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JUNIOR Fall* 4 Limnology/BIOL 385-386 4 College Physics 1/PHYS 105-106 3 Oceanography/ENV 306 3 Integrative Theology 3 Global Citizenship 17

SENIOR Fall 3-4 Science Elective 3-4 Science Elective 3-4 Science Elective 3 Professional Communication

12-15 Spring 2 Biology Research I/BIOL 488 4 College Physics 2/PHYS 108-109 3-5 Science Elective 3-4 Science Elective 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 15-18

Spring* 2 Biology Research II/BIOL 489 3-5 Science Elective 3-4 Science Elective 3 Professional Ethics/Leadership 0-3 General Elective (if needed) 9-15

Minimum Total Credits: 120

† Please refer to Gannon University’s Undergraduate Catalog for course options. * Semester in which a Learning Abroad Experience could be completed.


A total of 24 credits of biology is required for a minor. Completion of the following courses will satisfy the requirements for a minor in biology: BIOL 122-123, BIOL 124-125, BIOL 126-127, and 12 credits above BIOL 200.


KEITH KRISE, Ph.D., Program Director

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers a cooperative program in Chemical Engineering with the University of Pittsburgh. This program requires five years of study for completion: three years at Gannon University followed by two years of study at the University of Pittsburgh. Upon completion, the student is awarded two degrees, a B.S. in Chemistry from Gannon University, and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the cooperating university. During the time spent at Gannon, the student will take specified courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Liberal Studies Core. Upon transfer, to the cooperating university, a wide range of professional specializations are available. Students must complete a transfer application to the cooperating university (http://www.oafa. pitt.edu/transadm.aspx). A recommendation from the Chemical Engineering Program Director at Gannon University is required and should be sent along with the application materials. Further information and career counseling are available from the Program Director.

Chemical Engineering Curriculum Plan (3+2 Cooperative Program with the University of Pittsburgh)

(Numerals in front of course indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 3 General Chemistry 1/CHEM 111 1 General Chemistry 1 Laboratory/ CHEM 112 3 Calculus 1±/MATH 140 2 Engineering Graphics/ME 207 1 Engineering Graphics Lab/ME 208 0 Gannon 101 16 Spring 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Integrative Communication 3 General Chemistry 2/CHEM 114 1 General Chemistry 2 Laboratory/ CHEM 115 3 Fundamentals of Physics 1/PHYS 210 1 Fundamentals of Physics 1 Lab/ PHYS 211 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 17

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Organic Chemistry 1/CHEM 221 1 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab/CHEM 222 3 Materials Science/ME 315 3 Calculus 3/MATH 242 3 Integrative History 3 Integrative Theology


JUNIOR Fall 3 Physical Chemistry 1/CHEM 331 1 Physical Chemistry 1 Lab/CHEM 332 3 Structural Biochemistry/CHEM 366 3 Probability and Statistics 1/MATH 312 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Professional Ethics and Leadership

16 Spring 3 Organic Chemistry 2/CHEM 224 1 Organic Chemistry 2 Lab/CHEM 225 3 Fundamentals of Physics 2/PHYS 212 1 Fundamentals of Physics 2 Lab/PHYS 213 3 Calculus 4/MATH 243 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Integrative English 17

Spring 3 Physical Chemistry 2/CHEM 334 1 Physical Chemistry 2 Lab/CHEM 335 3 Intro to Modern Analytical Chemistry/ CHEM 336 2 Intro to Modern Analytical Chemistry Lab/CHEM 337I 3 Differential Equations/MATH 304 3 Global Citizenship 3 Professional Ethics and Leadership 18

100 credits (completed at Gannon University)

To complete degree requirements, courses are to be taken at the University of Pittsburgh to complete 120 credits total.

* Scientific reasoning will be met in the major. ± Quantitative Reasoning requirement. If necessary, students may take MATH 111 and MATH 112 before taking MATH 140 and MATH 141.


KEITH KRISE, Ph.D., Chairperson FACULTY: Professors: Lisa Nogaj, Weslene Tallmadge. Associate Professors: Ria Betush, Matthew Heerboth, Keith Krise, Timothy Laher, Christine Saber. Assistant Professors: Betty Jo Chitester. AssistantTeaching Professors: Kevin Burridge, Natalie Stano.

Aims and Objectives

Chemistry is required for a wide range of careers as a result of the technology that permeates our society. Science personnel at all levels, from the technician to the creative researcher, rely heavily on the fundamental principles of chemistry. In addition, careers in the many biological and physical sciences require a background in chemistry. Consequently, students at Gannon University take chemistry courses for different reasons. Some are motivated to pursue careers in chemistry such as research, management and sales. Others take both basic and advanced courses in preparation for work in fields such as medical, engineering, law, and environmental science. For example, chemistry is one of the most commonly chosen majors nationally for students wishing to enter medical and health professional schools. Also, students with an interest in forensic science may take criminal justice courses as technical electives (see advisor). Essentially, a student at Gannon will follow a sequence of chemistry courses in line with his or her interests, abilities, and vocational goals. There are several credit hours of elective courses in the chemistry degree program, which allows the student to strengthen his or her background in allied sciences such as physics, biology, computer, and mathematics. The Department occupies the fourth floor of the Zurn Science Center. These spacious facilities contain modern equipment typically found in industrial, academic, and research laboratories. The student, for example, uses the atomic absorption spectrometers, polarograph, refractometer, gas chromatograph, infrared and ultraviolet spectrophotometers, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometers housed in the Department. Chemistry students have access to computers capable of extensive molecular modeling. The Department offers to its students the advantages of small classes, individual attention, and frequent contact with staff members. Upper-level chemistry students are required to participate in independent research and study under the guidance of a faculty member.


Courses numbered CHEM 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 121, or 166 may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a Chemistry major.

CHEM 102: Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

This one-semester course for Occupational Therapy students provides an introduction to the major classes of organic molecules and biomolecules for increased understanding of molecular events in living organisms. Students study the major organic functional groups and learn to draw, name, and identify physical and chemical properties of organic molecules. Students apply this knowledge to the study of biochemistry by interpreting how the molecular structure of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids influences their diverse functions in the body. 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 103: Chemistry of Life I

The course, designed for health professional majors, covers general chemical principles including atomic structure, chemical bonding, properties of the three states of matter, classes of chemical reactions, stoichiometry, acid-base chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and solution chemistry. This course is limited to students enrolled in certain health professional programs, including physician assistant, sport and exercise science and nutrition and human performance. 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 104: Chemistry of Life I Laboratory

Experiments are designed to reinforce the concepts taught in Chemistry of Life I (CHEM 103). Emphasis is on developing safe laboratory technique and proper recording and processing of data. Corequisite: CHEM 103 1 credit, Fall

CHEM 106: Chemistry of Life II

This course was designed for students in the health sciences. The course will provide students with knowledge of the introductory organic and biological chemistry that is fundamental to understanding molecular events in living organisms. Each class of organic compounds is studied in terms of structure, nomenclature and physical/chemical properties. The portion of the course devoted to biological chemistry emphasizes structural, physical and chemical properties of the major classes of biomolecules including amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 107: Chemistry of Life II Laboratory

Experiments are designed to reinforce the concepts taught in CHEM 106 and to acquaint the student with the physical and chemical properties of the major organic functional group compounds as well as biochemically important compounds including proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Emphasis is on developing safe laboratory technique and understanding concepts. Corequisite: CHEM 106 Prerequisite: CHEM 104 1 credit, Spring

CHEM 105: Physiological Chemistry

The course provides an introduction to the structure and chemical reactivity of the major organic functional groups pertinent to the study of biological chemistry, structure and function of the major classes of biomolecules including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids and an overview of the underlying chemical principles and recurring themes of the major metabolic pathways. Course enrollment is limited to nursing and nutrition and human performance majors. Prerequisite: High school chemistry 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 108: Physiological Chemistry Lab

The course consists of twelve three-hour laboratory periods. Experiments complement the material covered in the lecture course CHEM 105 Physiological Chemistry. 1 credit, Fall

CHEM 111: General Chemistry I

This course represents a study of the fundamental theories and general principles of chemistry. The course is primarily designed as an introductory course for science majors and is a basic prerequisite for additional course work in chemistry. In this course the structure of matter, the relation of chemical structure to chemical and physical behavior of matter, the qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical reactivity and associated energy changes are studied. In addition, selected topics are covered which illustrate the social relevance of the chemist/ scientist and the historical significance of the field of chemistry. Prerequisite: High School Algebra 3 credits, Fall and Spring

CHEM 112: General Chemistry I Laboratory

Experiments are designed to reinforce the concepts taught in General Chemistry I (CHEM111). Emphasis is on developing safe and proper laboratory technique, as well as proper recording and processing of data. Included in the course are syntheses, analyses (both qualitative and quantitative), instrumental techniques and computational experiments. Corequisite: CHEM 111 1 credit, Fall and Spring

CHEM 114: General Chemistry II

This course emphasizes basic chemical principles that underlie a more advanced study of the broad field of chemistry. These topics include kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, acid base chemistry, equilibria, and solution properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 111 3 credits, Fall and Spring

CHEM 115: General Chemistry II Laboratory

Experiments are designed to reinforce the concepts taught in General Chemistry II (CHEM 114). Emphasis is on developing safe, proper laboratory technique, and proper recording and processing of data. Included in the course are syntheses, analyses (both qualitative and quantitative), instrumental techniques and computational experiments. Prerequisite: CHEM 112 Corequisite: CHEM 114 1 credit, Fall and Spring

CHEM 121: Introduction to Nanotechnology

This course presents an overview of the field of nanotechnology, the study of objects 1nm- 100nm in size. The topics include what nanotechnology is, the basic science for nanotechnology, the properties of nano materials, characterizing nano materials and societal/ethics/business/ legal issues in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a multi-disciplinary field drawing on physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. How the topics in these diverse fields impact nanotechnology will be presented. The course will also cover how nanotechnology will change society based on the impact on the environment, ethics, law, health and business. Prerequisite: The ability to perform high school algebra is required. 3 credits

CHEM 166: Issues in Science and Technology

Designed to present the principles of science, particularly chemistry, to enable one to better understand the world. It is also designed to not only improve the student’s ability to understand current problems, but also provide the basis for understanding future developments in the area of science and technology as they relate to the environment. 3 credits

CHEM 221: Organic Chemistry I

In this course, the student will study hydrocarbons, both aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Emphasis is placed upon the structures, properties, syntheses, reactions and uses of these compounds. Prerequisite: CHEM 114 3 credits, Fall and occasionally Spring

CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

This course provides the student with an introduction to the laboratory methods and techniques of organic chemistry. Emphasis is placed upon the purification and characterization of organic molecules Prerequisite: CHEM 115 Corequisite: CHEM 221 1 credit, Fall and occasionally Spring

CHEM 224: Organic Chemistry II

In this course the student will study many monofunctional families of compounds. Emphasis is placed upon the structures, properties, syntheses, reactions and the uses of these compounds. Prerequisite: CHEM 221 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 225: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

This course involves experimental studies of the reactions of organic molecules and identification of molecules using infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Prerequisite: CHEM 222 Corequisite: CHEM 224 1 credit, Spring

CHEM 325: Organic Spectroscopic Methods

This course emphasizes theory, interpretation and synthesis of complex proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, including two-dimensional techniques, infrared spectroscopy and qualitative mass spectrometry. Prerequisite: CHEM 224 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 326: Organic Spectroscopic Methods Laboratory

Application of advanced experimental techniques utilizing modern chemical instrumentation including infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry for the determination of organic unknowns. Emphasis is placed on independent research, problem solving, data analysis and interpretation.

Prerequisite: CHEM 225 Corequisite: CHEM 325 1 credit, Fall

CHEM 331: Physical Chemistry I

An introduction to physical chemistry, focusing on the sub-discipline of thermodynamics. Students examine the behavior of gases and the laws of classical thermodynamics. These concepts are used to interpret chemical and phase equilibria and to develop solution theory. The course concludes as students connect macroscopic thermodynamic properties to microscopic particle behavior using elementary statistical mechanics. Prerequisites: MATH 141 and CHEM 221 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 332: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I

A suite of experimental studies to accompany CHEM 331, with an emphasis on developing data processing and report-writing skills. Prerequisite: CHEM 222 1 credit, Fall

CHEM 334: Physical Chemistry II

An introduction to physical chemistry, focusing on the sub-disciplines of kinetics and quantum mechanics. The course provides an overview of the kinetic theory of reaction rates, reaction dynamics and catalysis. Students then delve into the historical development of quantum theory, examine wave–particle duality and learn the mathematics of wave mechanics. These concepts are applied to simple systems like the particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor and the hydrogen atom. The discussion advances to atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding and implications for spectroscopic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 331 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 335: Physical Chemistry Laboratory II

A suite of experimental studies to accompany CHEM 334, with an emphasis on developing data processing and report-writing skills. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 1 credit, Spring

CHEM 336: Introduction to Modern Analytical Chemistry

Introduction to the methods of analysis in modern analytical chemistry. Application of general chemistry principles in the systematic analysis of materials. Classical methods of analysis examined include titrimetry and gravimetry. Instrumental methods include potentiometry, electrolytic deposition, spectrophotometry and chromatography. Prerequisite: CHEM 114 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 337: Modern Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Experimental studies utilizing techniques used in modern analytical chemistry laboratories. Emphasis in precise measurements and use of instrumental methods. Laboratory: Six hours per week. Corequisite: CHEM 336 Prerequisite: CHEM 115 2 credits, Spring

CHEM 356: Chemical Literature

Designed to acquaint the student with the various sources of literature available today including periodicals and the classical works of reference. Lecture: One hour per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 224 1 credit, Spring

CHEM 360: Polymer Science

An overview of polymer science including synthesis, characterization, properties, nomenclature and industrial processing of polymers. Thermodynamics and kinetics will be utilized to describe certain aspects of polymers. Prerequisites: MATH 140 and CHEM 224 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 361: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

An advanced study of inorganic chemistry concepts including atomic structure, molecular symmetry and group theory, bonding theories, the solid state, acids and bases, coordination

chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and bioinorganic chemistry. The course connects the chemistry of inorganic compounds to their current and emerging applications and presents physical techniques commonly used to study inorganic materials. Recent primary literature articles and reviews are integrated to demonstrate the modern and interdisciplinary nature of inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 331 or concurrent enrollment 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 362: Advanced Inorganic Laboratory

Preparation techniques of inorganic chemistry. Laboratory: Three hours per week. 1 credit

CHEM 366: Structural Biochemistry

A systematic study of the biologically important compounds including the amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids. Emphasis is placed upon the structure, properties, syntheses, reactions and functions of these compounds. Prerequisite: CHEM 224 or permission of instructor 3 credits, Fall and Spring

CHEM 367: Biochemical Laboratory

An introduction to the laboratory methods and techniques utilized for the isolation, characterization and syntheses of the biologically important compounds. Priority registration is reserved for students majoring in Biochemistry and Medical Laboratory Science. All others should email the department chair to be added to a wait list and enrolled as space permits. Prerequisite: CHEM 225 1 credit, Fall

CHEM 368: Biochemical Pathways

A continuation of the systematic study of the biologically important compounds including amino acids, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids. Emphasis is placed upon biochemical pathways and energetics involving these compounds. Prerequisite: CHEM 366 3 credits, Fall

CHEM 380, 381, 382: Undergraduate Research

Selected topics in the field of chemistry to be solved by the student with advice from the staff. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor Corequisite: Senior Status This course has a Service–Learning Component. 1-3 credits, Fall

CHEM 383, 384, 385: Undergraduate Research

Continuation of CHEM 380, 381, 382. This course has a Service–Learning Component. 1-3 credits, Spring

CHEM 402: Advanced Organic Chemistry

A study of topics specialized or current interest in the area of Organic Chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 224 3 credits

CHEM 408: Advanced Instrumental Analysis

An in-depth examination of the major instrumental methods used in analytical chemistry. Application of advanced chemical principles and fundamental instrumental concepts focusing on how they influence the precision and accuracy of the measurement aspect of analysis. Techniques examined include Spectrophotometry, Chromatography and Electrochemistry. The role computers play in modern instruments is examined. Lecture: Three hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 336 3 credits, Spring

CHEM 409: Advanced Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

Advanced experimental techniques utilizing modern chemical instrumentation. Emphasis in on verifying the chemical principles underlying the method and investigating factors influencing the validity of the analysis. Laboratory: Three hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 336 1 credit, Spring

CHEM 412: Industrial Internship

Selected students spend an extended period, usually 10-12 weeks during the summer, working in a chemistry laboratory under the direct supervision of a chemist. Where possible, a member of the Gannon faculty will meet regularly with the student and his supervisor to conduct a continuing evaluation of the student’s work and progress. At the conclusion of the work period, the student is to write a paper on some phase of his project or experience for submission to his supervisor and faculty advisor and a presentation at a departmental seminar. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the cooperating laboratory 1-3 credits

CHEM 414: Computational Chemistry

Computational chemistry is a field in the science of chemistry in which chemists use computers and computer software as tools to examine the effect of chemical structure at the molecular and atomic levels on the chemical and physical properties of chemical substances. Computational methods provide powerful tools for the prediction of properties or substances, designing new compounds that have a certain desirable property, examining reaction mechanisms, conformational analysis, examining how structure affects physiological properties of pharmaceuticals, and many other applications. In this course, the student will be presented with a hands-on opportunity to explore the various techniques and use of computational equipment and characterizes the field of computational chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 224; and either CHEM 331 or CHEM 366 are a corequisite or prerequisite. 2 credits, Fall

CHEM 418, 419: Special Topics in Chemistry

Topics of special and/or current interest in all areas of chemistry will be covered. Three topics will normally be covered in depth during the course of a semester. Typical topics include: organosulfur chemistry, organometallic chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, polymer chemistry, catalysis, chromatography, natural products, photochemistry, nuclear chemistry, clinical chemistry, etc. 1-3 credits

Chemistry Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English 3 General Chemistry 1/CHEM 111 1 General Chemistry 1 Laboratory/ CHEM 112 3 Calculus 1±/MATH 140 4 Technical Electives*** 0 Gannon 101 14

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Organic Chemistry 1/CHEM 221 1 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab/CHEM 222 3 Fundamentals of Physics 1/PHYS 210 1 Fundamentals of Physics 1 Lab/ PHYS 211 3 Integrative Communication 3 Integrative History 3 Integrative Theology 17 Spring 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Foundational Theology 3 General Chemistry 2/CHEM 114 1 General Chemistry 2 Laboratory/ CHEM 115 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 4 Technical Electives 17

Spring 3 Organic Chemistry 2/CHEM 224 1 Organic Chemistry 2 Lab/CHEM 225 3 Fundamentals of Physics 2/PHYS 210 1 Fundamentals of Physics 2 Lab/ PHYS 211 3 Integrative English 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Technical Electives 17

JUNIOR Fall 3 Physical Chemistry 1/CHEM 331 1 Physical Chemistry 1 Lab/CHEM 332 3 Organic Spectroscopic Methods/ CHEM 325 1 Organic Spectroscopic Methods Lab/ CHEM 326 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Technical Electives 14

SENIOR Fall 3 Adv Inorganic Chemistry/CHEM 361 1 Undergraduate Research/ CHEM 380–382 4 Chemistry Electives 3 Technical Electives 3 Professional Ethics and Leadership 14 Spring 3 Physical Chemistry 2/CHEM 334 1 Physical Chemistry 2 Lab/CHEM 335 3 Intro to Modern Analytical Chemistry/ CHEM 336 2 Intro to Modern Analytical Chemistry Lab/CHEM 337 1 Chemical Literature/CHEM 356 3 Global Citizenship 13

Spring 7 Chemistry Electives 3 Technical Electives 1 Undergraduate Research/ CHEM 380–382 3 Professional Communication


Total Credits: 120

* Scientific reasoning will be met in the major. ± Quantitative Reasoning requirement. If necessary, students may take MATH 111 and MATH 112 before taking MATH 140 and MATH 141. * Technical electives are courses listed outside of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry that provide opportunities for students to deepen their knowledge in related fields. The choice of technical electives depends on the career goal. Your academic advisor can provide guidance in choosing electives. Upper-level courses in these departments are accepted (i.e., 200-level and higher). BIOL,


The following selected courses are also accepted: BIOL 122/123 (Molecular and Cellular Biology); BIOL 124/125 (Animal Form and Function); BIOL 126/127 (Ecosystems Biology and Evolution); BCOR 111 (Principles of Microeconomics); BCOR 112 (Principles of Macroeconomics); BCOR 214 (Principles of Accounting I); BCOR 215 (Principles of Accounting II); BCOR 240 (Marketing in the Global Environment); BCOR 250 (Management Theory and Practice); BCOR 303 (Legal Environment of Business); CRJS 310 (Investigative Concepts); CRJS 321 (Criminal Evidence); CRJS 325 (Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice); and all CIS courses. Students may petition the Department Chair with requests outside of this list.

THE NEXT STEP PROGRAM Baccalaureate Degree Program for Graduates of Two-Year Colleges


(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) PRE-SENIOR YEAR 3 CHEM 221: Organic Chemistry I 1 CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry I Lab 3 CHEM 224 Organic Chemistry II 1 CHEM 225: Organic Chemistry II Lab

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