Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Director: David Gee, Ph.D.
INTRODUCTION The graduate program in Mechanical Engineering is designed to provide advanced studies for the graduate engineer who wishes to continue preparation for effective participation mechanical engineering profession. The program also provides continuing education in advanced subjects for the working engineer who acknowledges the need to stay abreast of the rapidly changing technological world. Emphasis is placed on the development of the engineer’s capacity for independent study and continued professional growth.
DEGREE OFFERED The program offers a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicants must have earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from an ABET accredited program or its equivalent with a QPA of 2.5 or better. 2. Applicants without the appropriate Mechanical Engineering degree may be admitted and required to take additional course work as determined by the program director. 3. Applicants must submit the following: • Completed application • Transcripts for all prior college coursework • Three recommendation letters • TOEFL/other scores if English is not a first language.
CURRICULUM The student will be assigned an initial academic advisor. The advisor and the student will select appropriate courses to satisfy the programs degree objectives and will obtain approval for the curriculum through the academic approval sequence. Within the first two academic semesters, students must take the following two courses: GME 565 Computer Assisted Engineering GENG 603 Engineering Analysis 1 NOTE: A student may replace GENG 603 Engineering Analysis 1 with another approved GME or GENG course by passing an exam conducted during the first week of class. The exam time will be announced at the first GENG 603 class.
After the student has completed 12 credits of study, the student will be assessed relative to their preparedness to begin thesis or project work. The candidate must maintain a 3.0 GPA to continue for the degree. The candidate must then choose one of the three project/thesis plans below for completion of their degree; an advisor will be assigned to guide the candidate for the completion of the degree work. The advisor (thesis or project) will recommend a program of study and advise the student regarding the thesis/project subject, act as the academic advisor, and determine when to recommend the student for final examination, at which time this recommendation will be transmitted for approval through the academic approval sequence. Plan A (Thesis) The student will be required to submit a six-credit thesis as part of the 30 credits of graduate course work and pass a final oral examination on the thesis material and related subjects. The thesis work must be approved by the academic approval sequence prior to the commencement of the research work. The thesis advisor will direct the student’s work and determine when to recommend the manuscript for review by a faculty committee. The review committee will be appointed by the usual academic approval sequence and will consist of three full-time Gannon Mechanical Engineering faculty members familiar with the subject material. In some cases, one committee member may be from outside the Mechanical Engineering Department. The advisor will be the chair of the review committee. Plan B (Project) The student will be required to complete a design project and to pass a final oral examination covering the student’s project and related subject areas. The project will be worth three graduate credits as part of the 30 credits of graduate work. The project must be approved by the usual academic approval sequence prior to the commencement of the project work. The project advisor will direct the student’s work and determine when to recommend the manuscript for review by a faculty committee. The review committee will be appointed by the usual academic approval sequence and will consist of three full-time Gannon Mechanical Engineering faculty members familiar with the subject material. In some cases, one committee member may be from outside of the Mechanical Engineering Department. The advisor will be the chair of the review committee. Plan C (Project Course) The student will be required to complete a three-credit course designated as a project course as part of the 30 credits of graduate work. The project course will be approved by the usual academic approval sequence prior to the commencement of the course and must include a significant project for its completion. The course instructor will inform the student of the complete requirements for the project course and be responsible for seeing that they satisfy these requirements.