broad fields of enterprise security and privacy such as concentrating on the nature of enterprise security requirements by identifying threats to enterprise information technology (IT) systems, access control and open systems, and system and product evaluation criteria. Risk management and policy considerations are examined with respect to the technical nature of enterprise security as represented by government guidance and regulations to support information confidentiality, integrity and availability. The course develops the student’s ability to assess enterprise security risk and to formulate technical recommendations in the areas of hardware and software. Aspects of security-related topics to be discussed include network security, cryptography, IT technology issues, and database security. This course provides students basic knowledge of cybersecurity in data area. In addition, this course will provide an introduction of all aspects of cyber-security including human security, organizational security and social security. Pre-requisite: CIS 255 3 credits
CYSEC 307: Cyber Defense: Server Security
The course is to develop the structured knowledge needed to protect personal or server information through cyber networks. Students focus on system configurations of personal devices or local network servers. This course provides students with core knowledge in cyber defense. In addition, this course will cover all aspects of cybersecurity including data security, software security, component security, human security, and organizational security. Prerequisite: CYSEC 301 and CIS375 3 credits
CYSEC 308: Cyber Defense: Cloud Security
The course is to develop the advanced knowledge needed to protect applications based on public cloud systems. The course is a project-based course. Students focus on project-based work on a cloud-based platform to monitor, analyze and predict any malicious cyber attacks. This course provides students advanced knowledge in cyber defense. In addition, this course will cover all aspects of cybersecurity including data security, software security, component security, human security, and organizational security. Prerequisite: CYSEC 302 and CYSEC 307 3 credits
CYSEC 490-499: Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity
Advanced courses developed from student interest in all areas of cybersecurity. Brief description of current content to be announced in schedule of classes. Prerequisite: Permission of the program director/Chair. 1-3 credits
SEECS (101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401, 402): Professional and Personal Enrichment Seminar
Course description is listed in Computer & Information Science section of the catalog. 0 credit, Fall and Spring