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Environmental Science
Accelerated 5-Year B.S./M.S. in Environmental Science/ Environmental Science & Management
The 5-year B.S./M.S. program combines two degrees: a B.S. in Environmental Science with an M.S. in Environmental Science & Management. Eligibility for the program is competitive and admission is based on overall academic performance and scientific/math aptitude. Early planning is essential and students must apply for the combined B.S./M.S. program during the junior year. In addition to the B.S. requirements, students complete a total of 9 graduate credits during the senior year (see below). In order to receive credit at the graduate level for courses taken during the fourth year, students must have applied and been accepted into the B.S./M.S. program.
Recommended Graduate Courses during the Senior Year:
GENV 500 Environmental Research Methods (3) GENV 540 Industrial Health I (3) GENV 544 Env Law & Regulations (3) Total combined credit hours for the 4 + 1 B.S./M.S. Program includes 158 credits (122 undergraduate credits plus 30 graduate credits, six credits are shared credit hours). Consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information about other requirements for the M.S. program. Environmental Science majors are eligible to complete either the Environmental Health & Safety or the Environmental Management track within the M.S. program.
The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering program at Gannon University is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. It is a demanding curriculum that combines mathematics, the basic sciences, and engineering principles. The Environmental Engineering program at Gannon offers small classes and a low student-to-faculty ratio. Each environmental engineering student will work with a faculty mentor on a senior design project to bring together the theoretical and practical aspects of engineering design to solve an environmental problem. Students must demonstrate an introductory level knowledge of environmental issues associated with air, land, and water systems and associated environmental health impacts; an understanding of concepts of professional engineering design and practice; the roles and responsibilities of public institutions and private organizations pertaining to environmental engineering, and a proficiency in advanced principles and practice relevant to water quality and environmental health. Graduates of our program are employed with government agencies, environmental consulting firms, and private industry.
Program Educational Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes
In accordance with the requirements of the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, by three to five years after graduation, graduates of the environmental engineering program will: 1. have careers in industry, consulting or government where they successfully apply their knowledge and skills to Environmental Engineering Practice, 2. continue their professional development through graduate work, workshops and seminars, and/or pursuit of a professional license, 3. demonstrate leadership and communication skills through project management, report preparation, and professional presentations, and 4. conduct themselves in accordance with professional ethical standards.
To accomplish the Program Educational Objectives and to satisfy the ABET specific requirements for the environmental engineering degree, the program has set forth the following Student Learning Outcomes, along with an assessment process to provide feedback for continuous improvement in the program. Graduates of the Environmental Engineering program must attain: 1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics, 2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors, 3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences, 4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. 5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives, 6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions, and 7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Course Requirements for the B. S. in Environmental Engineering degree (minimum 132 credits)
LENG 111 College Composition 3 LENG 112 Crit Analysis & Comp. 3 LENG Literature 3 LTHE Foundation Theology 3 LPHI Foundation Philosophy 3 LPHI Philosophy II 3 LTHE 201 The Bible: An Intro 3 LPHI/LTHE Philosophy/ Theology III Series 3 LFIN Fine Arts 3 LHST Foundation History 3 SPCH 111 Public Speaking 3 ECON 285 Project Economics 3 Leadership Seminar 1 LBST 383 Senior Seminar 3
MATH 140 Calculus I 3 MATH 141 Calculus II 3 MATH 242 Calculus III 3 MATH 304 Differential Equations 3 MATH 312 Probability & Statistics OR MATH 213 Applied Statistics 3 PHYS 210 Fund Physics 1 3 PHYS 212 Fund Physics 2 3 ENV 474 Environmental Microbiology 2 CHEM 111 General Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 Gen Chemistry I Lab 1 CHEM 114 General Chemistry II 3 CHEM 115 Gen Chemistry II Lab 1 ENV 101 Physical Geology OR ENV 210 Env Geology 3
ENG 100 First-Year Seminar 2 ME 201 Statics 3 ME 205 Digital Computer Usage 1 ME 206 Digital Computer Usage Lab 1 ME 312 Engineering Thermodynamics 3
ENV 120 or 121 Prin Env Sci OR Energy & Climate Change 3 ENV 212 CAD for Environ Engineers 2 ENV 312 Environmental Hydrology 3 ENV 313 Environmental Hydrology Lab 1 ENV 336 Water Quality 3 ENV 337 Water Quality Lab 1 ENV 400 Environmental Toxicology 3 ENV 401 Environmental Health Lab 1 ENV 403 Environmental Engineering 3 ENV 440 Industrial Health I 3 ENV 444 Environmental Law & Regulations 3 ENV 451 Water/Wastewater Engineering 3 ENV 453 Water/Wastewater Lab 1 ENV 455 Air Pollution Control 3 ENV 465 Soil & Groundwater Pollution 3 ENV 486 Fluid Mechanics and Water Systems Design 3 ENV 487 Fluid Mechanics and Water Systems Design Lab 1 ENV 494 Senior Design I 2 ENV 495 Senior Design II 3
Environmental Engineering Electives: 3
ENV 102 Physical Geology Lab 1 ENV 220 Geographic Info Systems 3 ENV 307 Soil Science 3 ENV 420 Environmental Site Assessment 2 ENV 422 Wetlands Science & Engineering 2 ENV 430 Environmental Sustainability 3 ENV 435 Water Quality Modeling 4 ENV 441 Industrial Health II 3 ENV 446 Ind Hygiene Sampling Techn 2 ENV 477 Solid/Hazardous Waste Treatment 3
Typical 4-year program in Environmental Engineering (minimum 132 credits)
(Numerals in front of course represent credits) FRESHMAN First Semester 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 3 Gen Chemistry I/CHEM 111 1 Gen Chemistry I Lab/CHEM 112 2 First-Year Seminar/ENG 100 3 Prin Environmental Science/ENV 120 2 Dig Computer & Lab/ME 205, 206 17 Second Semester 3 Crit Analysis & Comp/LENG 112 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Fund Physics 1/PHYS 210 3 General Chemistry II/CHEM 114 1 General Chemistry II Lab/CHEM 115 3 Foundations of Philosophy/LPHI 131 16
SOPHOMORE Third Semester 3 Fund Physics 2/PHYS 212 3 Statics/ME 201 3 Calculus III/MATH 242 3 Philosophy II series/LPHI 3 Project Economics/ECON 285 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111
JUNIOR Fifth Semester 4 Environmental Toxicology & Lab/ ENV 400, 401 3 Physical Geology/ENV 101 or ENV 210 3 Environmental Engineering/ENV 403 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 2 Environmental Microbiology/ENV 474
15 Fourth Semester 3 Differential Equations I/MATH 304 2 CAD for Env Engineers/ENV 212 3 Probability & Stats/MATH 312 or Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 Fine Arts Elective 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 1 Leadership Seminar 3 Foundation History/LHST 18
Sixth Semester 3 Water Quality/ENV 336 1 Water Quality Lab/ENV 337 3 Env Hydrology/ENV 312 1 Env Hydrology Lab/ENV 313 3 Thermodynamics/ME 312 3 Env Law & Reg/ENV 444 3 Literature Series 17
SENIOR Seventh Semester 2 Senior Design I/ENV 494 3 Water & Wastewater Engineering/ ENV 451 1 Water & Wastewater Lab/ENV 453 3 Fluid Mechanics & Water Systems/ ENV 486 1 Fluid Mechanics & Water Systems Lab/ENV 487 3 Senior Seminar/LBST 383 3 Philosophy or Theology III Series 16 Eighth Semester 3 Senior Design II/ENV 495 3 Industrial Health I/ENV 440 3 Soil & Groundwater Pollution/ENV 465 3 Air Pollution Control/ENV 455 3 Technical Elective/ENV