GEDU 749 Superintendent Certification Independent Study 1-3 credits This course is designed to provide graduate learners with the opportunity to organize and conduct research in educational administration under the supervision of a faculty member but independent of scheduled meetings and regular assignments. GEDU 750 Superintendent Mastery Internship (235 hours) 3 credits This course is the capstone leadership course in the superintendent preparation program. The candidate is required to work in a district to initiate specific activities that will provide leadership opportunities in the role of the superintendent as strategic system leader. GEDU 751 Superintendent Professional Portfolio 1 credit Throughout the superintendent certification program, candidates develop a professional portfolio of artifacts under the guidance of a mentor/portfolio advisor. GUAP 520-597 Special Topics 3 credits GUEC 550-599 Special Topics 3 credits GUSD 530-562 Special Topics 3 credits Important Note: Current Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) standards and regulations take precedence over any information described in this catalog. Should those standards and regulations change, Gannon University will change its requirements. Candidates will be responsible for meeting the new guidelines for certification. Please refer to the PDE website at www.education. pa.gov for changes in regulations.
Electrical and Cyber Engineering Director: Wookwon Lee, D.Sc., P.E.
INTRODUCTION The world of electrical and cyber engineering is an ever-changing one. The advances in technologies over a new graduate’s professional career of approximately 40 years will be phenomenal. While the undergraduate coursework puts a solid foundation in mathematics, engineering science, and humanities, as well as the ability to tackle and solve new problems in a forthright manner, graduate school is the next step in a lifetime of learning for both new graduates and experienced working professionals who have been out a few years and recognize the need for more education. The graduate program in Electrical and Cyber Engineering (ECE) is designed to provide advanced studies for those who wish to continue preparation for effective participation in the professions of electrical, software, and systems engineering. The program also provides continuing education in advanced subjects for experienced working engineers who desire to stay abreast of the rapidly changing technological world. Emphasis is placed on the development of the engineer’s capacity for independent study and continued professional growth.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The program is designed to guide students to build technical competency, and effective communication and leadership skills. 1. Demonstrate professional ethics and personal values in daily and professional life that exercise informed literary and aesthetic judgments by leveraging diverse cultures and societies 2. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership qualities and/or attainment of leadership roles in a global work environment 3. Demonstrate technical competency in applying comprehensive engineering knowledge throughout their chosen profession
DEGREES OFFERED Housed in the College of Engineering and Business, the program offers • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degree and • Master of Science in Embedded Software Engineering (MSES) degree.